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Iton News Let

Feb. 1962
I-Irs. A.V/.Hamilton Sr.

Fwd. Agent




Marceline, Missouri

Acc. ftC.

M. 0.

Alb jrt & Annette


Cheek Stamp


3erley, S.A.

Dear co-workers in Christy

Annet'ie and I are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Jonathan Lee,

born on the 19th of Feb. weight, 71bs. 5 ounces.

the hospital now, and feeling well.
far as the doctor can tell now.

Both mother and son are home from

Jonathan is quite normal from all signs as

The name expresses in one way our appreciation

for'God's vri.llingness to give another sdh tb us^ it means 'gift bf"Gbd,'"

Each Lord's day I have been making the trip to Johannesburg for evening ser
vices, At the last meeting and service 30 were present. The smallg^oup has asked
Annette and I to come to Johannesburg to live and work there.. After a recent meet

ing with the Kimberley Church of Christ on Weu. the 28th, we announced officially
our plans to move to Johannesburg around Hay or June^ this year. Thanks to brother
R.S. Mills who has consented to be the minister of the Church here in Kimberley

in addition to his other work, ^ich envolves the training school, Native evangelism
and the printing work of nearly 8,000 copies per month, of the Gospe^ Light.
Brother Mills is willing to carry on in the teaching of the school

alone, until

help comes, presently we have one young man,fioland Joseph and a young la(fy, Maxireen
Ho-Chung enrolled full time. The school offers 9hrs of work per week.
As soon
as someone comes to help brother Mills in the school and minister to the church

here, he will be able to continue work which will now be neglected, among the
Native churches of Christ. We thank God that brother Mills is willing totake
extra burdens such as this, almost each missionary here is responsible for the
vxork of 2or 3 men. No doubt many people who know of the Church of Christ wonder
what is wrong, that the churches are not sending more labourers for the harvest
in this coTontry. Some here in Kimberley have already asked this question, and
it is quite embarrassing to be unable to give an adequate answer. Do you know
tho anowerfPre sentlywe-have -a contac-t-n Durban (European ^orte~in mind)" which "

we cannot possibly make until later in the year, a person who wants to see the
film strips on "God's plan through the ages." Brother Zimmerman in Capetown is

engaged in work which will likely mean 2 more congregations there, Lgrd Willing.
Dear friends, this is why we cry for help, we must now leave the work in Kimberl^

because no one is in jChannesburg, and the door there is open, the Mills and we
are sure that the Lord intend for us to go in now before the door is closed.

At this time brother Mills and family are due for furlough, but have had to
postpone it, he vdll be needing a replacement in 1963. We^average 700 miles

per week on the Kombi with the trips to Johannesburg each Lord's day, in h months
we have put 9,736 miles on the VoIksWagen. We are glad we'^can share in this great
work here. We trust you will be praying that more help shall come soon, so that
you and others may bear fruit here also.
REMEt'IBER to be on the look out, for changes of address.

Mrs. Hamilton of

Marceline, Missouri^our forwarding agent has changed residence to 700 East Hauser.
RR 3, Marceline. We will notify you in advance of our change of address in
Johannesburg, Lord willing we live to move there, around May or June.

We are buying a Gesteiiner mimeograph for 150,00 dollars, as we no longer

use brother Rees' machine. Please remember that we will plan to make the trip
to Jo-burg each Lord's day, after morning services here in Kimberley, to provide
services in the evening there, imtil the time we move there. Lord willing.
Thank you for your life, pray that others will join you in sending some of their

life to this work, it will mean that more can be done. Slides and a tape recorded
narration, are soon to be with our forwarding agent, already she has snap shots,
and display items for your use. Please be promjit in returning any display items
or slides etc. a s

other churches are waiting for them.

Happily,Your servanl^for Jesus' sake,

the Hamiltons

Albert, Annette, Frances & Jonathan


We can use Junior Life, Strait and quarterlys;but 'lookout' is not used here,^


Thank you for your cooperation.

In South Africfi.


30, M^ch,

A1 and Annette Hamilton

Kimberley, S. Africa

Dear Christian friendsj


As you read this, plans are being laid for a step which will take the

New Testament Church directly into the heart of the 2nd largest city in all
of Africa, JOHANNESBURG. Our God has opened a door of utterance inihe
center of this rapidly growing metropolis of Africa, we must not let our KING
down. He has and is depending on us all.

Afine church building (now belonging to a prominent denomination) in

Johannesburg,is available to us at a price below value. We are alreacfy mak
ing plans to move to Johannesburg in May, Lord willing we live, aid have

found that the owners of this church building have outgrown it and nw want

to sell and move into a larger building. We have been offered the first

opportunily to buj^ a building which is in perfect condition and Would be ^

adequate for many years to come; The future of the Church of Christ (Christian

Church) in South Africa depends on youJ

Here are several reasons why we must ssy YES, and have said YES.

1. At present we have NO New Testament Church w itness in Johannesburg. ^

purchasing thia one building which is located ideally in the center of the City
we can have a witness that knows no limit in this country, and we will have
a foot in the door* of this field white unto harvest. Alredy we are over 30

years behind in the evangelism of the European, Coloured and other races here.
2. Our visa was granted in I960 on the basis that we were needed to minister
to a congregation in this country. We feel that the only way we can be sure^

of getting and keeping the Mew Testament Church in Johannesburg is to establish

ouBselves in a way that shows the government we are needed and that work is__

in progress. Our visa may be extended if we can secure property, and its pos
sible that we may lose our visa if we do not have property.


Now there is a small gathering of approx 2^-30 meeting du a home, the

majority of idiich have pledged themselves to the Church of Christ (Christian)

church, European and Chinese. But since we are not yet organized as a Congre
gation so as to have elders etc. for trustees, we are helpless to acquire
property on our own. We could not biy nor borrow at this time. UNIESS you,
our sister Churches step in to save us.

k. 4 a million people in Johannesburg await your decision^ apartment houses

are filled,' new people moving into the city, subufibs expanding ^d a GREAT
Opportunity for the Church, burdens our hearts, will you share it^

A congregation in the center of town can be the beginning of many

congregations throughout the city areas It is for YOU we mention these things,

you can bear fruit here, many lost souls will thank you some day.
We have full confidence that ybu want a witness for Christ here in Jo-burg,
and with this in mind I have told the minister and leaders of the congregation

whinh now occupies this property, that "our churches are willing to take over

1 do~iR3l ,veL liavt^-bhe-^'-OBUse-of ONE^JigBt- We had

to give an answer, and We feel we have answered for each of you too.

To each one who returns the enclosed card and envelope we shall send

a picture of the building, and put you on the mailing list to receive the
slides and tape narration concerning the interesting and unusual way tMs

project began. (Write for special D.V.B.School story onncerning this ).

PLEASE, PLEASE let us know soon if you will share this burden, all of
us doing something will be used of God to accomplish much. A pledge is not

necessary (though welcome) but a gift or loan is urgently needed.

WOULD YOU GIVE 1.00 to see a congregation in JOHANNESBIBG? In a short time

you will see more if you help us now. Lord willing we live. Pleasd make use
of one of the apprjopriate suggestions given on the enclosed card or paper.
IF ONLY we could see you face to face and explain the vast opportunity this
project opens up for our God and His Christ, in this country.



A.W.Hamilton &Family

God Specializes
in Things

Thought impossibie!

lAJid ^our donqre^atlon

or IJou
One of 800
Do 2)onate $25

for (^staLiidlilng a C^ongregatlon

in ^olianned^urg^F
Johannesburg, South Africa

'Let your light so shine, that men may see your good works
and Glorify Your Father Who is in Heaven." Jesus
Dear friends in Christ:

It is not our job or part of this work to open the doors, but to look for those that GOD does open; for
this reason, we honestly feel that it would be an injustice to our KING and you churches who have sent us
here, if we do not "redeem the time," or buy up the opportunities before us. Let us explain fully our
decision in Johannesburg.
At present we have NO New Testament Church witness in Johannesburg. By purchasing this one build
ing which is located ideally in the center of the city we have a witness that knows no limit in this country,
and we will have 'a foot in the door' of this field white unto harvest. Already we are over 30 years behind
in the evangelism of the European, Coloured and other races here.

Our visa was granted in 1960 on the basis that we were needed to minister to a congregation in this
country. We feel that the only way we can be sure of getting and keeping the New Testament Church in

Johannesburg is to establish ourselves in a way that shows the government we are needed and that work is
in progress. Our visa may be extended if we can secure property, and its possible that we may lose our
visa if we DO NOT have property.
In this country of South Africa, the lost souls among Coloured, Natives and other races have depended
on the European churches for their support; the European Churches here are the ones which must build or
establish Coloured, Chinese, Indian and Native churches. Presently the only Churches of Christ (Christian)
in the Union are the two small mixed coloured and European congregations in Capetown and one in Kimberley. IF American missionaries here had to leave this country for any reason, and could not carry on in any
phase of thework,either Native or European Evangelism, it would mean that our hundreds of Native Church
es would be without government RECOGNITION and perhaps lose the properties they have, and that no other
congregations could be government recognized. ONLY when a church has European leadership over its
mission work in the country will it be allowed to build and carry on its work as a congregation.We Churches
of Christ are not wise in our work for GOD and HIS CHRIST, if we shut our eyes to the possibilities of
having our missionaries called back home to leave this field only to lose all that has been worked for, all
that has been spent, over the last 50 years. In Johannesburg the people are coming from the suburbs into
the city to their various denominational churches, often several families from a suburb meet at one church
and find that they live in the same suburb, this is then the beginning of a congregation in that suburb. We
have been told by religious leaders in Johannesburg that one city congregation has started and continually
FED SEVERAL congregations in outlying suburbs; WHY not do this ourselves? We can, and through GOD'S
help we will.
One-half million people in Johannesburg await your decision; apartment houses are filled; new people
moving into the city, suburbs expanding and a GREAT opportunity for the CHURCH, burdens our hearts,

WILL YOU SHARE IT? Our forwarding address is: Mrs. A.W. Hamilton, Sr. RT. #3 Marceline, Missouri .
Happily, your servants for Jesus' sake,
Albert, Annette, Frances Marie and Jonathan Lee Hamilton


Mrs, A,W.Hamilton Sr.

A-W.& Annette Hamilton

RR 3 Marceline, M.

Box 17175 Hillbrow

News Letter for
May, 1962

Fwd. Agent

South Africa

Doar Ones in Christy

It has been a great blessing for us to see the wonderful way in which you
folk have responded to the plea that has been made for funds to purchase the

property here in Johannesburg. We send our hearty thanks for it all, and hope

that others will follow your example.

The family and I moved to Johannesburg on the 29 of April. We located

near the Hillbrow area which is populated with J a million European people.
We have calls to make in the Native locations around the city, prospects to
contact in the suburbs of Malvem, Craighall, Mayfair and Bertrams,' The pros
pects we have contacted here in Johannesburg in these suburbs sre amcng the
European, Chinese and Coloured, On the 23rd of May three European men were
baptized into Christ and for remission of sins, they are anxious to help begin
a European congregation in the center of the c ity.

We are beginning a wed. evening Bible study at the Rand Epileptic Home

at the Men's dormitoiy, this week, V/e have contacted the school principal

of the main Coloured community in Johannesburg, Coronation, to schedule the

Bible film strips in the school auditorium. A baptism is scheduled for friday
evening of this week for one other person,


Adventist church and the minister of the ot.George Presbyterian church and
I met in May and agreed to carry an option over for the Churches of Christ
to have more time to raise a down payment or at least a deposit. The other

two ministers (mentioned above) were willing to wait until July to see if we
of the Church of Christ can raise at least 1,000,Go or 3,000,00 dollars in
order to get another 12 months to raise the rest of a down payment. This is
very th ougflutful on their part, as the Presbyterian church is building a new

building, and the Adventist congregation wants the Presbyterian church house,
but each are waiting for ^ to raise something for purchase of the 7th Day
Adventist building on Claim St. On Saturday the 2nd of June, the ^th Day

Acv^ntist church held a day of fasting and prayer for the Churches of Christ
in America, hoping that our advertisment and news of this opportunity would

move^many people to help in this project. Many people in the city here are

praying for this project to be fulfilled. The Adventist congregation will

not move (one block away) to the building the Presbyterians now own, unless
they can seil^their building to another church. They have said they believe
it is God's will for the Church of Christ to move into this city of vast
opportunity to help win souls.

Please make this matter part of your prayers.

THREE YOUNG MEN have expressed already their desire to train for the

ministry of the Church of Christ. Brian Davies, Rudy Vermuelen (European)

and Jerry Ho (C>-^nese).

A building in the city would facilitate matters for

a BIBLE GOLIEGE- as well as provide housing for two families and an adequate
house of worship for many years. This building seats over 300, has fully
equiped facHtities such as basement with kitchen, piano, seats in auditorium, (3oo)
room for a small book store, 12 classrooms, baptistry and study or office.

. he Churches of Christ would have a deffnate stand in this countiy that woul d

Help in uhe evangelization of"the'pebpie-'-he"re -for years."


could raise 1.00 per member for this project, this opportunity will not be


R.S. Mills the minister and missionary in Kimberley, was here in Jo-burg

last week and talked of the possibility of moving the School of Evangelism
here ^-.s soon as a minister came to carry on the work in Kimberley. Do you
know of scmeone interested in preaching in Kimberley at an estabHshed cong
regation please refer them to R.S. Mills, P.O.Box 503 Kimberley Cape. S.A,
We need your prt

rs, tha t we may do our best and trust in God to do

the rect,

i \tefully your servants for Jesus the Master.

The Harailtons

Sonny, Annette and Children


Aug. 1962


Standard Publishing ^o

Hamilton AVe.

Cincinatti 31j Ohio

Dear Brethren^

c-re happy to report two baptized into Christ here on Aug.

May we also share with you an incident that took place in connection with the

Mr. Gordon Ho, a young dhinese man of 20,l&s of age, came forward and
accepted God's plan of salvation, made his confession and we planned his baptism,
since wh have no baptistajt, we havetotorrow one. Mr. Goridon Ho works h6 miles
from Johannesburg and planned to teturn on the following Sat. after working hours

to be baptized, (he came forward on the 3rd). We scheduled his baptism and v^ile
he,was at work near Pretoria, we heard thAt his father limng here in Johannesburg

Nevertheless "^ordon came on the sat. of the 11th and went with his

fiancee and jnyself to see his father.

After being at the house for somethime,

Gordon talked over his decision with his father, and his father said that if Gordon
was Baptized he would no longer be a son and could not return to his home. Upon
this OoDdon proceeded' to J)ack his belongings. He first went in to see his sister

Hio haxS been confined to her room because she also (aged 17) wanted t? be baptized.
As Gordon talked with his sister she cried, and said, "Bo ahead Gordon and be a

good Ghristian."

Gordon cried also and promised to come sometime and get her(Maude)

so she could go and be baptized too. As fordon left his sister I-Igude wxtbtx and
took his clothing he handed me his suit to take out to n?y car, and when we startdd to

the front tfoom of the house JkBxaidxfckKxdHX Mrs. Ho^Jerry's mother, and Minnie his
older sister, ran to him begging him to put off the baptism. He refused, they then
turned to me and asked me to leave without Gordon and I likewise refused, but just
waited for Gordongx,

Mr, Ho came to me, telling me that I fliust leave and not take

Gordon, for it meant to him the taking of his son out of his life forever.

I did

not leave, for I^s taitfng for Gordon and his fiancee, for Gordon h^d made up his
mind and would not change. At this time, ifr. Ho stepped in fiusatDCBf the path afx
tjaa dBKKxbetween us and theii*on door.

We all :=topped and then I moved forward

toward me. Ho and the door, for I felt that he wo'ild not harm me.

As I came toward

him, Mr. Ho came at me, grabbed the suit (Gordon's) from my arm and ran to the
Mitchen and took a large Chinese meat cleaver called a "Chopper" and began chopping
Gordon's suit. At this ^b?s. Ho and Minnie the older daughter were screaming, for
they eit sure that Gordon would be next to be chopped.

his Fiancee (Maude Kwon)

I quickly told Grodon and

to go out to the car without his belongings, and I would

follow. This they did, and when they were in the car I proceeded to thed oor and
closed it behind me while Mr. Ho bentinued chopping things.
As we startdd the car

Minnie came running out to stop us, saying that there wsruld be great trouble,
and Mr. Ho may harm Maude Ho GxdoN's sister. So we drove quickly to a police station
and reported the incident, and the police rushed to the home. From the police station
we drove to Jehry Ho s home, a brother to Gordon who was baptized several weeks ago.
A-t Jerry ho's honw we disuussed the problem that had just come up and then left for
the baptismal service. At this time Gordon is no longer a '^on of I'Ir. HoJerry


and the Church ofGhrist they atilend is called a BLACK church,

threatened Gordon and Jerry witJfltheir

Ho has
rn-nrtrHr' T^P

But of course ve do notjfear what man can do

church knows
of this incident
^ w an
t,.. I
w pray for
^ WA Mr.
AM. m Ho and

The little


AlV W-tA

be able to take time from work aid be baptized soon^ she was sisxijox also
threatened for Mr. Ho said he wo lid kill hers, but she said "go ahead, i am
ready to die for Jesus," Please ask the brethren to prjiyfor us, for Mr. Hi
is busy s preading ^Lies about t,h I Church and all the members .whom he knows.

Yours ^n Christy
A .w .ham:; iton


are warned not to be near the Ho. residem

i do r^ot know of i-ny threat madd to me personally , not yet an;

We hope youc an usetthis , we can send a picture later if you want it, of th
young man who "LOST^HIS BUIT BUT SAVED HIS SOUL" fromtthis wicked generation.

. N

l.foldEerste vou




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