Will 2010 Prove To Be The Year of The Mobile?

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10 Media 14 January 2010

“Any increase in competition
is a good thing for consumers”
G StarHub might beg to differ, page 11

Will 2010 prove to be the year of the mobile?

The mobile marketing
industry made strides
in 2009. But will a rise
in mobile internet
users translate to an
increase in confidence
among marketers?
Joshua Maa Emmanuel Allix Alexandre Mars Paul Roebuck
Founder and CEO, Madhouse VP and MD Apac, InMobi Founder and CEO, Phonevalley CEO, BBDO Guerrero, Proximity
“We believe that 2010 will be an im- “Mobile advertising has been pre- “From the perspective of an adver-
portant year for mobile marketing dicted to come of age for over two tiser or marketer,the question is no “There have been genuine devel-
in China for several reasons. First, years now with no tangible results. longer whether the year to come opments in 2009 that mean we will
the presence of three carriers has But, at the risk of sounding like a will be the year of mobile.Mobile is see greater experimentation by
increased competition in China’s broken record, I do believe 2010 already a tangible reality of the dig- brands in the mobile channel in
telecommunications industry, par- will be the year of mobile advertis- ital mix and has proved its ability to 2010, but there are not yet proven
ticularly in the the mobile internet ing. Last year saw iPhone fever engage consumers, drive aware- success models that can persuade
arena where fee reduction for mo- catch on and make a significant im- ness and raise revenues. The ques- marketers to invest significantly in
bile data connection has attracted pact on the US mobile market. In- tion now is: which are the best mo- big mobile marketing campaigns.
millions of users. Secondly, 3G has ternationally, Smartphone adop- bile strategies to support brands’ Recently we have seen Nokia open
become a key sell- tion has been marketing objec- its operating system
ing point for carri-
ers and handset
YES exploding to new
levels, showing
that the world is
YES tives in 2010?
With nearly three
billion application
YES to third party devel-
opers. As the
world’s largest
3G-related marketing has encour- set with very capable handsets. downloads to date and an average handset manufacturer, this is note-
aged far more mobile internet Google’s entry into the market has 1.5 hours spent on applications daily, worthy.But we are only beginning to
users.Thirdly, many large websites now validated the importance and the iPhone undoubtedly already ap- scratch the surface of how we can
have begun to actively promote potential of mobile advertising.All peals to consumers. And it plays a leverage this to engage consumers.
mobile internet sites and services. this has created the perfect envi- great role in leading marketers The steady roll-out of Wimax
In 2009, we witnessed — aside ronment for a big impact that will across the world to consider new technology will also introduce the
from the existing mobile-focused be witnessed in the coming year. possibilities for the mobile media. possibility for richer mobile expe-
players (Kong, 3G.cn, Tx.cn) and Mobile applications have also I predict that the coming year riences.But again,we are still in the
larger internet-based players in the made their mark, with developers will see a breakthrough in mobile infancy of understanding how this
mobile arena (Google,Baidu,Sina) being able to build and earn from payments. We will see mobile might benefit marketers.
— the successful release of mobile their applications. phones starting to be used as Networks may no longer be the
versions of sites by others such as Apple, on the one hand, is encour- modes of payment,which will ulti- key media channels delivering
Ren Ren, Kaixin, Youku and aging mCommerce and hence en- mately lead to them standing in branded messages. They are now
Tudou.A Madhouse study showed abling developers to make more for credit cards, cheques and focusing more on maximising data
that, out of the 100 most visited in- from their apps. Phones like An- other payment options. Con- subscription revenue from en-
ternet sites, 80 already had mobile droid,on the other hand,are platform sumers will be able to use their hanced capability like Wimax and
internet versions and most had ap- agnostic, creating a host of opportu- mobiles as a safe and secure mode engaging consumers with brands
plications. Beyond mobile market- nities for application developers. of payment.While this is definite- through third party applications.
ing’s known advantages of refined User experience on the phones is im- ly an achievement which will need As agencies, our focus has to be on
and trackable targeting, we expect proving and so advertisements are a couple of years to become a real- persuading consumers to truly en-
the medium to reach up to 300 mil- following suit. This provides a great ity, the coming year will see the gage on mobile – and branded utili-
lion users this year.” opportunity for brands.” first steps taken in this direction.” ty could prove the best solution.”

Research shows Malaysian Chinese are a top target Chinese

Among Malaysia’s ethnic Chi- than readership of English dailies., Total media consumption among Malaysian Chinese
VITAL STATISTICS nese population, newspaper
readership remains high and
with 620,000 reading an English-
language daily and less than 80,000
3,000 2,904
AIR Yesterday
newspapers in
plays a very important role, reading a Malay equivalent. I 3.1 million
Marketers in Malaysia 2,500 2,324
’000 individuals

ahead of radio listernship and The segment of the Malaysian 2,000 1,750 Chinese Malaysians
should consider challenging television viewing. population who read only Chi- 1,500 from a total of 4 . 1
Research from Synovate reveals nese-language newspapers enjoy 1,000 m i l l i o n read a
Chinese-language that a total of 2.9 million a significantly higher average 500
weekly newspaper
Malaysian Chinese from a total monthly household income than
newspapers to attract Chinese population of 4.1 million the average Malaysian (RM 3,647
Newspapers Newspapers Magazines Terrestrial
(daily) (weekly) TV
I Those who do
those with higher say they read a daily newspaper, — US$1080 — versus RM 2,768), Malaysian Chinese newspaper readership by age
earn on average 3 2
compared to 2.32 million who lis- making them an ideal target group p e r c e n t more
household incomes tened to the radio on the previous for many brands.
25 24.2
than the average
day and 3.39 million who watched Findings also reveal more Chi- 20
terrestrial TV. nese male readers than female 15

A large portion of this Chinese readers for Chinese dailies (53.6 % I O n e q u a r t e r of

10 8.3
market (2.5 million) reads only per cent versus 46.4 per cent). Chinese-language
Chinese-language newspapers. In terms of age, the highest level 5 newspaper readers
Looking more closely at the types of newspaper readership in the 0 are in the 1 5 - 2 4
of newspapers, readership of Chi- country is seen in the 15 to 24 year- 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Above 64 age bracket
Age segments
nese dailies is four times higher old demographic. Source: Synovate

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