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by Ingrid P. Manlangit
There are many ways to destroy, but there is only one way to solve
There are billions of people living in this world, and there is just only
one nature living yet gradually dying. Trying to destroy and deforest our
nature is one of the causes why the world is changing. These changes may
likely leave us to a preference whether to consider it boon or bane that
somehow we never wish to affect our future. Have you ever come to think
that all of us are part of those individuals who try to destroy and kill
gradually our nature? Every nation has its existing laws and policies
governing the welfare of the nature to spare it from possible fall down, but
we care to disobey these laws and policies to give way for modernization
instead. The fast and vast advancement of technology nowadays paves our
way to industrialization, yet amidst all these advancements are the perils it
entails. Thus, it is about time that we must be in one accord as we save
Mother Nature.
Save Mother Nature.
Firstly, the world we live in does not anymore look like as it was
before. The wide green landforms have been already eroded to cater
industries and factories to meet our existing needs and wants. The blue seas
and clean rivers and streams have turned into gray or worse than not, dry.
Other resources are likewise jeopardized. Thus, we frequently experience the
environmental phenomenon we never expected to occur. Today, flood is one
of the major environmental problems faced by people worldwide particularly
in our country, the Philippines especially in Manila area where dwellers life is
at risk. What causes flood? Floods are caused by heavy rainfall that affect
especially the community without drainage or canal system to regulate the
volume of water flowing, specifically when these canals or drainages are
congested due to improper waste disposal of people. Last year August 2012,
Manila had experienced the wake of disastrous flooding that paralyzed the
capital and surrounding regions. Hence, our President Benigno S. Aquino III
announced that his government would undertake a Php 351.72 billion ($8.39
billion) flood control plan to address the worsening problem of flooding
throughout much of the country. The plan was approved by the National

Economic Development Authoritys (NEDA) Subcommittee on Water

Resources on July 31, just days before heavy monsoon rains enhanced by a
passing tropical storm swamped an estimated 80% of Metro Manila, causing
92 deaths and forcing more than 400,000 people to seek shelter in
temporary evacuation centers. Further, the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) was being mandated by the president to double its effort
to help save Filipino people more so the nature from possible demise.
Reconstruction of dikes, drainage systems and strengthening of laws and
policies covering the implementation of proper waste disposal are their
primordial aims to accomplish. Similarly, I believe that we too have to offer a
hand in saving this nature and in sparing our lives through doing our
responsibilities of cleaning our environment, and planting trees inasmuch as
it holds large volume of water. These environmental practices do not only
address massive flooding but also help us prolong our
Secondly, almost of the people of the Philippines which livelihood is
fishing. Almost 58% of the Philippine Area of Responsibility are water. Illegal
fishing like muro- ami fishing, dynamite fishing and other illegal fishing are
one of the problems of the Philippine Government because lots of marine
lives were destroyed and die because of these practices. Last March 2, 2013
of the Born to be Wild, Born Impact of GMA talks about how fisherman caught
and killed sharks. One of the endangered sharks is the Thresher Sharks.
Fishermen like to catch them because of their fins and oil which has a big
cost. Illegal fishing should be banned to prevent or to save the endangered
marine species. If dynamite fishing will be stop no more corals will be
destroyed and many marine lives can reproduce more. If these practices will
be banned we can save our nature.
Thirdly, the Department of Economic and Natural Resources (DENR) of
the Philippines which is also responsible for taking care of the forests of the
Philippines is facing a big problem about illegal logging. Illegal loggings are
caused by illegal cutters. Illegal logging in the Philippines is one of the
reasons why the forests of the Philippines were barren and destroyed. Almost
14.7% of the Philippine forests were already barren and many species of
animals were lost and endangered. Maybe there are illegal cutters because
trees have many uses especially when it comes to livelihood. If the
government cannot stop the illegal loggers or cutters, the species living in
that forests will die or worst they become extinct. In order to save nature and

the living creatures we need to plant trees to breathe fresh air and to keep
our world green. Remember trees are not forever.
Nowadays, erosions, floods, illegal logging, illegal fishing and other
practices that destroy our nature are severe. What will the government have
to do in these kind of situation? Do they have to make more acts or do they
have to stop it? I believe it is both so that they can stop it, and we can also
help them by working as ne to solve problems easily. Come have a new
green earth (CHANGE).#

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