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How To Apply For Tuition Free Education in Finland

For International Students!

(Free Report)

Alvan Eziama

Let's Get Started...

To enable you understand the process easily, I shall take it step-by-step. Lets go
straight to the application process proper...but before we continue, note the
below key points:

#1: If you intend to study at undergraduate level in Finland, be informed that the
UAF portal below can only allow few or no undergraduate application. Post
graduate applicants are mostly welcome!
An alternative way of applying for undergraduate programmes at genuine tuition
free schools in Finland has been included in the FTUG.
#2: Most institutions in Finland require English language tests in form of IELTS or
Hey! Dont Panic!! Ill surely show you how to apply without these tests. I have
handled this in the Free Tuition Universities Guide.
For those who are willing to write either of these tests, Ive also covered them in
the Guide.

Now Follow the Below Steps to ApplySTEP 1: Visit:

Click on 'How to Apply?'.
To do this, just move your cursor to 'how to apply' and click on it. Don't mind the
drop down menu. See picture below (mind the red arrow):

STEP 2: In the next page that pops out, click 'Create a FuniMa account'. See
picture below (mind the red box):

If you're not able to click link, follow the below steps to register:
STEP 3: At the right (up) of the page, click 'FuniMa'. See sample picture below:

STEP 4: At the left (up) of the page, click 'Register'. See sample picture below:

STEP 5: The next step is to create a user account by filling out the form. See
sample picture below:

STEP 6: The next step is to confirm your registration. You MUST activate your
FuniMa account. Check your email for a confirmation link (Check your
inbox/spam). See sample below:

STEP 7: The next step is to login to continue your application. See sample picture

Because I want to make this free report as short and concise as possible, Ill stop
here on the application process Ive compiled the full application details
including application dos and don'ts in the Free Tuition Universities Guide (FTUG).
Though currently, FTUG access is highly restricted, I will give anyone reading this
report a chance to own it. We do NOT want it abused or saturated! Its simply not
for everyone.
NB: Be informed that there is a wide range of tuition-free universities and 100%
scholarships abroad covered in the FTUG which you can apply to today!
Early Application is strongly recommended.
View Application Deadlines below:
USA *Deadline: January 15, 2014.
Australia *Deadline: Dec., 15, 2013.
Norway *Deadline: Dec., 1, 2013.
Also, if you dont want to write English tests, there are other tuition free
institutions covered in the FTUG which you can apply to that dont require them.

In this Guide also, you will get to know the following:

The secret websites covered in red above and details of application
Other tuition-free schools you can apply to as an international student.

How To Detect Fake School Websites.

I have included another special report that strictly deals on
how to detect fake school websites and avoid been
scammed. You can Read it for free here:

Brief Information About The 100% Scholarship Offered By The

Australian Government To International Students.
This Australian scholarship plays an important role in fostering and sustaining
friendship and cooperation between Australia and developing countries.
It is a central part of the Australian Government's development cooperation
program in Africa. By providing people with the knowledge and the skills to
promote development in their home country, the program aims to contribute to
the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Africa while promoting
Australia as an active partner in African development.

What of the benefits enjoyed by selectees of this scholarship?

The benefits enjoyed by international students selected for the Australian scholarship
scheme include:

Payment of a single return, economy class airfare to and from Australia, via the
most direct route

* Full tuition fees

* Establishment allowancea once only payment of A$5,000 as a contribution
towards expenses such as rental bonds, text books, study materials, additional
medical insurance, home contents insurance, excess baggage
* Living allowance of $25, 000

The detailed procedure to apply for this scholarship is included in the FTUG.

Brief Information About The 100% Scholarship

Offered In USA To International Students.
This scholarship is not financed by the USA government but generous support of
alumni, friends, organizations, and others who believe that a students income
should not dictate their outcome.
It's a resource made available by people who believe exceptional students
shouldn't be denied an outstanding education. This endowment helps offset the
costs of higher education and allows the students to focus on their schooling, not
how they're going to pay for it.


So when you enroll at this school, you will be entitled to four year 100%
scholarship. Your scholarship will be provided by people you dont even know
who believe in your potentialand who know that the school is well-positioned
to help you realize that potential.
It is the mission of the school which offers this scholarship to provide educational
opportunity to students of great academic promise who have limited financial

The kind Of Visa You Will Be Issued And What It Permits You
To Do
Successful students are usually issued resident permit as this enables you to
reside, study and work in these European countries throughout your study period
Finland, Norway, Germany, Austria, Iceland.
Student visas are given to those whose programmes will last for only 3 months. If
your programme exceeds 3 months, resident permit will be issued.
The Australian immigration issues 2 year student visa to those selected for the
scholarship. This visa also permits you to work.
While the USA embassy issues student visas to successful students. Before this,
the school must issue you Form I-20. This document provides supporting
information for the issuance of a student visa and must be presented to the
embassy before an F-1 visa will be issued. This visa also permits students to work.
All international students enjoying the scholarship are provided with a paid, oncampus job through the Schools Work Program throughout the academic year.



This info rocksthis is the same secret some of the big players abroad - (who
school and work) have been using and they have done everything to keep it

The full details of how to go about this are contained in the Free Tuition
Universities Guide... I am not talking about any of those hullabaloo study abroad
stuffs you hear people sing about everywhere... NO!
I'm simply referring to realizable steps you can use to apply to tuition-free schools
abroad. It's like no other, believe me!

You'll regret bitterly if you dare miss out

This report is the free version of the Free Tuition Universities Guide
(FTUG). The FTUG is NOT free but the 1st - 50 subscribers shall access
it at a very considerable low cost.

To Get Yours, visit:

Let's continue this in the FTUG.


Eziama Alvan C.
Tel. (Mobile): +234 806 458 1158, +234 805 855 6967
Tel. (Land): +234 4666 4223
* Kindly place your calls within working hours.
9 am - 5 pm (Mon - Fri).
* Do NOT Call During The Weekend.


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