Edited Final Project Soil Mechanics Full

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First of all, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to our soil mechanics and
foundation subject lecturer Dr. Chan Chee Ming for giving us a chance to involve in this
interesting and challenging project. We have benefited significantly from her guidance,
support and undivided attention throughout the completion of our project. We were very lucky
to be part of this to be exposed more to soil mechanics and foundation subject. Many thanks
to our friends for providing the necessary information, advice for the case studies and for their
encouragement and support. We deeply appreciate their help and friendship. Last but not least,
we sincerely express our gratitude to our family for their encouragement. Our appreciation
cannot be expressed by more words. Thank you for your support.

1.1 Introduction
Being a developing country, the demands for building for commercial and residential use are
high in Malaysia, especially in the states of Kuala Lumpur. Foundation is a very important
element in construction. Foundation is a part of structure which interfaces the superstructure
to the adjacent zone of soil or rock below it. The purpose of having a foundation is to transfer
the superstructure loads to the underlying soil or rock without overstressing the soil or rock.
There are two types of foundation could be used for weak soils which are deep foundations
and shallow foundation. Since , new method of producing stable foundation is required to be
created, thus we have decided to combine stone columns and deep soil mixing to produce a
very stable foundation for this project.
Stone column is a type of foundation where instead of using cement ,stones are used to make
the foundation stable.As our new method will be combining the stone column and deep soil
mixing thus, the stones are going to be mixed with cement in order to create a very stable
foundation. For our project ,a case is assumed by referring to several actual cases study in
Malaysia which is located in Kuala Lumpur. Since the project is about foundation on weak
soil, thus a stable foundation is required to be built so that the building is able to perform its
function on weak soil satisfactorily.
The foundation system of that building must be safe to support the applied weight or
loads.Thus we have created our own method of producing a very stable foundation by
combining the methods which frequently used in geotechniques engineering.The idea of
joining the methods is new to the construction world but relevant enough to be commercially
used.Without a proper design, problems such as cracking, settlement of building and to the
extent, the whole building may collapse within the design life.

1.2 Project aims

To create more types of foundation to be used in construction world
To expose students about the cause of weak foundation on weak soils
To create number of students who can innovate and create new invention and new
1.3 Literature review
Information (literature) sources
The information for this review has been gathered from a number of different publications
relating to geotechnical engineering. Since our project is using an assumed case study by
referring to several case studies, thus we have attached all the information related to our
project including the page of the books that we have referred ,the cover page of the books we
have used and the websites that related to our research.Emphasis was placed on those
publications that either specifically related to Malaysia and/or soft soil foundations.
1.4 Case assumed
Since we have directed to run a project to create a foundation on 100% depth of weak soil, we
have assumed a case by referring to several cases of building on weak soil in Malaysia. We
have attached the real case study in our attachment page as references. We have assumed, our
foundation is created on weak soil which has moisture content greater than 60%.Our case is
assumed according to the project which requires us to create the foundation on weak soil as
creative and innovative as we can. Thus, we have come to the conclusion to innovate the
method of deep soil mixing and stone columns to create our new method which called deep
stone mixing.

2.1 stone column
A stone column is one of the soil stabilizing methods that is used to increase strength,
decrease the compressibility of soft and loose fine graded soils, accelerate a consolidation
effect and reduce the liquefaction potential of soils Stone column methods are similar to the
deep soil mixing, however instead of concrete or grout being used, stones or gravels can be

2.2 Mechanism of stone columns

The vibroflot penetrates and washes the hole in preparation for the stone transport
within the hole

During introduction of the stones, water and air are flushing in order to create a
positive flow for the stone transport.

The vibroflot is frequently moved up and down in order to form and compact a
column. Thereby, the surrounding ground is horizontally compressed and improved. The
column is able to support high vertical loads.

2.3 Installation methods

Stone Column Installation Methods Stone columns are installed using either top- or bottomfeed systems, either with or without jetted water. The top-feed method is used when a stable
hole can be formed by the vibratory probe. With the dry method (top or bottom-feed), the
probe is inserted into the ground and penetrates to the target depth under its own weight and
compressed air jetting. For rig-mounted models, pull-down further aides the downward
penetration. Pre-drilling is sometimes required to break/displace obstructions such as boulders
or rubble or to loosen stiff or dense layers to allow for probe penetration. Jetted water may
also be used to loosen dense granular layers.
For the top-feed method, the vibratory probe is either fully or partially removed from the hole
depending on the ground conditions and the characteristics of the probe, and stone is dumped
into the hole. The stone is placed in 2- to 3-ft lifts, and the probe is re-inserted following
placement of each lift to compact the stone and force the stone into the surrounding
formation. Loaders with side-dumping buckets are preferred as they minimize waste and
allow for a more accurate measurement of stone volume as compared to front dumping
buckets. Tapered chutes may be used for front-dumping loaders. The probe is held in place
once it has penetrated the previous lift of stone until the specified resistance criteria is met.
The resistance criteria is specified in terms of amperage for electrical models and hydraulic
pressure for hydraulic models.

2.4 Advantages of stone column

Stone columns represent the most natural and ecologically neutral foundation system


Stone columns consist entirely of natural stone.
The correct stone requirements for producing quality stone columns are widely available in
the majority of areas.

The ecological balance can be improved further through the use of recycled concrete
The flow of stone to the column is mechanically controlled and automatically recorded.
The material volumes installed can be doubtlessly allocated to precise depth levels.
Only a minimum of soil is transported to the surface, which results in a lower stone
consumption, since the necessary lateral confining pressure around the stone column can be
reached with less gravel.
No mud handling is necessary on the site.
Surface loss of gravel is reduced to a maximum of 5% (compared to around 10% for the wet

3.1 Dep soil mixing
This is the process is where materials with cementatious nature such as grout or slurry is
blended into soil through hollow, rotated shafts equipped with cutting tools and mixing
paddles or augers.
3.2 Installation process

construct columns, a powerful drill steel with radial mixing paddles located near

the bottom of the drill string is required

penetration, the tool shears the soils preparing them for mixing after the tool


reaches the design depth, the binder is pumped through the drill steel to the tool where
it is mixed with the soil as the tool is withdrawn.

The process of installation


Gravels and stones are used in stone column method instead of cement or grout.

4.1 Deep stone mixing
As you know, our case study is all about how to develop foundation on deep soft soil. To
construct a building on soft soil is not that easy. We have to ensure that the foundation layout
have to be very stable and can withstand the building weight called dead load and also life
load such people weight and many others. Before this, there are two methods of column
support that have been explained which are deep soil mixing and stone column. However for
our project, we are proposed to combine these two methods named as Deep Stone Mixing.
The main objectives to combine these two methods are to increase the strength and decrease
the compressibility of the ground which can reduce the settlement.
4.2 Installation process of Deep Stone Mixing
Deep Stone Mixing is a ground improvement technique that improves the characteristics of
weak soils by mechanically mixing them with cementitious binder slurry combined with
gravels or stone. First of all,to construct columns, a powerful invented drill steel with radial
mixing paddles located near the bottom of the drill string is required. The drilling process is
continued until reach the estimated depth.
Next,the mixture is injected out through a feed pipe attached to the arm at several height and
being compacted. These techniques are repeated until the column completely construct.The
purpose of compaction process is to make no air void in the column. If air voids are found in
the column, it will reduce the ability of the column to fully support the load, or it will cause
4.3 Advantages and limitations of Deep Stone Mixing
The advantages of this method are to:

Increase bearing capacity,

Decrease settlement,
Increase global stability
Mitigate liquefaction potential for planned structures, tanks, embankments and levees.

The limitations of this method are:


Special machine is required to be invented for this method.

Highly cost.
Required skilled and talented technologies or workers.

After constructing the deep stone mixing as our foundation,next, we have planned to build
an embankment on it.The details and the characteristics of the embankment will be explain im
the next chapter .In short, this embankment is made up of Artificial Lightweight Polyethylene
Aggregate (APEA) which is more lighter than the usually . Thus, there is not much load is
produced to be supported by our foundation.The purpose of constructing this embankment is
when building construction traverse low-lying areas, embankments may be necessary to bring
them up to functional elevations.
Figure (a) below shows our overall solution in this project.

Figure (a)



5.1 Embankment and geogrid
Just after the deep foundation we have planted under the construction side, we decided to
build an embankment before we build the building to raise up the height of the building from
ground. The purpose of the embankment other than raise it up from ground level is to prevent
the building from settle down to the ground.
As we know that embankment is really heavy which can push down the soil below it and can
results a settle down, we provide with two(2) solution, which is:
1. Geogrid
2. Artificial Lightweight Polyethylene Aggregate (APEA)
A geogrid is geosynthetic material used to reinforce soils and similar materials. Compared to
soil, geogrids are strong in tension. This fact allows them to transfer forces to a larger area of
soil than would otherwise be the case.
Artificial Lightweight Polyethylene Aggregate (APEA)
This aggregate were produced from waste plastic bags. APEA is as replacement material of
coarse aggregate. The density of APEA is 541kg/m 3, which is 65% lighter than conventional
granite aggregate (1450kg/m3). The lightness and hardness of APEA lead to the lightweight
concrete especially for precast concrete and infilled concrete components.
Preparation of Geogrid
After planting a deep foundation is completed, a geogrid is placed above the the foundation
within the size of embankment to be construct. A layer of soil will we placed on top of the
geogrid, and will be compacted.
5.2 Preparation of embankment
The embankment consists of a series of compacted layers or lifts of suitable material placed
on top of each other until the level of the subgrade surface is reached. The subgrade surface is
the top of the embankment. The embankment consist of 2 layers. The first layer is filled with
granular soils(which is consists of sand and APEA) and compacted by using compaction
equipment, based on engineer want to use. Upon the first layer of embankment, another

geogrid is placed on top of it. The second layer of embankment also placed with the APEA
granular soils. Compaction process is repeated once again.



(layer 2)
(layer 1)

Stone column


6.1 Conclusion
The purpose of this project was to analyse the foundation types available for buildings
founded on soft clays region and how these compare to those used in other parts of the world.
The means of testing the soft clays and the numerous different foundation options available
are also described. It should be noted that new techniques are being developed for building on
soft clays and this research project may not list all possible options. However by undertaking
a literature review of the topic, it is believed that the most common foundation options have
been described.
The conclusions that can be made from this project are:
The characteristic and properties of soil difference in every place thus the foundations used
can also vary.
A through geotechnical investigation is essential to determine the most cost effective
foundation solution and this should also include a comprehensive suite of laboratory
After completing this research project it has become even more apparent that further work
could be undertaken to design new types of foundations that could be used on soft clays. In
conjunction with this, new methods and techniques for installing current foundations could
also be implemented.


University of Southern Queensland,Faculty of Engineering and Surveying Design,
Construction and performance of buildings foundations on soft clays in the Brisbane region.A
dissertation submitted by James Daly. Course ENG4111 and ENG4112 Research Project
http://youtu.be/UMbs5eA6E18 soft soil engineering on Ballina bypass
HJY - SEAONC Presentation - PowerPoint.pdf
John T.Germaine,Thomas C.Sheahan,RoberV.Whitman Soil Behavior amd soft ground
construction october 5-6,2001 Cambridge,Massachusetts


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