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ervice Manual EASA-PHONE ELECTRONIC MODULAR SWITCHING SYSTEM KX-T308 1 0- 1 SPECIFICATIONS/TEXHMYECKME XAPAKTEPUCTUKM NAME AND LOCATION/HAMMEHOBAHHE VM PACNOSIOKEHME CONNECTION/NOACOEAMHEHME PROGRAMMING/MPOrPAMMMPOBAHME IC 1/0 DATA/WOKOSIEBKA VM ®YHKLMOHASIBHOE HASHAYEHME BbIBOAOB MWKPOCXEM ADJUSTMENTS/PETYSIAPOBKM BLOCK DIAGRAM/BJIOK-CXEMA SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS/NPMHLUMNMAJIBHBIE CXEMbI WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM/CXEMA COEAMHEHMA IC BLOCK DIAGRAM/BJIOK-CXEMA MHTEFPASIBHbIX MAKPOCXEM TERMINAL GUIDE OF IC's, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES/LIOKONIEBKA MHTEFPAJIbHBIX CXEM, TPAHSMCTOPOB VM AMUOAOB EXPLODED VIEW/CBOPO4HbIN YEPTEXK ACCESSORIES AND PACKING MATERIALS/NPMHAJUIEKHOCTH KH YNAKOBOMHBIE MATEPMASIbI REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST/CMMCOK 3AMACHBIX YACTEM Mique Sanden Company Paras Kel re. Bitton teneey Brantano Bivona autehsa Boe Seema Nemeth Mawson 774 Soba. AB Panasonic ee — een, esa SPECIFICATIONS General Description 1. Capacity... cece vv Quis 00] ions Stored Program CPU: 8 bits CPU, 4 bits CPU Control ROM: 48 KB, Control RAM: 8 KB, ‘Space Division CMOS Crosspoint Switch Primary ‘AC 120 V 60 Hz ‘Secondary Station Supply Volt: +26 V, Circuit Volt: +5 V, +12V, +18V, +26V Power Failure #3 outsides assigned to stations (1 through 3) »..power failure transfer ‘*System operation for 4 hours by optional Backup Adaptor. 2. Control Method . 3. Switching see 4. Power Supplies .... 5. Dialing. Outward Dial Pulse 10PPS Tone Dial Internal Dial Pulse 10PPS, 20PPS Tone Dial Mode Conversion DP-DTMF, DTMF-DP 6. Connector ‘Outsides (CO) Modular Jack (RU-11) Station Modular Jack Paging Output Pin Jack (PCA JACK) External Music Input —_two-conductors Jack (MINI JACK %a inch diameter) 7. EXT Connection Cable 1 pair wire (Standard Telephone) 2 pair wire (KX-T30B30/KX-T30820) 8 Intercom Paths ..... ool 9. Dimensions 334 (W)x 437 (H)x 107 (D) mm. (18%60" x 17%2" 47/0") 10. Weight kg (11 fb 0.402) 41. Power Consumption... 40 W (Max.) Characteristics 41. Station Loop Limit KX-T30890/KX-T30820 40 ohms Standard Telephone 600 ohms including set Doorphone 20 ohms 2. Minimum Leak Resistance 45,000 ohms 3. Maximum Number of Station Instruments per Line... buon PROGRAMMABLE FEATURE bunon LuguiD crvstaL Suton (LC) Display PAUSE button ——— | CLEAR button AUTOIMEMORY button NO CENTRAL OFFICE (CO) \ CINE basen \ SELECT button ~~ INTERCOM (ICM) button NENT button PREVIOUS bution FLASH button END bution-/ Fig. 6 Notes: 1. For details of installation, refer to the Installation Manual (Part No. POQX5289Z), 2. For details of operation, refer to the User Guide (Part No. POQX5291Z}, Example of Programming 1.Tw im the Power Switch to ON 2. Set the System Program Switch to PROGRAM The LCD on the KX-T30830 shows “ENTER PGM CODE 9B sure the handset of the extension 11 is in the cradle and the speakerphone button of the extension 11 is off. 3. To program automatic line access number 9 and the phone While programming if a mistake is made, 1. Press the “END” bution, 2. Start programming procedure from the beginning. number 987-654-3210 into memory location (speed dial access} number 00, KX-130830 at extension 11 (Extension 11 must atways be KX-T30830,) AUTO button. (SPEED CALLING} 2. | Pressthe NEXT button. | {ENTERSPEED CODE 3. | Dial (00) or press the | #lfnothing is stored in| NEXT button access code "00", | | (00:NOT STORED] | ‘*lfalready stored the automatic line access number 9 and the phone number 123-456-7890, W: 123-456. 7890 4. | Q Dial “9 ® Press "—" button. Dial “987”. @ Press “—" button. © Dial “654”. © Press “—" bution. @® Dial “3210” c pres the MEMORY (00: -987-654-3210| | G. | ®To program annext access code, press the NEXT bution. To programa desired access code, press the | SELECT button and then dial the number. 7. | Repeat step 4 106. 8. | To return to the initial rogram mode, press the | [ENTER-PGM CODE] END button 4, Return the System Program Switch to SET aT. ‘make program change, start from the beginning. You will hear the beeps after press the MEMORY button ‘©The MEMORY indicator light goes on when the MEMORY button is pressed, and then Indicator light goes out when the NEXT or PREV button is pressed. m@ PROGRAMMING TABLE Dialing Assignment TOSET _{froonss| STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM Dateand Time (oo | INEXTI(A)IDIISELECT) FG) (SELECT) (1 [C)) OJ SELECT MEMORY) TEND] year bomonth day *- AY OF ES pour minute = AMIPM snc System SpordCatlng | (041 (NEXT (AB}{CDIIonone number MEMORY ry or “ph: ama ie access number (auto) Trerpenough 2: onde tine aces number speed access code To advancero the nestcode [SELECTI(AB) [CD] [phone number [MEMORY] ‘To cxithe speed eating entry, press END) €0 Conecion 10a) INERT NEXT SELECTIIMEMORY END Assman i ~ CONNECTINO CONNECT sees tn ae deed CO mumber appears iar Temalar wa weOs 7 2 ial Mode ToneiPudse) | (03) | INEXT][NEXT (SELECT) MEMORY) [END] Selec Toe= TONEIPULSE ‘eeee umf desired CO number appears Deft emake promam Tae Con wes Tr : 7 Tone DTM ade |» “Switching Mode (04)_| (NET [SELECT] EMORY END] (DayiNighe Service) -MANIAUTO. ee Toke program age “Srrng Time TS) | (NEXT (AI (BI 1 [SELECT] (MEMORY) NEXT) [] =) 1D] [o){SELECT) [MEMORY] TEND] (DayiNigh Service) mine == AMIPM Tomine bo AMIPM Secstarting time for day service (hour) ss Staring time for night service (hour) Def Toate program change Daven To0av Nighpon Saori Pesible Dey Ouward | 106] | (NEXT]INEXT][C._E}[MEMORY] END] Dialing Astgnment CO number nite desired extension number appears Dafa To mete pagan nae Tne aeons TTR TET ML [16 cor * cor cor = Fieible Nigh Outward | (O7|_| (NEXTIINEXT)(C...€][MEMORY]{END] ‘0 number {sunt the desired extension number appears Def Tomate program han Hewenion [PRL [fs [eT TO SET STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM “Hleible Day Ringing ‘Assignment (os) | [NEXT] (NEXT)|C...€] [MEWORY)|END] CO number La. amit ie desied extension number appears ‘jes Tomo pogramthange Fans Menon TTT RL BT RT| Pe cor x Fievible Nigh Ringing Assignment (09) NEXT) (NEXT) {C._.E] MEMORY] [END] CO munber Lunt te desired extension number appeurs oe ene eae! Toate Treo alenena no on on Toll Reiriction Class Assignment 110} ] INEXT (NEXT) [SELECT] [MEMORY] END} ‘CLASS 1/254 Luni he desired etenson number appears Dif Tamale program ngs Css Tatas = Ce al tect ay Chas eave Chas Tally Toll Resrcon— ir NEXT] [NEXT|[O} MEMORY [END] Area Code Section area code with digits Se -unul te desired memory location number appears Mem oeation number Warp ea fo [os [os loo Tease ay Programmable Operaor | (32) | (NEXT][NEXTIISELECT] [MEMORY] [ENO] Cat “---) ENABLEDDISABLE nthe desired extention number appears Pee Tomake program shame Fenn eto Ee phism Tee Bisbie “Hos PBX Access Codes | [¥8) | [NEXT] [NEXT) A.D) [MEMORYIIEND} Assignment aE {up 0 four outside access codes each with a maximum of 2 digs Losses utile desired CO mumbers appears Die ees coder oe Fo PR ‘Automatic Answering | (14) | [NEXT] NEXT]ISELECT] MEMORY |(END] (Automate Mana) Selection © = AUTO ANSWER MAN ANSWER Sons unite desied extension number appears Dee Tomah pagron cone Tira enwon TTT RL ETAL S| eT PTE ‘ond TOSET _{Mrnmss| STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM Prefered Line U5) [ (NEXT NEXT [SELECT EMORY [END] Assignment manne e+ «(none CONCOMCOS = to the desired extension number appears Dif ‘Tamale raga lamp Fron Hote [TRL ETT S| LPT se + + FiOneT = Gor cor Programmable Call (6) (NEXT) [NEXT [SELECT] IMEMORY]|END] Waring ENABLEIDISABLE unl he desired extension number appears Defeat Temale pagan toa Tra weno [TRL NTs TR Disable = Enable Daraiion Tine Couns | 17] | EXT SELECT IMEMORY|TEND] Sur! Made “Eos INSTANTLY/SS AFTER DIAL/IUS AFTER DIAL Deft Tomaleprepren lange Tani Sb afer dal x TOS afer dat ookewich Fash Toning | 118) | (NEXT]INEXT] (SELECT) [MEMORY] [END] TT 3) MSI600 MSI900 MS Ls aml desired CO number appears Defeit Tema program change Tour alco 2 ct Disconnect Time T9)_) INEXT][NEXT [SELECT] MEMORY|[END] ww 1S SECO SEC 1 unite desired CO number appears Dafa Tome program change com CO a 2 z Te x Suse Calling Party Control | (20) | INEXT}[NEXT) [SELECT] IMEMORY|[END] (CPC) Signal ose ENABLE(DISABLE unl be desired CO number appears Deft Terma program change com BIC 2 z Fale x Diab ThercomAlering Mode | (2i]_| (NEXTI(NEXT][SELECT) IMEMORYIIEND] [es TONECALLIVOICE CALL + until desied extension number appears i Tamale program hanpe Enenion ramon [TRL Ee T S| LoTR Tone call x Proarammable Ta) ET GE SELEY MEMORTTENOT Doorphone ‘D-PHONE 1. 21/21+ » + (deny the ringing) nil he desired extension number appears Dif Tome nto Aevenom [TTR Tis | 6] DoorphoneT = Doorphone? x sen tein TO SET [ones STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM Dial Call Pickup Group | (231 | [NEXT] NEXT [SELECT] MEMORY) [END] Assignment Cevsn=-= PICKUP-G:I12/, 21+ + + (outofthe group) Ls unt the desived extension number appears Defeat Te male program ange Tava a enenom DETR [is [te] Te | Pitug Group © ator Busy Tone Selection (ea) | (NEXT (SELECT) MEMORY] [END] Cieee TONE 112 = Dee Toma progr change “old Time Reminder | (28) (NEXT|(SELECT) MEMORY] END] 1 MIN2 MIN... 19 MEN Teas epee ij * Take program ane t Hold Recall Te Set (26) | INEXT| [SELECT] [MEMORY)|END] 30 SECID MINIS MIN'2 MINIDISABLE esecons] rina | iets Taine | ae Dif ro To make pra SORE 1 Programmable Esernal | (27) [NEXT] SELECT] [MEMORY] [ENO] Paging Access Tone ENABLEIDISABLE Def Tema program change Bisa T DIME Receiver Check | 8] | (NEXDISE =CTJIMEMORY|[END) ‘ENABLEIDISABLE - unl the desired DIME receiver appears = Defoe Temake program change Enable x Programmable Toll Prefix | f28)_| (NEXT) [SELECT] (MEMORY [END] WITH 1) WITHOUT Dea Temaleprowran han Wak — = Whoa Programmable secret Tsoy_| (NEXT) [SELECT] MEMORY) END} ‘Auto Dial =NO SECRET) SECRET Deal ermal rogram change Station Program Clear | 188) _| INEXTIIMEMORY|[END} ‘Sytem Clear T93)_| INEXT]IMEWORY] [ENO] IC VO DATA Ic100 fvss eos Tapa, Res Tslexta. wre 4jMPO —RAWI6T “a]wer leo 6)RST Balsa aisrey ols “ln ils7 “3|P20 b2|56 idee: alas P22 alsa a]p23 5|53- 3]P24 Daf52 14]P25 07/51 asjp2s —adfso ‘peril ps0 aalae safpst ala ‘igjeso Aalst Bless alas aifpse cla Zips Alas 2alpse vss|42 2dps7 lat ‘asjpeo ——_aofa0 zelPo: rojas 27|pe2 ani aa. zalres —arzlar poe arabe soles atalas, Silpss—atsfan zefper__veelaa 1C100 Pon Pane] 70] Signal Name High Level Low Level | Remarks nMi{ 8 | 1 [CPU Restan : = 7 20 [8 | 1 |encTs: Deorphone 1 Connect Detection [Connect [Non-Connect P2i | 10 | 1 [eNcre: Deorphone 2 Connect Detection [Connect | Non-Conneet P22 | 11_[ 1 ]OHKI: Doorphone + Connect Detection [on-Hook [On-Hook p22 | 12_| 1 |oHk2: Doorphone 2 Connect Detection [ot-Hook |On-Hook | P26 [15 [1 |ORO®: Doorphone Aéapier Connect Detection Non-Conneet [Connect P51 | 18 | 1 |PFO: Power Failure Detection Power Failure [Normal 1 [ess [20_| 1 [ALT Halt Control input Normal Power Faliure [psa {21 [1 [restr [Normal rest Mose | Pss|22 | 1 _|resTa Normal Test Mose : P56 {23 [1 |sTO1: DTM Signal Detection 1 Recaption | Non-Recapiion [OTHE Rt P57 { 24 | 1 [sT02:DTMF Signal Detection 2 | Reception | Non-Reception | DTMF R2 P63.| 28 | 0 |20Hz: Ringing Signal Outgut = [-Pe« | 20 | 0 [PF: Power Failure Control Power Failure [-P6s | 30_| 0 [20H Ringing Signal Output : Pes | 31_| 0 |eAK: EXT Over Current Proeation Break [On Break Exe 2@8088€ ‘i / Seeeeseoeqossseae 12 Be 1o136 1e136 Signal Name High imp. | High Level [Low Level Remarks HIN: EXT Telephone Hook Detection |_----- [On-Hook _[Off-Hook | Pullup by 2.20) HK12: EXT Telephone Hook Detection ‘OnHook _|OffHook | Pullup by 2.2K HK13: EXT Telephone Hook Detection (OnHook _|Otf-Hook | Pullup by 2.2k0 HK14: EXT Telephone Hook Detection (OnHook _|OHf-Hook | Pullup by 2.20 HIS: EXT Telephone Hook Detection. = [On-Hook JOrt-Hook | Pullup by 2.240. HK16: EXT Telephone Hook Detection. =| On-Heok Pullup by 2.240 HK17: EXT Telephone Hook Detection. ‘On-Hook Pullup by 2.240 HK18: EXT Telephone Hook Detection ‘On Hook Pullup by 2.240 G11: Extension Ring Relay Control Beil Transmission [RGY2: Extension Ring Relay Control Bal Transmission G13: Extension Ring Relay Control Bal Transmission Non-Bell Transmission Ring Relay Control Bell Transmission Non-Bell Transmission | Extension Ring Relay Control Bell Transmission Non-Bell Transmission G16: Extension Ring Relay Control Boll Transmission Non-Bell Transmission | G17: Extension Ring Relay Control Ball Transmission [AGI8: Extension Ring Relay Control Bell Transmission Non-Bell Transmission ‘TXD11: EMSS TEL. Oata Transmission) Non-Transmission Transmission [TxD12: EMSS TEL. Data Transmission) Non-Transmission Transmission [TXO13: EMSS TEL. Data Transmission| Non-Transmission Transmission TxO14: EMSS TEL, Data Transmission] ‘Non-Transmission Transmission [TxO15: EMSS TEL, Data Transmission] ‘Non-Transmission Transmission [TxD 16: EMSS TEL. Data Transmission! [TXD17: EMSS TEL, Data Transmission] 'Non-Transmission Transmission _ Transmission TXD16: EMSS TEL. Data Transmission) Non-Transmiseion Transmission RXD11; EMSS TEL Receplion Data Nor-Data Pulp by 2.240 RXD12: EMSS TEL Recaption Data = [Non-Data_ Pullup by 2.240 [AXD13: EMSS TEL Reception Data Non-Data Pullup by 2.2802 [RXD14: EMSS TEL Reception Data Non-Data Pullup by 2.20 |RXO15: EMSS TEL Recaption Data Non-Data Pullup by 2.2k0 /AXO16: EMSS TEL Reception Data Non-Data Pulup by 2.240 RXO17: EMSS TEL Reception Data Non-Data Pullup by 2.2402 RXO18: EMSS TEL Reception Data === | Non-Data Pullup by 2.2402 C113 P60 P61 Pio Pi Piz Pia Pia ris P16 P20, P21 P22 P23, Poo} Por Po2| Poa} Poa| Pos} Pos P30 38 Pai P32 P33 P34 Pas P37 bbb els Pso P40 tert Port Piano] 0 Signal Name High ime Tigh Level] tow Level | Remarks Poo | 4 | © |COLI:HD Signal Generator Coatol 1 ative TncActive. Por | 5 | © |COL2:HO Signal Generator Control Active tn-Active, Po2| 6 | 0 |COL3:HD Signal Generator Cont Active ta Active, Pos | 7 | 0 |ROW!: HO Signal Generator Row 1 Active la-Active: Pos |e | 0 [ROW2: HO Signal Generator Row 2 ative la-Active, Pos | 9 | 0 |ROWS: HO Signal Generator Row 3 Active In-Active: Pos [10 | 0 Rows: HO Signal Generator Row 4 | Active In-Active Pio | 13 | 0 [A: Gross Point Address ~=== [Address High [Adress Low P11 | 14 | 0 |B: Cross Point Addvoss ~enss= [Address High [Address Low P12| 15 | 0 [cr Cross Polat Addvoss [Addross High [Address Low P13. [16 | © [D: Gross Point Address [Address High [Address Low [pia [17 [0 |e: Cross Point Adcross [Address High [Address Low P15 | 18 | © |ST@0: Cross Point Strobe [Activa In-Active P16 | 19 | 0 |STBI: Cross Point Sxobe Active In-Active P20 | 21 | © |XD0: Gross Point Data Data High Data Low P21 | 26 | 0 |X01: Cross Poiat Data === [Data High Data Low P22 | 25 | 0 |x02: Cross Point Data Data High Data Low P23 | 26 | © |XDa: Cross Point Data Data High Data Low P60 | 31 | 1 OL: EXT Over Curent Detection [Over Curent [Normal are) Psi | 32 | 1 |PRG: System Selecton System Mode | Program Mode [P30 | 36 | 0 |POALY: Power Faire Control [Break Make Break RLVI0A-100 P31 | 37 | © [DL3: Line Closa, Dial Transmission [Break Make Break 08 #32 | 38_| 0 |cFS: 00 Amp Conference Conference —|Non-Cenference [Conference [003 P33.| 89 | © [HDS: CO Amp Hold on Music Control | Transmission |Non-Tranemission [Transmission | COS P34| 40 | 0 |SH3: CO Amp Stunt Contol Shunt Non-Shunt Shunt cos P36 [41 | 0” [MT3: CO Amp Mute Conte! Non-Mute [Muto Non-Mute [008 P37 | 45 | 1 | BELLS: Bol, CPC Iw ~-~ | Non-Bell.Line Break Bel, Line Make| COS P40 | 48 | 0 | DAY: Day Mode LED Conta Lights-Out [Lighting Lights-Out P4i_| 47 | © [DL2: Line Close, Dial Transmission [Break Make Broak (coe. P42 | 48_| 0 |OF2:C0 Amp Confeence Conference _|Non-Conterence | Conference | 02 4a | 48_| 0 |HO2: CO Amp Hold on Music Conta! | Transmission | Non-Transmission | Transmission [62 aa | 60 | © |SH2: CO Amp Shunt Control Shunt Non-Shunt Shunt 02 P45 | 51 | 0” |wT2: CO Amp Mute Control Non Mute [Mute Non-Mute [oo as | 53_| 0 _|BUSY2: Doorphene 2 ONIOf Cantal Of lo low P47 {$4 | 1 [BELL2: Bol CPC input Nor-Bel Line Break Boll Line Make GOS 50_{ 55 | © |NIGHT: Night Mode LED Gontol [Lights-Out [Lighting Lights-Out P51 | 66 | 0 [DLI: Line Close, Dial Transmission [Break Mal Break Cal P52.{_57_ [0 |CFI: CO Amp Conlerenco (Conference —|Nor-Contorence | Conference | Ot 53.| 58 [0 [HOT CO Amp Hold on Musio Conval| Transmission |Non-Transmission [Transmission [O01 ps4 | s9_[ 0. |SHt: CO Amp Shunt Contot Shunt Non-Shunt [Shunt or P55 | 60 | 0 |MT1:CO Amp Mute Control Non-Mute | Mute [Non-Muie Joo P56 [61 | 0 |BUSV1: Doorphone 1 ON/OM Gonirall Off On lott ps7 | 62 | 1 [BELLI Bel OPC Input Non-Bali Line Break Bel Line Make [OO ADJUSTMENTS MOSCILLATION PERIOD ADJUSTMENT Perform the following adjustment after replacing IC109, 1. Connect the AC cord to the AC power source. 2. Sot the power switch to ON. 3. Connect the lead wire. (See Fig, 12) (Atter adjustment, remove the lead wire.) Noose Push the reset switch, Connect the frequency counter. (See Fig. 11) Set the frequency counter to PERIOD, Adjust VC100 for a reading of ( \ ) msec on the frequency counter. Fee TeeCe | Porodvate msec) | Reemtemperatefor | prog value see) tetas 1.624049 (20.0007) 20-208 1.624080 (£00001) 15150 1.824998 (2000001) ai-219 18628876 (2000001) 16~16.9 15.624922 (+0.00001) 22~27.9 15.624870 (+0.00001) wars 1.624910 (2000001) 20-288 1.624876 (2000001) 18-189 16624099 (£0.00001) 29-299 15624880 (+0.0000%) [~ 19~19.9 15.624888 (+0.00001) MAIN BOARD Fig. 14 Froquency Counter | BLOCK DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM eiaae 207A por A i i Nat bs | 2 9y)88 aag2ASW wet hg GATE ARRAY wy 1C113 swt aye ra r an Lr, mu ULL é ne 1 ra : ° nt ns 10 $25 [ze03 oy roi } roe mil owe rast our_| Genenaron 4 20 $ a A af BD awe ae |e i ae a 1 les = 1S Bis ora, i fact anit oer | |eake to I cm Celis esr] reste * 20h — L Fy, gD rm 98. 02 igs] RECEIVE aslero feo pera 82 a e101 a feat fess, , phe. acs @ fete Ce wv EXT 3, 26y x prorecror 4} oem OTM 2] ha “ 00 rei2s~1c130 CROSS POINT swiTCH 91 ty reue1i A) vio "Fyre + 2, 2 one oa mo) Sa -& S 7 Ta PROTECTOR isese: 7 | en B20HZ carci) ars oie | ctate2 cre ree 5 eee rg rue Sub * Recewen $—a)ss_ te eit lta BRK | aie Cette} ti ater rn inte weet} Sm TT f Sm] om oye T__tiog ee higyee amo [ise tt89 om + + ov | ral ons RSS ee Rsk aFS6 oe aust RET Notes: 1 2 2 4 'SW1: Power switch 'SW100; sot switch. 'SW10%: System progcam switch in "PROGRAM" positon, (DC vottage measurements are taken wih elactronc valtmeter and osciloscope from ground tne. ower Sich ON cndton ) Sotape Vas v “This schematic diagram may be modiieg a anytime wth the evelopment of new technology. 8022 C912 ps0 how et 0300 pu ve t ao. i ToD Boeke | 6f-———— Important safety notice ‘The shaded area on this schematic diagram incorporates ‘special features important for protection from fro. ard ‘lctrical shock hazards, When servicing its essential that ‘only manutacturer’s specitied pats be used forthe critical Components in the shaded areas of the schematic cae MBP tod a BT pe20 TONE GENERATOR LR EXT RST on ote ors ceases _ GATE ARRAY 10 Pst 3 0 RES RO|WR ORLY 5 0 tna RELAY DRIVER 7 8 0 LB RTO oo bs eT ee Fl ? p 67 we 68 ee vss. 63 -—f 017 62 [x2 ore 1 PEL ors 60 or so ore 57 | RS} ort 55 Ab o10 ss ix 54 rst sa Lele vss 52 Ly po st Ts or so Hee oes 49 HL es ae {THE pp 47 OS) os as {188 pez 4s (Te ot 44 2 Deo 43 vss «2 sea fi hao 088s | 7 ee protector | 8 5 current source | . 3 Be 8 2 008 yen | 3308 | 2227 Dso4n : 7 rer] 93008 —— ar ner om I oon aoe 1 sov2.2 £30880) a ne ! HI “ae Bay peroe - | current 1! = source —Y | z reson |S Be + | —4—_I * sw) EXTIL e028 sor | | 0 over Loh sete REGULATOR [oetectde | ra Raen22% 22 eA tpt rn Sl ffi a | filam i I t es | a exni7 | tc | a | ee ee M BS SS SS SS I a= t= ® “ tf om I | ! Sih 1 q] | ill = mr t exrie | cs aq tt | 7] T a It TT + | aw |] cre (@ @ ti Eo WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM IC BLOCK DIAGRAM C100 PQVIHE3B03xP agaggazazas IC103 PQVIHM6264LA, ro Ic104 PavITc7H139P “pelo pele 3s 5 bs wa Fs 8 Aa. m4 Ais m5 bti2 ve 6 bt % pi]s0 eno 8 pis Ic103_ PaVIMS6242BS sori] [i] ve es [2] [ax nel] [xr no] [Bless ol Fa]oo aoe [los asf] fa) oe wo [a] [ios ovo] [ialwn [114,115 PQVIMT8870BC 2 e0 e@eo00 weed wove mcd vb >ser os wDest vere wDso es wae ods son oso veDoe oscefe nBvor vee oP toe Ic903 PaviBU3140 IC125~130 _PQviM4o2t01P TERMINAL GUIDE OF IC’S, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES 5 . fe \ “Le Ee f 132 s PQVITC7HOMP Pawiwnor 8c vrais awrewrer | Powpowooave pavisssosxe PovsoaiorP 5 | 7 a 5 v f oF ze 04 oa tH € i “4 ay r V : PQVIHM6264LA. 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Tre Smarts service stundad pars ard may tere pasion | lictoa fre usee vars cica—ravimeasetx. fic feild J RESistons a capacrtons feiss fravrentiaae fic s} 3 Use obemie spaced feies — fravroworiee fic s| 3 ‘ess ae ne) 4000. 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Als | |rsosa-soet|enorersio: — |120 8 20 frao2n sooufenoieTuro: 100 8 2nza.2028]eRoreTsroe | 00K Al 3. | [rowraroifenoiereze — |zzx 8 2020 rarsasisHfenoistuer2 — [are 8 r20sa.20an}enorerser [47x | a. | |aoiensr2nfenorerunns — fos 8 2030 rasexsianferosewie2 |e 8 2o4a.20ea}erorevssrs | se A) a | |p208-220H) ponoatsi02 = fax 8 pc asso so0h|enoieTu221 [220 6 208A 2080] Nor Used jroo enorewueze — fazx 1 r2oca.2ce8}eRorsturos —|s0« A} 9 | rosiase Jenorsrios — rae 2 60 jroo Jenosetusce | sex 1 rzcraz07a}enoetuu7e — |4.7e | 2 | Jrsoosor Jenoreckeriss [rise 3 2070 02 2cea 2088 |eRoastusco [0 4.5} 3 | |ns0s:0 Jenoreckrssns |aoo 8 ec rsissi2 [enosscxreay ene 3 izosa.2000]eroseTsrc2 | s | | sis ‘280 siesax fenorscxesior | 11% ‘ 2ioa.2v0B|eROrer103 soe a | |rszzsea |enoreckers: |isk 2 210C Rec0.01 feRDrstsio4 | 00x 3 ReraznBlenosersse — fase 3 | | soe zie) sca Jenosevssoe | 2204 1 Rav2a2reelenorersize | ra« 2 | [rove — fenoserurze | 204 1 Eo 005-011 |Not Uses rotsa2isalenorersss2 | sx 9 | |rorzsia femorersios sam 3 200 oe ovazvealenoierurs — [470 3 | |rossore |nocuses uc roo feroversias | aK 1 acisazise|enorersrze — |. 2 | Jrozo — femorersion | soe 1 2180 ree: fenpsetses | sex 1 JrereAzr66|eRorecKr i003 |100« 6 | fro — fenorersioz | 1 21602178 rea fenosetuzzs zx 1 2iezire reve lenpsewwars fam 4 RavoA.2165|eRorecKFa000 | 200% | ros — ferorsvssar | e00 1 "210C219A, res Jerosewuies fro 1 “7198-2190 free? JeroseTures |x 1 22042208 jasee = Jerosetuios fax 1 2200) azo [enDieTu27e §— 270% 1 Raarazeralenorersize — |rz% 9 | Jrso — fenoseriaxe [raw 1 22102228 gst fenovervase | 30K 1 pe28.2220, froszess |enorsrsa72 are 2 asa 2088 rooeaas fenorersse2 — [aa 2 ze sso fenoservors © fame 1 z2ua.z2e0]enorersar: [470 6 | [rest — fenorerso0s — |sae 1 "2240.2254 reco feroserwe7s © |zm 1 2258 2250 2zea.z268|eRorersrz2 |. a 280 jorners) R2z7az27a|enovecei00s | s0%« 6 | Jer: — fpaunoaz sack, sera! Music 1 2210,228A\ e102 frowiaiz sac, Paging 1 288,228, e100 faunraay §—usexconaiia.mana, uc) A] 3 R2zaa.2290]eRovecxF9009 | 00 2 | feroe — frawrrarez | nok. Staton Moan arent | 8 zee e108 fpcvpraousz | Comecor Pug, 14° (ONT) 1 230A.2300] Not Used 108d pcweoraz connector Pup, 2° 1 osvazeralenoietu7a [47% 6 | Jeror — fraupanrez | comnacor Pug 4 (ONS) 1 BIO Z82A Jews | raserasz Connector Pup, 7° (CNS) 1 “zav8.2020 feron | poureoaz Connector Plug, BP (CNA) 1 Jero___|pavraoaz [Connector Plug, 3P (CNS) 1 a Pa Par Ne Dap — | PS Ter TT aa PORE FE GUATOR DOBRO PARTE rm = at fenoserasaz ak 1 promo ||: iene assy (ta) ra fenorersare ae 1 Re rovers faa 1 Rs erovers22 |. 1 ) 6 emprersi02 |e : re arate ts 1 | Jar enprerse72, are 1 ee net Usee ne eRorervccs 2am 1 ic3 anreneze fi 1 | Jroro — Jerorerassa Jeo 2 ics fotused ais.t2, |poroavuer — 27 2 ics pavirorcssuc ic + | fase eroversion |e ' iors daNvewnse ie 2 | frre Nex uses Ris fenorersar1 470 : rie fenorerva72—|a.7e 1 irmasistons) v7 lenoreriezs zm 1 lor asor27s Transistor ($) + | frre lenoversara arm + loo 250897 ransstor (8) a | Jaro fenoverssa2 |i 1 Joo psos40s Franc (i) 1 | |rao fenoservez lax 1 lons ——fascaoan rans (8) 2 | |rot lenoserso7e | 270% 1 os ravers Hanes (S) + | Jazzeaze Not used Jared asoraos Trani: (8) 2 | |raszs enorerver2 lam 2 loos0 forcteea arse) 2 | |rerze fenoserizes [em 2 rao20 porownra = faa 2 av ororatuse: [100 + (e100) os povozessss [ode 1 be pavoms: | ede) ‘ JoTHERS) ose fsas-200 Dice) 2 | fe raarcrsnurco ]Fuse (F2F3) 2 Ds Notuses 2 Paupso0z | camector Pg, sP(CN) 1 be. arose Dios) + | fe Paupspsez | connacor Plug, SP(CN2), 1 Dr 200 Diode + | Jee Poupspr2 Connector Pug, 5P (ONS) : be Not uses es Pausria0z | conectorSocet,7P(weee) | + De.t0.11 | sAss:200 Dido 3 ) Dre cost Diode) a | fee passeiscz | Comector Socket, aP wees) | + bra ancos2 Diode i 1 9 res | sRas-200 Diss) 2 | |e Pavsais2z | Comecter Socket, 3° (8) 1 ove Not sea los sR95-200 Die) 1 ove aot Diode 1 TEDEOROPARTS ove 185131 soe) 1 [Fees prenirranaron CeO rc BaaaTeay I —]—T cretavy uyy | pastso oy 1 (100s) loa |unzzon teD 1 loa: |nszoven LED 1 icaPacirons) foe02 | unazocPe Leo 1 los feecworrioazn | s00000 1 Ice otUsea los fecerasszzesw [2200 1 orHens) ce Jecevsoseezsw e500 + | }esco — |ravsansiz | connecter Sacer, sPwitsagy | 1 lor ecerass2zzsw |2200 1 =) lca feceanwuror {300 3 | Jeo frcrnaoaz Spacer LED 1 co eceawuer: — |470 : lero Net Uses lors eceaseuro: — {100 1 ere NetUses era eceateuss: 220 1 oF eceasHUica — |10 1 cis. JeckowoaKa Joos 2 los? eceaiauzz2 — {220 1 cre eceasnuico — |10 1 crs EcExzaNI00 — |x0 1 \c20 Notused oz eceatmuror | 100 1 7 TST Fan Nana a Dassen] Pe POWER SUPPLY PARTS [PO TTS Paar S Toa RTE wiry cs01,c602,0504,ce05, 2NREGD, (600, £609, E604 ad E608) (caractrors) Jce0:.502 JecKoxozz_s foam As| 2 Jce0s.50s Jecauraeranm —Joosr al? ivaniston) Jznncoo Jenzcrenxear |Vvaristr alt iswrcry swr—festisroev | switer, Power |e (TRANSFORMERS) fr patrsmawsn — Power Transtormer Ale re poctskowia — |pet Tanstrmer 1 icon sc decks: coi rs omens) eso rawarerem — |PamarcordAssemiy =P 4 esr pauvaey Power Box Cover 1 iesox | pouvary Power Box 1 esos ecurroxz Connector Pup, 70 + esos Jrcussis0z —_—| connector Socket, 7P (wind) 3 oy esos pomouorz2z Brack, Power Box 1 eco | xpazrisnue — ruse als lecor—Jraareierz abet +

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