FCE Writing Essay

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FCE Writing: ESSAY

1. How should I approach the task?

What is the purpose of the essay? Essays are usually set by teachers for
students. They give students the opportunity to express their opinions on
subjects which may be controversial.
Who will read it? Probably only the teacher will read, but possibly other
students in your class do.
What style should I use? Essays are formal pieces of writing. Your
opinions should be expressed in a clear and logical way. Use discourse
markers to make clear how your different points are related.
What information should I include? A good essay includes clearly
stated opinions supported by well-chosen examples and convincing
2. Essay structure
The opening paragraph should establish the general topic of the
composition and the conclusion should give a balanced personal
comment on the topic. There is more than one way of structuring this
Introduction, arguments for, arguments against, conclusion
Introduction, one argument for, several arguments against and
obvious conclusion (as in the sample essay 3)
Introduction, argument for or against only, conclusion
3. Useful language
Stating an aim

I will discuss both point of view and express my

own opinion.

Introducing the first point First,

in a list of points
First of all,
To start with,

To begin with.
Introducing a further Second(ly),
point in a list of points
In addition,
Whats more,
Apart from that,
Another point to be made is that
Introducing a final point Finally,
in a list of points
two not only but also
(dis)advantages together
Presenting two opposing On one hand, on the other hand,
points of view
Expressing results

For this reason,

Because of this,
As a result,

Expressing contrast


Even though
In spite of
In contrast to this,
On the other side of the argument,
Giving examples

For example for instance such as like

Expressing your opinion

In my opinion
As I see it,
To my mind,
I believe (that)
As far as Im concerned,
In my view,
I do believe that
On balance, it seems to me that

elses opinion

someone Some people believe (that)

According to
It is said (that)
Scientists argue/claim/ say that...

Introducing a conclusion

To conclude,
In conclusion,
To sum up,

In summary,

The advantages of outweigh the disadvantages.

Sample question 1
Your teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinions on the
following statement:
It is better to have a low-paid job you enjoy than a highly-paid job you
Write your essay.
Model answer
It is better to have a low-paid job you enjoy than a highly-paid job you
Many of us would like to have a job which is both well paid and
Unfortunately, however, monotonous and badly-paid work is the reality
for most people. Nevertheless, it is interesting to reflect on which is more
important to us: job satisfactory or money.
On the one hand, earning a high salary allows you to do the things you
want. It enables you to have holidays in exotic places, own the house of
your dreams and buy the latest technology. Even if you do not like your
job, at least you will be happy in your free time.
On the other hand, a well-paid job would mean working long hours, with
little free time to enjoy your wealth. By contrast, a satisfactory job may
not make you rich, but it might give you more control over your time and
make you more contented with your life.
In my opinion, the ideal solution would be to spend several years earning
a large salary, and then find a job you really want to do and live on your

Sample question 2
You have been doing a class project on the environment. Your teacher has
asked you to write a composition about the following statement:
Everybody can help to protect the environment.
You should state whether you agree or disagree with this statement,
explaining your reasons clearly.
Write your composition.
Model answer
There is no doubt that the environment is in danger. Mankind has caused
the worlds environmental problems, and only man can solve them. But
can we, as individuals, do anything to help?
There are many environmental problems that only governments and
businesses can solve. For example, one of the causes of global warming
is pollution from factories and cars. Governments must persuade factories
to take responsibility for reducing their pollution, and car manufacturers
to produce cars which do not give out damaging exhaust fumes.
Nevertheless, there are things that individuals can do. Firstly, we can
recycle our used plastic, glass and paper. If we do this, factories will not
have to produce so much. As a result, there will be less pollution.
Secondly, we can use our cars as little as possible. This will also reduce
pollution. Finally, we can raise awareness about environmental issues,
and put pressure on governments and businesses to act responsibly.
In conclusion, one individual has little effect on protecting the
environment. However, if we work together, we can all make the world a
cleaner place.

Sample question 3
You have had a class discussion on shopping. Your teacher has now asked
you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement:

Shops should be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Write your essay.
Model answer
Should shops be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I totally
disagree with it.
Of course, if shops were open all day all time, it would be very
convenient for us. There are some times when we want something
suddenly, and how nice it would be if we could get that exact thing
But think about the other aspect of it. If shops had to be open all the time,
someone would have to work for those shops. Then people would have
fewer holidays because of the more work that has to be done, and it
would not be good for our mental health. What is more, to open the shops
even at night, we would have to consume much more electric energy, and
it is not environmental at all, needless to say. Contrary, what we should
do is to cut down our energy as much as possible to protect our earth.
To sum up, shops should NOT be open 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. I think wed better consider about our environment first, before
meeting our selfish and individual demands.
4. Exercise
1. Read the following Writing Part 2 task and underline the key words.

You have had a class discussion about social networking websites. Your teacher
has now asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following
Is Facebook good for friendship?
Write your essay in 120- 180 words.

2. Think of as many ideas as possible either in support of Facebook or

against Facebook.
Reasons in favor of Facebook

Reasons against Facebook

3. The following statements are all about Facebook. In pairs decide if

each one is for or against Facebook.

Are any of the ideas similar to yours? Which of the above points would
you include in your essay?
1. Read the model answer below. What is the purpose of each of the
four paragraphs?

2. In an essay, it is important to link your ideas. Look at the

underlined linking expressions in the model answer and say which
ones are used to:
a. List/add points
b. Show contrast
c. Introduce a conclusion
1. Read this discursive essay, ignoring the gaps. Then answer this
d. What is the purpose of each of the four paragraphs?
e. What are the main points made in the second and third
f. Where are the writers opinions expressed?
g. Is the style appropriate?

2. Complete the essay using appropriate words and phrases from this
list. More than one answer may be possible.

3. Match each phrase in the list below with its purpose a, b, c.

a. to introduce additional information
b. To introduce information which contrasts with that has gone
c. To summarize or conclude an argument

4. You are going to write an essay. First, read the task

a. What is your first reaction to the statement about advertising?
b. Would you prefer to write only your own opinions on the
subject or both sides of the argument?

5. Before you write, think about the topic. Discuss some of these
questions in pairs.
1. Make a list of two or three points on each side of the argument:

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