CN 2

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::Which one of the following uses the greatest number of layers in the OSI

::Which of the following 802 standard provides for a collision free protocol?
::The addressing especially used by Transport Layer is
~Station address
=Network address
~Application port address
~Dialog address
::Which one of thee following is an error reporting protocol?
::Which type of web document is run at the client site
~All of the above
::The main function of a browser is to
~compile HTML
=interpret HTML
~de-compile HTML
~interpret CGI programs
::Which of the following is associated with SNMP
::ATM is an example of
~Ring topology

=Star topology
~Bus topology
~None of the above.
::The first part of the address in electronic mailbox identifies:
=User s mailbox
~Computer on which mail box resides
~Both (A) & (B)
~None of the above
::Protocol used to monitor and control network devices operates at:
=Application layer
~Transport layer
~Network layer
~Data Link layer
::DHCP stands for
~ Dynamic Host Control Protocol
= Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
~ Dynamic Host Connection Protocol.
~ None of the above.
::The transport protocol used by TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) is:
::The Environment variable SCRIPT_NAME in CGI script specifies:
~Domain name of the computer running o server
=The path of URL after server name.
~Name of the server
~None of the above.
::Application layer (layer 4) in TCP/IP model corresponds to:
~Layer 4 and 5 in OSI model
~Layer 5 and 6 in OSI model
=Layer 6 and 7 in OSI model
~Layer 1 and 2 in OSI model
::UDP (User Diagram Protocol) is
~Message Oriented
~Connection oriented
=Both (A) and (B)

::A network address prefixed by 1000 is:

~ Class A address
= Class B address
~ Class C address
~ Class D address
::How many digits of the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code) identify the co
=first three
~first four
~first five
~first six
~None of the above
::A station in a network forwards incoming packets by placing them on its shorte
st output queue. What routing algorithm is being used?
=hot potato routing
~static routing
~delta routing
~None of the above
::The probability that a single bit will be in error on a typical public telepho
ne line using 4800 bps modem is 10 to the power -3. If no error detection mechan
ism is used, the residual error rate for a communication line using 9-bit frames
is approximately equal to
~None of the above
::Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device
::Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium
at the same time?
~None of the above
::You have a class A network address with 40 subnets, but are required

to add 60 new subnets very soon. You would like to still allow for the largest p
ossible number of host IDs per subnet. Which subnet mask should you assign?
::What are the most commonly used transmission speeds in BPS used in data commun
~None of the above
::What is the default subnet mask for a class C network?
~None of the above
::Which of the following is used for modulation and demodulation?
~None of the above
::Which of the following is not a disadvantage of wireless LAN?
~Slower data transmission
~higher error rate
~interference of transmissions from different computers
=All of the above
::The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
~allows gateways to send error a control messages to other gateways or hosts
~provides communication between the Internet Protocol Software on one machine an
d the Internet Protocol Software on another
~reports error conditions to the original source, the source must relate errors
to individual application programs and take action to correct the problem
=All of the above
~None of the above
::Your company has a LAN in its downtown office and has now set up a LAN in the
manufacturing plant in the suburbs. To enable everyone to share data and resourc
es between the two LANs, what type of device(s) are needed to connect them? Choo

se the most correct answer.

::The term 'duplex' refers to the ability of the data receiving stations to echo
back a confirming message to the sender. In full duplex data transmission, both
the sender and the receiver
~cannot talk at once
=can receive and send data simultaneously
~can send or receive data one at a time
~can do one way data transmission only
~None of the above
::How many hosts are attached to each of the local area networks at your site?
~None of the above
::Which of the following technique is used for fragment?
~a technique used in best-effort delivery systems to avoid endlessly looping pac
~a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message
from a higher level protocol and places it in the data portion of the low level
=one of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into s
maller pieces for transmission across a network that cannot handle the original
datagram size
~All of the above
~None of the above
::Contention is
~One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of
~a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second si
=the condition when two or more stations attempt to use the same channel at the
same time
~a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communicat
ions service among stations attached to the network
~None of the above
::Avalanche photodiode receivers can detect hits of transmitted data by receivin
~100 photons

=200 photons
~300 photons
~400 photons
~None of the above
::Satellite-Switched Time-Division Multiple Access (SS/TDMA) is
~the method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at
any time.
~a medium access control technique for multiple access transmission media
=a form of TDMA in which circuit switching is used to dynamically change the cha
nnel assignments
~All of the above
~None of the above
::When you ping the loopback address, a packet is sent where?
~On the network
=Down through the layers of the IP architecture and then up the layers again
~Across the wire
~through the loopback dongle
~None of the above
::Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring electronic mai
l messages from one machine to another?
~None of the above
::Which of the following device is used to connect two systems, especially if th
e systems use different protocols?
~None of the above

synchronous modems are more costly than the asynchronous modems because
produce large volume of data
contain clock recovery circuits
transmit the data with stop and start bits.
operate with a larger bandwidth
of the above

::A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pass through

a central computer is
~bus network
=star network

~ring network
~Point-to-point network
~None of the above
::Which of the following TCP/IP protocol allows an application program on one ma
chine to send a datagram to an application program on another machine?
~None of the above
::A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central
computer would require a:
~telegraph line
=simplex lines
~mixedband channel
~All the above
~None of the above
::What part of is the Network ID, assuming a default subnet mask?
~None of the above
::The slowest transmission speeds are those of
=twisted-pair wire
~coaxial cable
~fiber-optic cable
::A noiseless 3 KHz Channel transmits bits with binary level signals. What is th
e maximum data rate?
~3 Kbps
=6 Kbps
~12 Kbps
~24 Kbps.
::What can greatly reduce TCP/IP configuration problems?
~WINS Server
~WINS Proxy
=DHCP Server
~None of the above

::Eight stations are competing for the use of a shared channel using the 'Adapti
ve tree Walk Protocol'. If the stations 7 and 8 are suddenly become ready at onc
e, how many bit slots are needed to resolve the contention?
=7 slots
~5 slots
~10 slots
~14 slots
::Usually, it takes 10-bits to represent one character. How many characters can
be transmitted at a speed of 1200 BPS?
~None of the above
::To connect a computer with a device in the same room, you might be likely to u
=a coaxial cable
~a dedicated line
~a ground station
~All of the above
~None of the above
::How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet w
hich is used in all communications with the host?
~16 - bits
=32 - bits
~48 - bits
~64 - bits
~None of the above
::With an IP address of 100, you currently have 80 subnets. What subnet mask sho
uld you use to maximize the number of available hosts?
::Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?
~wideband channel
~voiceband channel
=narrowband channel
~broadband channel
~None of the above
::The packets switching concept was first proposed

~in the late 1980s for the Defense Ministry of US.
=in the early 1960s for military communication systems, mainly to handle speech
~in the late 1950s for Defense Ministry of US
~All of the above
~None of the above
::What device separates a single network into two segments but lets the two segm
ents appear as one to higher protocols?
::Telecommunication networks frequently interconnect an organization with its cu
stomers and suppliers. Select the best fit for answer:
~Bandwidth alternatives
~Switching alternating
=Inter organizational networks

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