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Google adwords certification practice test
If you are in online marketing field, Google adwords certification is really important qualifications as a digital marketer. All these google adwords certification practice
tests are design to offer you actual exam. We have tried to cover all important categories in Google adwords fundamental exam and advance exam. If you practice
our tests few times, it will be great help to go through the final exam with high confidence. Timing and knowledge in subject area is more important due to now you
are not allow to go back and review your answers later. Once you mark the answer and go to next question, it is not possible to go back and change the answer.

Google Adwords Fundamental Test 01

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1. Question

Good landing page for a campaign should be

It should be the home page always
Include the same details and selling points or promotional information as your ads
The special landing page where connecting to everything you sell
It should be a offers page
2. Question

When you use the accelerated delivery methods, your ;

Ads are shows as frequently as possible until the budget is exhausted
Ads are shown above the search results as well as to the right of the search results



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Ads are only shown when there is a higher likelihood that users will click on them
Ads are shown when users search on relevant variations of keywords in the campaign.
3. Question

How often does the adwords system run auction to decide which ads to show on the Google search page?
Once every two hours for a given keyword
Every time a new advertiser adds a keyword to an account
Once very 24 hours for a given keyword
Every time a user enters a search query
4. Question

An advertiser who decides to edit the location targeting of an ad can do this at the :
Campaign level
Ad group level
Account level
Keyword level
5. Question

Advertisers cannot control their budget through;

Placement targeting
CPC bidding
CPA bidding
Daily budget
6. Question

Which is the best practice for creating effective ad text?

Use the same ad test for every ad in the ad group
Use multiple exclamation points to grab the attention
Include prices, promotions and exclusives
Use a home page for every URL
7. Question

It is important to identify special offers like free shipping before building a adwords campaign in order to;
Select best suit language targeting
Create compelling ad text
Secure an effective daily budget
Select best CPC bid



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8. Question

What is keyword contextual targeting?

Ads are targeted only to websites related to specific business
Ads are targeted to groups of websites based on their site categories
Themes of keywords are matched to relevant content on websites where your ads will appear.
Themes of selected placements determine related websites where ads will appear.
9. Question

Which one is not comply with google advertising policies

Free delivery
Best deals Click here
Fast, easy, effective
Want fast results?
10. Question

Which can be controlled at the ad group level of an adwords AC?

End Dates
Daily Budget
Geographic targeting
11. Question

The Opportunities tab with Adwords can be used to:

Find account reporting tools that will help you manage your daily budget
Create and edit campaigns, ads, keywords and campaign settings
See an overview of how your campaigns are performing
Find keyword big, budget ideas that can help improving your campaign performance
12. Question

An advertiser wants to increase clickthrough rate. Which would help to eliminate irrelevant impressions
Add more relevant keywords to the ad group
Evaluate the site design for improvements
Add negative keywords to the ad group
Assign unique keywords URLS to each keyword
13. Question

My Client Center (MCC) account functions as a :



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A bid management system for adwords clients managed by resellers

A separate Adwords account with its own keywords and campaigns
A dashboard that allow clients view only access to Adwords reports
An umbrella account that allows for access to individual accounts with a single log in
14. Question

Google adwords campaign may not have :

Ad groups
Credit card information
15. Question

In google adwords, there are many options for budget delivery options for advertisers. If advertiser wants to distribute ads evenly throughout the day, which budget
delivery method is most suitable
16. Question

You are selling products through videos and campaign objective is to achieve maximum viewers to your video. If you are running CPV model, which form of video
advertising will be suitable for your campaign
CPM video ad format
True View video ad format
Click to play ad format
CPC ad format
17. Question

You will charge by google when:

They register a conversion using conversion tracking on your site
The user completed a purchase
Their ads appear on the google search engine
Users click on their ads
18. Question

The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) option is not available for your campaign. Why?
My campaign is only opted into Google display network
My campaign has used CPM pricing before



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My campaign is only opted in to google search and search network

It has never used CPM pricing before
19. Question

Which is a factor that google uses to target ads to users based on physical location?
Telephone number
Operating system
Language preferences
IP address
20. Question

Which adwords settings are specified at the account level?

A daily budget and campaigns end date
A unique email address , A password and billing information
Location targeting, cost per click bid and match types
Display network placements and keywords
21. Question

Quality score on google search is evaluated

Every 24 hours
Every time someone does a search that triggers your ad
Non of these answers
Every 48 hours
22. Question

Some one using google Canadian search domain and changes the language to Russian on the preferences page. This user may see ads targeted to:
Russian speakers in Canada
English speakers in the United States
English speakers in Canada
English speakers in France
23. Question

When site links are set at the both campaigns and ad group level, which will be displayed?
Site links from both the campaign and ad group level
Site links related to the query searched
Site links with the highest ad rank
Site links at the ad group level



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24. Question

How Google determines which ads appear in which positions

Based on Ad rank
Based on CPC bid
Based on daily budget
Based on Quality score
25. Question

When setting up an Adwords Account choose your currency and permanent time zone carefully due to;
Time zone and currency will impact on ad position
Ads are only served in the same time zone as your AC setting
These cant be changed once you have set up your AC
Ads are only served in countries using the same currency
26. Question

By adding managed placements to a display network campaign, you can show your ad:
On google owned and operated properties such as gmail and google news that have relevant content for your keywords
On web pages where the smart pricing feature determines there the ad is likely delivery ROI
On web pages where a contextual targeting algoritham identified that is a match between your keywords and a publishers content
On specific web pages, online videos, games, RSS feeds and mobile sites and apps that you select
27. Question

What type of bidding method is used to manage image ads on google display network?
CPC only
CPM only
CPM and or CPC
28. Question

How do managed placements on the display network work?

Keywords are used to place ads next to content that matches the ad
Advertisers can guarantee placement on prominent and popular sites
Advertisers manually select the desired sites on which their ads may appear
Appropriate sites are automatically chosen for the advertiser by the google adwords system
29. Question

In the case of a placement-targeted ad on the Google Display Network using Cost-per-thousand Impressions (CPM) bidding, your Quality Score is decide based



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Your bid
Your bid and quality of landing page
Just quality of your landing page
Competitors bid
30. Question

Average CPC is calculated as

Cost/ impressions
Cost/ Actions
Cost / Clicks
Clicks/ Cost
31. Question

Which is a benefit of search advertising with Google Adwords?

Better position in natural search results
Ability to pay for specific placement in top ad positions
Ability to view competitors bids for keywords
Extended reach to search partners
32. Question

Not a benefits of advertising with Google AdWords

Reach people at the precise moment theyre searching for what you offer
CPC bidding is not purely your hand due to competitor bidding is directly influence on average position
Pay only for the clicks you get for your ads
Can control the advertising cost against the performance
33. Question

If you are mainly focus on direct response from the campaign than brand awareness, you should delete such keywords from your search campaigns;
Keywords with less CPC and low cost per conversion
Keywords generate many conversions and clicks
Keywords contain words that are duplicate in a display campaign as well
Keywords generate many impressions and very less conversions
34. Question

If you need to check whether your ads are appearing in google search, it is recommended
It will badly affect on your click through rate due to you are creating impressions
It can be badly affect on your organic traffic
When you create impressions, you have to pay for it



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It can be badly affect on your quality score

Weldone. You got the correct answer
35. Question

Advertising on TV, Print and radio typically requires a predetermined budget. What key differences enable some online advertising campaigns to invest with more
flexibility without a predeterminded budget in mind?
Budget cant be applied to online campaigns due to constant changes in traffic
Online campaigns generate clicks, whereas other channels generate exposure
Adwords budgets can only be set once annually and require a fixed commitment
Online campaigns are highly measurable and can often automate a positive ROI. It can be strategic to capture all traffic without a
predetermined budget as long as ROI positive
36. Question

A benefit of online adverting with google for business organization

Organization can identify the IP address of users who come to their website
Ads are displayed to potential customers who search for a particular product or service
Organization can design their ads as they wish
Organizations can pay to the place that their website listed in natural results
37. Question

What does mean by the Optimized ad rotation setting in your campaigns

The optimized ad rotation setting allows the adwords system to automatically shows the better performing ads more often
The optimize ad rotation setting allows a campaign to automatically shows the most relevant display URL for each ad
The optimize ad rotation setting allows two of the ads from the ad group to show to a user one the same page
The optimize ad rotation setting allows your campaign to show ads more often when can increase impressions
38. Question

Contextual Targeting tool helps to;

Measure the most effective keywords
Check potential web pages where your ads can be appear based on your keywords
Manage your cpc bid within your campaign
Measure the most effective ad copy
39. Question

If you are focus on the highest conversion through manual CPC bidding, which factor is most critical when keywords bids are decided
The cost of the bid
The bids of the next closest advertiser.
The quality score of the keyword
The profit derived from a paid click



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40. Question

Which potential factor does Google use to calculate a search campaigns recommended daily budget?
41. Question

In order for CPC ads and CPM ads to compete with each other in the same auction on the google display network, the Adwords system converts the CPC ads bid
A CPM conversion
An effective CPM
An effective CPM conversion
42. Question

Bring down your CPA does not indicate that you earn the higher profit. Why do you not agree with the statement?
A lower CPA may be due to additions in negative keywords
A lower CPA may be due to changes in CPC bidding
A lower CPA may be due to changes in network distribution
A lower CPA may also have lower sales volume while reducing overall profit

Google Adwords Fundamental Test 02

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1. Question

Which formula represents how ad rank is determined on google search?

Maximum CPC x quality score
Historic average position of each ad
How much an advertiser is willing to spend each day



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Popularity of the website being advertised

2. Question

When optimizing your campaign , you can get idea for negative keyword and placement exclusions lists through which Adwords tool?
Ad experiments
List suggestor
Keyword aggregator
Placement performance report
3. Question

Which are the required component of an ad group running on the search network?

Default bid, position preference, placements

Placements, keywords, network targeting
Text ad, keywords, default big
Frequency capping, daily budget, ad scheduling
4. Question

Advertising on TV, Print and radio typically requires a predetermined budget. What key differences enable some online advertising campaigns to invest with more
flexibility without a predeterminded budget in mind?
Online campaigns generate clicks, whereas other channels generate exposure
Adwords budgets can only be set once annually and require a fixed commitment
Budget cant be applied to online campaigns due to constant changes in traffic
Online campaigns are highly measurable and can often automate a positive ROI. It can be strategic to capture all traffic without a
predetermined budget as long as ROI positive
5. Question

In order for CPC ads and CPM ads to compete with each other in the same auction on the google display network, the Adwords system converts the CPC ads bid
A CPM conversion
An effective CPM conversion
An effective CPM
6. Question

Quality score on google search is evaluated

Every 24 hours
Every time someone does a search that triggers your ad
Non of these answers



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Every 48 hours
7. Question

When a campaign is showing as pending within Adwords, it is:

Inactive because its past its scheduled and date
Active, but showing ads only occasionally due to budget constraints
Inactive but scheduled to begin at a future date
Inactive because your prepaid account balance has run out
8. Question

What should an advertiser use to organize ad groups?

Common themes
Location targeting
Maximum CPC
Number of words per keyword
9. Question

An advertiser who decides to edit the location targeting of an ad can do this at the :
Ad group level
Account level
Campaign level
Keyword level
10. Question

What is a benefits of adwords for search marketing?

Acquire potential qualified customers
Collect contact information automatically
Increase natural listing ranking
Understand how customers navigate the website
11. Question

You will charge by google when:

The user completed a purchase
Their ads appear on the google search engine
They register a conversion using conversion tracking on your site
Users click on their ads



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12. Question

An Advertiser creates a new ad group in a campaign that is set to run all relevant sites across the google display network If both keywords and placements are
added to the ad group, they would work together to;
Determine the target return on investments (ROI) for a given ad group
Impact search results and CPC on the google display network
Impact the time of the day that the ads are eligible to show
Restrict the ads to specific sites and show them only when the content of a that sites page is relevant to the keywords
13. Question

Location extensions can:

Help reduce your CPC bids depending on the location of a user
Help nearby consumers find or call your nearest store
Help exclude locations where you do not have available stores
Help show product information in a visual manner within your ad unit
14. Question

To determine which ad language to target to a user, the Adwords system refers to that users:
Home countrys language
Chrome browser setting
Google interface language setting
Operating system language
15. Question

The Opportunities tab with Adwords can be used to:

Find account reporting tools that will help you manage your daily budget
See an overview of how your campaigns are performing
Find keyword big, budget ideas that can help improving your campaign performance
Create and edit campaigns, ads, keywords and campaign settings
16. Question

Negative keywords can help advertisers refine the targeting of their ads and potentially increase:
The amount of impressions served
Their campaigns daily budget recommendations
The CTR of their ads
The number of relevant display network placements
17. Question

Which one is not comply with google advertising policies



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Fast, easy, effective

Free delivery
Best deals Click here
Want fast results?
18. Question

When site links are set at the both campaigns and ad group level, which will be displayed?
Site links related to the query searched
Site links with the highest ad rank
Site links at the ad group level
Site links from both the campaign and ad group level
19. Question

Which is the best practice for creating effective ad text?

Use a home page for every URL
Use multiple exclamation points to grab the attention
Include prices, promotions and exclusives
Use the same ad test for every ad in the ad group
20. Question

A Primary benefit of location targeting is that advertisers can;

Choose to only targeted websites based in a specific region or territory
Target any combination of countries, territories and regions
Target specific users who have already visited their site
Choose to target a specific Google domain.
21. Question

Average CPC is calculated as

Clicks/ Cost
Cost/ impressions
Cost / Clicks
Cost/ Actions
22. Question

How Google determines which ads appear in which positions

Based on CPC bid
Based on daily budget
Based on Ad rank



Google Exams | quiz room

Based on Quality score

23. Question

When setting up an Adwords Account choose your currency and permanent time zone carefully due to;
Ads are only served in the same time zone as your AC setting
These cant be changed once you have set up your AC
Ads are only served in countries using the same currency
Time zone and currency will impact on ad position
24. Question

An advertiser adds negative keywords to an ad group within a search campaign. This means that the ad will not show if the negative keywords :
Appear in another campaign within the account
Have low maximum cost per click bids
Appear in a users search query
Also appear in the ad text
25. Question

Grouping similar keywords together in an ad group will:

Keep an advertisers average CPC within a narrow range
Allow an advertiser to create ads relevant to those keywords
Ensure that the ads and keywords in that ad group are approved
Allow an advertiser to use only broad match keywords
26. Question

What type of bidding method is used to manage image ads on google display network?
CPM and or CPC
CPM only
CPC only
27. Question

Which is a benefit of search advertising with Google Adwords?

Ability to view competitors bids for keywords
Better position in natural search results
Extended reach to search partners
Ability to pay for specific placement in top ad positions



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28. Question

Which potential factor does Google use to calculate a search campaigns recommended daily budget?
29. Question

By adding managed placements to a display network campaign, you can show your ad:
On web pages where the smart pricing feature determines there the ad is likely delivery ROI
On specific web pages, online videos, games, RSS feeds and mobile sites and apps that you select
On web pages where a contextual targeting algoritham identified that is a match between your keywords and a publishers content
On google owned and operated properties such as gmail and google news that have relevant content for your keywords
30. Question

Which is a factor that google uses to target ads to users based on physical location?
Telephone number
Operating system
IP address
Language preferences
31. Question

According to ad policies what types of words, phrases or characters can not be included in an Adwords text ad?
Ads cant contain words that are not directly related to the keyword tat the ad is targeting
Ad cant use call to action phrases such as click here or see this site
Ads cant use exclamation points or question marks
All of these answers are correct
32. Question

How often does the adwords system run auction to decide which ads to show on the Google search page?
Once every two hours for a given keyword
Every time a new advertiser adds a keyword to an account
Every time a user enters a search query
Once very 24 hours for a given keyword
33. Question

Why should you avoid adding duplicate keywords across ad groups?

Identical keywords are not allowed in Adwords and yours ads will be disapproved.



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Identical keywords will compete against each other and because both ads may serve. It may increase your CPCs.
Identical keywords complete against each other and the better performing keyword triggers your ad
None of these options are correct
34. Question

Bring down your CPA does not indicate that you earn the higher profit. Why do you not agree with the statement?
A lower CPA may be due to additions in negative keywords
A lower CPA may also have lower sales volume while reducing overall profit
A lower CPA may be due to changes in network distribution
A lower CPA may be due to changes in CPC bidding
35. Question

Quality score and ad rank are calculated :

Every time someone does a search that triggers your ad
Every time your ad is eligible to serve on a display network page
A few times a day, based on your ad scheduling settings
Every time you change your CPCs within your AC
36. Question

Which can be controlled at the ad group level of an adwords AC?

Geographic targeting
Daily Budget
End Dates
37. Question

How do managed placements on the display network work?

Appropriate sites are automatically chosen for the advertiser by the google adwords system
Advertisers can guarantee placement on prominent and popular sites
Advertisers manually select the desired sites on which their ads may appear
Keywords are used to place ads next to content that matches the ad
38. Question

My Client Center (MCC) account functions as a :

A bid management system for adwords clients managed by resellers
A dashboard that allow clients view only access to Adwords reports
An umbrella account that allows for access to individual accounts with a single log in
A separate Adwords account with its own keywords and campaigns



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39. Question

If your campaign is opted in to show ads on the google display network and your display network ads have lower CTR than your existing search ads, how will this
impact the quality score of your search campaign?
Your daily budget will be adjusted to Ac for a drop in CTR and an increase in the CPCs needed to maintain the existing ad rank of your search campaigns.
Your ad performance on the display network does not affect your ad rank for search ads so a lower CTR in the display network does not affect
the quality score of your ads for search.
Your quality score will be adjusted to reflect the average CTR of both your search and display network campaign performance.
None of these options is correct.
40. Question

What best describes Enhanced Cost- Per Click (ECPC)?

ECPC is the discounted applied to your max CPC to determined actual CPC
ECPC is a separate bid set for ad groups using the conversion optimizer
ECPC is a CPC bidding feature that automatically bids more aggressively in auctions more likely to results in a conversion
ECPC is a quality score boost for advertisers using ad extensions

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