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1. To identify the structures and functions of an animal cell and plant cell.
2. To calculate and indicate the magnification of the drawing.
To begin with, a prepared slide of an animal liver was examined under
LPO to HPO. Under high magnification all structure of the cell was seen. A
drawing of the cell under HPO with principal parts labeled was made and the
magnification of the drawing was calculated. Same procedure has done with
an epithelial cell, were a small lining of your cheek was scraped to be viewed
and observed under LPO and HPO. The parts of the cell were being identified
and drawn with the magnification of the drawing being indicated. Another
observation was done with a chicken egg (with the shell removed), with a
drawing of the actual object was made, labeled with all the parts and the
calculation the magnification of the drawing being indicated.
Done with the animal cells, next are the plant cells. An epidermis of an
onion was mounted and examined under LPO to HPO with a drop of iodine.
After observing the possible effects, a drawing was made with the
magnification being indicated. Next being examined was a potato cell, where
a very, very thin slice of potato was mounted and examined under LPO to
HPO where later a drop of iodine solution to the specimen was made. The
specimen then again was examined under LPO then under LPO. A sketch of
the potato cell was made with together with the labels of the visible parts,
before and after the iodine solution being added. The magnification of the
drawing ,of both drawing were indicated. Lastly, a leaf from a spring of
Hydrilla was mounted then examined LPO to HPO. A sketch of the drawing
under HPO was made with the labeled parts and the magnification of the
drawing was indicated.
Cells of both animal and plant were being observed under the microscope to
identify the parts that are visible. As seen through the microscope, under
high magnification the liver cell of an animal only three visible parts were
seen which are the cell membrane, cytoplasm and the nucleus while the
other two are not visible and a computed magnification of drawing of
12307.69x . Same on the epithelial cell, only two parts were visible the cell
membrane and the nucleus, as always. Unlike the liver cell and the epithelial
cell, the chicken egg showed no nonvisible parts, all parts were visible, where

at the upper right the yolk can be seen surrounded with the Albumin and the
other parts like Vitelline membrane were you can visualize the delicate
membrane surrounding the entire ovum and the same goes as the Blastodisc
and the Chalaza and given a magnification of drawing of 6.4x.
As to the plant cells they have few similar parts with the animals parts
namely, the nucleus and the cell membrane while the others are not found
on both opposite cells. On the onion cells all four parts specifically the cell
walls, cell membrane, vacuole and the nucleus are all visible under high
magnification. The iodine solution gave a clear view of the cell wall and the
nucleus and the color havent change it stayed the same, pale brown and
given the magnification of drawing of 2800x.
As with the potato cell, without the iodine solution only the cell
membrane, starch and the vacuole are visible with the magnification of
drawing of 1800x but with the iodine solution added; the parts were visible
to see, namely the cell wall, cell membrane, starch and the vacuole with a
864x as the magnification of drawing. Lastly the Hydrilla Leaf cell have the
cell wall, cell membrane and the chloroplast visible.
The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all
known living organisms. Our Bodies are also made up of trillions of cells.
Cells are so miniscule that it cant be seen by the naked eye. The microscope
which is made up to magnify microscopic specimens aided to view and
examine the different cells; Animal Cells and Plant Cells. In examining the
liver cell, not all of the structures are visible because there was no staining
method use for the parts to be seen well.
The epithelial cells are unstained that will appear transparent, with a little
light as possible is used for better view. In general Cheek cells are almost
irregular acquiring an almost round shape. The cheek cells are made of an
epithelial layer on which the cells attach themselves. Usually, these cells are
tightly packed due to a very high rate of cell division. During the observation
a drop of methylene blue was added to the edge of the cover slip which
made the nuclei more visible. Methylene blue stains negatively charged
molecules in the cell, including DNA and RNA. This dye is toxic when ingested
and it causes irritation when in contact with the skin and eyes.
A chicken egg is also a cell but this cell no longer need a microscope to
be magnified. The parts of the chicken egg are seen entirely visible. Having a

large size given an egg shell; The larger egg cell, the more energy available
to be used for developing embryo prior to the availability of an external
energy source. The egg cells are larger than most cells because a chicken
egg cell needs to be larger. In that one cell are all the substances the
growing chick needs. Its made up for when the cell starts diving mitotically.
The larger a cell gets the more nutrients it requires to pass through the cell
membrane. This is what keeps most cells small. The foremost function of an egg cell
is to reproduce an offspring. It also supplies the energy required for cell replication and division.

Plant cells are eukaryotic cell that differ in numerous key aspects from
the cells of other eukaryotic organisms. An onion cell, generally are
rectangular in shape. The onion cell may appear as a rounded rectangle, or even almost
oblong occasionally. Cells shapes varies depending on the type of cell because they have
dissimilar formations, sizes and particular jobs to do in the body.
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