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A&E Networks Television. "Cesar Chavez quotes." Accessed February 2, 2015.
This is a biography about Cesar Chavez's life and what he did.
A&E Television. "Mahtma Gandhi." The Last modified 2015. Accessed January
26, 2015.
This was a biography on Mahatma Gandhi's life, it includes his achievements and his
struggles to get through life. We used this website to see back into the past and create a
depicted representation of Gandhi.
A&E Television Networks. "Gandhi's first act of civil disobedience." Accessed
February 2, 2015.
This website showed us how and why Mahatma Gandhi chose the ways he did in seven
different interesting facts.
Anderson, Perry. "Gandhi Centre Stage." London Review of Books. Last modified July 5, 2012.
Accessed January 26, 2015.
This article contained very useful to show how Gandhi sculpted his life. We used it for
Gandhi's early life, and how he moved from place to place.
"BBC." BBC News. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This showed the gains India had from Raj and the financial gains and losses from the
"Biography : Gandhi's Early Life - (1869 - 1893)." Biography : Gandhi's Early Life - (1869 1893). Accessed February 2, 2015.
This biography about Mahatma Gandhi showed us not only that he had a very intriguing
childhood and early life but that he was very active among India.
Brainy Quote. "Mahatma Gandhi Quotes." Brainy Quotes. Last modified 2001. Accessed
January 26, 2015.
We used this website to find quotes that Gandhi had said. Put these into our website to
help the look of it.
"Cannes Lions 2007: Of Gandhigiri and Green Lion, Al Gore wins hearts at Cannes." Cannes
Lions 2007: Of Gandhigiri and Green Lion, Al Gore wins hearts at Cannes. Last modified
June 23, 2007. Accessed February 2, 2015.

Al Gore was and used Gandhi's inspiration during one of his speeches, to show how it
impacted him.
"18 Milestone Events in the Life of Mohandas Gandhi." Reach and Teachs Just Lists. Last
modified September 17, 2009. Accessed February 2, 2015.
The website gave us 18 milestones that Gandhi went through during his life.
"Famous personalities influenced by Gandhi." Accessed
February 2, 2015.
This article was written about people who have spoken about Gandhi and how he was an
influence on people and cultures.
Gandhi. IMDb, 1982.
The movie was about Gandhi and how his life was portrayed.
Gandhi, Mahatma. "Mahatma Gandhi Quotes." BrainyQuote. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This cite gave us a quote that Gandhi himself said during his lifetime about how the
courts of life are higher than regular courts themselves.
"Gandhi's Birthday: Dr. King's Tributes to The Mahatma." Gandhi's Birthday: Dr. King's Tributes
to The Mahatma. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This was about Martin Luther King Jr. who paid his respects to one of his role models on
Gandhi's birthday.
"The Indian Independence Struggle (1930-1931)." Movements and Campaigns. Accessed
February 2, 2015.
This source showed us what campaigns and movements Gandhi was involved in.
"India - The Land Of Hearts: Gandhi - Leader of Non Violence." India - The Land Of Hearts:
Gandhi - Leader of Non Violence. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This website was based on how Gandhi led a life of non violence and what he did to
maintain that way.
"The Inner Voice." NewYorker. Last modified May 2, 2011. Accessed January 26, 2015.
This is an article that was written by the New Yorker about Mohandas Gandhi. It was
about how he effected the early nineteenth century, we used it to show how he was a
voice in the world.

"Mahatma Gandhi > Quotes." Mahatma Gandhi Quotes (Author of The Story of My
Experiments. Accessed February 2, 2015.
The website showed us a plethora of different quotes that Mahatma Gandhi had said
during the span of his lifetime.
"Mahatma Gandhi - the person, the hero, the legend | Asia | DW.DE | 29.09.2011." DW.DE.
Accessed February 2, 2015.
This was how Gandhi went through life and created the things he did such as protests and
helping India.
"Mandela Took Inspiration from Gandhi | The Progressive." Mandela Took Inspiration from
Gandhi | The Progressive. Last modified July 3, 2013. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This was how Nelson Mandela took inspiration from Gandhi.
"M.K. Gandhi is forcibly removed from a whites-only train car." M.K. Gandhi is forcibly
removed from a whites-only train car. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This article told us about how Gandhi was on a whites only train and was told to give his
seat to another person who was white and he refused to leave his seat.
"The My Hero Project - Mahatma Gandhi." Accessed February 2, 2015.
The source was explaining the life of Mahatma Gandhi as he went through each part of
his life.
N/A, Staff N/A. "Mohandas Gandhi." History. Last modified 2010. Accessed
January 26, 2015.
We used this source to learn how Gandhi created and sculpted his life into what he was.
From his jobs to his childhood that is what this article gave to us.
"The 1947 war." The 1947 war. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This cite was talking about the 1947 war that India was involved in along with Britain.
SBI. "Mahatma Gandhi." Mahatma Gandhi. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This website showed what Gandhi did throughout the span of his life and some of his
ThinkExist. "Cesar Chavez quotes." Accessed February 2, 2015.

These are all quotes that Cesar Chavez said at some point in his life.
Whipps, Heather. "How Gandhi Changed the World." LiveScience. Last modified September 8,
2008. Accessed February 2, 2015.
This cite showed how Gandhi changed the world, and not only India.

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