HESC 450 Syllabus - Spring 2015 Online Accessibility

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HESC-GERO 450 Applied Health Promotion in Aging Populations
3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Upper division status.


General Information
Class Meeting:
Dominick Sturz, DrPH, MPH, CHES
Office & Hours:
Via Ask the Instructor discussion forum, or as arranged via
Sensitive matters (only) should be sent via email. I generally
respond by the next day and for emails sent to me over the
weekend, I generally respond on Monday.


Catalogue Course Description

Promotion and risk reduction program content, development, implementation, and
evaluation for aging populations. Topics include weight control, stress
management, chronic medical condition prevention/ management, physical
fitness, and accident prevention.


Minimum Technical Requirements and Competencies

To fully participate in this course, you will need to have and successfully operate a
computer system that meets the following minimum technical specifications. The latest
version of the software listed will be used.
Operating System: Windows 7 or higher, Macintosh OSX or higher
Processor: 2 GHz Core Duo or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB of RAM or higher
Plug-ins: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Flash Player, Java, Apple Quick Time
Browser: Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 24 (Macintosh Firefox
5 or higher)
Software: Microsoft Office 2007 (Office 2010 or higher preferred)
E-mail Account: Must be able to send/receive attachments up to 5 Mb in size
Internet Connection: You are required to have a dependable connection to the
Internet. The speed and reliability of your connection will directly influence your
learning experience and ability to complete exams.


Required Textbook
Haber, D. (2013). Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Health
Professionals- 6th edition ISBN 978-0-8261-9917-1


Instructional Objectives
By the conclusion of this course, each student should be able to:
1. Apply theoretical and conceptual models of health-related behavior, health
promotion, and illness prevention to individuals, families, and groups for older
2. Distinguish between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being in later
3. Assess intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors that relate to health promotion and illness
4. Develop health promotion and/or clinical preventive care programs for individuals
and groups of older adults from diverse ethnic and sociocultural backgrounds.
5. Examine empirical basis for selected complementary (non-pharmacological)
6. Compare and contrast health status indices for cross-cultural aging populations.
7. Designate outcome measures appropriate for selected health promotion programs.

Learning Objectives (Applicable Department Learning Objectives in Bold)

By the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Identify and explain risk factors, health concerns, lifestyle issues and health
behaviors relevant to older adults. (examinations)
2. Identify and access evidence based information sources relevant to specific health
issues. (discussion board/written assignments research)
3. Analyze statistical, epidemiological and qualitative data to promote population
health. (text readings and lectures, wellness dimension paper)
4. Analyze ethical issues that arise in the field of health science and public health.
(text readings and lectures)
5. Describe, analyze and report health behaviors and practices to promote health and
prevent disease for older adults. (visitation report, wellness dimension paper)
6. Identify, discuss and illustrate major cross-cultural perspectives, processes and
dynamics of change relevant to health promotion and healthy aging. (discussion
7. Make effective oral presentations taking into account diverse stakeholders.
(visitation report)
8. Write effectively taking purpose and audience into account. (discussion boards,
visitation report, wellness dimension paper)

Process Objectives
To accomplish the instructional and learning objectives, the teaching styles used in this
course include lectures, discussions, web-based assignments, and experiential learning.
Specific process objectives include:

1. Extend learning beyond the classroom by observing and analyzing health behavior,
and by implementing health promotion activities in the community;
2. Provide cooperative learning opportunities for students to participate in interactive
and dynamic classroom activities;
3. Utilize discussion board topics to allow exposure to different opinions and help
students develop appreciation for perspectives and experiences of all students
4. Provide opportunities for students to improve computer technology skills related to
health promotion through web assignments and working in the wellness resource
Course Outcome Assessment Measures
1. Self-expression and material contribution during course
2. Preparation, participation and timely submission of course assignments and exams
3. Completed website/video reviews (if assigned)
4. Completed individual project (if assigned): Wellness Dimension report (Graduate
studentsWritten & analytical); Health Promotion Visitation report
(UndergraduateExperiential and written)
5. Exam 1, 2, and 3 based on course content and information presented in course
*MPH Students Only: See last page for course competencies for MPH program.

Course Information
All course materials will be presented online. In case of technical problems with
Titanium, please contact the Help Desk at (714) 278-7777.


Instructor Responsibilities
Email/Online: I will review office hour forum/e-mail messages Tues, Wed, and Thurs.
It is more likely that I will review them each day; however, you cannot depend on this.
Consequently, plan your time accordingly.
Grading: Online assignments will be generally be graded and returned within one
week after being submitted.
Other: I will notify students of any changes in the course, provide specific details of
on-line reading assignments, provide additional resources and information as they
become available, and provide specific instructions for submitting projects.


Student Responsibilities
Unfortunately, many students have been taking online courses even though they are
not particularly adept at using computers or Titanium. This creates a great deal of
frustration and problems for both the students and me. It is not my responsibility, nor
the responsibility of Distance Education staff, to teach you how to use Titanium as part
of this course.

If this is your first time taking an online class at Cal State Fullerton, you need to
complete the "Titanium Training from Lynda.com". To access this tutorial go to
your student portal and click on the Titanium link. Follow these steps:

Click the lynda.com tab in your student portal.

Click the Login to: lynda.com button.

Log in with your portal username and password.

In the search box on the top right of the page enter moodle 2 students.

Click the course named Moodle 2 Essential Training for Students.

1. Your e-mail will be sent to the address registered on Titanium, it is your
responsibility to check this regularly. If you need help, see Titanium Training from
Lynda.com Tutorial. It would be a good idea to verify your Titanium email address
at this time.
2. You must gain access to your e-mail by going to CSUF home page and
logging on to the Internet Portal.
You are expected to check your e-mail at least twice a week. If you have
an email account which limits the size of your in-box, it is not my responsibility to
re-send any returned emails.
If it is not clear from your email address who you are, please provide your full
name so I may respond appropriately.
Utilize the Ask the Instructor discussion forum for any questions, problems, or
suggestions. I will generally respond within 48 hours.
Inform me within the first week of class if you have any specific disabilities that
need to be addressed.
Review your graded exams and projects, as well as your cumulative grade. If
you believe your score is in error, or you would like to dispute your score, you have
one week from the time the grade has been posted to notify me. After that time, the
grade stands.
Each student is expected to be an active member of the assigned on-line
discussions. Those who are not will have points deducted from their overall grade.
It is expected that each student will access the course web site a minimum of
two times a week. This is tracked and failure to abide will affect your overall grade.
Work Submission:
1. Please refer to the Titanium site for assignments and how to submit them.
2. Make sure that your assignment has been fully submitted in Titanium.

3. In the event of technical problems, I will arrange for alternative submission

procedures and activities.
4. Student work may be authenticated by the instructor using an online verification
Pollak Library Guidelines for Online Instruction Students:
Online Instruction guidelines for students can be accessed belowhttp://www.library.fullerton.edu/ASP/libtemplate.aspx?

Netiquette refers to a set of behaviors that are appropriate for online activity, especially
with e-mail and threaded discussions. The core rules of netiquette can be found at
http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html. Please read these rules to ensure that
you are familiar with what will be the expected online behavior for this course. You are
expected to follow all rules; however, please note that rules 5, 7, and 10 are frequently
violated by students. Make sure you carefully review these rules as they will reflect on
your grade. Violation of the rules may also results in delays of email responses.
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating on examinations or
assignments, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, falsification/fabrication of
university documents, any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the
student (such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written
assignment for two courses without the prior permission of the instructor), assisting or
allowing any of these acts, or the attempt to commit such acts. Students are expected to
adhere to the university guidelines regarding academic dishonesty, which is strictly
enforced. Please refer to the university policy UPS 300.021 for a full description. A
copy of this policy can be found at the following Web sites:
Disability Support Services:
Please inform the instructor during the first week of class about any disability or special
needs that you have that may require specific arrangements. According to the California
State University Policy, students with disabilities have the right to receive specific
accommodations, though documentation at the Disability Support Services Office is
required. http://www.fullerton.edu/DSS/index.htm


Actions Students Should Take in case of an Emergency (earthquake, fire,

The safety of all students attending California State University Fullerton is of
paramount importance. During an emergency, it is necessary for students to have a
basic understanding of their personnel responsibilities and the Universitys emergency
response procedures. In the event of an emergency please adhere to the following
guidelines: Refer to the following website:


Course Requirements/Makeup Policy

Makeup Policy: All students are required to take the examinations on the scheduled
dates and times. Only under exceptional circumstances may a student make up an
exam, and then only if the instructor is notified in advance. Any exams or assignments
missed will result in a zero if make-up is not approved prior.


Exams, class discussions/activities, and assignments will be used for evaluation
purposes. Plus/minus grading will be used in this class. No extra credit will be
offered. There is no curve for this course. No late assignments/exams will be
accepted unless pre-arranged and under exceptional circumstances.
A description of each of these assignments will be posted in Titanium along with the
due date. Participation is a key component of this course. It is expected that you will
be an active member of the discussions. You will be asked to contribute original
responses to the discussions and respond to those made by others in the class. Online
participation will be tracked.
A description of each assignment is provided near the end of the syllabus
Be respectful of yourself, your needs, your colleagues, and your instructor. Be
prepared to discuss the materials and information in the text. Do not fall behind in
your reading. To do so will seriously alter your understanding, integration, and
application of the material. If you choose not to read the information, it will
negatively affect your overall grade in the class. The exams are based on your
ability to integrate and apply the information that you have learned. Be willing and
prepared to discuss your views and opinions about community health.

Criteria for evaluation include:


Test #1
Test #2
Test #3 not comprehensive
Discussion Board Forums
Health promotion visitation paper
Wellness Dimension paper


All students
All students
All students
All students
Undergraduates only
Graduates only

Grading Criteria: Each assignment and exam grade is calculated, and then
translated into weighted category percentages (i.e. not simple point totals) to
form an overall course grade. A plus/minus grading scale will be used. Extra
credit is NOT available. Late assignments/exams will not be accepted.





*A 2.0 or better GPA is required to satisfy certain General Education and

Major requirements, as well as the upper-division writing requirement.


Table 1 Spring Schedule


Week 1-2
1/20 - 2/1


& Slides

Discussion Board

and Exams

Introduction to
Health Promotion &
Successful Aging


Discussion due at
11:59 PM on 1/28
(replies due on

Update your
Titanium profile;
also, add a
picture of
yourself, or
something that
represents you.
Due 1/25

Ch. 1

Week 3-4
2/2 2/15

Clinical Preventive
Health Educators:

Ch. 2-3

Communication, and
Behavior Change

Week 5-6


2/16 - 3/1

Nutrition and Weight


Week 7-8

Complementary &
Alternative Medicine

3/2 - 3/15

Mental Health

3/17 - 3/29

Community Health

Week 11, 3/30 4/5

4/6 - 4/19

Health Behavior
Discussion due at
11:59 on 2/25
(replies due on

Exam 1 (Ch. 14) must be

between 6 AM
on 2/19 and
11:59 PM on

Ch. 6-7

Selected Health

Week 9-10

Week 12-13

Ch. 4-5

Ch. 8-9

Exam 2 (Ch. 58) must be

between 6 AM
on 3/19 and
11:59 PM on


Support, Long-term
Care and End-of-Life

Ch. 1011


Week 14-15

Public Health Policy

4/20 5/3

A Glimpse into the

Future and a Look

Ch. 1213

Social Support
Discussion due at
11:59 on 4/8
(replies due on

Reviews or
Dimensions of
Reviews due 5/1
at 11:59 PM

Exam 3 (Ch. 913) must be

between 6 AM
on 5/7 and
11:59 PM on 5/8

Week 16
5/4 - 5/8

Exam 3 must be completed between 6 AM on 5/7 and 11:59 PM on 5/8

HESC/GERO 450: Exams and Assignments

Exams: (3)
1. There will be three (3) exams. Exam #3 is not comprehensive. The questions will
be taken from the course readings, discussion board forums, and from the online
materials/websites. Each exam is worth 20% of your grade.
2. Exam dates are posted in the Weekly Schedule. The dates and times are firm and no
make-ups will be given unless pre-arranged and under exceptional circumstance.

Discussion Board Forums: (3)
Discussion Boards are worth five (5) points each, for 20% of your course grade.

There will be three discussion board forums. Specific directions and due
dates will be provided in Titanium. (Additional discussions may be added at
instructors discretion.)


The role of the discussion board is for student-to-student discussions, not

discussion with your Instructor. My role is to monitor and grade discussions.


Lack of full participation will result in points being deducted from your overall
grade. You must post a response to the question addressed in each forum as well as
reply to the appropriate number of students original posts in order to receive the
full 5-point credit. These posts should add substance to the conversation and clearly
reference information from course readings/lectures. This is a minimum
requirement. You may reply to more students original posts than is required, and
are encouraged to do so as it lends itself to the intellectual stimulation that is

possible with online discussions. Postings or comments that only offer me too or
I agree, repeat others previous comments, or lack proper substance will not be
counted toward your participation in the discussion forums.
4. Grading will be as follows:
*5 points: adds substantially to the discussion and includes a clear reference to
information from the course readings/lectures, meets classmate reply requirements
*4-3 points: does not substantially add to the discussion, or no reference to other
materials, or does not meet classmate reply requirements
*2-1 points: entry made but vague or not quite meeting the criteria, or does not meet
classmate reply requirements
*0 points: I agree or Me too entry, or no entry


Health Promotion Visitation Paper (20% of grade)
1. Visit ONE facility offering community health promotion programs for older adults.
Examples include senior centers, outpatient hospital wellness programs, community
centers. In-patient facilities, skilled nursing, assisted living, hospice, etc. are not
appropriate for this visitation.
2. Health classes include such things as nutrition, exercise, medication management, fall
prevention, diabetes management, brain fitness.
3. Part of the assignment is locating health classes for older adults within the community;
therefore, the visit should not be at a place you are working or interning.
4. Be sure to contact the facility by phone/email to set-up an appointment and get
approval to visit the class/program
Paper Format:
There is no page requirement for your paper- just make sure to answer questions in detail. FYI,
detail is more than three or four sentences per question answered (where appropriate). Answers
that lack sufficient descriptions will result in lower scores. 12 pt. font, double-spaced and .doc
or .docx files are required. Please clearly note each section of the required content or use a
heading. There are samples posted on Titanium under the resources folder.
Place the following information on the FIRST PAGE of your paper
YOUR NAME and Course title: HESC/GERO 450
Name of Health Promotion Class you visited and type of class
Name of person leading the class during your visit
Address of facility, telephone # & email of facility
Content Information:
Complete the following questions in detail:
1. Describe the purpose of the class.
2. Describe the objectives of the class.

3. Describe the major health components covered in the program/class.

4. Describe activities and information covered in the class.
5. Does the health promotion class have patient/participant outcome measures? If yes,
what does it involve? If no, why do you think that is?
6. Does the class/program provide participant evaluations? Why or why not?
7. What is the cost of the class? Is the cost appropriate? Why or why not?
8. What are the credentials of the program director or class instructor?
9. Would you recommend this class for older adults? Why or Why not?
10. Other thoughts/comments.
Evaluation: Total of 20 pts. Possible: 20% of grade
1. First Page Content
(3 pts)
2. Content Information (14 pts)
3. Grammar, formatting (APA preferred) (3 pts) (more may be lost for poor performance)
4. Submit your work via Titanium.


Wellness Dimension Paper (20% of Grade)
1. Select four (4) of the following seven (7) wellness dimensions (emotional,
environmental, vocational, physical, spiritual, intellectual, and social).
2. Provide a detailed description, and review, of each of the four (4) selected wellness
dimensions citing from a minimum of five (5) articles (between 2009-2015). The
individual articles do not need to be inclusive of all four (4) dimensions you choose.
3. Describe at least five (5) specific ways/activities that can be used to incorporate your
selected wellness dimensions into a senior living community to enhance quality of life.
4. Resources: Identify a least five (5) different resources where an older adult can go for
additional information about EACH of the four (4) selected wellness dimensions
(twenty (20) total), including such things as websites, community programs/classes,
books, videos, etc.
*We live in a multi-cultural environment. When possible, provide resources in different
5. Use American Psychological Association format for citing all references. Students are
encouraged to purchase the APA Publication Manual -- it will be useful when you
produce manuscripts for other courses, and your thesis.
6. If you are unfamiliar with APA 6th format, you may refer to the following web-link for
help. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/1/

7. Locate and observe one health promotion class for older adults in the community that
reflects at least one (1) of the dimensions of wellness you have selected. Be sure to call
ahead of time to get permission to visit the class. Provide the following information:

Name of Health Promotion Class you visited

Name of person leading the class during your visit and their qualifications
Type of class and description of activities
A short description of the wellness dimension you chose and how this visitation
fits within
e. Would you recommend the class for older adults: Why or Why not.

Evaluation: Total of 20 pts. Possible: 20% of grade

1. Description of wellness dimensions, methods/activities (14 pts)
2. Resources and Class Visitation (3 pts)
5. Grammar, APA format (3 pts) (more may be lost for poor performance)
3. Submit work via Titanium

MPH Student Competencies

The following competencies will be learned as a result of taking this class:
Table 2 MPH Student Competencies


Class Assignment

6.3 Apply the principles of communitybased participatory research to improve

health in diverse populations.
6.5 Cite examples of situations where
consideration of culture-specific needs
resulted in a more effective modification or
adaptation of a health intervention.
7.5 Demonstrate team building,
negotiation, and conflict management
7.4. Engage in dialogue and learning from
others to advance public health goals.
7.6 Use collaborative methods for
achieving organizational and community
health goals.
8.5 Distinguish between population and
individual ethical considerations in relation
to the benefits, costs, and burdens of public
health programs.
9.2 Explain how the findings of a program
evaluation can be used.
9.5 In collaboration with others, prioritize

Wellness Dimension Paper

Written assignments; examinations

Written assignments
Discussions/activities; written assignments
Discussions/activities; written assignments
Written assignments; examinations

Written assignments; examinations

Discussion board/activities

individual, organizational, and community

concerns and resources for public health
12.1 Providing direct services to older
12.2 Planning and managing health and
social service programs
12.3 Advocating the need for services,
resources, and health policies for older
12.4 Evaluating community programs for
the elderly

Wellness Dimension Paper

Written assignments
Wellness Dimension Paper; written
assignments; examinations

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