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One more year. One again dumped into the February dustbin of unfulfilled New
Years resolutions. This year I will definitely improve my English. I will go for it with
determination and tenacity. No procrastination. You are stuck in a rut of realising how
crucial and essential fluency in a modern foreign language is for college students, yet
incapable of setting to the arduous task. Nobody said that polishing or building up the
primary scaffolding of a linguistic knowledge was childs play.
Owing to the uncertain time the labour market is going through as a result of the
present financial crisis, we need to make the most of our college years to stock up
knowledge, professional techniques and social abilities so as not to be left behind in the
race towards employability.
Language diplomas and certificates are valuable assets to back up your
academic training and enhance your C.V. Besides, languages are communication tools
and, as such, we are to gain fluency/accuracy/proficiency in their use, with an emphasis
on oral and aural skills. But how?. Is it enough to enrol in the modules taught in
English? To get to the core of a matter, go to its source. Native speakers, not videochats
or Skype forums on Game of Thrones.
If your scholarship or student loan does not leave much surplus to attend
summer language schools abroad, put your mind at rest. Language comes over to you.
Planeloads, trainloads. Every year. English speaking students, as part of Erasmus or any
other exchange programmes. It is just a matter of a bit of P.R. talents.
It is not enough to talk occasionally to the blond guy at the back row in World
History I. Go to the International Relations Office at college. They need volunteers to
show the new students around town, help them through the registration procedures
( college health service, fees, modules) or find an apartment.
Once you are done with the paperwork and house hunting, go for a beer. There is
no secret to it. It has proved to be the most reliable and effective way to thrive in a
language since the old days of penpals. A walking dictionary. You may have to speak in
Spanish at times in exchange, but still. Human relationships grow communicative
exchanges. Certainly you will pick up bits and pieces from your conversations and
whatsapp messages . Spend leisure time with them. Plan weekend day trips to
picturesque spots in the area, invite them to join your sports teams or DIY lessons. They
are alone and away, eager to fit in, to belong in a group.
Not only your spoken language will rocket but also they will prove wilful
proofreaders of your assignments for your modules in English. What wouldnt one do for
a friend?

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