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What you think of yourself is

more than what others think of


Be a winner Action steps

Be a good finder

Make a habit of doing it now

Develop an attitude of gratitude

Get into continuous education program

Built positive self esteem

Stay away from negative influences

Learn to like the things that need to be done

Stay start your day with a positive

Children are what their parents you

If a child lives with criticism; He learns to condemn

If a child lives with hostility; He learns to flight

If a child lives with ridicule; He learns to be shy

If a child lives with shame; He learns to feel guilty

If a child lives with fairness; He learns justice

If a child lives with approval; He learns to live himself

If a child lives with security; He learns to have fails

If a child lives with acceptance & friendship; He learns to find love

in the world

Some nice sentences

The secret of education lies in respecting others.

Work like a master and not like a slave.

All things are difficult before they become easy.

We never know the love of our parents for us until we have

become parents.

When the hands dare to swim against the current, the stream is
bound to give way.

When the feet are ready to march, the road is bound to welcome.

When the eye is keen, emptiness is bound to bow down.

Before a man with clinched fist, the desert is bound to flow.

Train your hand with skill, Mind with wisdom and heart with love.

The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice.

Watch Yourself
W Watch your words
A Watch your Actions
T Watch your thoughts
C Watch your character
H Watch your Heart

Humorous Definitions
Father: A banker provided by nature.
Boss: Some one who is early when you are late and late when you
are early.
Smile: A curve that can set a lot of things straight.
Rumor: News that travels at a speed of sound.
Miser: A person who lives poor so that he can die rich.
Worry: Interest paid on trouble before it falls due.
Office: A place where you can relax after your strenuous home
Etc: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you
actually do.
Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.

Optimist: A person who starts taking a bath if he accidentally falls

into a river.
Pessimist: A person who says that O is the last letter of Zero
instead of the first letter of Opportunity.
Doctor: A person who kills your ills by pills and kills you by his

The Value of Time

To realize the value of one year. Ask a student who has
failed in his exam.
To realize the value of One month. Ask a mother who has
given birth to a premature baby
To realize the value of One week. Ask as editor of weekly.
To realize the value of One day. Ask a daily wage laborer.
To realize the value of One hour. Ask the lovers who are
waiting to meet.
To realize the value of One minute. Ask a person who has
missed the train.
To realize the value of One second. Ask a person who has
survived an accident.
To realize the value of One mille-second. Ask a person who
has won a sliver medal in Olympics.
To realize the value of One Micro second. Ask a NASA

And if you still dont realize the value of time you

must be a busy man or a lazy man.

What Money cant buy




a bed; But not Sleep

books; But not knowledge
fruits; But not sweetness
spectacles; But not sight
statue; But not God
watch; But not time
a position; But not authority
goods; But not satisfaction
cosmetics; But not beauty

Best Day To Day

Hardest thing to do
Greatest handicap
Easiest things to do

-To begin
- fear
- Finding faults

Most useless asset

- Pride

Most useful asset

- Humility

Greatest mistake

- Giving up

Greatest stumbling black

- Egotism

Most disagreeable person

- The complains

Worst bankruptcy

- Loss of enthusiasm

Greatest need
Meanest feeling
Best gift

- Common sense
- Regret at anothers success
- Forgiveness

Hardest and most

- Defeat (painful to accept)

Greatest moment

- Death

Greatest Knowledge

- Experience

Greatest thing

- Love

Greatest success in the world

- Peace of mind

A Z for students

Avoid anger, always be cheerful

Banish fear, be diligent in studies
Courage is strength to do good things
Develop good habits
Entertain noble thoughts
Follow the path of wise
Good manners are worthy possession
Haste makes waste
Interfere not with others affairs
Joy is a lovable of treasure
Kindness is a loveable of treasure
Love all creature
Music shows the path of divinity
Never find fault with others
Obey elders and teachers words
Prayer to God gives peace of mind
Quarrel is the outcome of jealously & hatred
Religion shows the path towards God
Service & sacrifice are noble virtue
Truth is the sheet anchor
Unity is strength
Vanity is worthless
Wiseman follow the path of righteousness

Xcellence is the result of disciplined life

Youth is for utilizing dormant energies
Zeal for learning is an asset in life

Negative to Positive
Negative: I lost my job what to do now?
Positive: I am changing my job. God has a better plan for me.
Negative: What a lousy day!
Positive: The day just started. It will change for the better.
Negative: I hate him
Positive: I do not like his particular action.
Negative: I am sick
Positive: My body needs rest. I must change my living.
Negative: I hate my mother in law
Positive: I love my mother in law because she gave birth to my
loving husband.
Negative: Damn it! What did I do it?
Positive: I am only human. Let me correct my mistakes and move
Negative: My wife is nagging me.
Positive: My wife carves my attention. Let me spend more time
with her.

Negative: I dont care. It is your problem.

Positive: You have a problem. Let us work on it together.

(Let us start the day with flying colors)

A-Z of life
Always be aware of the almighty.
Be sincere in work.
Do well and be good.
Emulate children in truth.
Free from all vices.
Gain wisdom from elders.
Hope for the best.
Invoke conscience to speak.
Jealously kills, Love saves.
Kill fear and weakness.
Learn dignity of labor.
Monitor your mind.
Never become spend thrift.
Observe moderation in everything.
Plan your time well.

Quit bad company.

Read and re read masters.
Speak less, work more.
Treasure good friendship.
Uphold always justice.
Vanquish ones vanity.
Wear a smile always.
X-ray your goals.
Yearn always for peace.
Zenith is selfless service.

What it shouldnt be called


it hasnt seen Gods image; dont call it an eye.

it refuses to give; dont call it a hand.
they walk away from cries of help; dont call him a father.
her love can disappear; dont call her a mother.
he ungrateful to his parents; dont call him a son.
it doesnt contain a real goal; dont call it strength.
it doesnt contain any feelings; dont call it devotion.

Smart work
Dont try to be one in the crowd. Blind efforts and mere toil cant
produce good result. Add intelligence to your mechanical hard
work. Then mere mechanical work becomes hard work.

Display great enthusiasm and confidence. Nothing great was

achieved without enthusiasm.

God is an invisible mother and mother is a visible God.
Yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory
note. Today is ready cash, use it.
Success often to those who dare and act, it seldom goes to
Speak truth, practice virtue, Study the holy books and honor
parents, teachers and guests.
To express our love for the creator. We must express love for
his creativity.
You cannot be a writer unless you are reader first.
Do the things you fear and fear will disappear.
A really great man is simple and true.
Govern your passions or they will govern you.
Knowledge is treasure, but practice is key to it.
Instructions end with school. But education ends with life.
In prosperity man thinks of gold and adversity think of gold.
Men learn by their suffering more than by any other
Great are those books which help you think the most.
In sickness we fear for our lives. In wealth we fear for our
He who begins many things finishes nothing.
Troubles and struggles are essential part of life.
The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing
at a time.
Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.
Have kindness in others trouble and courage in your own.
It is better to be alone than in bad company.

One should know horse by its speed, an OX by its burden,

Cow by its milk and a wise man by his speech.
To be humble to superiors is duty to equals courtesy, to
inferiors nobility.
Happiness depends on what you can give, But not what you
can get.
Stretching his hand out to catch the stars, he forgot the
flowers at his feet.
He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.
In your career what you learn is more important then what
you earn.
Idle young man becomes unhappy old man.
The greatest sin is to think your self weak.
If you want to be happy give happiness to others.
Circumstances are the rulers of weak, but they are the
instruments of the wise.
Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey
that never ends.
Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can
Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is true
Change your thoughts and you change your life.
Take care of present and future will take care of itself.
A peaceful mind generates power.
Prayers will succeed when thoughts are pure.
Self trust is first secret of success.
To forget is crime, To be lazy is greater crime, To neglect
work and offer excuse is greatest crime.
A thousand mile trip begins with one step.
Call him not friendless who has God & plenty of good books.
A good person is a relative of the strangers and bad person
is a stranger to his relatives.
Real without knowledge is fire without light.

The mind is every thing what you think that you become.
He is a Wiseman who learns from others experience.
A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of
If we cant love the man whom we are seeing, how can he
love God whom we cant see?
A peaceful mind generates power.
In this world there is always danger for those who dare
afraid of it.
Te impotent thing you wear is your expression.
If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not
lead any where.
To do what others cannot do is talent; to do what talent
cannot do is genius.
The widest road leading to the solution of all our problems is
A monkey who misses his branch and a man who misses his
opportunity cant be saved.
A man without smiling face must not open a shop.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Keep you fear to yourself, but share your courage.
Have you fifty friends? It is not enough. Have you one
enemy> It is too much.
If you are truly at peace with yourself you will be ever at war
with others.
To handle yourself use your head. To handle others use your
By paying too much attention to others faults you find no
time to observe your own.
Drive out the three devils from your mind. 1) Addiction 2)
Anger 3) avarice
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and shut after

Everything in man should be beautiful his face, his cloths

and also his thoughts.
Keep your head and your heart in the right direction and you
will never have to worry about your feet.
Beware of flatter, he feeds you with an empty soon.
Our deeds good or evil follow us like shadow.
Do not try to escape because you an only run but you
cannot hide.
Luck sometimes visits a fool, but never sits down with him.
When angry, count ten before you speak, if very angry count
a hundred.
Thinking well is wise; Planning well is wiser, doing well is
Friends are melons; to find one good you try hundred.
Trust in god and do what is right.
Manners reveal character.
The root of education is bitter but the fruit is sweet.
The more you speak of yourself, the more you are likely to
Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep
An optimist sees the rose, a pessimist the thrown.
Prepare for the worst, except the best and take what comes.
No one get through life without failure and mistake, admit
your mistake regret it and learn from is.
Wine has drowned more people than the sea.
A teacher is like a candle that burns itself out by lighting
It is behavior alone that creator lonely person.
If you are master, be some times blind; If you are a slave be
some times deaf.
Do all things as through some one was watching you.
A man is dot perfected without trials.
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.

Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with, bad
habits are easy to form but hard to love with.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an
optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
The diseases of old age are not due to old age but they are
due to wrong life.
After three days the most welcomed guest becomes a boring
A gentle man blames himself while a common man blames
Youth looks ahead. Old age looks back and middle age looks
A winner never quits and a quitter never wins.
God created man to work for his food and said that those
who ate without work were thieves.
All power is with in you. You can do anything and every
Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.

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