Pros and Cons Euthanasia

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Pros and Cons

Euthanasia, also called mercy killing or good death, is the act or practice of
ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable
condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical
Euthanasia can more helpfully be defined as the intentional killing by act or
mission of a person whose life is felt to be not worth living.
We have three points for pros and three points for cons that will discussed about
1. Another case of freedom of choice.
Some believe that every human, every patient, has a right to choose when
to die. We life in this era where freedom is upheld almost everywhere.
Anyways, voluntary euthanasia allows patients to make a request if they
desires their life to be ended.
2. Provides a way to relieve extreme pain.
People who support euthanasia believe that allowing people to die with
dignity is kinder, than keep forcing them to continue their lives with
suffering. Moreover, several disease cant be cured yet, and patients with
reversible coma that have a low life expectancy.
3. Controlled euthanasia.
Proponents believe that euthanasia can be safely regulated by government


1. Physicians and other medical care people should not be involved in

causing death.
Euthanasia is against the doctors oath. Doctors oath is an oath taken by
physicians, essentially promising to use their knowledge to help, and
essentially improve the quality of life. Doctors are a symbol for care,
protection, and life. If doctors begin contradicting their roles in society, the
bond between doctor and patient will be bad.
2. Alternative treatments.
Alternative treatments are available, such as hospices care. Hospice care is
a type of care and philosophy of care that focuses on the palliation of a
chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient's pain and symptoms,
and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs . We do not have to kill
the patient to kill the symptoms.
3. Never truly controlled.
We could never truly control it. Opening the doors to voluntary euthanasia
could lead to non-voluntary and involuntary euthanasia, by giving doctors
the power to decide when a patients life is not worth living. In the
Netherlands in 1990 around 1,000 patients were killed without their
request. This report proves, where euthanasia is legal, reveal that doctors
do not always report it.
Last but not least, we up to a conclusion that euthanasia shouldnt be a solution in
medical case. There are so many other ways except of killing people. Euthanasia
is just a completion that appeared another problems.




Dosen :
Ibu Andini Linarsih, MA (TESOL)
Disusun oleh :
Auliyah Tania Alkadrie (I1011141014)



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