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Call for Papers: 40th Annual Meeting of the

Social Science History Association

Baltimore, MD November 12-15, 2015
Submission Deadline: February 14, 2015

Pluralism and Community: Social Science History Perspectives

Ethnic strife in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; anti-immigrant politics in Europe, the Americas, and Australia; and
separatist movements around the world are daily reminders of the challenges in building tolerant, civil societies among
ethnically, racially, religiously, linguistically, and culturally diverse peoples. At the same time, improvements in
transportation and communications and growing economic interdependencies have brought diverse peoples into more
regular contact and made pluralism more advantageous than ever before.
In recognition of the long-standing interest of social science historians in the ways in which communities regulate
difference among their members, the 2015 Program Committee seeks panel proposals that consider the myriad ways
that history, culture, law, economy, demography, education, knowledge production, geography, migration, religion,
sexuality, and politics shape pluralism as well as the ways in which community shapes these factors in return. We
construe pluralism and community in the broadest possible terms and see this issue as a central question in all branches
of social science history. We are interested in panels that explore and illustrate the forces that nurture or undermine
tolerance and diversity.
Although the topic of Pluralism is not limited to a particular time or period, we recognize that the year 2015 marks the
40th anniversary of the Social Science History Association, a multi-disciplinary, international, scholarly organization
whose members display a diversity of styles, approaches, and topical interests. Every year for 40 years we have been
getting together to learn from one another and our organization has never been stronger. Lets celebrate!
The 2015 Program Committee also welcomes, as always, individual papers and panels on all aspects of social science
history. (See the list of network organizers for the range of topics regularly engaged by conference panels.)
The 2015 conference will be held November 12-15, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore in Baltimore, MD.

How Do I Participate in the 2015 SSHA Program?

Starting early in 2015, proposals for individual papers and complete sessions will be accepted at, which
provides instructions for submission. The deadline is 14 February 2015; we prefer the submission of complete sessions.
If you want to organize a session, we recommend that you first contact a network representative. Network
representatives, who are open to all possibilities, screen all papers and panels in their areas. (Current networks, with
their representatives email and web addresses, are listed on the SSHA website.) If you are not certain which network
your paper proposal best fits, just ask the representatives of the networks closest to your interests.
SSHA will continue to make competitive grants for graduate student travel, now with additional help from the Charles
and Louise Tilly Fund for Social Science History.

President: Susan Boslego Carter, Economics, University of California, Riverside

Program Committee
Mary Ann Dzuback, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Education, Washington U.,
Kris Inwood, Economics and History, University of Guelph,
Simone Wegge, Economics, College of Staten Island, CUNY,




Executive Director

Susan B. Carter
University of California

Myron Gutmann
University of Colorado

Philip VanderMeer
Arizona State University

William C. Block
Cornell University

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