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Synopsis Submitted
Indira Gandhi National Open University
in Partial Fulfillment for the award of


Name : Richa Gupta
Enrolment number

Dr. Ram Singh
Asstt. Prof.
Govt. Degree College

(Nov. 2014)

School of Education
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi

New Delhi 1100689


A study of Extravertive Tendencies of Neglected, Rejected and Isolate
Adolescents studying in different schools.
The modern educational practices aim at the development of whole personality
of the pupil. In this context, the role of informally organized peer group is now
being gradually recognized. For the time being, the peer group becomes
dominant reference group, which to a considerable degree regulates his
activities, attitudes, interests and aspirations. So the beer group acceptance
rejection has far reaching effects upon the developing personality of the pupil.
Interaction with other individual and with groups makes the individual
transform his original nature to human nature acceptance rejection among the
pupils is a problem, which plays vital role in learning process. Unless this
problem is satisfactorily tackled, there is danger that many minds which can
flower through acceptance may suffer because of being remain rejected.
Successful peer interaction is commonly believed to make

Justification of the study:

The ultimate aim of education is to help in the change of behaviour of the child.
This can be achieved by studying the behaviour of the child, not only as an

individual, but as a member of a group, a group which is so important and

dynamic. They could be much better understood if we understand the dynamics
of the structure and process of the group, he belongs to or in which he works.
The classroom climate exercises its influence on the students directly or
indirectly. The classroom climate affects students academic, social and
emotional growth and thereby exercising a great influence on the extroverting
tendencies of students. A class is composed of students belonging to different
social structures and standards of life. Classroom social relations are important
in creating congenial climate for bearing and for social development of
Acceptance and rejection among the classmates at the adolescence stage play a
vital role in the learning process. The unacceptance in the development of
extroversive tendencies among the students.
In view of this the present investigation will be undertaken to study extravertive
tendencies of neglected, rejected and isolate adolescents studying in different

Definitions of certain terms:-

(a) Socio metric Groups: These will be revealed by the socio metric test. Three
groups will be selected.

Neglected: These adolescents receive a few positive choices.


Rejected: These adolescents receive negative choices.


Isolate: These adolescents receive neither positive nor negative choices.

(b)Sociometric Score: Number of choices likes and dislikes obtained by an

individual on a sociometric test.
(c) X Class Students: In the present study adolescents studying in class X in
various Government and private schools will be considered for the study. An
adolescence stage is the stage of rapid growth and development and is
intermingling stage between the childhood and adulthood.
d) Extraversion: The term Extraversion refers to the person who habitually
thinks, feels and acts in relation to external objects and characterize by a
adaptation of himself to it. The extravert is uninhibited, impulsive and
e) Sex- Boys and Girls :
iii) Objectives of the Study:
1) To identity neglected, rejected and isolate Adolescent boys and girls on the
basis of Sociometric Status score.
2) To study and compare the significance of differences of mean scores on
Extraversion between neglected & rejected; neglected & isolate and
rejected & isolate sociometric groups of adolescents respectively.

3) To study and compare the significance of differences of mean scores on

extraversion among the different sociometric groups of students in boys
and girls groups respectively.
4) To study whether there are significant sex difference in Extraversion
among neglected, rejected and isolate groups of students respectively.
IV) Hypotheses:
1. There will be no significant mean differences on Extraversion between
neglected & rejected; neglected & isolates and rejected & isolate
sociometric groups of adolescents respectively.
2. There will be no significant mean differences on Extraversion among the
different Sociometric groups of students in boys and girls groups
3. There will be no significant sex differences in Extraversion among the
neglected, rejected and isolate Sociometric groups of students respectively.
V) Delimitations of the study:
1. The present study will be restricted to x class adolescents studying in various
Government and private schools of district Kathua only.
2. The Present study will be confined to co-educational schools only.
3. The present study will be confined to three Sociometric groups only viz.
neglected, rejected and isolate.

4. The students in different sociometric groups will be identified on a three

criteria, three choice sociometric questionnaire only.
5. The Present study will be limited to only Hindi Knowing students as the tool
to be used is in Hindi language.
The peer group acceptance rejection has for reaching effects upon the developing
personality of the pupil. These are indications that individual classroom
sociometric stations has association with his personality. There is empire empirical
evidence on record to substantiate this fact. Bhargava (1964) designed a study to
explore the interpersonal relationships of girl students and their relation to
personality traits. She found that most of the stars tended to exceed the average by
social participation and better mental health. The isolates tended to be emotionally
disturbed, lacked social skills and were self bound.
Rajput (1970) attempted to compare personality traits of sociometric stars and
isolates. It was reported that the stars were more aggressive and self relevant while
isolates showed inferior self reliance, drive and ago. Sagar (1972) however found
the traits of accepted students. Cooperative nature sweet temper honesty, very
habits, unselfishness, friendly disposition, a likeable nature and cheerful looks. The
disliked track of rejecters were: thinking oneself to be superior unappealing nature,
vanity and ill-humour.

Pathak (1974) conducted a study and investigated adjustment level of

Sociometrically selected groups of peers, using Saxena Vyaktitya Parakh
Parshnavali for an enquiry into five areas of adjustment. Popular were found to be
superior to neglected, rejected and isolates in each area of adjustment.
Vosk forehand, Parker, Richard (1982) conducted a multi method comparison of
popular Children. It was found that the Unpopular children were found more
depressed and deviant from that of popular children .However Malik (1984) found
the score of popular students is highest followed by rejected, isolate and neglected
in personality traits. He found significant difference in sociometric groups v12.
Popular, neglected and isolate on Personality traits. However Singh (2005) found
that Popular Adolescent, in general view, in boys as well as girls groups and in
Urban as well as rural groups, were more extroversive in their behavior then the
neglected and rejected students. However, the neglected students were found more
extroversive than their rejected counterparts. In the Popular group, the boys
showed more extroversive behavior than girls.
1. Population:
The population in the present study will comprise of all the X class students
studying in various Govt. and private schools of kathua district.
2. The Sample:

The entire Population of the present study will comprise of the x class students
studying in various Government and Private Co-educational institutions located in
district Kathua. The overall initial sample will consist of 500 students from various
schools selected at random, out of which 150 students will be picked up on the
basis of fixed Sociometric Criteria (neglected:50, rejected : 50 isolate : 50)
comprising of an equal number of boys and girls from each Socio-metric Category.
Each section of the class will be treated as one group for the study.
3.Tools to be used:
1. Sociometric Questionnaire Prepared by Dr. A.N. Sharma will be used to identify
three sociometric categories viz. Neglected Rejected and Isolated.
2) Hindi version of H.J. Eysencks Maudsley Personality Inventory prepared by
S.D. Kapoor will be used in this investigation to Judge the Extravertive Tendencies
of three Sociometric groups of adolescents.
4.Statistical techniques to be used :
1. Mean, SD and Critical ratios.
2. Graphical representations.
The present study will be conducted in three Phases:
Procedure at Phase-I : In this phase, a decision will be taken regarding the
method of identification of the adolescent boys and girls from sociometric groups-

neglected, rejected and isolate. These students will be identified from the different
groups on a three criteria- three Choice sociometric Questionnaire :
Procedure at Phase II : In this Phase , the Psychological test H.J Eysencks
Maudsley Personality Inventory will be administered to the identified students
Procedure at phase-III: In this phase, the data obtained will be scored personally
with the help of scoring key. Thereafter a masterlist of score will be prepared. The
score will be tabulated to calculate mean, S.D and CR Values to analyses the Data.
Malik, Suman 91978). A Sociometric study of the Personality Pattern of
Adolescent Girls as measured through Free expression Drawings. Unpublished
M.Ed Dissertation, Punjab University, Chndigarh.
Pathak, R.D. (1974). Level of Sociometrically selected group of Peers.
Psychological Studies, 19(2).
Sagar, R.K. (1972). An investigation into Causes of Social accept and rejection
among the M.Ed. students. Unpublished M.Ed dissertation, Punjab University,
Sharma, Atmananda (1920). Handbook on Sociometric for teachers and
counsellers. Department of educational Psychology and Foundations of
Education, National Institute of Education, NCERT, New Delhi.

Singh, Ram. (2005) Psycho-Social correlates of Adolescent belonging to

Different Sociometric groups: critical Study. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis submitted
to University of Jammu, Jammu.

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