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Startup Idea - Public Relations Agency

Don't settle for just doing PR for companies--start your own agency.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Public relations professionals work with media types--magazines and newspaper e
ditors and radio and TV producers--to get their clients' stories in the news. Be
cause there's an awful lot of media hype out there, and there are only so many s
tories the media can--or wants to--cover in an edition, PR people work hard to c
ome up with new angles to attract attention and present their clients in a posit
ive light. Public relations agencies also provide their clients with materials l
ike press kits, annual reports, speeches and brochures--all the tools that go to
ward making that company, celebrity or celebrity-hopeful look good. If you like
exercising your creative abilities, making those mental stretches, and staying o
n top of trends and issues while blowing your clients' horns, then this is the b
usiness for you. The public relations agency's advantages are that you get to us
e that creativity to the max, you're always on your mental toes, and you deal wi
th a variety of interesting people all day. And you can work from your home. A d
egree or certificate in public relations is a plus but not an absolute necessity
. You'll need top-notch written and verbal skills--you'll have to write catchy,
pertinent press releases and stories for magazines and newspapers as well as be
able to convince editors and producers to use your material instead of somebody
else's. You should be familiar with the types of stories various publications an
d TV programs (from the local news to those late-night talk shows) are looking f
or and the deadlines they work under, and you'll need the confidence to deal wit
h all these stressed-out types on their own terms.
The Market
Your clients can be just about any business, professional individual or celebri
ty you care to go after--including nonprofit organizations and government entiti
es. As a newbie, you might want to specialize in certain types of businesses or
professions, say doctors, writers, bioengineering firms or trendy software compa
nies. And of course, companies in the industries you already know are always pro
mising prospects. The best way to nab new clients is by networking and through p
ersonal contacts. Call in favors from everybody you know in any related fields.
Start your own public relations campaign by direct-mailing brochures to prospect
s. Volunteer yourself as a guest on a local radio chat show.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer system with the usual office software, a laser printer,
a color printer, a scanner and a fax machine.
Related Business Ideas
Seminar Promoter
Online Advertising Consultant
Promotional Wear
Internet Marketing Consultant
Hoarding Advertising Service

Human Billboards
Public Relations Agency
Window Displays
Advertising Broker
Indoor and Outdoor Specialty Advertising
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Site-Sign Installation Service

Help other businesses with advertising opps where they're working.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000

Business Overview
Here is a terrific business to start and operate in conjunction with a door han
ger service. Company site signs are temporally installed in front of a customer'
s home telling people in the neighborhood who the company is that is performing
work, as well as what business they are in and how to contact the company. Most
construction, renovation, and home service companies realize the value of instal
ling site signs. However, time restrictions usually mean the sign never gets ins
talled. Thus, the free advertising benefits never get realized. This is a wise c
hoice for a new business venture especially when combined with a door hanger ser
vice, as clients will get a double whammy for their advertising buck.
Related Business Ideas
Solar Tube Installations
Marketing Brochures
Record Storage
Package Design Service
Red Carpet Service
Resume Writer
Mailing Service
Virtual Human Resources Consultant
Business Form Templates
Mystery Shopper

Startup Idea - Personal Assistant

Busy executives and business owners can use your help with everything from answe
ring phones to purchasing gifts.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Independent personal assistant services are becoming extremely popular and wide
ly utilized by business owners and corporate executives that occasionally have a
need for a personal assistant, but not on a full-time basis. Duties performed b
y a personal assistant include everything from booking appointments to returning
telephone calls and, in some cases, even picking up dry cleaning. Additionally,
most personal assistants are required to have computer skills as well as their
own computer equipment and often travel is required to accompany the client to t
rade shows, business functions, and out-of-town business appointments.
Related Business Ideas
Holiday E-Mail Service
Retired Presidents Service
Business Consultant
Site Sign Installation Service
Mailing Service
Package Design Service
Temporary Help Agency
Solar Tube Installations
Inventory Service
Marketing Consultant

Startup Idea - Association Manager

Handle the management tasks that association members don't have time to tackle.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Many clubs, associations and organizations simply do not have the time, money o
r people-power to manage the day-to-day operations of their enterprise. Needless

to say, a fantastic opportunity exists to provide these small organizations wit

h management services that run the gamut from database management, to membership
recruitment, bookkeeping, writing and publishing association newsletters, shipp
ing and receiving, and providing meeting space. Associations can include nonprof
it groups, sports clubs, entertainment clubs, charity groups, social clubs, unio
n associations and community associations. The best way to market association ma
nagement services is to compile a list of all the clubs and associations in your
community, regardless of size, create a complete package detailing all services
you provide, set appointments, and present your services to each. Generally you
will find that some of the associations and clubs you contact will want to try
out one or more of the services you provide, while others will elect to jump at
all the services you offer, especially membership recruitment. There are a few r
equirements to get started: you will need great organizational skills, strong ma
rketing skills, administration and management skills, and a fully equipped offic
Related Business Ideas
Record Storage
Prospecting Agent
Resume Writer
Corporate Videos
Home Office Planner
1-800 Telephone Call Center
Site-Sign Installation Service
Community Delivery Service
Freight Broker
Personal Organizer
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Book Indexing Service

Are you a master organizer? Try book indexing.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000


Business Overview
When you dip into a nonfiction book, hunting for a particular piece of informat
ion, your first stop is the index at the back. There's everything neatly organiz
ed, alphabetically by subject matter with the exact page or pages on which to fi
nd that nugget of data. Who puts together that index, tidily chronicling each pa

ge of text? If you love books and snippets of fact, you're detail-oriented and a
stickler for accuracy, it could be you as owner of a book indexing service. The
advantages to this business are that you can start on the proverbial shoestring
, your overhead is minimal, and you get to learn all sorts of interesting things
from books on a wide variety of topics. As a book indexer, you'll need to have
a highly organized, detail-oriented personality--this is a business where nitpic
king is a virtue. You should enjoy books and the written word and be able to put
in long hours hunched over a manuscript without suffering the fidgets.
The Market
Your clients will be editors and publishers of nonfiction books. You can live a
nywhere and work with clients in New York, California or wherever they happen to
be based. The best way to solicit business is to call editors and offer your se
rvices, then follow up with a letter and your business card.
Needed Equipment
All you need to get started are a computer with a laser or inkjet printer, the
usual office software, and a comfortable work space with good lighting.
Related Business Ideas
Commercial Cleaning
Protocol Consultant
Freelance Sales Consultant
Virtual Tours
Mobile Paper Shredding
Trade Show Visitor
Awning Cleaning
Public Opinion Survey Service
Showroom Props
Book Indexing Service
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Referral Service

Help people find businesses that can help them out.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes

Business Overview
If you're the one everybody in your circle calls for help when they're trying t
o find a good doctor, attorney, plumber or cleaning service, and if you love bei
ng on the phone, then a referral service could be the business for you. You can
specialize in one area or several, depending on your preferences and the size of
your town. You might run an attorney referral service, matching callers to spec
ialists in family, real estate or criminal law; a physicians' service matching u
p potential patients with pediatricians, cardiologists and other health-care spe
cialists; or a homeowners' network, referring consumers to plumbers, painters, a
nd cleaning and lawn care services. Keep in mind that most areas have attorney a
nd physician referral services through local bar associations and hospitals--if
you want to compete with these, you'll have to come up with a special niche that
will bring consumers to you. You can also specialize in travel and tours, enter
tainment, apartment rentals, baby-sitters, real estate agents, bridal services-just about any service that people need help with. You can also run your referra
l service online instead of on the phone--or do both. The choice is yours. The a
dvantages to this business are that you get to spend all day on the phone and yo
u get to talk to lots of interesting people. It's a good idea to have some backg
round or experience in the type of referrals you'll specialize in. You'll thorou
ghly screen the businesses on your list, finding out how they work and what they
do best, then checking references so you know you're referring consumers to onl
y the best, which means you'll need good communication and people skills.
The Market
Your customers will be both the businesses on your list and consumers who call
in to get referrals, so you'll conduct your marketing campaign in two stages. Fi
rst, investigate the businesspeople you'd like on your list. If they check out w
ell, send them a sales letter or contact them by phone and explain that you woul
d like to include them in your service. Sell them on the benefits. When you get
a good list of referrals worked up, you'll need to attract consumers' attention
so you can give your businesses their money's worth. The best way to go about th
is is to place prominent ads in the Yellow Pages under each category where peopl
e might look--if you're doing homeowner referrals, for instance, you'll want to
place ads under lawn care, cleaning services, plumbing and the like. You can als
o place service ads in the classified sections of your local paper and post flie
rs where your target consumers will see them. If you're referring baby-sitters,
put them up at kid-oriented areas like karate and dance academies, day-care cent
ers, public libraries and parks. And don't forget churches and supermarkets for
any type of referral service.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer and database software capable of handling all the busine
sses on your list and a two-line phone with a telemarketer-type headset so your
ears don't get sore. If you can't afford a computer for starters, you can get go
ing with a good handwritten list and purchase your electronics later. Of course,
if you're going with an online service, you'll have to have the computer as wel
l as a good Web site.
Related Business Ideas
Notary Public
Book Indexing Service
1-800 Telephone Call Center
Home Office Planner
Record Storage
Mystery Shopper
Collection Agency

Retired Presidents Service

Utility Auditing Service
Executive Organizer
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Related Franchises
Referral Institute LLC
Referral training, coaching, consulting

Startup Idea - Resume Writer

Know the secrets to creating the perfect resume? Try writing them for your clien

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
What's the first thing a person needs (besides persistence and thick skin) when
they go job-hunting? A really good resume. That, plus a good cover letter, is w
hat separates the wheat from the chaff when prospective employers pore through p
aper piles of hopeful applicants. Unfortunately, most people have no idea how to
write a winning resume. If you have a flair for the written word and a way with
people, you can come to the rescue with a resume service. You'll interview your
clients to find out where they've been, what they've done and where their talen
ts lie, then design and write a resume that showcases them from both business an
d personal viewpoints. In addition to resume writing, you can add other services
like writing cover letters, providing career counseling or interview rehearsals
. The advantages to this business are that you can work at home, you can start p
art time, you meet lots of interesting people in all avenues of life, and you ge
t the satisfaction of helping people better themselves and their lives. You'll n
eed a solid knowledge of what makes a good resume in terms of both format and co
ntent--and then a copywriter's creativity for making each one stand out from the
crowd. You must have excellent grammar, punctuation and spelling skills and tip
top people talents. (One reason people have a hard time writing their own resume
s is that they can't see what's special in their own backgrounds--drawing this o
ut will be your job.) Understand that you'll have your clients' career and finan
cial future, at least in part, in your hands; with this business comes a lot of

The Market
Your clients can be just anybody who wants a job, whether or not they're curren
tly employed or in what capacity. College students are a terrific target market-when they near graduation, they have to go to work somewhere--and those at the
sophomore and junior level need resumes to land internships. Graduate students a
lso make good sources of business. Beyond the student zone, you can target midand upper-level management and professional types as well as empty-nest or sudde
nly single moms. Target the college market by placing fliers on bulletin boards
all over campus or by mailing brochures to lists you can rent from the school. O
ffer a finder's fee to clients who refer other business. Nab business clients by
networking in local professional and civic organizations, introducing yourself
to the staff at local business incubators, unemployment offices and disability r
etraining facilities. Post fliers on public library bulletin boards and at copy
centers. Give seminars and workshops--always a good source of clients--and place
ads in the Yellow Pages and in local newspapers.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer with a laser printer, a fax machine, a copier and word-p
rocessing software. Because you'll be interviewing clients you should also have
a comfortable setting in which to work with them, either in your home or in a pu
blic setting.
Related Business Ideas
Sales Trainer
Business Broker
Headhunter Service
Resume Writer
Public Opinion Survey Service
Telephone Answering Service
Management Trainer
Small Business Coach
Protocol Consultant
Related Articles
How to Freelance Your Expertise
If you're tired of being on the employee treadmill, now may be the best time to
consider freelancing your hard-earned skills.
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Seminar Promoter

Make sure seminars get the attendance they deserve by promoting them.

- $10,000

Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
If you delight in the showmanship of arranging events and you like the energy a
nd inspiration of a fine seminar, then this is the business for you. As a semina
r promoter, you'll locate talent--speakers with something interesting and exciti
ng to impart--then line up attendees and make all the arrangements to provide yo
ur guests with a memorable experience. People who enjoy your first seminar will
come back for more. In addition to the fees you earn from the seminar itself, yo
u can make additional tidy sums by selling audiotapes or videotapes of each prog
ram. You'll need the nose to sniff out terrific speakers, people who can amuse,
inspire and teach others and infuse the program with a healthy positive energy.
You'll also need sales and marketing skills and the ability to plan and organize
events. Previous experience in event-planning jobs is a big help but not an abs
olute necessity. If you've produced community theater shows or charity fund-rais
ers, you've got what it takes. You'll also need good writing skills to devise in
triguing brochures and sales materials.
The Market
Your customers will be the people who attend your seminars. The best way to att
ract them is to come up with a niche, a range of topics both unique and trendy i
n your area, and fill it. Another good way to start is by hosting seminars in a
field or hobby you already know; you'll know just what others in your interest g
roup will want to learn. Start a direct-mail campaign. Send brochures describing
your seminars to lists of prospects. You can purchase these from a list broker,
or you may already have access to mailing lists of people in interested organiz
ations or associations. Place ads in local publications.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer with a laser printer, a color printer, a scanner, the us
ual office software, database software to maintain mailing lists of attendees, a
nd a desktop publishing program for designing brochures and fliers.
Related Business Ideas
Public Relations
Door Hanger Service
Promotional Buttons
Independent Listing Agent
Sports Complex Advertising
Seminar Promoter
Online Advertising Consultant
Elevator Advertising
Small-Business Advertising Agency

Startup Idea - Flier Distribution Service

Help clients distribute fliers with this low-cost advertising method.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000

Franchises Available? Yes

Business Overview
Not only is a flier delivery service a very easy business to start, it also has
the potential to generate a fantastic annual income. Companies have used promot
ional fliers for decades as a low-cost highly effective advertising method. Star
ting a flier delivery service requires no more than a telephone and a good pair
of walking shoes. Currently, flier delivery services are charging delivery rates
in the range of 7 to 15 cents per hand-delivered flier. As a method to increase
your delivery workforce, consider hiring retirees and students to deliver flier
s during busy times.
Related Business Ideas
Business Broker
Telephone Answering Service
Shared Office Center
Temporary Help Agency
Photo Inventory Service
Customer Service Training
Prototype Design
Time Management Classes
Dry Cleaning Delivery
Corporate Videos
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Related Franchises
Adventures in Advertising
Promotional products & advertising specialties
AllOver Media
Indoor print, gas pump & electric LCD advertising
Magnetsigns Advertising Inc.
Permanent & portable sign rentals

Startup Idea - Red Carpet Service

Make a business out of giving parties the Hollywood treatment. Red carpets, vale
t service and emcees are just some ideas for this event planning service.

- $10,000

Business Overview
A red carpet service includes individual services such as valet parking, ushers
, event planning, and professional emcees all wrapped up into one service for cl
ients. The market for a red carpet service is huge in every city across North Am
erica, and clients can include event and wedding planners, business owners hosti
ng special events, seminar and trade show companies, and even political and spor
ts organizations for award ceremonies. Once established, this is the type of bus
iness that will be kept very busy by way of repeat clients and word-of-mouth ref
errals. As there are numerous variables, the profit potential for the business w
ill fluctuate. However, even on a part-time basis the business is capable of $20
,000+ per year.
Related Business Ideas
Office Protocol Consultant
Online Secretarial Service
Executive Organizer
Storage Sheds
Expert Witness Service
Notary Public
Holiday E-Mail Service
Management Trainer
Demographic Data Broker
Store Directory Boards
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Hiring Your First Employee
Looking to bring your first employee on board? We'll help you understand the leg
al requirements of hiring staff so you don't hit any rough waters down the line.
How to Name Your Business
What's in a business name? Plenty. Not only must your name reflect your brand an
d be memorable, there are also a host of legal issues to consider. Here's how to
choose a name that'll best suit your business.
The Basics of Money Management
Before you start making money, you've got to figure out how you're going to acce
pt payments, establish payment and credit terms, and manage your finances. This
how-to will help.

Startup Idea - Freight Broker

Match shippers and transportation services as a freight broker.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Trucking plays a major role in the nation's economy--according to the American
Trucking Association, those big wheels generated $346 billion in gross revenues
in the most recently calculated year, employed more than 9.5 million people and
hauled 6.5 billion tons of freight. And 77 percent of all American communities r
ely on trucks as their sole source of freight delivery. If you've got experience
in the industry, you probably also know that it's the freight broker who keeps
those trucks rolling by arranging for delivery of consignments large and small.
If you love the song of the open road but you don't want to be on the road, then
a freight brokerage may be just the business for you. As a freight broker, you'
ll work with manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors who need to get their p
roducts across town or across the country with the help of trucking companies. Y
ou can specialize in LTL (less than a truckload) cargoes or in containerized one
s. The advantages to this business are that you can work from home and it's an i
ndustry that's unlikely to disappear--transportation will always be a necessity.
A background in the transportation industry is important because you'll need no
t only hands-on experience, but also contacts in the field. If you lack this exp
erience, work for another freight brokerage until you learn the tricks of the tr
ade. You'll also need excellent organizational and time-management skills and th
e ability to get things moving quickly.
The Market
Your customers can be manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors of any types
of goods and materials. You can also target companies that exhibit at trade show
s or conventions and need booths and display materials moved to various sites. P
lace ads in trade magazines and on import/export Internet sites. Send sales lett
ers and brochures to mailing lists of prospective companies. Ask for referrals f
rom satisfied customers and industry contacts.
Needed Equipment
You'll need to be licensed by the Office of Motor Carriers (a division of the F
ederal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation), and you'll be requ
ired to carry a $10,000 surety bond or trust. Then you'll want a computer with t
he usual office software, a laser or inkjet printer, and a fax machine. The Tran
sportation Intermediaries Association will send you a new broker kit explaining
all this and more--call the association at (703) 317-2140.
Related Business Ideas
Customer Service Training
Marketing Consultant
Inventory Service

Trade Show Displays

Business Form Templates
Personal Assistant
Storage Sheds
Prospecting Agent
Independent Sales Consultant
Management Trainer

Startup Idea - Garage and Estate Sale Promoter

Help clients promote their garage and estate sales.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000


Business Overview
Weekend profits await entrepreneurs with good marketing and organizational skil
ls who become garage and estate sale promoters. Garage, lawn and estate sales ar
e hugely popular events in every community across North America. In fact, it is
estimated that more than 60 million people go garage-sale-shopping annually, gen
erating billions in sales. As a promoter, you can provide clients who do not hav
e the time or gumption to hold their own sale with the service of organizing and
conducting the sale for them. Duties include promoting, organizing, selling ite
ms and cleaning up after everyone has gone home. In exchange for providing this
valuable service, you retain a percentage of the total revenues generated'25 per
cent for larger sales and up to 50 percent for smaller ones. Once you have found
a client, be sure to canvas the immediate neighborhood and solicit for addition
al items. Why hold a small sale if you can increase revenues and profits by enli
sting neighbors to provide items, too? Promote the sales with professional site
signage and in community newspapers that do not charge for small classified ads
or for garage sale postings.
Related Business Ideas
Garage and Estate Sale Promoter
Independent Listing Agent
Elevator Advertising
Bulletin Board Service
Human Billboards
Window Displays
Promotional Wear
Aerial Advertising
Small-Business Advertising Agency
Promotional Products

Startup Idea - Home Office Planner

Think you have the key to office space success? Help entrepreneurs design their
home bases.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000


Business Overview
First-time attempts to work or operate a business from home often meet with fru
stration and confusion about how to get started, because functional room design
is more important than most people think. Being disorganized, too much noise, to
o small a workspace and having the wrong office furniture and equipment are comm
on problems for the new home based worker. They're also the basis of starting a
home office planning service with the focus on assisting employees and business
owners to establish, or make the transition to, a home based office. Working one
-on-one with clients, you can develop successful work and organization plans tha
t are tailored to their specific needs. Focus on topics such as office layout de
sign, ergonomics, security systems and devices, storage solutions, recycling pro
grams, work routine schedules, computer and technology integration, communicatio
ns systems and suitable equipment and supply requirements. Make sure you market
your services to corporations, as many are now allowing key employees to work fr
om home-based offices as telecommuters.
Related Business Ideas
Office Protocol Consultant
Elderly Employment Agency
Mailbox Center
Marketing Brochures
Virtual Human Resources Consultant
Telephone Answering Service
Contract Negotations Service
Resume Writer
Utility Auditing Service
Private Investigator

Startup Idea - Import/Export Specialist

Know a lot about the import/export world? Use that knowledge to help others.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Considering the many red-tape barriers and all the issues surrounding importing
products into this country, or exporting products out of this country, it's no
wonder that so many businesses don't know where to start and just plain give up
out of frustration. Of course, the smart business owners who don't want to miss
a single opportunity to grow their businesses and revenues don't give up. Instea
d, they hire an import/export specialist to guide them through the complex issue
s of the import/export business'legal, transportation, warehousing, distribution
, marketing, employment, environmental, political and financial. Starting an imp
ort/export consulting business will require experience in the industry, or the w
illingness to learn about the industry. One simple way to market your services i
s to develop and host a free informational seminar on importing and exporting an
d use the event to sign up businesses and individuals who want to get started in
import and export.
Related Business Ideas
Distribution Warehouse
Import/Export Specialist
Online Import/Export Directory
Online Factory Direct

Startup Idea - Genealogical Researcher

Love research? Help others go through their family tress as a genealogical resea

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Almost everybody likes to know their roots, where they came from and what perso
nality traits may be at the base of their own characters. It gives you a sense o
f tradition, a firm tie to the past as well as the present, and a chance to adop
t the land of your forebears. And you never know if that family history search m
ight turn up a link to distant royalty! If you love nothing better than tracking
historical mysteries, tracing the sometimes tangled threads of births, deaths,
marriages and emigration to foreign shores, then this could be the business for
you. As a genealogical researcher, you'll delve deep into family histories, sket

ch family trees and inform your clients of the secrets of their pasts. The advan
tages to this business are that you can start with a minimum investment, part ti
me if you like, and if you like historical research, you'll have a ball spending
your time digging into the past. You'll need experience in genealogical researc
h, an obsession with getting to the root of your clients' roots, and an organize
d, detail-oriented personality.
The Market
Your clients will be people who want to discover their family histories. Attrac
t their business by advertising in local newspapers and national or regional his
tory-oriented publications. Write articles and give seminars or workshops at loc
al colleges and for civic or special-interest groups like Civil War re-enactors
and historical societies.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer with an inkjet or laser printer, the usual office softwa
re, genealogy software and internet access--you'll find scads of sources on the
Related Business Ideas
Online Contractors Directory
eBay Consultant
Information Consultant
Online Spokesperson Directory
Online Researcher
Genealogical Researcher
Online Diet And Fitness
Online Contract Forms
E-Commerce Consultant

Startup Idea - Graphic Design

Take your flair for design and start a business.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
If you've always pictured yourself as a commercial artist but your drawing styl
e is closer to stick figures than Czannes, then graphic design might be just the
business for you. With the great software available today, you can conjure up lo
gos, letterheads, brochures, product packaging and mail order catalogs--just abo
ut anything that needs a distinctive graphic ambience for the business client. G

raphic designers work on a freelance basis, creating materials for corporate cli
ents, advertising agencies, public relations firms and publishers. But they do m
ore than merely sketch designs--they often provide visual solutions to specific
problems like company identity crises or image changes. The advantages to this b
usiness are that, provided you have a strong design and color sense, you don't n
eed to be able to draw, you can work full time or part time and you can do it at
home. Hours are flexible--so long as you meet clients at reasonable times and m
eet your deadlines, you can work 'til dawn and sleep 'til noon if you want to. Y
ou should have a good working knowledge of your design. A degree in graphic desi
gn or fine arts is a plus but not necessary; ditto for on-the-job experience wor
king in an ad agency or for graphic designers. In addition to all that creativit
y, you'll need to have good listening skills so you can understand what your cli
ents want, plus a good sense of marketing to help them sell themselves through t
he projects they bring to you.
The Market
Your clients will be other businesses--ad agencies, publishing companies, small
magazines, product manufacturers and others, from startups to old standbys who
need a smart image to start with or a snappy redesign of their aged chestnut. Fi
nd these firms by placing ads in trade publications like those read by ad agenci
es, mail order companies and the giftware industry. Send direct-mail pieces to t
hese same companies--let them see your work firsthand. Network in your community
and keep your ear to the ground for hints of new businesses. When you hear of a
n opportunity, make an appointment to present your portfolio and discuss how you
can be of service.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a high-end computer (most graphic designers use Macs) with a Zip or
Jaz drive, a top-quality color printer, a scanner, a fax machine and the softwa
re itself. Talk to graphic designers to find out what programs they use, then ha
unt computer superstores to see what's comparable and what's the newest on the m
Related Business Ideas
Stock Watch Publication
Graphic Design
Event Programs
Correspondence and Training Manuals
Community Website
Online Studio Musicians
Small Business Guides
Employment and Career Publications
Campus Newspaper
For Sale By Owner Kits
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How to Freelance Your Expertise
If you're tired of being on the employee treadmill, now may be the best time to
consider freelancing your hard-earned skills.

Startup Idea - Locksmith

Help people in their time of need--when they're locked out.

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000


Business Overview
Working as a locksmith on a mobile basis, from home, or from a retail storefron
t, you can offer customers a wide range of locksmithing services ranging from ke
y cutting, installing new passage sets, emergency entries, sales of locks, safes
, and related equipment and installation. In the United States there are more th
an 30,000 locksmiths, of which 50 percent are self-employed and reporting earnin
gs in excess of $50,000 per year after expenses. Needless to say, the time and m
oney invested in locksmith training is money well spent. In both the United Stat
es and Canada, locksmiths are required to be licensed and bonded, but all states
and provinces have their own training and licensing requirements. You can conta
ct the associations listed below to inquire about training and licensing require
ments in your area.
Related Business Ideas
Mobile Paper Shredding
Employee Trainer
Resume Writer
Flea Market Organizer
Corporate Videos
Awning Cleaning
Storage Sheds
1-800 Telephone Call Center
Translation Service
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Related Franchises
Pop-A-Lock Franchise System
Mobile locksmithing, security & related services

Startup Idea - Logo Design

Find a niche for your knack for graphic design--logo design.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000

Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Great logos help to build and maintain instant brand recognition and consumer a
wareness by visually linking the logo to the business, product, or service it re
presents. If you have a creative flair and artistic abilities, you can put them
to good use by starting a logo design service. You will need a computer, digital
camera, printer, and design software to get started. But outside of these expen
ditures, start-up costs are minimal, as are the ongoing fixed overheads to opera
te the business because you can work from home and the majority of jobs can be s
erviced using e-mail and fax. Fees for designing logos vary greatly, from as low
as $75 to literally thousands. The better known you become for your incredible
design work and logos that perfectly describe what they represent, and the more
well-known your customers are, the higher your fees will go.
The Market
Market your talents to business owners and professionals, product developers, p
rofit and nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and basically anyone els
e in need of product, service, or personal branding through repetitive use of lo
Needed Equipment
Computer, digital camera, printer, and design software.
Related Business Ideas
Commercial Cleaning
Record Storage
Career and Personal Coach
Construction Estimating Service
Elderly Employment Agency
Logo Design
Virtual Human Resources Consultant
Marketing Brochures
Related Articles
How to Freelance Your Expertise
If you're tired of being on the employee treadmill, now may be the best time to
consider freelancing your hard-earned skills.

Related Franchises
Internet marketing consulting

Startup Idea - Management Trainer

Help other entrepreneurs train top-notch management.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Management consulting and training generates more than $100 billion in annual r
evenues worldwide, and according to the Association of Management Consulting Fir
ms, management trainers earn an average of $150 per hour! Leadership management
training is one of the fastest-growing segments of the corporate training indust
ry, and for good reason. A corporation's or organization's management team needs
to be able to lead, unite, and motivate everyone on the team, including executi
ves, employees, suppliers, and vendors, if the business is to succeed in today's
highly competitive marketplace. Most management trainers also coach clients in
their field of expertise'marketing, logistics, technology, international busines
s, manufacturing, human resources, finance, health care, etc.'and you would be a
dvised to do the same. The objective of the management trainer is to assess the
client's management team and operational systems, identifying weaknesses and str
engths. Once the assessment is complete, a plan can be developed which includes
recommendations to reorganize as required, retrain as required, refocus as requi
red, and eliminate all weaknesses and build upon all strengths.
Related Business Ideas
Package Design Service
One Hour Photo Lab
Website Quality Consultant
Photo ID Service
Protocol Consultant
Small Business Coach
Logo Design
Career and Personal Coach
Holiday E-Mail Service
Mailing Service
Related Franchises
Business coaching, consulting & training
Sandler Training
Sales & sales-management training

Turbo Leadership Systems

Leadership development & training

Startup Idea - Marketing Consultant

Use your marketing expertise to help others grow their businesses.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Let's face it: Without marketing, businesses cannot survive. So it is no surpri
se that topnotch marketing consultants are in high demand across North America.
Consequently, if you are an experienced marketer, the time has never been better
to put that experience to work leading other businesspeople down the path to ma
rketing success. Marketing consultants offer a wide range of services, including
developing marketing plans, establishing marketing budgets, hiring and training
salespeople, and developing advertising, telemarketing, and direct marketing pr
ograms to meet each client's needs and budget. Marketing consultants also help b
usinesses expand into new markets, and even new countries, as well as build new
distribution channels and profit centers. In short, marketing consultants are th
e Jacks-of-all-trades in terms of helping clients build their businesses, revenu
es, and profits. Market your services through networking activities, and by sett
ing appointments with business owners and managers to explain how your services
will benefit and ultimately profit their business.
Related Business Ideas
Freelance Sales Consultant
Photo ID Service
Commercial Cleaning
Boardroom Facilities
Office Protocol Consultant
Grand Opening Service
Holiday E-Mail Service
Online Secretarial Service
Mailing Service
Hotel Art Supply
Related Franchises
Profit-Tell Int'l.
Audio marketing/advertising programs
PRstore LLC
B2B marketing services

Startup Idea - Notary Public

Be the go-to person when others need forms notarized.

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000


Business Overview
Notaries public are legal officers with specific judicial authority to administ
er oaths, certify affidavits, and take depositions. Notaries prepare wills, mort
gages, and other legal documents, which they certify with an official seal, as w
ell as providing official witnessing of signatures. There is a growing need for
notaries public to work in the areas of real estate, business, finance, insuranc
e, and law. Imagine the flexibility that becoming a notary public affords. You c
an work from a homebased office, on a mobile basis going to your clients' locati
ons, open an independent office, or work in conjunction with a compatible busine
ss such as a real estate office, insurance office, or law office. In a nutshell,
if you are prepared to invest in the training required to become a notary publi
c, you have lots of options for how you operate your business once you're certif
ied. Notary Public Online,, provides state-by-state notary
public training and certification requirements. In addition to traditional adver
tising in the Yellow Pages and newspapers, the most successful notaries public a
re those who build a broad network of business alliances with professionals who
require notary public services.
The Market
Clients include realtors, health-care providers, insurance brokers, and profess
ional service providers as well as individuals.
Related Business Ideas
Executive Organizer
Site Sign Installation Service
Independent Sales Consultant
Holiday E-Mail Service
Trade Show Displays
1-800 Telephone Call Center
Awning Cleaning
Freight Broker
Store Directory Boards
Related Articles

Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - On-Hold Promotional Messages

Help add another weapon to a company's marketing arsenal with on-hold promotiona
l messages.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Right now hundreds of thousands of retailers, service providers, professionals,
and business owners of all sorts are missing out on a fantastic opportunity to
market their goods or services to a captive audience for next to no cost. How ar
e they missing out? By not having prerecorded promotional messages advertising t
heir products or services playing while telephone customers wait on hold. To cre
ate an on-hold advertising message for your clients, simply write the ad based o
n their input and needs, and hire a professional voice person to record it in a
studio. Clients pay for this service on a one-time fee basis or on a monthly con
tract basis that includes a fixed number of changes to their on-hold promotional
message. Opting for the second method means you will build a steady revenue str
eam. The best way to market the service is to produce sample recordings and hit
the streets, setting appointments to meet with business owners to pitch the bene
fits of your service.
Related Business Ideas
T-Shirts in a Can
Door Hanger Service
Online Advertising Agency
Bulletin Board Service
Promotional Wear
Advertising Broker
Independent Listing Agent
Litter Cans
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Related Franchises
Profit-Tell Int'l.
Audio marketing/advertising programs

Startup Idea - Online Researcher

Have your nose in the net all day? Monetize your research time.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
If you find yourself spending a lot of time surfing the web, and if you're look
ing to start your own business, consider an internet research service so you can
get paid for the time you spend surfing. This business opportunity was once cal
led information brokering, but, with the introduction of the internet, the name
has changed. The business remains the same, however, as the information that was
once researched and compiled from newspapers, trade magazines, and business and
industry journals may now be found online. An internet research service operate
s in two ways. The first is to collect data and facts relevant to a specific top
ic or topics, and then sell the compiled data to individuals and businesses that
require this information. Business owners also enlist the services of an intern
et researcher to source specific data and facts relevant to their particular bus
iness, industry, or market. In both cases, clients pay for information they are
seeking. Billing rates for the services vary, depending on how much research tim
e is required to compile the data; however, many internet research services have
base billing rates of $25 to $35 per hour.
Needed Equipment
A computer with high-speed Internet access.
Related Business Ideas
eBay Consultant
Online Art Prints
E-Commerce Consultant
Online Spokesperson Directory
Online Children's Camps
Online Diet And Fitness
Online Vitamin Sales
Online Scholarship Directory
Online Contractors Directory
Online Trade Show Directory

Related Articles
How to Freelance Your Expertise
If you're tired of being on the employee treadmill, now may be the best time to
consider freelancing your hard-earned skills.
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Online Contract Forms

Contracts are a part of everyday life for businesses. Cash in on this need by of
fering the forms online.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Template or fill-in-the-blank contract forms are very popular and can serve a w
ide variety of uses from a residential lease contract to acceptance of purchase
contract for a home owner selling a home privately. The template contract forms
can be sold to specialty office product retailers on a wholesale basis or direct
ly to the public by creating a Web site that enables visitors to download contra
ct templates for a fee. It will take time and careful research to develop the co
ntract forms, but with that said the saleable life span for the product can be a
s long as five years or more.
Related Business Ideas
Online Franchise and Licensing Opportunities
Genealogical Researcher
Internet Trainer
Online Recycled Renovation Products
Online Contractors Directory
Information Consultant
Online Vitamin Sales
Online Spokesperson Directory
Online Trade Show Directory

Startup Idea - Business Form Templates

Get businesses started on the right foot by supplying them with business form te

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Business form templates are simply blank business documents and forms in print
format or on CD-ROM or floppy disk that have been specifically designed to be us
ed in a particular business industry, such as automotive sales, manufacturing, o
r home renovation. The purpose of the business forms and documents are to make i
t easier for business owners to establish operating and recordkeeping systems fo
r their businesses. The business forms and documents can include items, such as
monthly expense reports, estimate forms, work orders, purchase orders, sales rec
eipts, bookkeeping forms, packing slips, and sales reports, just to mention a fe
w. Business form templates can be packaged and sold to specialty retailers on a
wholesale basis, or directly to consumers via the Web.
Related Business Ideas

Record Storage
Medical Billing Service
Ministorage Center
Mobile Office Service
Mobile Paper Shredding
Packing/Unpacking Service
Construction Estimating Service
Store Display Cases
Awning Cleaning
Survey Service

Startup Idea - Protocol Consultant

Stickler for rules? Know business backwards and forwards? Become a protocol cons

- $10,000

Business Overview
In this age of political correctness, disputes between employees or between emp
loyees and management based on allegations of sexual harassment, racism, or othe
r forms of abusive behavior within the office environment can bankrupt a busines
s, morally and financially. Needless to say, the time has never been better to s
tart a business as an office protocol consultant. The concept is very straightfo
rward. As an office protocol consultant, you can advise clients on issues pertai
ning to these subjects as well as create a training program for employees and ma
nagement on how to avoid, or respond to any unfavorable situations that arise in
the office environment. The demand for this type of consulting service is huge,
as thousands of corporations rush to retain the services of protocol consultant
s as a proactive measure to ensure that they are not involved in politically or
socially inappropriate situations. The protocol consultant may thus be viewed as
a guardian of corporate image, morale, and financial stability. Scheduling meet
ings with human resources managers and networking at business and social functio
ns is a good way to get started.
Related Business Ideas
Organization Service
Time Management Classes
Temporary Help Agency
Red Carpet Service
Packing/Unpacking Service
Solar Tube Installations
Online Secretarial Service
Management Trainer
Utility Auditing Service
Protocol Consultant

Startup Idea - Information Consultant

Use your strong research skills to start an information consulting business.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
The amount of information available today is staggering. For companies planning
new products and patents or scoping out the competition, and for many other typ
es of businesses, the trick is in figuring out how to access the information the
y need. If you love research--the excitement of sifting through a maze of books,
magazines, journals and other esoteric sources for bits of information--you can
ride to the rescue as an information consultant. You can seek out material for
all sorts of clients--attorneys preparing cases; advertising, public relations a
nd market research firms preparing campaigns; financial wizards; medical researc
hers; environmental engineers; or management consultants. Despite this wealth of

potential customers, however, you should plan on specializing in a particular f

ield. This way, you'll be familiar with the usual 'suspects' or avenues of resea
rch, so you'll be able to complete assignments faster. And since this can be a d
ifficult business to market, by sticking to one industry, you increase your word
-of-mouth advertising capacity. The advantages to this business are that you can
start part time if you like, you're always learning something new, the industry
has lots of room for growth, and if you love digging through information for th
e sheer joy of discovery, you'll be in information nirvana every working day. Yo
u'll need dogged persistence and the skills and experience to take you down the
proper research avenues, plus the creativity and intuition to lead you in new di
rections when the usual methods fail. In addition, it helps to have a background
in the field you choose to specialize in, but this is not an absolute requireme
The Market
Who your clients are will depend on what field you specialize in. Once you deci
de, the best ways to reach them are by networking in professional groups and org
anizations and spreading the word among present and former colleagues. Write art
icles for and place ads in professional or trade journals. Give seminars and tal
ks to industry groups. Establish relationships with other information consultant
s who can pass overflow or out-of-their-field work on to you.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer with a laser or inkjet printer, a fax machine and the us
ual office software. And since you'll do most of your research online, you must
have a good Internet service provider and accounts with a variety of subscriptio
n research sites like Lexis/Nexis and E-Journal. Plan on having a separate, or d
edicated, line for your Internet access--otherwise clients won't be able to reac
h you.
Related Business Ideas
Online Recycled Renovation Products
Online Scholarship Directory
Internet Trainer
Genealogical Researcher
Public Opinion Service
E-Commerce Consultant
Online Contract Forms
Online Contractors Directory
Online Children's Camps
Domain Name Broker

Startup Idea - Public Opinion Service

Love surveys? Start a public opinion service.

- $10,000

Online Operation? Yes

Business Overview
If you've got a flair for demonstrations, people skills and the gift of organiz
ation, then an in-store demonstration service might be the business for you. You
'll contract with food brokers and other suppliers and manufacturers to show off
their products via your own on-call, personally trained demonstrators. People a
re more likely to purchase grocery products after tasting them, and customers of
other types of goods can also be enticed by something they can see in action, f
eel, hear or smell, all of which makes the demonstration business valuable to br
okers and manufacturers as well as store owners. You can start small and grow bi
g--some demonstration companies manage as many as 2,000 to 20,000 demonstrators
in several states. You'll probably start off by doing the demos yourself and hir
e others as your company grows. The advantages to this business are that you're
always on the go so there's no time to get bored, you can work from home, and yo
ur start-up costs are minimal. Many owners of in-store demo businesses have a ba
ckground in the grocery industry. This is helpful but not an absolute must. The
must-haves are strong organizational skills to keep track of your demonstrators,
their assignments and the materials they'll need to bring to each job; and topnotch administrative skills for paying your people and making sure you get paid.
People skills are another must--you'll be dealing with lots of personalities, f
rom store managers to food brokers to your own demonstrators. You'll also need a
flair for demonstrating products and for teaching others how to do the same.
The Market
Businesses of all sizes as well as non-profit organizations and even politician
Related Business Ideas
Information Consultant
Online Recycled Renovation Products
Web Design
eBay Consultant
Domain Name Broker
Online Diet And Fitness
Online Children's Camps
Public Opinion Service
E-Commerce Consultant
Online Franchise and Licensing Opportunities
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Public Relations

Got a nose for the news? Turn your media savvy into a PR business.

Startup Costs: $50,000 - $100,000

Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
If you've got a flair for demonstrations, people skills and the gift of organiz
ation, then an in-store demonstration service might be the business for you. You
'll contract with food brokers and other suppliers and manufacturers to show off
their products via your own on-call, personally trained demonstrators. People a
re more likely to purchase grocery products after tasting them, and customers of
other types of goods can also be enticed by something they can see in action, f
eel, hear or smell, all of which makes the demonstration business valuable to br
okers and manufacturers as well as store owners. You can start small and grow bi
g--some demonstration companies manage as many as 2,000 to 20,000 demonstrators
in several states. You'll probably start off by doing the demos yourself and hir
e others as your company grows. The advantages to this business are that you're
always on the go so there's no time to get bored, you can work from home, and yo
ur start-up costs are minimal. Many owners of in-store demo businesses have a ba
ckground in the grocery industry. This is helpful but not an absolute must. The
must-haves are strong organizational skills to keep track of your demonstrators,
their assignments and the materials they'll need to bring to each job; and topnotch administrative skills for paying your people and making sure you get paid.
People skills are another must--you'll be dealing with lots of personalities, f
rom store managers to food brokers to your own demonstrators. You'll also need a
flair for demonstrating products and for teaching others how to do the same.
The Market
Businesses, organizations and individuals who seek media coverage or who need m
edia training.
Related Business Ideas
Garage and Estate Sale Promoter
Promotional Wear
Promotional Products
Advertising Broker
Aerial Photography
Independent Listing Agent
Public Relations
Small-Business Advertising Agency
Bulletin Board Service
Related Articles
How to Freelance Your Expertise
If you're tired of being on the employee treadmill, now may be the best time to
consider freelancing your hard-earned skills.
Start a Service Business

Startup Idea - Real Estate Listing Preparation Service

Help people prep their home listings with your excellent copywriting, editing an
d sales skills.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Real estate agents are quick to tell you that a home that has been professional
ly prepared to be listed will always sell faster, and for more money, than a hom
e that has not been prepared to be listed. That is why real estate agents will b
ecome your number-one referral source if you choose to start a real estate listi
ng-preparation service. Cracked windows, peeling paint, and rotten porch boards
all leave a lasting impression with potential homebuyers'the wrong impression! W
hen you see a rusty car you automatically think it must also run like junk. Home
s are no different'peeling paint instantly conjures up the impression that the w
ood behind it must be rotten. Utilizing your handyperson skills you can conduct
minor repairs, fix what needs to be fixed, and basically give your clients' home
s a general spruce-up prior to the listing. It is not uncommon for the seller to
be rewarded by getting multiple times their investment back when selling, becau
se structural and cosmetic deficiencies always add up to a lower negotiated sell
ing price.
The Market
Homeowners who have recently listed their home for sale.
Related Business Ideas
Vacation Property Rental Agent
Real Estate Auctions
Corporate Retreats
House Preparation Service
Real Estate Appraiser
Developer Home Sales
Apartment and House Finder Service
Commercial Leasing Agent
Construction Project Management
For-Sale-by-Owner Specialist
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Related Franchises
Homes & Land Magazine
Real estate advertising magazine

Startup Idea - Internet Marketing Consultant

Are you an online marketing whiz? Help others plan their campaigns.

- $10,000
Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
Companies large and small are getting used to fact that you need to have a web
site. But just having a web site doesn't guarantee a company an increase in busi
ness--if those millions of potential customers don't happen to stumble on it, yo
u're spinning your virtual wheels. What's a company to do? If you're internet-sa
vvy and marketing-smart, you can be the solution to this dilemma as an internet
marketing consultant. You'll seek out new ways to increase a client's web site t
raffic and boost sales by setting up links to other sites, developing new site c
ontent or services, creating direct-marketing programs via e-mail, and devising
web advertising campaigns. The advantages to this business are that it's creativ
e, challenging and has staying power--internet business is a reality and therefo
re net advertising and marketing is a necessity. As an internet marketing consul
tant, you'll naturally need to be a whiz when it comes to the web, with plenty o
f experience in links, banners, affiliate programs and all the other fine points
of net navigation and promotion. You should also have traditional advertising a
nd marketing talents so you can invent your own unique online twists to make you
r clients' sites shine.
The Market
Your clients will be businesses with up-and-running but not necessarily success
ful web sites. Decide on a target market, preferably one you already have experi
ence with, then start a direct-mail campaign aimed at companies in that field. E
rect your own web site and build links to other internet sites--this will help p
otential clients find you, too.
Needed Equipment
You'll need a computer with a high-speed modem, an inkjet or laser printer, and
subscriptions to a wide variety of internet service providers and online commun
ities. And since you'll want to develop your own niche market--which is the best
way to avoid being buried by the competition--you'll also want subscriptions to
your niche's professional or trade magazines and journals.

Related Business Ideas

T-Shirts in a Can
Independent Listing Agent
Window Displays
Human Billboards
Sports Complex Advertising
Litter Cans
Advertising Clipping Service
Indoor and Outdoor Specialty Advertising
Transit Advertising
Related Franchises
Internet marketing consulting

Startup Idea - Internet Trainer

Use your web savvy to help others get online.

- $10,000

Business Overview
Believe it or not, there are still lots of folks'including many senior citizens
and retirees--who don't have a clue how to access the internet or where to go o
nce they're on it. If you're a tech whiz and you like nothing better than tinker
ing online--then you can these individuals learn how to navigate the information
superhighway with ease as an internet trainer. You'll give seminars, workshops,
day-long courses or provide one-on-one assistance at senior centers and in indi
viduals' homes. And you can teach the basics or tailor your programs to the spec
ific types of internet use your clients want to know. The advantages to this bus
iness are that--assuming you already have a computer--you can start on a shoestr
ing, and while the internet's been around for a while, not everyone is internetsavvy, so there's plenty of room for growth. Plus, you get to play on the intern
et every day! As an internet trainer, you'll naturally need a solid background i
n navigating the internet, including aspects like internet marketing and researc
h. You'll need the patience to guide computer-phobic types through their paces,
even when it seems to you that they should have picked it up a dozen mouse click
s back. And you should have the marketing skills to both land new clients and ta
ke advantage of repeat business.

The Market
Your clients can be individual seniors or senior centers. Give seminars and wor
kshops at local colleges and community centers--this identifies you as an expert
and is a good way to garner business and individual clients. Establish relation
ships with computer stores and ask them to refer you to customers.
Needed Equipment
All you really need to get started are your computer and a few online services
so you can research clients' specific needs and how to solve them before you arr
ive on-site. You should have a laser or inkjet printer for banging out cheat she
ets and guides, and if you'll be giving seminars, you'll want a desktop projecto
r and a laser pointer so the whole group can see what you're doing.
Related Business Ideas
Online Recycled Renovation Products
Online Diet And Fitness
Online Contractors Directory
Online Trade Show Directory
Online Children's Camps
Online Franchise and Licensing Opportunities
Public Opinion Service
Online Contract Forms
Domain Name Broker
Related Articles
Start a Service Business

Related Franchises
Geeks On Call
On-site computer support services
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers Inc.
Computer training & support

Startup Idea - Mailbox Center

Find a convenient location and turn your business into a mailbox center.

Startup Costs: Under $2,000

Business Overview
Starting a mailbox center is a very easy business enterprise to activate that r
equires no special business experiences or skills. The main requirement will be
a small retail storefront location; approximately 600 square feet will be more t
han sufficient. Likewise, you will need individually locking mailboxes and a few
pieces of office equipment such as a high-speed photocopier, fax, personal comp
uter, and scanner. The purpose for the additional office equipment is so you wil
l have the ability to provide your customers with extra services like a photocop
ying service. Also, try to acquire the rights to act as a drop-off and pickup de
pot for courier companies, as this service can also produce sizable extra revenu
es and profits.
Related Business Ideas
Flea Market Organizer
Freelance Sales Consultant
Temporary Help Agency
Personal Concierge
1-800 Telephone Call Center
Resume Writer
Ministorage Center
Business Presentations
Career and Personal Coach
Retired Presidents Service
Related Franchises
Pak Mail
Packaging, shipping, mailboxes, business support

Startup Idea - Sales Trainer

Use your superb sales smarts to help companies boost sales.shes

- $10,000

Business Overview
Are you recognized as a top-producing sales professional who knows how to prosp
ect for new business, win negotiations, and close the sale every time? If so, wh
y not share your sales knowledge and experience and make huge profits in the pro
cess by training employees, managers, small business owners, and executives to a
lso become top-producing sales professionals? And you won't have to interrupt yo
ur current sales position. You can train students online, via correspondence, wi
th personal conference calls, and by way of evening and weekend workshops and se

minars. That way you can make the transition to full-time sales training as your
business and client list grows.
The Market
Target customers will include small business owners, salespeople, retail clerks
, corporate managers and executives, students enrolled in business and marketing
courses, professional service providers, volunteer fundraisers, and real estate
Related Business Ideas
Launch Service
Collection Agency
Ministorage Center
Virtual Human Resources Consultant
One Hour Photo Lab
Office Protocol Consultant
Retired Presidents Service
Organization Service
Employee Trainer
Related Franchises
Business coaching, consulting & training
Sandler Training
Sales & sales-management training
Turbo Leadership Systems
Leadership development & training

Startup Idea - Boardroom Facilities

Many small businesses don't have their own boardroom. Woo them with attractive f

Startup Costs: $50,000 - $100,000

Online Operation? Yes
Business Overview
The increasing trend toward conducting business enterprises from a home office
continues to grow at a record pace in North America. Due to this fact an entirel
y new business requirement has surfaced. What do you do if your business is home
based, yet you require short-term meeting facilities? There's one simple solutio
n to the question if you're an enterprising entrepreneur: you start a boardroom

office facility that can be rented and utilized by homebased business entreprene
urs, employees and traveling businesspeople. The best way to reach your target m
arket--which, of course, is homebased business owners--is to join local business
associations in your community and start promoting your boardroom rental servic
e. Almost every city and community across North America now has a Homebased Busi
ness Owners Association or Chamber of Commerce. Most of these associations host
networking meetings, and these networking meetings are fantastic forums to meet
other business owners and introduce them to your new boardroom service. Likewise
, you'll want to get the message out to corporate and business travelers that ma
y also require this type of service while conducting business in your area.
The Market
Homebased business entrepreneurs, employees and traveling businesspeople who ne
ed to temporarily rent a space to conduct business
Needed Equipment
The boardroom facility will have to be well equipped with office fixtures, furn
iture and other equipment such as private meeting rooms, computers, internet con
nections, copiers, overhead projectors, a catering service, secretarial services
, stationery supplies, multi-line and function telephone system, and other relat
ed client support services and products. When choosing a location for this busin
ess, the following should be considered: a central location, alternately an airp
ort location, good parking, and at least 1,500 square feet of floor space. Prior
to establishing the business, a market study should indicate if the business wo
uld be supported mainly by homebased business owners or business travelers.
Related Business Ideas
Shared Office Center
Headhunter Service
Mystery Shopper
Sales Trainer
Mobile Office Service
Home Office Planner
Boardroom Facilities
Mailbox Center
Business Plan Service
Photo Inventory Service

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