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STAR WARS: AGE OF REBELLION . Jon Becinnen Gave is a complete, stand ntains everything three to five pla ers need to roleplay characters involved in the grand oma of the Galactic Gvl War Players can enjoy many hours of entertainment with the contents of this box by playing the included adventure, the downloadable adventure Oreranow: Stuoowrow, and further tales oftheir own invention Players who are ready for a indepth roleplaying experience can pursue further adventures with the Ack oF Rensiuion Core Rulebook. This the starting point for a con plete line of roleplaying prod ucts, including pre-written adventures, sourcebooks with ‘more content for tiero players and GMs, and much more. In bot acters a games, hero players take the role adventure of player char inthe Star Wars galaxy. Both games use the same dice and the same core dice mectanic. They use the same structure of characteristics, skis, and talents {although the exact lists of skill and talents are somewhat Afferent. Both use a flexible system of actions and manet fers to resolve combat and both use similar mecharisms to etal starshins and vehicles In short, the Ace oF REBELUON Brcawwen Gawe is a simpler and easier the Ace oF Resetuon core rules The Siar ars: Eoee oF twe Exe Beonwer GaMe ic Eoce cof me Emme Core Rulebook are also available for players \who wish to explore the fringes of galactic society inthe Star riverse. Players who have experience with this Bea ex Gave vl find themselves with an excellent head stat to jump into ether of these Star Wars roleplaying game which use the same structure. mechanics. an HOW TO USE THIS BOOK he adventure in his book Is writer that you can begin playing as you read i adventure for you and your fren rules. Rules concepts are introdu ne adventure teaches you everythi you need to know it.I you'Te ever in doubt about what todo, letthe GM make a decison, and then move on withthe story You can look up the “ight” answer in book later. The important thing isthat everyone has fun! 4 designed so Itis both a fun nd a way to learn the id as they come up, and jou need to know as ‘As you play through this adventure, you will see blocks of rex lke the one below THE PLAYER CHARACTERS ‘There are fur Player Characters contained inthis BEcINNeR Gaye: Zai Artha the Human Ace, Vendri DeRaim the Duros ‘Spy, Cael Hanarist the Human Soldier, and Tendaar Bel the Mon Calamani Engineer. If your group has fever than four ero players, you might not use ll four ofthese PCs. Additional character folios can be downloaded from the Fan tasy Fight Games nebsite(run.FantasyFlightGamies com), RULES TEXT ‘One common page element isa sidebar like this one ‘Sidebars like this one contain rules text. You can refer to these sidebars to figure out how to resolve the ac tion in a given encounter. [Not every page or encounter has its own rules sidebar, ‘Athough new rules are introduced the fist time the Players are expected to use them, they remain in ‘effect throughout the adventure. For instance, the rules {or building and resolving a dice pool are described on age 8. On future pages, itis assumed that the players now knowhow to build and resolvea dice pool CIOL ee aot ene and asides to assist the GM in runnin eae eee LE eer for NPCs tha WELCOME TO ONDERON his adventure takes place on the N, @ planet in the Japrael system. This world is home te an Imperial garrison conteoled by Admiral Corlen It is also home to.a clandestine Imperial listening post bult upon the secret order of Moff Dardano, one of Coren's political Tivals. The PCs, recently recruited. agents of the Rebel Aliance, have been sent to Onderon to take over Darcano's| listening post, capitalizing on the shadow war between the bickering Imperials and securing the post as a fonvard base for the Rebel Aliance inthe Ja ungle world of Onder praelsyster Their infiltration of Onderon went smoothly enaugh, and ‘now the PCs have made a long and rather unpleasant trek through the world’s notorious jungles to reach Whisper Base. To complete thei mission. the PCs must infiltrate the base, defeat the modest forces it houses, and make sure that no Imperial soldiers escape to report the oss. Ifthe intel they received from the Bothan Spynet is good, Moff Dardano will not sk expasing his underhanded dealings by trying to retake the base with Imperial roops After hours inthe jungle, the PCs must now slip int base itself. To this end, they have cut the communica line between the base and the nearby comm tower Thi prevents the base from calling fer help, but perhaps more Importantly, will draw out a patra carrying a code cylinder the PCs can use to enter the base undetected, The prospe of dealing the Empire a serious blow (and of getting anay fom the Sweltering heat and swaeming insects of the jungle) hangs tantalzingly before the heroes, The adventure map is broken into several sections. The map includes Whisper Baso, its attached launch pad (with the S| — ai fee de Lambdarciass shuttle Nios) a comm tomer the base uses t mit messages, and the local region of Ondeer's jungle The base mat Each location on the map ismarked with a pagenumter. tne player characters travel to that location, the GM can refer to that page number fora description of what the PCs find there nd ow visting that location can help them in thelr mission, PCs are expected to start i the garage bay (page 8), then move to the launch pad (page 16), then the contro oon {oage 24), and finally leave the base via the main entrance as they chase down their foe (page 25). The other locations in the base are briefly described on pages 28-29 is repraduced here for your convenience he adventure Is presented as a series of encounters. The encounters are numbered and presented in the order that the PCs are expected to proceed. Because the individual rules concepts are introduced gradually (encounter by encounter) players are strongly encouraged to proceed in the order presented here Fhe PCs attempt to skip an en: inter, the GM can explain that they will be passing over vital rules, or can allow them co skip and pause the game while he or she reads the skipped encounter and shares the rules concepts contained within, In between encounters, the GM might have to improvise he transitions. These transitions can be as simple as “Youll sneak quietly from the barracks tothe briefing room,” or as ‘complex as small sub-encounters in their own right. Mey'e also a great opportunity to mix in some of the color and variety ofthe galaxy of Star Wars, ee o begin he game. a. rd ARRANGING THE PLAY AREA RAISING THE CURTAIN ‘STRAIN Strain reflects mounting fatigue and stress. if a character is ever suffering a total amount of strain {eater than his or her strain threshold, that character Collapses unconscious The adventure has now begun! Proceed to the fir encounter (Encounter 1), ENCOUNTER 1: INFILTRATION 1 this encounter, the PCs sip Into the garage adjoining ‘whisper Base and cut the comm line, isolating the base and prompting a patrol to investigate the problem, They have an opportunity to hide themselves inthe machinery-strewn (garage before the soldiers arrive As the PCs enter the garage bay, read or paraphrase the following loud) Each PC has one chance to hide before the soldiers en ter the garage bay from the base. Domg so requires a skill check. Each PC should make one skill check ta determine whether or not the attempt ta ide Is successful IF & PC simply tres to hide behind crates. under a table, or behind one ofthe locked ATS, then the skill chee Steslth check. But there are other things the PCS can ry, such as © Convincing the arriving soldiers that they are newly srived recruits (Deception) ‘Climbing beam ana staying very stil. (Coordination) ‘© Prying open a crate and climbing inside. (Athletics) ‘© Picking the lock to an unpowered AFST and stepping inside the cockpit. (Skulduggery) ‘Sliding under one ofthe speeder bikes and pretending toypertorm repairs. (Coo!) nice each hero player makes his or her choice, that play er shoul construct a dice poo! and rol his or her ski check The hero players do this one ata time, in any order PERFORMING THE SKILL CHECK ‘To perform this sil check, the active player (the play: er whose characteris performing the action) should do the following: 1. Collect a pool of dice—the number and type of ice listed on the character sheet for the sil in ‘question, plus one purple Difficulty die @. 2. Roll the dice Failure Y symbols cancel Success. ¥ symbols. If there is atleast one Success ¥ symbol leftover, the task succeeds. ‘Those are the bare bones steps of any skill check. For more detail, read on.. THE CORE MECHANIC Whenever a character attempts an action that has @ chance of failure, a skill check is performed to deter- mine whether or not the action succeeds, The core mechanic, which determines success or failure, is as follows 1. Rolla pool of dice. 2. Fallure Y symbols cancel Success 3 symbols, &. After all other factors, if there is at least one Success % symbol, the task succeeds. THE DICE POOL Whenever a character performs a check, the player controling that character (the active player) rolls a ool of dice. Ths dice poo consists of beth "good dice." Contributed by the character's own abilities and posi tive crcumstances, and “bad die,” contributed by the dificulty of the task and negative circumstances. Each character's skill entry on his or her character sheet has a dice pool indicated, a collection of green Ability dice @ and possibly yellow Proficiency dice ©. Therefore, assembling the character's dice pool is as simple as reading the entry on the character sheet and gathering the appropriate dice The GM then adds a number of purple Difficity dice #0 the poo! based on the dificity ofthe check. In this case, the check is Easy, and so the GM adds a single purple Difficulty die @ Once the dice are assembled, the active player rolls and the results are read a Sa Wal ed | Dad eaanet an tng petri dice (usually Abilty dice © and/or Proficiency Pee er en ene} few exceptions, and the errs LOL Revie rea eas ee eer) ee cea ous SUCCESS, OR FAILURE? Ifthe check results in more Success ¥ symbols than Failure ¥ symbols, the check succeeds! ‘wo symbols are used to determine success or fallure on a given check. These symbols are the Success 3 symbol and the Failure Y symbol. Each Falure ¥ sym- bol cancels (and is canceled by) one Success ¥ symbol. I, after accounting for al Failure Y symbols, there are any Success ¥ symbols remaining, the task succeeds Extra Failure Y symbols have no further effect I all ofthe PCS hide or prepare themselves fo fully, read the following aloud: Continue to Encounter 2. I) cameuresncoumen eran movncon ADVANTAGE, OR THREAT? Ifthere are more Advantage &) symbols than Threat ® symbols, the character recovers 1 strain per ‘Advantage €9 symbol in excess of Threat @ symbols IF there are more Threat & symbols than Advantage {9 symbols the character suffers 1 strain per Threat © symbol in excess of Advantage ©) symbol In addition to sucess and failure, each check may generate positive or negative side effects or other ‘outcomes, represented by the Advantage ¢) symbol and the Threat & symbol, respectively. These twists OF fortune are independent of sucess of fale: 3 check can fail and stil generate a postive side effect via Advantage 9 ora check can succeed but with a megative consequence due to Threat &. Advantage (9 symbols ae canceled by Threat @ ‘symbols and vice versa, ust as with Success 3 and Fallure ¥ symbols. any Advantage ¢9 symbols re main once this is done, then something beneficial to the active character has occurred. If any Theat @ symbols remain, then something harmful to the ac tive character has occurred. In this case, the active character may recover | strain pper Advantage ( symbol. The active character suf fers 1 strain per Threat @ symbol. This is the most ‘basic way to use Advantage ( and Threat @, and this option is alvays available to the active character other specific options are discussed later, any of the PCs fall to hide or otherwise set up for the nbush, ead the Continue to Encounter 2. (AGE OF REBELLION J nis encounter a fight breaks cut besveen the PCS at W coup oot Dardano’sertres teoutofthst Whe Pc on ther attempts to hide curr Encounter I. then he PCs have an advartage over the sods DETERMINE INITIATIVE {At the beginning of the first round of combat, the GM and the hero players need to determine in what frder the characters (both PCs and NPCs) will take their turns. Ths is called the Initiative order. In most as there are PCs. The sertries are stanaing by the lock oor, engaged with one another; they are at shor From the garage door and medium range Irom the far side €888S determining Initiative POSSIBLE ACTIONS INCLUDE: Performing an attack with an available weapon, Using a ski Performing a second manewver, POSSIBLE MANEUVERS INCLUDE: Moving to @ new location within short range, or ‘moving between range bands (rom engaged range to short range, short range to medium range, et). Readying or stoning a weapon or other item (such asa stimpack) Using a stimpack. ‘Opening or closing a door, tipping a table over for cover, oF otherwise interacting with the environment, ‘Aiming to gain a Boost die Con your next attack. Taking cover to give attackers a Setback die Il on attacks against you until you leave cover or the situation changes such that you are no longer protected by cover. ‘THE ROUND ENDS; A NEW ROUND BEGINS Ater all characters have taken a turn, the round is ‘over. If the battle Is now done (one team has been defeated or has fed), then the encounter is over and itis no longer necessary to track Initiative, f there is more fighting to do, a new round begins and the [process returns to the “Participants Take Tums" step. During this new round of combat, the order of Initia tive slots remains the same, but the characters may act in a diferent order (they are not obligated to use the same Initiative slot as they did inthe first round), BOOST DICE AND SETBACK DICE es eeu ea pee oy AGE OF REBELLION MOVEMENT AND RANGE Inthe Ace oF Reseiuon Brcinwer Gane, range and dis- tance are handled abstractly, with a system of range bbands that describe the distances between objects. There are five range bands: engaged, short, medium, long, and extreme. In order from closest to farthest: Engaged range: Characters are close enough to ‘touch. Engaged range Isa subcategory of short range. ‘Short range: A few steps amay. An easy shot with 2 blaster. Ittakes a single manewver to move from short range to engaged, of from short range to mecium range In this encounter, short range is about half the distance across the garage. Medium range: Opposite sides of a room. An aver- ‘age shot with a blaster. Still close enough to easily be seen and heard, although characters must speak loudly to be understood. It takes a single maneuver to move from medium range to short range. It takes ‘wo maneuvers to move from medium range to long range. In this encounter, medium range spans from ‘one side of the garage to the other side Thore are two other range bands—Long range and Extreme range—that aren't important here, because the garage is relatively small, You can use character tokens to approximate where each character ison the map and to estimate ranges between characters. Since the range band system is abstract, rough estimates are normally all of the detail that you need Oe gee | eae i met te to the Critical Injury chart on the back PERFORMING AN ATTACK When fighting in a hate, one ofthe most basic and important actions a character can to perform is to make an attack with an available weapon against a target in range. ist, the attacker should compare the range to the target against the listed range for the weapon. Ite target Isto far away, the attacker ‘must move closer, choose a different target forthe attack, or do something else with his or ner action Aitacks are skil checks, and the skill used is deter ‘mined by the weapon. The skill used to attack with 2 given weapon i listed ints description. The active ‘haracter should gather the die forthe dice pool as indicated for the relevant ski ‘The difcuity of an attack check (the number of purple Difficulty dice added tothe check is deter mined by the circumstances of the attack. Ifthe attack is at short range, it is an Easy (@) ‘heck. Add 1 Difficulty de @ to the dice poo. Iftheattackisat medium range,itisan Average (4) ‘heck. Add 2 Dticulty dice @ tothe ice pool ifthe attack sat long range (nhicht won't be as ong as everyone stays inside the garage), itis a Hard ©) check. A 5 Diticulty dice @ to the die pool Ir the attacker is engaged with his or her target, itis an Average (@ @) check it's made with the Melee, Bran, or Ranged (Light) sil. Add 2 Ditcuty cic @ to the die poo. Ifthe attacks made withthe Ranged (Heavy) ski itis a Hard (@ @ @) check. Add 5 Di- Feulty dice @ to the dice pool ‘A character who uses the Aim manewer also adds a Boost aie Jo the attack’ dice pool. Characters who are in cover add Setback dice Il to attacks that tar getthem. Once the dice pool is assembled, itis rolled {and evaluated lke anyother sil check DEALING DAMAGE ANO SUFFERING WOUNDS Inthe attackis a success, ithits and the hit inflicts Gamage on the target. The damage inflicted by the attack is equal to the damage rating of the weapon plus the number of Success ¥ symbols left uncanceled, For example, iTendaar fires a blaster pistol with damage 6 and hits his target with 1 uncanceled Success 3 symbol, he deals 7 damage. ‘The target reduces the damage he or she sufers by his or her soak rating—a combination of the character's natural ‘toughness and the armor he or she is wearing. Ifa character's soak rating reduces the damage to O or less, that ‘character suffers no wounds. Otherwise, the character suffers wounds equal to any remaining damage. For instance, ifTendaar shoots a sentry for 7 damage, the sentry reduces that damage by his soak value of 3 and suffers 4 wounds. \When a character suffers wounds that characters contreller marks them on his or her character sheet. The GM can use ‘scratch paper for NPCs. When a character's total number of wounds suffered exceeds his or her wound threshold, ‘the character is defeated and knocked unconscious. That character suffers an immediate Critical Injury and remains unconscious unt healed by another character. NPCs who are defeated normally dle outright or are incapacitated such that they pose no further threat tothe PCs for the purposes of the gamme, unless the plot call for them to survive Ma) roe, Py ciel tenneeet career things. In general, the player controling the ac- tive character chooses how to spend Advantage © symbols, with the GM's approval, Options include: Reo cacy Eee neg eee en cry Pee eat) eee See ecard Preece ia ss Beene a Nena ea Reet ee erecta) rey ute) noted in that weapon's description ‘Spend Advantage €9 to do something else Eee eet BUI) Threat @ may be spent to do several things. In ee ny symbols. Options include ‘+ Spend 1 Threat @ to cause a PC to suffer feo ‘Spend 2 Threat & to allow the target ofthe Se are ue ern eerie tD Oe ee) ee eee en tae Spend 2 Threat @ to add a Boost die Ill to Cee eet rcs EL appropriate to the plot and situation. RG Ina combat situation, a Triumph symbol counts as a Success 3 symbol, and thus makes an attack more Tomer Sa tee os @ symbol can be used to infct 1 Critical Injury on Reais ence ay Cent een ‘THE BATTLE CONTINUES UNTIL ONE ‘TEAM OR ANOTHER IS VICTORIOUS. ead or paraphrase th oud an Encounter 3 IF the troopers win, read or paraphrase the Fol and then continue to Encounter 3 (e2ch PC sounds to one belo und thr + incapad ¢ Iso use th RECOVERING STRAIN ‘Atthe end of each encounter, PCs have a chance to recover strain. Each PC recovers strain equal to his or her Presence characteristic or ranks in the Cool skill whichever i greater a” ENCC JUNTER 3 this encounter the PCS must deal with BX-2 Joisarmed BX-series commando battle droid pressed int doing maintenance tasks at the Istening gost. The PCs mu anvince the droid nat ta betray their positon, a8 ould alert the base, whether it found the PCs conscious or r 1s. PCS can use ther ski to cajle the dros to he them, Alternatively, they could simply use violence to solve his problem, though Toor can prove a valuable all ater When they encounter the droid in or just outside of te read oF paraphrase the folowing aou lays the role of statements as Toor would, Toor or and responds to the PCs’ questions fed for the demeaning task of cleaning th free of the yoke of ts du ming the PCS ca relping) Some ofthe Toor ean be ince it they are Sr a Tw Cua ea Senn pcan ee ea ere Injury), bucket, cleaning nas CYC Mea era eee Sra ren cas ee cas Decent! POUL eee eta erent rend ee ee eos ee ees So ace) eee ee ae) e, Toor hopes that the PCs will remove th Secu: enon EL OPPOSED CHECKS Dealing wit Toor requires an opposed check, acheck in which the skill of one character is pitted agai the skill of another. Sometimes these checks are used With the same sil on both sides, such a the Negotia tion vs. Negotiation example tothe right, or the Ath- leis vs. Athletics check two wrestlers would make. At ‘other times, one skill opposes a diferent ski such as in the Deception vs. Discipine example below. ‘When making. an opposed check, the player who ‘controls the active character (the one making the ‘heck; in this case, a hero player) assembles his or her dice pool as normal. The aificuity ofthe check is determined by the rival character's dice pool inthe relevant ski For every green Ability die @ in the r- ‘al character’ dice poo}, a purple Ditculty de @ Is added to the active character's dice pool. For every yelion Profcieny die © in the rival character’ dice ool, a red Challenge die @ is added to the active Character’ dice pool. in other words the rival char- acter bulds his own dice pool out of Difficulty @ and Chailenge dice @ insteac of Abiity @ and Proficiency dice ©, then adds that tothe active character's dice oo! to represent te "bad dice" forthe check. ‘he alice pool Is then rolled and evaluated follow- Ing the normal rues for dice pools. n the case of on ‘opposed check, Advantage () and Triumph @® could fellec something beneficial occurring to the active character or something disadvantageous Nappening to the rival character. Likewise, Threat @ and Despair '@ symbols coud reflect something bad happening to the active character or something good happening to the rival character, atthe GM's aiscretion. HOW CAN WE FREE YOU? The PCs can remove Tors restraining bot by having one of ‘hem mate on opposed Mechanics or Athletics check vs. the Mechanics (@ 4) ol the enginer who installed the bot This does nt automaticaly make it help the Ps, but i rake the droid more rendly and open to certain acts WE'RE IN CHARGE HERE! WE ORDER YOU NOT TO CLEAN THIS BAY. The PCS might be abe to conince Toor that they are new recruts, or even oficers sent t inspect the base the PCS Chaose this option, they have to choose one PC to rake al opposed Deception check vs. Toor’s Discipline (@ @). (Opposed checks are cussed In Geta the above se bar} Toor ciscovere the PCs while they were unconscious, however, the check suffers a Setback de | ue tothe im piaustleyof ther story WANT TO JOIN THE REBEL ALLIANCE? | MEAN, NOBODY REALLY LIKES THE EMPIRE, RIGHT? ‘oor cares very litle for polities, bt it does wish to be free ‘of restraining bot (and has no great love ofthe Empire for > ensioving th vince to switchs allegiance Ite PCs choose this option they have to chaose ane PC to make an opposed Charm check vs, Toor’ Discipline ( @). Opposed checks are discussed in detail on the sidebar tothe WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU TO LOOK THE OTHER, WAY THIS TIME? Toor ras no interest in monetary bribes, but it does wish to see its oppressors punished, and the PCs causing havo around the base would do just that. Ifthe PCs chaose this ‘option, they'l have to choose one PC to make an opposed "Negotiation check vs. Toor’s Negotiation (@). Onjposed checks are discussed in detall on the sidebar fo the let. IF YOU TRIP THE ALARM, WE ARE THROWING ‘YOU IN THE TRASH COMPACTOR. I subtler diplomacy fis, the PCS can alvays rely upon the threat of violence against Toor Ifthe PCS choose this option, theyll Fave to choose one PC to make an apposed Coercion check vs. Toor's Discipline (they fa this check and have not removed the restraining bok, Toor shos. uty ae amming causes to attack them (the initive order willbe PC. PC, NPC, PC, PC) If they have removed the restraining bat, Toor merely rons indignant ARE THERE ANY OTHER WAYS INTO OR OUT. (OF THIS BASE? CAN'T WE JUST SCRAP THIS DROID? If the PCS nish, they can simply dispatch Toor using vielen means, I they choose to attack Toor (rather than prompting Ie to attack them), te Initiative order is PC, PC, PC, PC, NPC, as Toor's not expecting the attack 1S THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN DOTOHELP US WITH TAKING OVER THE BASE? ‘The PCs might hope to get other equipment or supplies from Toor, especialy if they have converted it to their cause, Toor has access toa locked supply ches inthe comer ofthe room, andoffers the PCs its contents if they fee it from the restrain ng bolt. The chest contains four simpacks, ten Imperial ion packs, ten canteens of wate, Sx Imperial dress uniforms, and a 30-meter spool of thick stee wire. Opening tis chest Without Too’ assistance requires one ofthe PCs to make a Hard (@ @ @) Computers check to bypass the digial lock. lftne PCs generate three or more Threat @ on this check, he chests also fl of jungle insects that have chewed thei way in (outdid not eat the ration bars, apparently not recog izing them as food). Each PC engaged withthe chest when he insects swarm out suffers 2 strain CDE Sag aL) | ate eaten SO eet) failure ofa task. In combat, characters gain Boost res oe ee) aes Pea ee additional ere. ems be added to adi Caceres Pon rr etal aE Ts Serer oo Terr aces gree ets gee eet eee ee Re orn er Coen ne fo or when making a check to convince Toor ee eed Mota et So Peace face excessively tupation in its ee es eS mn any check can add a Setback die} to the acti eer Beers] on which Pores a ag asa LLL hallenge dice © are the mechanical and narra tive opposite of Proficiency dice @. In checks, tney appear when the other character has See eee ee eee lenge die ©. and itis the mirror of the Triumph A ee eer Raitt Resa el a Failure Y symbol and cancels a Success Se es has occurred forthe active character. In Pusey) Poe es Pee ta een poe renee ‘Once the PCs have convinced Toor not neir pres ce (or sed th in the nd led it close enough), they can con x the base. If the PCs are not sure whe or cal point out that there is another way to leave the base—the Teunch pad—and that the command staff on the base could se it to escape, Proceed to Encounter 4. ri ler, the PCs must mak y deeper ity to enter: Ifthe story the PCs come up with sounds pl ward them with Boost di 1 check. Ifthe 3 C$ did rthing to prevent Toor from fine is rep the devastation in the garag suffer an r 8 ck de Ml 1 base being on alert. Ii the PCs fail heir breach has been detected), The PCs can try anot -nvince the guards, they sufer an additional Setback del as their deception grows increasingly obvious cut that leads out ofthe base, paral to the 0 the launch pad. It's protected by a era can open it by using Skulduggery (0 evict grat) or Athletes (to pul re without a is check s Average ( @) difficulty I they succeed, the eeze through the ducts to each the launch pa he PCs can simply attack the guards and fight their way onto he launch pad they do ths, however, one ofthe guards alls forcement stat of his first turn If 76 ough to do sa, an addtional two launch pad guards arrive tthe start ofthe second round. The launch pad guards are x ex ht: each one makes a separate Vigilance fo nitive. The PCs wil ely make Cool checks. (See Expanded Rules: Determine Initiative on page |) Imperial soldiers. They must 60 then maintain ther ruse passing an opposed Deception or Coer- cion check vs. the guards’ Discipline OO W con > PLOT ny EXPANDED RULE: DETERMINE INITIATIVE STB GH RD | nem nmeycsecyocne ee) a skill check performed by each participant A char acter makes a Cool check if expecting a fight. Ifthe ‘character was not expecting aft, he or she makes ret a Vigilance check instead. (Different characters can ee Use different skilson the same initiative check) a These checks are Simple (-) checks, and no purple Rae ene a's Difficulty dice @ are added. Seren ial eee antl ‘Once all the checks have been made, the CM notes Picts Cine ere the results of each check and ranks them in order, fa at ae tea pinto from most Success % symbols to fewest. If there i 2 te, the check with more Advantage ( is ranked etd abel ae aa higher I there is sil tie, a PC check beats an NPC TORO ce ene en tins ‘eck, It does not matter who made which check, ‘only i the character is a PC or an NPC. The GM might wish to write this down on some scratch paper. The GM should now have a list of initiative check results, each one marked as PC or NPC. This is the Initiative order. During the ensuing combat, a PC eae ql When they get inside, the nd themselves in a covered lure pa cating Lamdcocls she Toe CM en rrr PCs approach the ship to disable the craft, read or reached. and an MPC for croup of NPCs} wil act each Terie ery pou We eee eee es Ciel it enn ee ipei tive slots belong to the team, not an individual. The ‘same is true for NPCs, Iv the PCs managed to talk their way past the guards or slip through the ventilation shaft, tiey lkely wish to try to remain silent. If they slew the launch pad guards outsii hen ths is lessimportat.Inelther case they have a similar et of options to make sure that Lieu eT BY acs aa a Sens Renee eementinict rr samt enero nent aan Menem Tor iz R Pei aren eens rus abuses fag esse ae ooo | Paiganpcttoay thse, pong ray etnias are SLICE INTO THE SHUTTLE’S COMPUTER AND DISABLE ITS SYSTEMS. Ifthe PCs have made it into the bay without making a com motion they might wish 0 Keep thelr work quit. re shuttle is unlocked, and boarding it gives tem access to its main computer If they wish to disable the ship, one PC must make arn Average (@ ) Computers check. they generate tno or more Theat & symbols, a small alarm is Uigeered and the quords ouside come into investigate assuring they stil ave), The PCs have to convince them that this is not a problem or dispatch the MANUALLY DISCONNECT ‘THE SHUTTLE’S ENGINES. ithe PCs are less concerned with keeping te shut in one piece, they can manualy disconnect the engines (or othe tise sabotage the vessel). Doing so requires one PC to make an Average (@ @) Mechanics check Hoviever, this method Can be particularly noisy, and so the PCs sufer a Setback die [Jon this check. if they generate any Threat & symbols, he guards outside come ino investigate (assuming they are and the PCs must explain themselves or eliminate nese guards BARRICADE THE DOORS AND LEAVE THROUGH THE VENTS. I the PCs do nat wish to cripple the shuttle, they might choose to bck the acess hate tothe launch pad and then leave through te vetiaton shat. Bang so recuites one PC ‘o make a Hard ($ @ @) Athletics check ‘o 0'2:¢ heavy machinery inthe Way of he hatch, or a Hard ( © @) Me- thanies check to cobble together a sutabe lock. te PCS generate tee or more Treat symbo's on eer check, hay are greeted by the etoup of rathor surprised guards nen they exit the venation shaft (unless tey aleady eat with these soldiers posted to protect thea (Once they have closed off this avenue of ex an continue on toward the command center, Pr Interlude: Experience and Destiny on page 20, EXPANDED RULES: RANGE Now that the characters are outside the confines of the garage bay, combat might occur ata longer range inthe winding corridors of the base. Long range: From one end of one of the corridors to the other A hard shot witha blaster a blaster pistol cannot make the shat ata. Characters must shout 0 be heard clearly, and it might be hard to see detalls It takes two maneuvers to move from long range to medium range or from long range to extreme range. Extreme range: The furthest range at which charac- ters can see and interact with each other. Characters cannot hear one another even if they shout. Only Some sniper rile and vehicle mounted weapons can shoot this far. t takes two maneuvers to move from ‘extreme range to long range. ST comreneamncsracmmmcen INTERLUDE: EXPERIENCE AND DESTINY 1 until now, the adventure hes deliberately been very linear to help teach the game and to ensure that the ci ‘al plot elements have been put in place. But now the PCS: have accomplished the majority oftheir goals and can strike at the contiol center. They might wish 19 explore the other chambers of the base, take stock of what the base contains, ‘or prepare forthe assault on the contro! center before moving ‘on. Altematvely, they might simply fel the best path is the most direct one, and decide to strike at the control center, Ether way it's time to award the hero players some expe: rience and earn about destiny! (PERIENCE AWARDS {As the heroes continue their adventures and overcome new challenges, they are awarded experience points (XP) by te GM. typically at the end of every play session, The heroes. may then spend those experience points to purchase new ranks ofskils and talents from their specialization trees Now that the PCS have completed one of their primary story goals (cutoff the retreat for the command staf, they {are awarded 10 XP. Each ofthe hero players should tum to the next page of his or her character folio now. where the “level-up” procedure is explained. He or she should also be sure to note the strain andor wounds he or she has suf- fered, 2s wells his or her current amount of money or any other changes to his or her character (spent stimpacks, et), transferring that information ftom his or her first character sheet tothe new one, THE DESTINY POOL The PCs are more than just solders strategists, and spies They are the main characters of the story, and they are touched by the Force with a ereat destiny, This destiny Is represented in partby the Destiny poo, BUILDING THE DESTINY POOL Each hero player now rolls the white Force O die once. For tach white pip rolled, place a Destiny Point token in the Destiny pool with its white side showing. For each black pip rolled. place a Destiny Point token in the Destiny pool with its black side showing, The Destiny poo! is a collection of Destiny Point tokens that both the GM and hero players can manipulate; it should be placed somewhere within reach of ‘as many players 2s is practical NEXT STEPS Ir the hero players want to expire the rest of the listening post before moving on, fip to Other Encounters at the Base on page 28, If the PCs spend a lot of time explor ingand don't take any precautions against being discovered then they might encounter another squad of Whisper Base sentries=referto Encounter 2 for guidelines on how to run those encounters. * ifthe nero players want to investigate the other rooms of the base, see page 28 for more guidance on What the rooms contain. Some nave solclers in them, but most are clear, and the PCS can find supplies and valuable information about the base inside of ther, Of course, the longer they take exploring, the more likely they are to run into patrols, off-duty soldiers, and others who might tip of Lieutenant Sarey hat they are on their way. When they have explored every roam (or decide 10 stop exploring), proceed to Encounter 5. © Inthe hero players want to move directly to the contr center, then proceed directly to Encounter 5. * Ifthe hero players are unsure of haw to proceed, the GM should remind them that their current mission requires them to capture the control center. The GMcan commence Encounter 5 as the PCS run into a squad of stormtraopers on their way, ul a SMU aT Wd ENCOUNTER 5: FIREFIGHT base See eae Peer ta ged ene ENCOUNTER 5 Nd i] pa Ug AOU SOG SC Rt {ull group of 3, @ Pee) comers po at ene Cres Oa Vigilance 0 Ee eee renee teams eRUROX epee errs (Skil: Melee (varies; @ @ © for fll group of 3} Pe are eae er en eer e Pn ee a uti on eee) Peers rime S Cees pore SE eee Since the stormtroopers have no strain threshold, “ instead, MINION GROUPS Minions are the nameless individuals that the PCs encounter and perhaps fight in droves in their adventures in the Star Wors universe. An individual minion is generally not an especially dangerous threat, as minions often have poor characteristic val ues, no skils, and low wound thresholds. ‘The GM may choose to use minions in groups, in Which case several special rules apply. Minion groups are always composed of identical minions, and {groups of minions can be much more dangerous than minions individually A group of minions acts together and behaves in most respects as a single character. All minionsin the {group take their turn at the same time, and they per form unified actions and/or maneuvers that reflect the group working as a unit to achieve their goals. An attack or abilty that targets one minion in the group targets the entire group. The minion group has a single wound threshold shared by all members of the group. This wound threshold Is equal to the sum of the wound thresh: olds of every member of the group. (For example, a group of 3 stormtroopers—each with a wound threshold of 5—has a wound threshold of 15.) Each time any member of the group suffers wounds, the \wounds are applied to the group's wound threshold Individual members ofthe group are defeated one at a time, and one falls each time the total wounds suf fered exceeds the wound threshold of an individual member of the group. For example, when the stor trooper eroup passes 5 wounds. one stormtrooper is defeated. When the total wounds suffered exceeds 10, the second stormtrooper is defeated. When the total wounds suffered exceeds 15, the third and final stormtrooper is defeated If minion group sulfers a Critical Injury, it immed ately suffers wounds equal tothe wound threshold of fone member of the group, When minions perform checks, they use the char acteristics of a single member of the group. If the check is a kil that is listed in the “Skills” section of the minion’ entry, then the group receives a bonus i there are two or more minions working together. For every minion in the group beyond the first, the group ‘counts as having one rank in that ski. For example, @ group of 5 stormiroopers counts as having 2 ranks in Ranged (Heavy) and rolls a dice poo! of 0. @ when ‘making Ranged (Heavy) checks. The same group has ‘no ranks of training in Piloting (because that skill is ‘not on the lst in the stormtrooper description} and would roll @ @ @ on Piloting checks no matter how ‘many stormtroopers were part ofthe minion group. DICE POOL REVISITED SKILLS AND CHARACTERISTICS Up until now, each character entry has included the dice pool for each skill that the characteris likely to use. However, inthe course of a roleplaying game, it 's impossible to predict al of the potential directions, the story can go, and it might be necessary for the GM to make skill checks for NPCS in skils that are not noted in that NPC's entry. The minion rules also preclude simply including a dice pool for each skill, because it may change based on the circumstances. When determining the cice pool for a skill check, players perform the following steps: Identify the liked characteristic for the skill check Each skill entry on the character folios indicates a linked characteristic for that skill, The GM and hero players alike can refer to this list. A list of skils and their linked characteristics is also included on the ack ofthe BEGINNER GAME rulebook. Compare the value of the linked characteristic tothe rank of the skil. The active player collects a num: ber of green Ablity dice @ equal tothe larger value. The active player then exchanges a number of those green Ability dice @ equal to the smaller value for the same number of yellow Proficiency dice O. These dice form the core ofthe dice poo! For example. the Athletics skis linked to Brawn. A character with 3 Brawn and 1 rank of training in Ath letics has a dice pool of ©. A character with 1 Brawn and 3 ranks of training in Athletics also has a dice pool of O.@ @. A character with 2 Brawn and 0 ranks of training would rol @, and a character with 2 Brawn and 2 ranks of training would rol O}O. During looking Ite PCS run away (to re them into an ambush, or sim ms ka ENCOUNTER 6: LOCKDOWN ‘Once the PCs defeat the stormtroopers guarding the door make their inside. The che an Average (@ ) ONCE INSIDE make their way inside the command center “EVERYTHING'S FINE OUT HERE. WE GOT ‘THOSE REBEL OPERATIVES GOOD. OPEN THE DOOR AND TAKE A LOOK! Impersonating the stormtroopers isn't easy, but if t work ht get the officer inside to loner their guard and the PCs inside, They are not entirely gullble, and even in 205 ofan attack of nere protocol © obst nside the control center to open the door this way. The rock i Deception vs, Discipline (@ 4 @) “THERE IS A REBEL INFILTRATOR IN YOUR MIDST ALREADY! HIS FRIENDS OUT HERE GAVE HIM UP. LET US IN SO WE CAN ID HIM.” nmand staff off balance, making them n pilay cat, pnenahe PCs Give.c!™aae iia Aritomater 7. manipulate. The check is Deception vs. Cool (@ @) “COME OUT AND WELLLETYOU LIVE TWISTS OF FATE tat ty hw face ite ret tne oo dca of | eg eae cae ies tyres sanction ees, | check is Coercion vs. Discipline (@ @ @) dark sde tothe igt side to have a recurring vilaines- Co net G/CM tr met SWELL THE swoRTEST:PaTH 15 srravciT [IRI a fmctiberad map arson stn Fe cee Maaitponetnetcrakcteomrocecc ss (Etta ares? the GM can spend Destiny Points to invoke dark tums keep ie lockes. The check is 2 Hard (@ @) Computers offate that present unexpected challenges tothe PCS, Mechanics check a” ENCOUNTER 7: THE CHASE ‘this encounter, the PCs race after the devious Lieut Sarey, who made a break forthe nearby comm tom {ve chase, they must commandeer one ofthe vehicles in the @arage bay so that tney can catch the Lieutenant in his ATST! (Once the PCs reach the garage, they find that one of the two ATST walkers is gone—but the other walker an the eight lunetional 74-Zb speeder bikes inthe garage are operational ‘and practically ready to go, The PCs can each take one speed: ter bike, or upto three PCs can ride in the AFST (one pil, one ‘gunner, and one engineer squeezing into the back ithe PCS delay, or can't decide what postions to take the GM should After al i Leutenant Sarev reaches that comm toner and sends his nessage, their takeover of the base compromise and their hard work will be wasted! I's time to g (Once the PCs have chosen their vehicles, they ¢an leave the bay, folowing the tral that Lieutenant Sarev’s AEST has rough the jungle. (This does not require a skill check I's trivial task) Read or paraphrase the following loud: The attacking speeder bikes Inflct minimal harm on thei frst pass—each vehicle controlled by one or more PCS su fers | system strain (which its controller should note), ana the frst PC to act after this disorienting saWvo suffers a Set back diel on his or her first Ploting of Gunnery check The speeder bikes a minion scout trooper spe or bike pilots with one member per PC, toa maximum o reat cose range fram the PCS. Sater’ AEST is at medium range from the PCs and extreme range from his destinatio ping swiftly toward the comm station (the CM can p: ve vehicle tokens on the Comm Tower 120) The PCs must stop Sarey fom sending his message at the comm station. I they da not intereepthim before he reaches the station, ne rursinside and lacks the doors, leaving the one stormtrooper stationed there fo operate the bunkers ight 2ser cannon, The PCS have sic rounds from te time he enters the station to destroy the bunker (which has @ proile lke a vehicle a8 noted on page 26), break inside, or find another ever solution ta stop Sarev from sending his distress signal ‘Once they have slain or captured Lieutenant Serey to preserve the base's secrecy, the PCS have finished the adventure! > au Roa UL) Denes Le eed ou) Sg eee an sil open the door and hot-wire the walker ESO eect VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS Vehicles (and starships) have characteristics, just lke characters, but the nature oftheir characteristics is very liferent. Here's a quick summary: Silhouette: The size of the craft, from 1 (person- zed) to 10 (te size ofa truly massive war ship). ‘Speed: The speed of the vehicle, Faster craft can ‘over more ground and have an edge in dogfighting. Handling: If this is a positive number, this many Boost ‘ice [are added to ary Poting check made to steer the vehicle. IFitis a negative number, that many Set back cice il are added to Piloting checks instead. ‘Armor: Similar to soak, armor reduces incoming damage the ship would otherwise suffer. Hull Trauma Threshold: When a vehicle suffers dam- ‘age that isnt blocked by atmor, this damage Is su fered as hull trauma, When the amount of hull trau- ‘ma exceeds the hull trauma Threshold, the vessel is isabled or, iit is an NPC craft, destroyed. ‘System Strain Threshold: Vehicles and starships can suffer strain much like characters and for the same reason (to perform a second vehicle manewver, or as ‘a consequence of uncanceled Threat on checks). To differentiate it from personal stain, this strains called system strain. When a vehicle sufers system stain in exces ofits system strain threshold, the craft is dis abled. Note that system strain cannot be recovered by rolling Advantage €) on checks. Itcan only be repaired via the Damage Control action (see page 27) cea ay ass Se ee ie ee ee ek ere eee Se ee crit Sowa eee ke Torrents See eae These scout troopers are trained in the operation of light planetary vehicles, such as speeder bikes and Cee ee eel routes through the jungles of Onderon Sklls (group only: Gunners, Piloting (beth vary; Cees \ er Ee Ieee oe) ce nC nT PCN Seen ste eonae Oy oon Chet neetarr ester ee Se een eed rere nee sree age 22), Note that some of ther statistics arent relevant for this encounter—aftr all, they're too busy ere en ee cee they would suffer strain, they suffer wounds instead, OL LUeutenant Sarev is a pinch-faced human male in his eee ry Cue eae ss Ce eet ee cate @foyozofoye Se io Bio Skils: Cool 1 @@), Discipline 2 @@), Gunnery 1 ©O06), Piloung 1 ©9991 ett TTT Crue een Cre ere) ores y [AGE OF REBELLION IVC RL oLy Oe ea bike, the 74-2b is fitted with a much heavier weapon, Sire eee oe ed means thatit cannot operate for as long in the fel ‘Weapons: Forward-mounted light laser cannon (Skil Cesena cota Se ee pee eee rue tree) ARAL The Empire often deploystheselight war walkers inharsh Pere a ee eset Corea et ta ers CARR) Ce ce een eee eee) Cee ere ee PoC PUL Ree a ee Perea cen Ae ae eee jously it can't move. The only vehicle actions those inside ee eae oa STARSHIP AND VEHICLE COMBAT Starship and vehicle combat broadly follows the same rules 3s personal scale combat: Initia Participants take turns each round, The actions and manew vers avaiable duringeach character's turn are determined by his ere stato summarized below. Chang! fe orcer is determined and ng crew GUNNER ‘© Attack with a Vehicle Weapon (Action): Attacks with vehicle mounted weapons use the Gunnery skill and are normally based on several factors. In ths encounter, all stacks to it AEST makers and Artech 74-2) speeder bikes ae Average (4). When a vehicle weapon deals reduced by the target cats nencess of hl trauma disabled. damage, that damage armor. The damage is then applied as vehicle suffers hull traum threshold cis destro + Aim (Maneuver): Just as in personal scale combat, the gunner may aim to add a Boost die to hisnext attack ENGINEER * Damage Control (Action): A crew member at an eng rieerng station can repair hull trauma or system strain, The character must make a Mechanics check that is Easy (@) i the ship has suffered no hull trauma ana Average (@ ) ithe ship is damaged. I the characte succeeds, Ne Or she repairs one point of hull trauma o system strain per Success 38 PILOT © Shorteut (Action): The the dense jungle, trying to reach or escape an enemy by ing between trees, skidding over rough terrain, of even leaping across a river. The plot chooses another vehicle and makes an opposed Piloting check 2¢2ins that vehicle's pilot (see Opposed Checks on page 15) Ifthe active character succeeds on the opposed check at character's vehicle immediately moves toward ‘nay from the target as i its plot had use the Move ‘maneuver. Note that this means that inthis encounter he vehicle lotol thevehicle races through he pilot can move ree times in a turn i he oF she succeeds on this eheck and also suffers two strain to take a second maneuver. The plot i aking the maximum twe maneuvers on bis 0 ‘* Move (Maneuver In this encounter, movement works inthe same way as in personal scale (see page 12} For more detailed rules for vehicle movement, see page 59 of the Benner Game rulebook Evasive Maneuvers (Maneuver): The pilot sends the vehicle on an erratic cours to avoid fre. When a yeni ising evasive maneuvers is attacked, the dificult ofthe altack Is upgraded once. One of te Dificuly dice @ is replaced with a Challenge die @ If all the Osficulty dice ‘already been upgraded to Challenge dice @, a aad Difficulty die @ is added instead. When a vehicle using Evasive Maneuvers a When two vehicles usin he dificut Mane the same pe vasive Mane! 's upgraded twice The effects of Evasive last unt the end of the plot's next tur. ‘Stay on Target (Maneuver): pilot who stays on tar get Keops the vehicle steady and follows a predictable path, Crew on a vehicle that is staying on target may parade their attack rolls once exchanging one Ability die @ for a Proficiency die @). If the Gunnery poo i already al Proficiency dice @. instead add one Ability die @. Anyone attacking the vehicle that is staying on aiget receives the s 1s. The effects of Stay on Target last uni the end of the plots next turn CHARACTERS ON SPEEDER BIKES A character ona speeder bike counts as being bath the pilot and the gunner. A character on a speeder bike can only use following actions ‘© Attack witha Vehicle Weapon (Action) © Aim (Manewer) © Shortcut (Action) ‘© Move (Manewer) Evasive Ma BRING IT DOWN! AN the end of the round in which Saray, the adventure is over. The s (Maneuver) the PCs defeat Lieutenant weroes are victorious! AFTER ENCOUNTER 7 ENDS Ifthe PCs defeat Lieutenant Sarey before sends his signal, Tead or paraphrase the following alou: Ifthe PCs fal to defeat Lieutenant Sarey before he sends his sienal, read or paraphrase the following aloud: OTHER ENCOUNTERS AT THE BASE fthe PCs spend time exploring the base during or after this ‘2dventure and vst the following locations, they might meet the following occupants (and find the following tings here BRIEFING ROOM ‘Whisper Base contains a briefing room that can comfortably seat thirty (the full staf ofthis base) thas been use ‘more than staff meetings and cccasioralciscipinary hearing against solders who stepped out of line, ts computers con: tain a number of preloaded briefings, including an overview of base secuty, a guide to navigating the deadly uneles, and an Imperial workplace safety presentation The PCs can find de: talled maps of the base and the surrounding jungle for which tbe CM can use the Whisper Base Map and the Onderon Jungle Map) here Having these grants a Boost dle Elon any checks that require knowledge of the base layout (such 2 using Deception to lure enemies into trap or Stealth to hide} This room is mst likely empty during the assault onthe base Alter the PCs capture the base, the briefing room i an Ideal place to house strategy meetings. The room also has an excellent setup and acoustis for screening holodramas. MESS HALL Te base contains a mess hall with a small, attached kitchen, This rooms likely empty during the base assault. In addition to boxes of rations and plenty of clean water, it contains an emergency medical supply kt, which has four stmpacksin ‘ter the PCs capture the base, they wil ikely want to make use ofthe mess hall thoueh making itcomifortabe might take some work. The slate grey was Could use some decor, and though there are plenty of Imperial ration packs, these meals ae 2s bland and monotonous as everything else ina storm trooper’ rigily structured ife. The PCs won't stave, but they might wish to acquite some real culinary supplies. ‘TRAINING FACILITY ‘Whisper Base has one training acity forthe soldiers housed there. This chamber fas a shooting range and various other equipment needed to keep martial sls sharp. If the GM «deems it approprate, there can be 2 group ol sentres prac ticing in the training faciity—sae Encounter 2-on page 10 for more on how to run this encounter Ater the PCs capture the base, they can use his facility themselves and to train new recruits ARMORY ‘Whisper Base's armory contains a small but nel-maintained stock of imperial weaponry and equipmentin locked erates The PCs can open the door and each crate with 2 Hard (© ©) Computers check or win a code cyinder rom Sore oF one of is adutants Ite PCs can ge inside, they can acquie thre suts of strmirooper armor thee baster ties, tes fag grenades, and six vbroknives. Te armory is guarded by tree stomtsoopers during the base assault Alter the PCs capture the base, they can use the armory to store their own weapons and equipment. BARRACKS The barracks, which sts near the armory and training fait iswhere the base staff sleeps during ther ff Pours. Its ited with bunked eots, and has footlocker for each solder. These lockers contain various personal effects of no real monetary ‘alu. as well as some careful hidden contraband. There ae thre solders inside ofthe baracks during the assaut. I the PCs catch them off evar, they can get these solders to surrender with a Hard ( @ @) Coercion check: cthenwse the solders attack, using the stormtrooper profile but armed only with vibrokrifes and with soak values of 3 Ater the PCs capture the base, they can use the barracks to house themselves and any other staff they bring on, The barracks can comfortably sleep twenty-four soldie's (or un comfortably sleep thity-sis). There are also slightly more lux. turious officers’ quarters attached to the barracks, which can accommodate five. CONTROL CENTER ‘The control center is the heart and brain af Whisper Base. From it, a sklled commander can organize, monitor, and coordinate the efforts of many solders. This room contains various sereens, as well as the central computer that man ages all of the base's entical systems (power, air cycling, security, and communications. For information on the con trol center during the assault, see page 24 Alter the PCs capture the base, they too can use the comtil center to monitor the base. There are numerous cameras placed throughout the base (one per room), which feed into the contra center, as well as cameras that watch the jungle outside ofthe base, and the internal comm ret, routes through this chamber. As the PCs discover during the ‘adventure, the control chamber also contains an emergency escape shaft that leads directly to the garage LAUNCH PAD The base has a launch pad, which is cluttered with shuttle ‘maintenance equipment and other machine tools, and cur rently houses one vessel: the Nils, a Lambd-class shuttle ‘The launch pad is empty during the base assault, although the PCs can find tools and supplies (but no weapons) there These tools such as hydrospanners, wire. wrenches, and the tke) provide a Boost die] on Mechanics checks ‘After the PCs capture the base, they can use the pad as 3 launch platform for thelr spacecraft. The launch pad 1s lrBe ‘enough to accommodate two shuttles or sx starightors THE NILOS This craft Lampdocoss shut that, according to Impe fal ecords was shot down by dissidents just outside ofthe capital iz. In truth, Moff Dardano staged this alack and than took the shutle for hs personal uses transponder is cantly dsabed, but cout be repaired kh an Average (@@ Mechanics check-although & ould stil epister the cade ofthe sutle that was supposedly “destroyed ‘ter the PCS capture the base, they can use the shuttle {as they please (assuming they did nat completely dismantie itto prevent the lieutenant’ escape! GARAGE The garage through which the PCS entered contains the base's vehicle complement as well as tools for storing and maintaining the speeder bikes and ATSTS. This location is described in more detail on page 8. Oiter than the launch pad, which has an access shaft into Whisper Base, the garage isthe only way into or out of the base. ‘ter the PCs capture the base, the garage can be used to house and perform repairs on vehicles they acquire. Toor, the droid, typically returns to the garage alter periorming tasks itis assigned, claiming “to prefer the quiet company of machines tothe incessant chatter of organic nvidals” WRAP UP AND REWARDS ste PCs make their way back to the base they have ust Captured, the day is theirs. But their adventures in the Star Wars galany are ust beginning! THE SPOILS OF WAR! Often, adventures end in new equipment for the PCS. In this particular adventure, the PCs will nave captured a great prize indeed. an entre Imperial base! This base can provide a jumping-off point for many future adventures, as the PCs work to improve their hideout, gather intelligence on the forces in zz, or even defend their hase from attacks by Moti Dardano, Though the Moff cannat send Imperial troops (as this would tip his hand to Admiral Coren that he is spying on him), he might use mercenaries and bounty hunters Furthermore, the garage and armory contain various sup plies. and equipment, as described on page 28, Semeof these items are ikely better than the PCS’ previous equipment, anc {ve them many new narrative options to explore, such asin: trating other Imperial facies wth te stolen uniforms. In the base, the PCS should find 500 credits each EXPERIENCE AWARDS ‘AL the end of each session, Its Customary to recewe an avard of experience points (XP) that the PCs can invest in new oF upgraded skills and talents. Each of the hero play fers should tum to the final spread of his or her character follo now, Where investing experience is explained. Each hero player should also be sure to transfer information from the previous character sheet to the new one. The usual anard is 15 experience points, with a possible bonus for achiev ing significant story goals or excellent play. The suggested experience award for this adventure is 10 experience points, in addition to the 10 experience ponts they should have: received during the Interlude: Experience and Destiny se tion, This makes ita total of 20 experience points. a fiting reward for the act of acquiring a base forthe Rebellion AWARDING EXPERIENCE POINTS: The GM should award experience points after every session, ‘The amount awarded is typically 15 XP per character for a session of tho or three major encounters and a handful of mi nor ones. The GM can grant an additional 5 bonus XP when tte PCs reach key milestones or complete story aics. The GM is encouraged to consider anarding an extra point or two of| XP for exceptional roleolaying or remarkably clever thinking, ‘Tne GM should give the hero players an idea ofthe source ‘oftheirXP For example, they might receive 5 XP for stopping an assassin and another 5 XP for securing a cache of new ‘weapons for the Rebellion. The GM should explain bonus XP that is awarded to the hero players so they can strive to meet those standards in future sessions FURTHER ADVENTURES isper Bases row inthe hands ofthe PCs, but this hardly ‘marks the end of thei adventures in the Star Wars ga axy! The CM can continue the story using both the adventure ‘seeds below and in Oreranow: SHADOWPOINT, 2 ree adven ture designed to follow the Becaner Game that is avaiable for ‘cownload at wo Fantasy FightGames com! MISSIONS ON ONDERON ‘The world of Onderon is fille! with possibilities for further ‘adventures. Now that the PCs havea base of operations, they {are poised to explore these options for themselves. But with ‘so many choices, how do you decide which to pursue? Ifthe hero payersarent sure what todo nex. te GM can use some ‘ofthese ideas to give them a nudge in the right direction, Whisper Base needs many assets for its new role as a Rebel Alliance stronghold, such as staff to keep it fully ‘operational and to assist the PCs, a real medical bay to care for PCs wounded in the lie of duty. betier tools to repair and improve thet vehicles, and a catcher name than “Whis per Base." It falls to the PCs to get these matters sorted out Ifthe PCs freed Toor, the droid is extremely grateful or its leraton and endeavors to assist them with upkeep of the base If they did not ree Tor, the droid continues to make in ‘creasingly tect and indscrete comments about its restrain ing bok. Toor knows the base up and down, and can oer sug {gestions about possible improvements and where to procure them. For instance, the droid was sod to Lieutenant Sarey by eavia Siena junk dealer in tne capita, lz. This hard-biten veteran ofthe Crone Wars sels damaged miltary surplus and salvage. rom weaponry to machine tools to tact tanks, with ‘out asking too mary questions about why her clients want military grade gear. To establish contact with her, the PCS would need to sneak into the Imperialcontclled city of az The PCs might also wish to explore the jungles of Onder- ‘on. Though these jungles are extremely dangerous, they also provide the PCs with a wealth of opportunites. On top of the rare flora and fauna that could be pivotal for countless ‘scientific clscoveries, the jungles are alsa home tothe fabled Beast Riders, These feral warriors might even teach the PCS: tomaster the powerful creatures othe jungle—provided the PCs survive long enough to win ther respect. The PCS likely took a number of imperial prisoners while ‘capturing the base, They need to arrange for the transport ‘of captured |mperial soldiers to the Rebel cruser Lathir. The Lambdarclass shuttle the PCs secured can help them slip past the Imperial vessels in orbit, but they'll need to invent a ‘over story about their unscheduled departure—and then do ‘ome smooth talking and fying to sel te imperials on it. Finally, every two weeks fr thelast year, Verala Mishar has, covertilown her Lombdta-class shutle from lle to Whisper Base.carying supples food, ammunition, ful, and the like and she hasio reason to suspect that the PCs have captured the base for the Rebellion. Verala is taking bribes from Moff DDardano to deliver the supplies, but she reports to Admiral re Corlen If she were to disappear, then Corlen’s forces might Start to ask questions about where she went. She could artve at the base at any time, expecting to fin it in normal Imperial order. When she arives, the PCs will need to make the base look asf t were still under Imperial control—its a ‘200d thing there are all those spare uniforms inthe barracks. Hopefully one of ther wil it Tendaar propery! THE STAR WARS GALAXY “The Star Wer galaxy is massive and incredibly detailed, with dozens of words thatthe PCS could explore, many of them piv- otal tothe Galactic vil War While the PCS now have a base on COnderon, they aso have a Lambda lass shut. Thanks to its hypercive even far-flung worlds are within easy rch AMYRIAD OF BATTLEFRONTS: In the wake of the destruction ofthe supenweapon known 2 the Death Star, the war beiween the Rebel Allance and the Galactic Empire has intensified on many diferent fronts. On farflune worlds like Dac and Ord Mantel, Rebel soldiers act ‘openly against the Empire, for is forces ae spread too thin to completely stamp out the hres of revolution. However, even on Core Werlds such as Kuat and Coruscant, whee the Empire's Bip fest, Rebel operatives move slenty through imperial ‘eles o influence, carefully sowing the seeds of assent. The roe tat the PCs play inthe Galactic Cv Wars up to them (and the GM) to decide together. They might hur them: selves drectly into the harshest crucibles of conflict, fying fighter missions against the Imperial Navy or engagingin open warfare on the surfaces of contested worlds to win the day with their own hands. Alternatively they might prefer to use their infitration skis to secure crucial intelligence that saves countess ines by exposing valnerailies in the Imperial war machine. They might even become involved with smugeers, mercenaries, and other neutral partes, negotiating with them for supplies and assistance. Or, mast likely the PCs might do a bit of everything, approaching each problem they face di ferently as their skills and strengths evolve. VICTORIES GREAT AND SMALL ‘Te Empire was not built in a day, and it will nt be brought crashing down in an afternoon. Stil, the PCs have a chance ta became great heroes ofthe Rebelion, winning victories on| the front Ines or quety securing them behind the scenes. AS the story develops, the Game Master and hero players should ‘discuss how the group wants to guide the characters’ tale. Each time the PCs win a new victory they gain new resources for the Rebellion or protectits assets and solders from the Empire. However, they aso gain more responsi ity for themselves, and are expected to achieve greater and {greater results on future missions. Over the course of mult fle adventures, the PCs Should be trusted with more secrets, more resources, and more important tasks CONFLICT ON THE FRINGES The botte with the Empire takes place all across the galany. mi the gllded halls of Coruscant to the dusty surface o Tatooine. Though many significant battles take p more central, populous Core Worlds, there are stil co ‘opportunities for the PCs who operate inthe Outer Rim GMTIPS & ADVICE DON'T LET THE STORY STOP JUST BECAUSE OF A FAILED CHECK. One of the most common mistakes made by new GMS is ¢o ealng 100 much information trom the other players, or assun ing thatthe PCs wil aboys succeed. they ae searching forthe Schematics ofa prototype starighter wile sneaking through a lrmperal cruiser but fall the checks to find them, then the story (angrind toa halt. The simplest solution to this s ust tonotrll checks tat must be passed for the story to contin. Anothe answeris to have alternative means of progrssinethe story Fo ‘example, the PCs fallto find the data on the computer before an alarm goes off, and the head of securty bursts in with guards. When the PCs win, however, they ind thatthe head of secu had a cade cylinder to bypass the computer’ defences, giving them access to the schematics. The PCS are stilpuished their failure they had to fight a battle they could have evoided, but the story sil moves forward— ett na different way than the players expected. DELEGATE! The GM can have a lot to keep track of, espec busy scenes lke combat or a space bate. It's okay {ate some responsibilities to other players. For example, one player could keep track of initiative and call out the lative lot each time a player fnishes a turn.’ ls 3s Keep track oftheir ove perience points, money, and gear In extreme cases. an entire NPC or spaceship could be delegated to ahero player whose PC isnt involved in a given scene. Tis both makes the CM Job easier and keeps that hero player involved SAY “YES” AND “YES, BUT... Roleplaying games are collaborative, improvisational sto ‘yteling experiences, ft can be helpll to look at tradtional improv theater for inspiration Specifically the ov of “say yes” When someone invents a fact of the scene that enhances the story or moves the plot forward, and it lust as easly be true as not. saying “yes” is usually the hing to do, Usualy hero players ae inventive because they're looking for a way fonward inthe pot, so working with them 10 buld or dscover that way forward keeps the story moving ers interested in P gating the outer edge of the Star Wars ealany can consider looking ino the Eoce oF THe Ener roleplay partol the setting This game line. which uses the same rules a5 Act oF ReBeUson [both of which are very similar to this Brciwnen Gant), focuses on the fring OF course, that doesn't mean that everything should ‘always eo their way all the time, Perhaps the PCs want to acquire a wing of stafighters. The spy ch has uncovered data about any Imperial fighter prototypes they might steal. The answer could be “Yes. but the data is, encrypted. You'll need to steal a code cylinder from a covert science facilty on Onderon's moon, Dxun.” Nowthe PCs have 2 way forward-—a target—but also 3 complication, something ‘overcome. They'l need to consider the options and how to proceed, but they have a clear objective: breaking into the science facility and stealing the code cyinde The dice system Is very flesble and rewards this style of 0 ys Ftst of al i's quite easy to alow a player’ mprovsed idea for an action or pian to be determined bya hoot the stormtroopers as | jump out of the treeton7" “Yes. but the check wil cee one Setback de Il use you're falling and a second because the fologe is Very dense" Secondly, the dice symbols—particuary Advantage (9. Threat @, Triumph @, and Despair end themselves 1o improvisation. The s\mbols provide inspiration for new -omplcationsand boors as te story moves in new dtecions. ‘TREAT THE OTHER PLAYERS LIKE ALLIES. Remember that all the players atthe table have the same goal: 0 tell fun story I'S okay to admit you don't have tal mastery of the rules—the group can work together to re. solve a rues dispute in the way that isthe most fun and be for the story. Its okay to admit to being caught flat foote b sion the PCS make. and to ask for a break to pla ‘ut the next few scenes. And i's okay to throw the question to the table: “What happens next? What’ the Best way interpret that Despair symbol?" The a ion “Does my character know anyone in this Rebel unit? can be“ don’t know, does she? Playing 3 roleplaying game is collaborative project. and you're all on the same team, Lastly, andl most importantly: if everyone is havin Pes} Corankats CMe Pn red Fst Critical Iury Immediately sufer 2 strain. No ongoing fet. Second Gia Inury pveraee 4) Sule Setback die Mt yournex check. No ongoing eek “re real iny Hard © 04) Siler a Setback ce ia checs ur hs ral ys hale Fourth cia ary | Hard $04) “The PCs incapactate uni this Cal Inry shale ‘Success ¥ symbols are canceled by Failure ¥ symbols; if there SYMBOLS AND DICE ‘are any Success % symbolsieft. the check succeeds. —— “Tiumph @ symbols count as Success ¥¢ symbols and may also bee spent to trigger a ponerful positive consequence. Abit —Proftcency Oifcuty ‘Advantage 9 symbols indicate 2 positive side effect or conse: De® Die De® uence, ever on a failed check. They cancel and are canceled by Threat @ symbols red Perea eee et [Po ee! eds hte Pea es tee eter teat eee ee Feoncealeetes Gest oegiee ieee tote ool ae oe celed by Advantage 43 symbols, mmr se ce aan ang Pisa es end Routine, withthe outcome rarely in question Usualy not rolled unless the GM wishes Sime IS eet ee periecrer ote et ere cee Indes the Posi of compleners t t See eng nitslbe lcci ald ex ig od eT fos) + | SiehGiane shou tage so ge | a at eS | Pekin ial ck, sting a smal woud, cng food and sete ona nee ” eat eae cestige aed elreaicusies vedio es Biases Ho neecrae eae Pking a complcste sting broken bones str wounds, nde 0d va 0 Eg UREEONS roots pe Sooo ora etal lgrang ‘esing an eceptonaly sphiiatea ck peorming suey or ganne rans Dang ©46@ ——_fcraooc and shter onabaren ese planet rca ats fat oeteme ange. Pcie leektal rocipresite nec sin, tinge wey YY Me od Formidable oooeq | Tune pr in mere {and sete ona planet without a breathable atmosphere

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