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Evans Tries an O-level

By Colin Dexter

Card an unusual amazing


Congenital (of a disease or

medical condition) present from
or before birth

Kleptomaniac a person
suffering from a mental
condition that causes a strong
urge to steal
Parson a protestant

Chuckled laughed quietly

Incommunicado not being

allowed to communicate with
other people

Reiterated repeated
something that has already
been said (especially for
Persistent continuing without

Cradled the phone put the

receiver of the phone on the

Nagging complaining, (here)

irritating also

Grubby (here) dirty

Bunk narrow bed built in wall

Burly big, strong and heavy

Surly bad-tempered and rude

Curtly rudely

Bobble a small wooden ball

used as a decoration on a hat

Ramrod straight (of a person)

with a very straight back and
looking serious and formal

Scraping (here) cleaning

Smouldered burnt

Leered looked or smiled in an

unpleasant way

Contemptuous scornful;
feeling of disrespect

Loathed hated

Spattered fell on the surface

in drops, often noisily

Authentication proof of being

true and genuine

Battered old, not in very good


Swath a broad strip or a area

of something

To bug to fix a small hidden

device for listening to other
peoples conversations

Clanging making loud sound

Riveted completely focused

Twang to make a sound like a

tight wire or string being pulled
and released

Jack-knife a large knife with a

folding blade

Frisked searched for

something (especially a hidden

Riffled searched quickly

Parky cold

Daft silly

Gnawed felt anxious,

frightened or uncomfortable

Fostered developed

Squelchy wodge of cloth a

large piece of wet cloth

Streaked covered with lines

Perplexed confused and


Grim serious

Superimposed put one image

on top of another

Trailed off became gradually

quieter and then stopped

Dredging managing to

Amiable friendly; pleasant

Demeanour a way of
behaving, conduct

Hemorrhoids piles

Staccato a series of short,

detached sounds or words

Bleep a short high pitched

sound made by an electronic

Askew in a slanting position

Crackled made a short sharp


Crescendo gradually
increasing sound

Squealed made a long high


Gravel small stones or

pebbles used for paths or roads

Scathing harshly critical

Moron a very stupid person

Whiplash blow with a whip

Blithering complete

Paraphernalia a large number

of objects or personal

Rapped said suddenly and

quickly in a loud, angry way

Giggle laugh lightly

Gullible easily deceived

Good-for-giggle gullible
governor governor who is
easily taken in and deserves to
be laughed at
Gagged prevented from
speaking or shouting by putting
a piece of cloth in the mouth

Groggy weak because of


Impersonating pretending to
be another person

Gorgon(in Greek myths) any

of the three sisters with snakes
on their hands instead of hair
and having the power to turn
anyone who looked at them
into stone
Ruefully sadly and feeling

Darted moved suddenly and


Clambered climbed with

difficulty or effort

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