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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

User's Guide
Version 5 Release 16

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Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

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Special Notices
CATIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Systmes.
Protected by one or more U.S. Patents number 5,615,321; 5,774,111; 5,821,941; 5,844,566; 6,233,351;
6,292,190; 6,360,357; 6,396,522; 6,459,441; 6,499,040; 6,545,680; 6,573,896; 6,597,382; 6,654,011;
6,654,027; 6,717,597; 6,745,100; 6,762,778; 6,828,974 other patents pending.
DELMIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Systmes.
ENOVIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Systmes.
SMARTEAM is a registered trademark of SmarTeam Corporation Ltd.

Any of the following terms may be used in this publication. These terms are trademarks of:

Sun Microsystems Computer Company

OLE, VBScript for Windows, Visual Basic

Microsoft Corporation


Intelligent Manufacturing Software, Inc.

All other company names and product names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Certain portions of this product contain elements subject to copyright owned by the following entities:
Copyright Dassault Systemes
Copyright Dassault Systemes of America
Copyright D-Cubed Ltd., 1997-2000
Copyright ITI 1997-2000
Copyright Cenit 1997-2000
Copyright Mental Images Gmbh & Co KG, Berlin/Germany 1986-2000
Copyright Distrim2 Lda, 2000
Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA
Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation
Copyright Boeing Company
Copyright IONA Technologies PLC
Copyright Intelligent Manufacturing Software, Inc., 2000
Copyright SmarTeam Corporation Ltd
Copyright Xerox Engineering Systems
Copyright Bitstream Inc.
Copyright IBM Corp.
Copyright Silicon Graphics Inc.
Copyright Installshield Software Corp., 1990-2000
Copyright Microsoft Corporation
Copyright Spatial Corp.
Copyright LightWork Design Limited 1995-2000
Copyright Mainsoft Corp.
Copyright NCCS 1997-2000
Copyright Weber-Moewius, D-Siegen
Copyright Geometric Software Solutions Company Limited, 2001
Copyright Cogito Inc.
Copyright Tech Soft America
Copyright LMS International 2000, 2001

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Version 5 Release 16

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Raster Imaging Technology copyrighted by Snowbound Software Corporation 1993-2001

CAM-POST Version 2001/14.0 ICAM Technologies Corporation 1984-2001. All rights reserved
The 2D/2.5D Display analysis function, the MSC.Nastran interface and the ANSYS interface are based on LMS
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ImpactXoft, IX Functional Modeling, IX Development, IX, IX Design, IXSPeeD, IX Speed Connector, IX Advanced
Rendering, IX Interoperability Package, ImpactXoft Solver are trademarks of ImpactXoft. Copyright 20012002 ImpactXoft. All rights reserved.
This software contains portions of Lattice Technology, Inc. software. Copyright 1997-2004 Lattice
Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2005, Dassault Systmes. All rights reserved.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

What's New?
Getting Started
Multi-Turret Lathe Machining
Setup Environment for Multi-Turret Machining
Assign Programs to the Turrets
Non-synchronized Gantt Review and Time Based Replay
Synchronize Operations
Synchronized Gantt Review and Time Based Replay
Generate NC Output
Multi-Spindle Lathe Machining
Setup Environment for Multi-Spindle Machining
Define Program for Multi-Spindle Machining
Replay the Program
Generate NC Output
User Tasks
Define Multi-Slide Lathe Machine
Define Program per Turret
Select Turrets and Spindles at Operation Level
Synchronize Operations for Multi-Turret Machining
Review with Gantt Chart
Time-Based Replay for Multi-Turret Machining
Viewing a Simulation
Simulating a Selected Activity
Running the Simulation in Real Time
Viewing Information Boxes during Simulations
Generate One Program per Turret in a Single File
Workbench Description
Reference Information

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Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Slide Lathe Machine

Syntaxes for Multi-Slide Lathe Machine Environment
Axis Systems for Part and Turning Tool

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

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Welcome to the Multi-Slide Lathe Machining User's Guide. This guide is intended for users who need to become
quickly familiar with the Multi-Slide Lathe Machining Version 5 product.
This overview provides the following information:

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining in a Nutshell

Before Reading this Guide

Getting the Most Out of this Guide

Accessing Sample Documents

Conventions Used in this Guide.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining in a Nutshell

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining provides functionalities for programming Multi-slide lathe machines or Lathe
centers by offering:

Machine slide definition: turrets and spindles

Structured programming: one program per turret

Selection of turrets and spindles at operation level (Turning, Milling, and Drilling)

Synchronization between operations for multi-turret machines

Machining Gantt chart for synchronization representation and programming time review

Support of Master/Slave definition for time computations with respect to instantaneous spindle speed

Time based replay for multi-turret machines

NC data output: one program per turret in a single file.

Supported operations are as follows:




Auxiliary operations such as Tool Change, PP Instruction, and Machining Axis Change.

Limitations for this version of the product:

Update turning stock functionality is not available.

Generate machine rotations functionality is not available.

Video replay is By Program (Turret) not By Spindle (cross programs).

Auto-sequencing is not available.

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining is an add-on product for the Version 5 Lathe Machining.

Before Reading this Guide

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows,
standard and view toolbars. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that
describes generic capabilities common to all Version 5 products. It also describes the general layout of V5 and
the interoperability between workbenches.
You may also like to read the following complementary product guides, for which the appropriate license is

NC Manufacturing Infrastructure User's Guide: explains how to use common NC Manufacturing

Lathe Machining User's Guide: provides useful information about lathe machining environment and turning
Prismatic Machining User's Guide: provides useful information about axial machining operations.

Getting the Most Out of this Guide

To get the most out of this guide, we suggest that you start reading and performing the step-by-step Getting
Started tutorials. These tutorials will show you how to produce NC programs for multi-turret and multi-spindle
Then you should move on to the User Tasks section, which gives more complete information about the
product's functionalities. The Reference section provides useful complementary information.
The Workbench Description section, which describes the commands that are specific to Multi-Slide Lathe
Machining, and the Customizing section, which explains how to customize settings, and the Methodology
section, which provides useful information about recommended work methods, will also certainly prove useful.

Accessing Sample Documents

To perform the scenarios, you will be using sample documents contained in the doc/online/mlgug_C2/samples
folder. For more information about this, refer to Accessing Sample Documents in the Infrastructure User's

Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Certain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA & DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and
understand important concepts and specifications.

Graphic Conventions
The three categories of graphic conventions used are as follows:

Graphic conventions structuring the tasks

Graphic conventions indicating the configuration required

Graphic conventions used in the table of contents

Graphic Conventions Structuring the Tasks

Graphic conventions structuring the tasks are denoted as follows:
This icon...

estimated time to accomplish a task
a target of a task
the prerequisites
the start of the scenario
a tip
a warning
basic concepts
reference information
information regarding settings, customization, etc.
the end of a task

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

functionalities that are new or enhanced with this release

allows you to switch back to the full-window viewing mode

Graphic Conventions Indicating the Configuration Required

Graphic conventions indicating the configuration required are denoted as follows:
This icon...

Indicates functions that are...

specific to the P1 configuration
specific to the P2 configuration
specific to the P3 configuration

Graphic Conventions Used in the Table of Contents

Graphic conventions used in the table of contents are denoted as follows:
This icon...

Gives access to...

Site Map
Split View Mode
What's New?
Getting Started
Basic Tasks
User Tasks or Advanced Tasks
Workbench Description
Administration Tasks

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Frequently Asked Questions

Text Conventions
The following text conventions are used:

The titles of CATIA, ENOVIA and DELMIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text.

File -> New identifies the commands to be used.

Enhancements are identified by a blue-colored background on the text.

How to Use the Mouse

The use of the mouse differs according to the type of action you need to perform.
Use this
mouse button... Whenever you read...

Select (menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, ...)

Click (icons, dialog box buttons, tabs, selection of a location in the document window,




Check (check boxes)


Drag and drop (icons onto objects, objects onto objects)



Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

Right-click (to select contextual menu)

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What's New?
No enhancements in this release.

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Getting Started
Before getting into the detailed instructions for using Multi-Slide Lathe Machining, here are two tutorials
intended to give you a feel of what you can accomplish with the product.
The following step-by-step scenarios show you how to use some of the product's key functionalities.
Multi-Turret Lathe Machining
Multi-Spindle Lathe Machining

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Turret Lathe Machining

The following scenario illustrates NC programming for multi-turret lathe machining.
Setup Environment for Multi-Turret Machining
Assign Programs to the Turrets
Non-synchronized Gantt Review and Time Based Replay
Synchronize Operations
Synchronized Gantt Review and Time Based Replay
Generate NC Output

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Setup Environment for Multi-Turret Machining

This first task shows you how to open a CATProcess document, enter the Lathe Machining workbench
and setup the environment for multi-turret machining.

Select File > Open then select the Multi-Turret.CATProcess document.


Select Machining > Lathe Machining from the Start menu.

The Lathe Machining workbench appears. The part is displayed in the Setup Editor window.

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The PPR tree shows the current state of the CATProcess.


Double click Part Operation: Multi-turret lathe machine in the tree to display the Part
Operation dialog box.

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Note that the following parameters are already initialized on the Part Operation:


machine (Multi-turret lathe machine)

reference machining axis system (Part Axis Spindle: Multi-turret lathe machine)

design part and stock, which will allow material removal simulation later.

Click Machine

in the Part Operation dialog box. The Machine Editor appears with Multi-

turret lathe machine already selected.

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Select the Spindle tab.

By default, the Reference Machining Axis System defined on the Part Operation (Part Axis
Spindle: Multi-turret lathe machine) is assigned to the spindle.

Select the Turret tab.

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Version 5 Release 16

Check that:

the turret is called Upper Turret

the other parameters are correctly specified:

Turning Tool Axis System

Axial and Radial axes

Tool Change Point.

Note that the program called PGM UT will be defined on this turret.

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Click Add Turret then:

Enter Lower Turret as the name for the new turret.

The turret number increments automatically.

Click Turning Tool Axis System

, then select the axis system called Turret Turning

Tool Axis (Lower Turret) in the 3D viewer to assign it to the lower turret.

Check that the Axial and Radial axes are correctly defined

Check that the Tool Change Point is correctly defined.

Note that the program called PGM LT will be defined on this turret.
In the Numerical Control tab, make sure that the following sample PP words table is referenced:

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Machine and return to the Part Operation dialog


Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Part Operation.

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Assign Programs to the Turrets

This task shows how to assign a program to each of the turrets on the machine.

Double click the PGM UT program in the PPR tree. The Manufacturing Program dialog box


Select Upper Turret using the Turret Name combo.

Click OK to assign the program to the turret.


Right-click PGM UT in the PPR tree and select Compute Tool Path.
The tool path of the program's Rough turning operation is computed and the PPR tree is
updated with this information.


Double-click the PGM LT program in the PPR tree. In the Manufacturing Program dialog box,
assign the Lower Turret to the program.


Right-click PGM LT in the PPR tree and select Compute Tool Path.
The tool path of the program's Drilling operation is computed and the PPR tree is updated with
this information.

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Non-synchronized Gantt Review and Time Based Replay

This task shows how to review the machining process using a non-synchronized Gantt chart and time based replay.
You should initialize some properties of the activities before starting the actual review.

Initialize color of activities

Select the Process Table command to display the current status of the machining process.

Right click anywhere in the table and select the Sort by String contextual command. Use the pop-up to search for all tool changes.

In the Graphic Properties toolbar, assign a unique color to all the tool change activities using the color combo.

Repeat this procedure to assign a unique color to Rough Turning operations (yellow, for example) and to Drilling operations (blue,
for example).
For more information, refer to How to Use Properties of a Machining Operation.

Initialize cycle time for Tool Changes

Select the tool change activities in the Process Table as shown above.

Select Edit > Properties and assign a Specified cycle time (30 seconds, for example) as shown below.


Click Machining Gantt Chart

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in the Auxiliary Commands toolbar. The following non-synchronized Gantt chart appears.

Please note that the previously specified properties are visible in the chart.

Select the Part Operation in the PPR tree then click Time Base Replay

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.


In the Process Simulation pop-up that appears, set the simulation step (3, for example).


Click the Run arrow icon to start the replay.

The rough turning and drilling operations start at the same time immediately after the tool changes.

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Synchronize Operations
This step shows how to impose a synchronization between the two machining operations.

Click Create Synchronization

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.


Select the External Roughing operation then the Drilling operation in the PPR tree.


In the Synchronization Editor that appears, set the synchronization position for the Upper Turret
to Before retract macro.

Click OK to confirm the synchronization.

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Synchronized Gantt Review and Time Based Replay

This task shows how to review the machining process using a synchronized Gantt chart and time based replay.
1. Click Machining Gantt Chart


in the Auxiliary Commands toolbar. The following synchronized Gantt chart appears.

Select the Part Operation in the PPR tree then click Time Based Replay

in the Synchronization Management

3. In the Process Simulation pop-up that appears, set the simulation step (3, for example).
4. Click the Run arrow icon to start the time based replay.
The drilling operation will start as soon as the roughing operation begins to retract after machining.

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Note that a vertical blue line is displayed in the Gantt chart during the time based replay, which allows you to follow the
progress of the machining.

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Version 5 Release 16

Generate NC Output
This task shows you how to generate NC data for the Part Operation in interactive mode.

Right-click the Manufacturing Program in the PPR tree and select Generate NC Code
The Generate NC Output Interactively dialog box appears.

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Set the parameters as shown and click Execute to generate the NC data.
The generated file will be attached to the first program in the Part Operation.


Right click the first program in the PPR tree and select Display NC File.
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 04:56:42 PM
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------CHANNEL,1
$$ Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ PGM UT,Spindle,1
$$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
$$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
PARTNO Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.1
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.1
CUTTER/ 1.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.1
PPRINT TOOL ASSEMBLY = External Assembly
$$ OPERATION NAME : External Roughing
$$ Start generation of : External Roughing
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
GOTO / 28.00000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 28.00000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 28.00000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 28.21213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 28.21213, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 25.50000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 25.50000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 25.50000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 25.71213, 0.00000, -49.28787

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GOTO / 25.71213, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 23.00000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 23.00000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 23.00000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 23.21213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 23.21213, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 20.50000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 20.50000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 20.50000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 20.71213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
$$ End of generation of : External Roughing
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 04:56:43 PM
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------CHANNEL,2
$$ Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ PGM LT,Spindle,1
$$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
$$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
PARTNO Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.2
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.2
CUTTER/ 28.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.2
$$ OPERATION NAME : Drilling.6
$$ Start generation of : Drilling.6

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TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / -77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
FEDRAT/ 300.0000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000
CYCLE/DRILL, 60.206665, 1.000000, 0.400000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPR
GOTO / -77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
$$ End of generation of : Drilling.6

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Version 5 Release 16

Multi-Spindle Lathe Machining

The following scenario illustrates NC programming for multi-spindle lathe machining.
Setup Environment for Multi-Spindle Machining
Define Program for Multi-Spindle Machining
Replay the Program
Generate NC Output

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Setup Environment for Multi-Spindle Machining

This first task shows you how to open a CATProcess document, enter the Lathe Machining workbench and
setup the environment for multi-spindle machining.
1. Select File > Open then select the Multi-Spindle.CATProcess document.
2. Select Machining > Lathe Machining from the Start menu.
The Lathe Machining workbench appears. The parts to be machined are displayed in the Setup Editor

The PPR tree shows the current state of the CATProcess.

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3. Double click Part Operation: Multi-spindle Lathe Machine in the tree to display the Part Operation
dialog box.

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Note that the following parameters are already initialized on the Part Operation:

machine (Multi-spindle Lathe Machine)

reference machining axis system (Main Spindle Part Axis)

two design parts and two stock elements, which will allow material removal simulation later.

4. Click Machine
already selected.

. The Machine Editor dialog box appears with Multi-spindle Lathe Machine

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5. Select the Spindle tab.

By default, the existing spindle is the Main spindle and the Reference Machining Axis System defined
on the Part Operation (Main Spindle Part Axis) is assigned to the main spindle.
6. Click Add Spindle then:

Enter Counter Spindle as the name for the new spindle.

The spindle number increments automatically.

Click Part Axis System

, then select the Counter Spindle Part Axis system in the 3D viewer to

assign it to the counter spindle.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

7. Select the Turret tab.

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Check that:

there is just one turret called Turret (Multi-spindle machine) defined on the machine

the Turning Tool Axis System is specified as shown

the origin of the Turning Tool Axis System is used for the Tool Change Point.

Note that the program will be defined on this turret.

In the Numerical Control tab, make sure that the following sample PP words table is referenced:
8. Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Machine and return to the Part Operation editor.
9. Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Part Operation.

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Define the Program for Multi-Spindle Machining

This task shows you how to make the necessary adjustments to the program, which is already initialized with a Rough
Turning operation and two Drilling operations.
1.Double click the External Roughing operation in the PPR tree. The dialog box for this operation appears.
Check that all necessary parameters have been initialized (geometry, tool assembly, and so on).
Set the Spindle name to Main Spindle, if this is not already the case.

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.

2.Double click the first drilling operation (Drilling.5) in the PPR tree. The dialog box for this operation appears.
Check that all necessary parameters have been initialized (geometry, tool assembly, and so on). Make sure that the
Power attribute is set to Fixed in the Tool Assembly tab.
Set the Spindle name to Main Spindle, if this is not already the case.

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.


Double click the Machining axis change entity (Swap to Counter Spindle) in the PPR tree.

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Select the Counter Spindle Part Axis machining axis and set the Spindle name to Counter Spindle, if this is not
already the case.
Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.


Double click the second Drilling operation (Drilling.6 CS) in the PPR tree. The dialog box for this operation appears.
Check that all necessary parameters have been initialized (geometry, tool assembly, and so on). Make sure that the
Power attribute is set to Fixed in the Tool Assembly tab.
Set the Spindle name to Counter Spindle, if this is not already the case.

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

5.Right-click the Manufacturing Program in the PPR tree and select Compute Tool Path.
The operations of the program are computed. The PPR tree now looks like this:

6.More information can be obtained by clicking Process Table

in the Auxiliary Commands Toolbar.

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Replay the Program

This task shows how to replay validate the program by replaying the tool path and simulating material removal.
1. Right-click the program in the PPR tree and select Tool Path Replay.
2. Replay the External Roughing operation:

3. Replay the first drilling operation:

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4. Replay the second drilling operation:

5. Right-click the program in the PPR tree and select Start Video Simulation to simulate material removal.

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Generate NC Output
This task shows you how to generate NC data from the program in interactive mode.

Right-click the Manufacturing Program in the PPR tree and select Generate NC Code
The Generate NC Output Interactively dialog box appears.

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Set the parameters as shown and click Execute to generate the NC data.
The generated file will be attached to the input program.


Right click the Manufacturing Program in the PPR tree and select Display NC File.
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 06:03:17 PM
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------CHANNEL,1
$$ Manufacturing Program.3
$$ Part Operation : Multi-spindle Lathe Machine
$$ Manufacturing Program.3,Main Spindle,1
$$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
$$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
PARTNO Part Operation : Multi-spindle Lathe Machine
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.4
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.4
CUTTER/ 1.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.4
PPRINT TOOL ASSEMBLY = External Assembly
$$ OPERATION NAME : External Roughing
$$ Start generation of : External Roughing
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
GOTO / 27.50000, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 27.50000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 27.50000, 0.00000, -50.00000
GOTO / 27.71213, 0.00000, -49.78787
GOTO / 27.71213, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 25.00000, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 25.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 25.00000, 0.00000, -50.00000
GOTO / 25.21213, 0.00000, -49.78787

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GOTO / 25.21213, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 22.50000, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 22.50000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 22.50000, 0.00000, -50.00000
GOTO / 22.71213, 0.00000, -49.78787
GOTO / 22.71213, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 20.00000, 0.00000, 2.00000
GOTO / 20.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 20.00000, 0.00000, -50.00000
GOTO / 20.21213, 0.00000, -49.78787
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
$$ End of generation of : External Roughing
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.5
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.5
CUTTER/ 28.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.5
PPRINT TOOL ASSEMBLY = Drill Assembly for Drill D 10
$$ OPERATION NAME : Drilling.5
$$ Start generation of : Drilling.5
TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
FEDRAT/ 300.0000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000
CYCLE/DRILL, 60.206665, 1.000000, 0.400000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPR
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
$$ End of generation of : Drilling.5
$$ OPERATION NAME : Swap to Counter Spindle
$$ Start generation of : Swap to Counter Spindle

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Version 5 Release 16

$$ Swap to Counter Spindle,Counter Spindle,2

$$ 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 220.00000
$$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ End of generation of : Swap to Counter Spindle
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.6
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.6
CUTTER/ 60.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.6
PPRINT TOOL ASSEMBLY = Drill Assembly for T3 End Mill D 10
$$ OPERATION NAME : Drilling.6 CS
$$ Start generation of : Drilling.6 CS
TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000,-1.000000
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / 70.00000, 0.00000, 20.00000
FEDRAT/ 300.0000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000
CYCLE/DRILL, 25.834787, 1.000000, 0.400000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPR
GOTO / 70.00000, 0.00000, 20.00000
$$ End of generation of : Drilling.6 CS

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User Tasks
The user tasks you will perform with Multi-Slide Lathe Machining are as follows:
Define Multi-Slide Lathe Machine
Define Program per Turret
Select Turrets and Spindles at Operation Level
Synchronize Operations for Multi-Turret Machining
Review with Gantt Chart
Time-Based Replay for Multi-Turret Machining
Generate One Program per Turret in a Single File
The user tasks for creating, editing and managing Machining operations and other Machining entities are
described in the Lathe Machining User's Guide.
Turning Operations
Axial Machining Operations
Auxiliary Operations
Part Operations, Manufacturing Programs and Machining Processes
NC Manufacturing Entities
Verification, Simulation and NC Output

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Define Multi-Slide Lathe Machine

This task shows how to set up the parameters of a multi-slide lathe machine.
You can specify a multi-slide lathe machine for your program at Part Operation level.
This type of machine enables you to define turrets and spindles for programming Mill and Turn
operations in a multi-task and multi-axis context.
For more information, refer to Multi-Slide Lathe Machine.

Select File > Open and open the Multi-Turret.CATProcess document.


Select Machining > Lathe Machining from the Start menu.

The Lathe Machining workbench appears. The part is displayed in the Setup Editor window.

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The PPR tree shows the current state of the CATProcess.


Double click Part Operation: Multi-turret lathe machine in the tree to display the Part
Operation dialog box.

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Note that the following parameters are already initialized on the Part Operation:


machine (Multi-turret lathe machine)

reference machining axis system (Part Axis Spindle: Multi-turret lathe machine)

design part and stock, which will allow material removal simulation later.

Click Machine

in the dialog box. The Machine Editor dialog box appears with Multi-turret

lathe machine already selected.

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Select the Spindle tab.

By default, the Reference Machining Axis System defined on the Part Operation (Part Axis
Spindle: Multi-turret lathe machine) is assigned to the spindle.

Select the Turret tab.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

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Check that:

the turret is called Upper Turret

the other parameters are correctly specified:

Turning Tool Axis System

Axial and Radial axes

Tool Change Point.

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Click Add Turret then:

Enter Lower Turret as the name for the new turret.

The turret number increments automatically.

Click Turning Tool Axis System

in the dialog box, then select the axis system called

Turret Turning Tool Axis (Lower Turret) in the 3D viewer to assign it to the lower

Make sure that the Axial and Radial axes are correctly defined.

Make sure that the Tool Change Point is correctly defined.

In the Numerical Control tab, make sure that the following sample PP words table is referenced:

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Machine and return to the Part Operation editor.


Click OK to confirm your modifications to the Part Operation.

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Define One Program per Turret

This task shows how to assign a program to each of the turrets on the machine.
Structured programming: one program per turret.
Turret management by Programs:
As many Programs as Turrets.
Turret assignment at Program level.
Operations inherit Turret of its Program: no explicit selection needed.
Cut/Paste or Drag & Drop to move operations between Programs.
Spindle management:
Any Spindle can be addressed within a Program.
Spindle numbers displayed in Process Table for each operation.

Double click the PGM UT program in the PPR tree. The Manufacturing Program dialog box


Select Upper Turret using the Turret Name combo.

Click OK to assign the program to the turret.


Right-click PGM UT in the PPR tree and select Compute Tool Path.
The tool path of the program's Rough turning operation is computed and the PPR tree is
updated with this information.


Double-click the PGM LT program in the PPR tree. In the Manufacturing Program dialog box,
assign the Lower Turret to the program.

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Right-click PGM LT in the PPR tree and select Compute Tool Path.
The tool path of the program's Drilling operation is computed and the PPR tree is updated with
this information.

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Select Turrets and Spindles at Operation Level

This task shows you how to make the necessary adjustments to the program, which is already initialized with a Rough
turning operation and two Drilling operations.
Selection of turrets and spindles at operation level (Turning, Milling, and Drilling).
Spindle assignment
Capability to select the spindle at operation level when dealing with multiple spindles.
Capability to select the spindle at Machining Axis Change level to define the Reference Axis System:

Spindle Part Axis System

Local Axis System.

Useful for:
Part orientation for Turning operations
Information display in Process Table
NC data output.

1.Double click the External Rough turning operation in the PPR tree. The dialog box for this operation appears.
Check that all necessary parameters have been initialized (geometry, tool assembly, and so on).
Set the Spindle name to Main Spindle, if this is not already the case.

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.

2.Double click the first Drilling operation in the PPR tree. The dialog box for this operation appears.
Check that all necessary parameters have been initialized (geometry, tool assembly, and so on). Note that the tool
assembly Power attribute is set to Fixed.
Set the Spindle name to Main Spindle, if this is not already the case.

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.

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Double click the Machining axis change entity in the PPR tree.

Select the Counter Spindle Part Axis machining axis and set the Spindle name to Counter Spindle, if this is not
already the case.
Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.
Double click the second Drilling operation in the PPR tree. The dialog box for this operation appears.
Check that all necessary parameters have been initialized (geometry, tool assembly, and so on). Note that the tool
assembly Power attribute is set to Fixed.
Set the Spindle name to Counter Spindle, if this is not already the case.

Click OK to confirm your modifications to the operation and quit the dialog box.

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5.Right click the Manufacturing Program in the PPR tree and select Compute Tool Path.
The operations of the program are computed. The PPR tree now looks like this:

6.More information can be obtained by clicking Process Table

in the Auxiliary Commands Toolbar.

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Synchronize Operations for Multi-Turret

This step shows how to impose a synchronization between the two machining operations.
Capability to set synchronizations between operations for multi-turret machining. Several
synchronization positions are available:


After approach macro (Turning operations)

Before retract macro (Turning operations)


Advantages are:

Synchronizations are persistent to program changes

Program time optimization

Avoids incompatible operations executing at the same time.


Click Create Synchronization

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.


Select the External Roughing operation then the Drilling operation in the PPR tree.


In the Synchronization Editor that appears, set the synchronization position for the Upper Turret
to Before retract macro.


Select the Master Turret for NC output.


Click OK to confirm the synchronization.

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When creating or editing a synchronization and then quitting the dialog box by means of the
Cancel button, the new or edited synchronization still remains. The Cancel button does not
restore the synchronization state before either the create or edit action.
When a synchronized machining operation is cut or copied then pasted, the pasted operation
is not synchronized.

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Review with Machining Gantt Chart

This task shows how to review the machining process using a Machining Gantt chart. This chart provides an overview of all
programs to optimize programming times and an easy way to manage synchronizations between programs.
When you invoke the Machining Gantt Chart command, start times and durations of machining activities are computed. The
displayed chart gives information for each turret.

Activities of each program are displayed by means of a colored bar as a function of time

Synchronizations are numbered and are represented by a red vertical line

Operations can be accessed for edition, replay, and so on

Idle time is given for each program.

Diagnostics are displayed in case of incompatible conditions.

1. Click Machining Gantt Chart

. The following synchronized Gantt chart appears.

2. You can right click the red synchronization line in the chart to access contextual commands:
Definition: gives access to the Synchronization dialog box.
Delete: removes the synchronization between the two operations.
Note that dynamic short help information is given for each activity when you pass the cursor over the graphic
The time units can be customized under Tools > Options > Parameters and Measures.
3. The commands in the dialog box are as follows:
Update Times: updates times (after a modification, for example)

Reframe Gantt Chart: reframes the Gantt chart in the viewer

Hide or Show Diagnostics

Update Diagnostics.

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Please note the following points:

When a synchronized machining operation is cut or copied then pasted, the pasted operation is not synchronized.
During a time based replay, a vertical blue line is displayed in the Gantt chart, which allows you to follow the progress
of the machining. However, when a zoom is applied in the Gantt chart, the blue vertical line does not take into account
the zoom scale and so may not give expected behavior.
If the referenced machine has more than one spindle, a checkbox entitled Color by spindle is available in the Gantt
Chart dialog box. If colors have been assigned to the machining activities and the spindles:

when the checkbox is not selected, the displayed bars are colored according to the activity color.
A machining activity can be assigned a color as described in How to Use Properties of a Machining Operation.

when the checkbox is selected, the displayed bars are colored according to the spindle color.
A spindle can assigned a color by right clicking the spindle resource in the Resource List, selecting Properties,
then defining the desired color in the Graphic tab of the Properties dialog box.

In some turning operations, linking macros are interruptible.

If such an operation is interrupted, this is not represented or taken into account in the Machining Gantt Chart.
Support of Master/Slave definition for time computations with respect to instantaneous spindle speed.
When 2 turning activities assigned on 2 different turrets work on the same spindle, the spindle has only one speed at a
given time. There is always a master and one or more slaves. The duration of slave elements tool paths (motions,
delays, and so on) must be calculated according to the instantaneous spindle speed.
As shown in the example below, the spindle speed specified on the 2 activities is seldom the same.

When an element of tool path is Master, it uses the spindle speed defined on the operation.
When an element of tool path is Slave, it uses the instantaneous speed of the spindle. It only applies to Turning
operations and Drilling operations along the spindle axis.
For each spindle, this capability:

detects slave and master elements of tool path and calculates their duration in context

detects possible incompatibilities (no master or several masters defined at the same time).

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Version 5 Release 16

Time-Based Replay for Multi-Turret Machining

Time based replay allows checking program sequence and synchronization as well as potential collisions between tools.
This task shows how to review the synchronization between two machining operations using a time based replay.
Time based replay is for multi-turret machines.
It simulates all the activities as a function of time:

from the absolute start time of the Part Operation

from the start time of a selected operation: all simultaneous and subsequent operations are replayed.


Select the Part Operation in the PPR tree then click Time Base Replay

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.

The Process Simulation command box and the Simulation Control Tools toolbar appear.

For detailed description of the capabilities provided, please refer to:


Viewing a Simulation

Simulating a Selected Activity

Running the Simulation in Real Time

Viewing Information Boxes during Simulations.

Set the simulation step to 3, for example.

Click Run

to start the time based replay.

The drilling operation will start as soon as the roughing operation begins to retract after machining.

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If referenced tooling is shared by at least one simultaneous operation of another turret, you must duplicate this tooling in order to view all
simultaneous tooling positions.
One way to duplicate tooling is by using the Duplicate Resources contextual command in the Resource List of the PPR tree.

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Viewing a Simulation
This procedure describes how to run a simulation.

This procedure assumes that you have a process with activities loaded.


Select the process or an activity on the PPR tree.

If you select an activity instead of a process, only the activity will be simulated, not the whole
process. See Simulating a Selected Activity.

Click Time Based Replay

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.

The Process Simulation command box and Simulation Control Tools toolbar appear.

The table below provides the meaning of each of the VCR-like buttons.
Jump to start

Step forward (by default, shows simulation one tenth of a second
at a time. To alter the number of seconds or other time units, use
the spinner that controls speed. To alter the time units, To alter the
time units, see Tools > Options > General > Parameters and
Measures Units.)
Run (shows simulation as continuous motion)

Jump to end

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Simulation mode: Single/continuous.

The simulation mode determines whether the simulation is shown
once or continuously; pressing this button toggles between the two
The image to the left shows the default simulation mode: Single,
that is, to show the simulation once.

The image to the left shows the continuous simulation mode button.

Step size
To increase or decrease the speed of the simulation, use the
Simulation time
Users may input a value in the time editor field. The simulation
engine will attempt to "jump" to the given time. If the input value is
outside the simulation start-end boundary, the following actions will
be taken:

If the input value is greater than the end time, the simulation
will stop when reaching the end and a message will be displayed
to the user.
If the input value is smaller than the start time, the simulation
will stop when reaching the start and a message will be
displayed to the user.

The use of the commands in the Simulation Controls toolbar is explained in the procedures following
this one.

Select the buttons described in the table above that provide you with the features of your
simulation that you want to see.
Animation occurs in the 3D view.


To end the simulation:

Press the X (close) button in the upper right hand corner of the Process Simulation
command box OR

Select the orange Process Simulation icon (it will return to its original colors).

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Simulating a Selected Activity

This procedure describes how to select only one activity or sub-process to simulate.

This procedure assumes that you have a process with activities loaded.



Select the activity you want to see simulated on the PPR tree.

Click Time Based Replay

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.

The Process Simulation command box and Simulation Control Tools toolbar appear.


Select the Activity Options (On/Off)

in the Simulation Control Tools toolbar.

The Activity Options dialog box appears.

The dialog box automatically contains the name of the activity or process selected in Step 1 and
the process used as a context for the selected activity (that is, either a process or a resource

Select whether you want to see only the selected activity (the default) or the current process
from the current activity to the end.

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If you leave the button on Selected Activity, the Apply button remains grayed out. If you change the
option so that you are asking to run to the end of the current process, the button will be active
again. Once you press it, it will be grayed out until you make another selection.

If needed, enter a start or stop time or both.


Click Apply.

When you switch from one option to the other and press the Apply button, the simulation pauses to
apply the information. If you go from "Current Process" to "Selected Activity," the process
simulation starts from the selected activity.

Press the play button on the Process Simulation control box to view the selected portion of the

The Activity Option command is a toggle command. When you no longer wish to change the
selection, deselect the Activity Option command icon by pressing the Activity Options icon or the X
(close) button from the upper right corner of the Activity Options dialog. The last selection will be
If you end the simulation without closing the Activity Options dialog box, the box closes

To end the simulation:

Press the X (close) button in the upper right hand corner of the Process Simulation
command box OR

Select the orange Process Simulation icon (it will return to its original colors).

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Running the Simulation in Real Time

This procedure describes how to run a simulation in real time.

This procedure assumes that you have a process with activities loaded.



Select the process or an activity on the PPR tree.

If you select an activity instead of a process, only the activity will be simulated, not the whole
process. See Simulating a Selected Activity.
Click Time Based Replay

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.

The Process Simulation command box and Simulation Control Tools toolbar appear.


Select Automatic Real-time Simulation

in the Simulation Control Tools toolbar.

The step size spinner will become grayed out and the Automatic Real-time Simulation button
will be highlighted in orange. This is a toggle on/off button.

Select the Play button from the Process Simulation command bar and view the simulation.

While running the simulation automatic real-time turned on, the step size is continuously updated.
Although the value of the step is grayed out and it does not display the updated value, if the
simulation is running too slow (with respect to the real time), the step size will increase; if the
simulation begins to run too fast, the step size will decrease. As a result, the performance of the
automatic real-time simulation step size feature may degrade during simulations that perform
computationally intensive operations. The step sizes may become very large, resulting in unnatural,
jerky-looking motion.
The Automatic Real-time Simulation command is a toggle command. When you no longer wish to
see the simulation in real time, deselect the Automatic Real-time Simulation command icon. You can
see the process simulation in other ways without exiting from the Process Simulation command.

To end the simulation:

Press the X (close) button in the upper right hand corner of the Process Simulation
command box OR

Select the orange Process Simulation icon (it will return to its original colors).

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Viewing Information Boxes during Simulations

This procedure describes how to display the names of currently simulated activities while the Process
Simulation command is active.
This procedure assumes that you have a process with activities loaded.


Select the process or an activity on the PPR tree.

If you select an activity instead of a process, only the activity will be simulated, not the whole
process. See Simulating a Selected Activity.

Click Time Based Replay

in the Synchronization Management toolbar.

The Process Simulation command box and Simulation Control Tools toolbar appear.


While the Process Simulation command is active, select Simulation Activities

in the

Simulation Control Tools toolbar:

The icon turns orange (because it is a toggle on/off command) and an information box appears
that provides the name of the activity as it occurs during the simulation.

If no activity is simulated at a certain moment, the dialog will be empty. As soon as the simulation
starts, the dialog will be updated with the name of the currently simulated activity.
If multiple activities are simulated in parallel, all the names will be displayed.

Click Simulation Activities

to remove the view of the information box, or click on the X

(close) button on the Simulated Activities information box.

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To end the simulation:

Press the X (close) button in the upper right hand corner of the Process Simulation
command box OR

Select the orange Process Simulation icon (it will return to its original colors).

If you end the simulation without closing the Simulated Activities information box, it will close
By default, the Simulated Activities information box will be closed when you activate the Process
Simulation command; you must use the Simulation Activities command to open it.

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Generate One Program per Turret in a Single File

This task shows you how to generate NC data for the Part Operation in batch mode.
NC data can be generated as one program per file or several programs in a single file.
Each turret (channel) is segregated by means of program header and specific syntaxes.
Specific syntaxes cross programs for identifying:



This enables easier post-processing.

1. Select File > Open then select the Multi-Turret_Final.CATProcess document.
2. Select the Part Operation in the PPR tree and click Generate NC Code in Batch Mode
Management toolbar.
The following dialog box appears.

in the NC Output

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3. Set the parameters as shown and click Execute to generate the NC data. The generated file will be attached
to the first program in the Part Operation.
Please refer to Generate APT Source File in Batch Mode for more information.
4. Right click the first program in the PPR tree and select Display NC File.

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Version 5 Release 16

$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 04:56:42 PM

$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------CHANNEL,1
$$ Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ PGM UT,Spindle,1
$$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
$$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
PARTNO Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.1
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.1
CUTTER/ 1.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.1
PPRINT TOOL ASSEMBLY = External Assembly
$$ OPERATION NAME : External Roughing
$$ Start generation of : External Roughing
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
GOTO / 28.00000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 28.00000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 28.00000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 28.21213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 28.21213, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 25.50000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 25.50000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 25.50000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 25.71213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 25.71213, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 23.00000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 23.00000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 23.00000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 23.21213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 23.21213, 0.00000, 2.50000

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GOTO / 20.50000, 0.00000, 2.50000
GOTO / 20.50000, 0.00000, 0.50000
GOTO / 20.50000, 0.00000, -49.50000
GOTO / 20.71213, 0.00000, -49.28787
GOTO / 77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
$$ End of generation of : External Roughing
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------$$ Generated on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 04:56:43 PM
$$ ----------------------------------------------------------------CHANNEL,2
$$ Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ PGM LT,Spindle,1
$$ 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
$$ 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
$$ 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
PARTNO Part Operation : Multi-turret lathe machine
$$ OPERATION NAME : Turning Tool Change.2
$$ Start generation of : Turning Tool Change.2
CUTTER/ 28.000000
$$ End of generation of : Turning Tool Change.2
$$ OPERATION NAME : Drilling.6
$$ Start generation of : Drilling.6
TLAXIS/ 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
SPINDL/ 70.0000,RPM
GOTO / -77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000
FEDRAT/ 300.0000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000
CYCLE/DRILL, 60.206665, 1.000000, 0.400000,MMPR
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 0.00000, 0.00000, 10.00000
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPR
GOTO / -77.00000, 0.00000, 45.00000

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$$ End of generation of : Drilling.6


The program PGM UT on CHANNEL 1 (upper turret) is synchronized with the program PGM LT on CHANNEL 2
(lower turret) by means of the SYNC/1,1,2,2 statements. In this example, the start of the retract macro of
the Rough turning operation and the start of drilling is synchronized.
The synchronization is possible thanks to the following statements in the PP table:
MFG_CHANNEL_NUMBER: channel (turret) number associated to the program
MFG_SYNCHRONISATION_NUMBER: index of the synchronization
MFG_CHANNEL1: first synchronized channel
MFG_CHANNEL2: second synchronized channel
MFG_MASTER_CHANNEL: number of the channel set as master.

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Workbench Description
This section contains the description of the specific commands that are added to the Lathe Machining
workbench when Multi-Slide Lathe Machining is installed.

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining Toolbar

When Multi-Slide Lathe Machining is installed the Synchronization Management toolbar is added to the Lathe
Machining workbench.

This toolbar contains the following commands:

Create Synchronization.
See Synchronize Operations for Multi-Turret Machining.
Time Based Replay.
See Time-Based Replay for Multi-Turret Machining.
The commands of the other toolbars of the Lathe Machining workbench are documented in the Toolbars section
of the Lathe Machining User's Guide.
The commands that are common to all Machining workbenches are described in the Toolbars section of the NC
Manufacturing Infrastructure User's Guide.

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This section describes how to customize settings for Machining.
Before you start your first working session, you can customize the settings to suit your working habits. Your
customized settings are stored in permanent setting files: they will not be lost at the end of your session.
Other tasks for customizing your Machining environment are documented in the NC Manufacturing Infrastructure
User's Guide:
Build a Tools Catalog
Access External Tools Catalogs
PP Word Syntaxes
NC Documentation
Workbenches and Tool Bars
1. Select Tools > Options from the menu bar: the Options dialog box appears.
2. Select the Machining category in the tree to the left. The options for Machining settings appear, organized in tab

3. Select the tab corresponding to the parameters to be customized.

Parameters in this tab...

Allow you to customize...


general settings for all Machining products


tooling, feeds&speeds and resource files


machining operations


PP files and NC data output


manufacturing programs (sequencing, and so on)


material removal simulation

4. Set these options according to your needs.

5. Click OK to save the settings and quit the Options dialog box.

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This document explains how to customize general settings for Machining products.

Select the General tab, which is divided up into areas.

Parameters in this area...

Allow you to customize...


settings for optimized performance

Tree Display

display of the specification tree

Color and Highlight

colors of displayed geometry and parameters

Tool Path Replay

tool display during tool path replay

Complementary Geometry

handling of geometry necessary for manufacturing

Design Changes

use of the Smart NC mode and enhanced detection of design



Click the Optimize button in order to automatically set a number of the Machining options for optimized performance. These
options are listed in the Information dialog box that appears:

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If you click Yes, these options will be set as described in the dialog box. Note that, if needed, you may locally reset any of
these options.
If you click No, the options will remain with their current settings.
The Information box also lists some recommendations for manually setting other options that have an influence on

Tree Display

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Version 5 Release 16

Select the check box if you want the status of activities in the tree to be updated automatically.

If this check box is not selected:

you can update activity status manually in your workbench using Update Status

in the Auxiliary Commands

the status of the activity after a manual update is masked at the first action on the node (for example, edit, replay,
collapse/expand of a parent node). To retrieve the status of the activity you must select Update Status again.

If this check box is not selected, performance is improved.

By default, the check box is not selected.

Color and Highlight

Select the colors to be used for identifying the various manufacturing entities by means of the combos.
Note that for Geometry that is not found or not up to date, you can select the colors used to display the valuated
parameters in the corresponding Operation or Feature dialog boxes.
For certain entities, you can select the corresponding check box to use highlighting.
Performance is improved when all the Highlight check boxes are selected.

Tool Path Replay

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Display tool near cursor position on tool path

Select this check box if you want to display the tool near your cursor position on the trajectory during a tool path replay.
You can display the tool at a specific point by clicking on the tool path. The tool will then be positioned on the nearest
computed point on the trajectory. To remove the tool from that position, just click anywhere on the tool or tool path.
Please note that, as from Release 15, this positioning capability is available even when the check box is not selected.

Display tool center instead of tool tip

Select this check box if you want to display the tool center point instead of the tool tip during a tool path replay.

Display circles
Select this check box if you want to display each circular trajectory as a circular arc instead of a set of discretization points.
The extremities of the circular arc are indicated by means of 'O' symbols.
This allows better control of the Point by Point replay mode, where it is necessary to make several interactions to replay a
circle (because of its representation by a set of points). With the graphic representation as a circle, only one interaction is
necessary to perform the replay.
By default, these check boxes are not selected.

Color of feedrates
Select the colors to be used for identifying the various feedrate types by means of the combos. The selected colors will be
displayed in the Different colors replay mode.

Complementary Geometry

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Select the check box to create a CATPart dedicated to manufacturing-specific geometry in the Product List of the PPR tree.
By default, the check box is not selected.

Design Changes

Smart NC mode
Select this check box to activate the Smart NC mode. In this mode, an image of the geometry selected in machining
operations is kept to allow analysis of design changes.
Performance is improved when this check box is not selected.

Optimized detection of design changes

Select this check box to enable a geometrical comparison mode for detecting design changes.
This mode determines with more precision the design change status of machining operations when a product is replaced in
the Part Operation (using either the Part Operation editor or the Edit Links capability). This option has no effect on all other
design change methods such as direct modification in the Part.
By default, these check boxes are not selected.

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This document explains how to customize resource settings for Machining products.

Select the Resources tab, which is divided up into areas.

Parameters in this area...

Allow you to customize...

Catalogs and Files

the path name for resource files

Tool Selection

the selection of tools

Automatic Compute from Tool Feeds and


the update of feeds and speeds according to tooling data

Tool Query Mode in Machining Processes


tool queries in machining processes

Catalogs and Files

Enter the path of the folder containing tool catalogs, PP tables, macros, and machining processes. You can choose a folder by clicking
the [...] button.
You can concatenate paths using:

a semi colon (;) character for Windows platforms

a colon (:) character for UNIX platforms.

For example, if the concatenated folders E:\DownloadOfCXR12rel\intel_a\startup and e:\users\jmn\NC in the figure above contain PP
tables, then those PP tables will be available for selection in the Part Operation's Machine Editor dialog box.
Please note that:

PP tables must be contained in folders named Manufacturing\PPTables

tools must be contained in folders named Manufacturing\Tools.

Tool Selection

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Automatic query after modification

Select this check box if you want to to activate an automatic query after each modification of a tool parameter. Performance is improved
when this check box is not selected.

Tool preview after selection

Select this check box if you want to preview the tool after selection.
By default, these check boxes are selected.

Automatic Compute from Tool Feeds and Speeds

Feedrate attributes of the operation

Select this check box if you want the Automatic Update of Feedrates option to be set by default in the Feeds and Speeds tab page of
machining operations.
This option allows feedrates of operations to be automatically updated whenever feedrate information on the tool is modified.

Spindle attributes of the operation

Select this check box if you want the Automatic Update of Speeds option to be set by default in the Feeds and Speeds tab page of
machining operations.
This option allows spindle speeds of operations to be automatically updated whenever speed information on the tool is modified.
By default, these check boxes are selected.

Tool Query mode in Machining Processes Instantiation

Select the type of Tool Query to be executed when a Machining Process is instantiated:

automatically computed Tool Query

interactively defined Tool Selection in case of multiple results

interactively defined Tool Selection if no tool is found.

Depending on the selected option, the Advanced tab page of the Search Tool dialog box shows the solved Tool Query for each operation
in the Machining Process.
By default, the Automatic Tool Query option is selected.

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In the example below, you can choose one of the tools found in the ToolsSampleMP, or use the Look in combo to select a tool from
the current document or another tool catalog.

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This document explains how to customize machining operation settings for Machining products.

Select the Operation tab, which is divided up into areas.

Parameters in this area...

Allow you to customize...

Default Values

the use of default values

After Creation or Machining Process (MP) what happens after creating machining operations or machining
When Copying

the duplication of geometry links


tool path displays of operations

User Interface

dialog boxes of 3-axis surface machining operations

Start Feedrate

the feedrate at the start of operation.

Default Values

Select the check box if you want operations to be created with the values used in the current program.
The values and units of attributes at the creation step of an operation are set to the values and units of the last edited and
validated operation whatever its type (that is, exit the operation definition dialog box using OK).
Otherwise the default settings delivered with the application are used.
By default, this check box is selected.

After Creation or Machining Process (MP) Instantiation

Select the desired check boxes to specify conditions to be applied when you create machining operations or machining

Sequence machining operation

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Machining operations are automatically sequenced in the current program after creation.
Otherwise, sequencing can be managed in the feature view.

Search compatible tool in previous operations

When creating an operation, if a compatible tool exists in a previous operation of the current program, it will be set in the
new operation.
Otherwise, the operation will be incomplete.

Use a default tool

When creating an operation, a search is done in the document to find a compatible tool. If no compatible tool exists, a
default one is created in the document and set in the created operation.
If check box is not selected, no tool will be defined on the operation.

Start edit mode (not available for machining processes)

When creating a machining operation, Edit mode is automatically started to allow modifying parameters of the created
Otherwise, the operation is added to the program but the machining operation editor is not started.

MP instantiation: keep the absolute position of the tool axis

When a machining process is instantiated, the tool axes of the activites in the MP keep their absolute positions. Otherwise, if
the check box is not selected, these positions are changed in order to keep the relative components of the tool axis.
By default, these check boxes are selected.

When Copying

Select the check box if you want geometry links to be duplicated in a copied operation.
Otherwise the geometry must be defined for the copied operation. Performance is improved when this check box is not
By default, this check box is selected.


Select the check box if you want to display tool paths of operations in the current Part Operation.
By default, this check box is not selected.

User Interface

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Select the check box if you want to have the possibility of simplifying the dialog boxes of machining operations (that is, you
can display the minimum number of parameters necessary for a correct tool path). This setting is available for 3-axis surface
machining operations only.
By default, this check box is not selected.

Start Feedrate

If the checkbox is selected, the following paragraphs illustrate the expected behaviour.
Otherwise, the behaviour is the same as for V5R13 level.
If a clearance macro is defined and active on machining operation B (see figure below), the feedrate at the start of operation
B is the feedrate of the transition path in the plane of the clearance macro.

If there is no clearance macro defined on operation B (or if a clearance macro is defined but inactive), the feedrate at the
start of operation B in the figure below is:

either rapid feedrate if the Set rapid feedrate at start of operations NC output option is set

or the first feedrate of operation B (this may be the feedrate of the approach macro of operation B, for example).

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

By default, this check box is selected.

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This document explains how to customize data output settings for Machining products.

Select the Output tab, which is divided up into areas.

Parameters in this area...

Allow you to customize...

Post Processor

the type of PP files to be used for generating NC code output and

the path where these files are located

Tool Path Storage

the tool path storage capability

Tool Path Edition

the tool path edition capability

During Tool Path Computation

contact point storage

Tool Output Point

type of tool output point

Tool Output Files ... Location

default paths for NC output files storage.

Post Processor

Select the desired Processor option:

None: no Post Processor is defined. NC code output is not possible in this case

Cenit: you can choose from among the Post Processor parameter files proposed by Cenit to generate your NC code

IMS: you can choose from among the Post Processor parameter files proposed by Intelligent Manufacturing Software
(IMS) to generate your NC code
ICAM: you can choose from among the Post Processor parameter files proposed by ICAM Technologies Corporation
(ICAM) to generate your NC code.

Enter the path of the folder containing Post processors. You can choose a folder by clicking the [...] button. File
concatenation is possible.
By default, the None option is selected.

Tool Path Storage

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Select the desired option to store tool path data either in the current document or in an external file (as a tpl file).
For operations with large tool paths (more than 100 000 points), tool path storage in an external file is recommended.
By default, the Store tool path in the current document option is selected.

Tool Path Edition

Select the check box if you want to be able to edit tool paths even when the operation is locked.
This capability is available only for activities with a tool path node in the specification tree.
By default, this check box is selected.

During Tool Path Computation

Select the check box if you want to store contact points in the tool path.
Performance is improved when this check box is not selected.
By default, this check box is selected.

Tool Output Point

Select the desired option to select one of the following as output point:

tool tip

tool center point

tool center point for ball end tools (that is, any tool with the Ball-end tool attribute selected or an end mill whose nominal
diameter is equal to twice the corner radius).

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Performance is better when the Tool Tip option is selected.

By default, the Tool Tip option is selected.

Default File Locations

Specify default locations for storing Tool Path files, NC Documentation, and NC Code output.
You can store tool paths files (tpl files) in the same folder as the CATProcess by selecting the check box. This allows you to
store these files according to your CATProcess context. Otherwise, you can choose another location by clicking the [...]
For NC Documentation, and NC Code output you can choose a folder easily by clicking the [...] button.
You can customize the extension to be used for NC Code output (by default, the suffix used is CATNCCode).
Please note that Video results are stored in the NC Code output directory. This is done by using the Associate Video Result
to Machining Operation icon

in the Tool Path Replay dialog box.

By default, the Tool path: Store at same location as the CATProcess check box is not selected.

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This document explains how to customize manufacturing program settings for Machining products.

Select the Program tab to customize program auto-sequencing rules and priorities. These settings are mainly
intended for the administrator.
Make sure that the document in the sequencing rules path (AllSequencingRules.CATProduct in the example
below) is accessible in Read/Write.

Auto Sequencing

Access to sequencing rules settings

Select the Access to sequencing rules settings check box to authorize user access to sequencing rules.
You can then specify the path for the rules base
You can choose a rules base easily by clicking the [...] button.
By default, this check box is selected.

Display sequencing rules and priorities

Select the Display sequencing rules and priorities check box to authorize the display of sequencing rules
and priorities in the user's view. In this case two more check boxes can be selected in order to:

allow the user to filter rules

allow the user to modify rule priorities.

By default, these check boxes are selected.

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This document explains how to customize material removal simulation settings for Machining products.

Select the Photo/Video tab, which is divided up into areas.

Parameters in this area...

Allow you to customize...

Simulation at

material removal simulation at program of Part Operation level


Video material removal simulation options


Photo material removal simulation options


settings that influence performance


color during material removal simulation

Positioning Move

allowed tool axis variation between two operations

Simulation at

Select the desired option to perform material removal simulation at either Program or Part Operation level.
Depending on the selected level, simulation begins either from the start of the manufacturing program or from the start of
the Part Operation.
Best performance is obtained with Program level.
By default, the Program level option is selected.


Stop at tool change

Select the Stop at tool change check box if you want the Video simulation to stop each time a tool change is encountered
in the program.
By default, this check box is not selected.

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Collision detection
Select the desired Collisions detection option to:

ignore collisions during the Video simulation

stop the Video simulation at the first collision

continue the Video simulation even when collisions are detected. In this case, you can consult the list of collisions at any
time during the simulation.

Best performance is obtained when collisions are ignored.

By default, the Ignore option is selected.

Touch is collision
Select the Touch is collision check box if you want touch (or contact) type of collision to be detected.
By default, this check box is selected.

Multiple Video result on program

Select the Multiple Video result on program check box if you want to store video results on more than one operation in
the program.
By default, this check box is not selected.


Select the desired Fault box type for examining remaining material or gouges:

Transparent: to display a transparent bounding box

Wireframe: to display a wireframe bounding box

None: if no bounding box is required.

By default, the Wireframe option is selected.

Select the check box to compute all information at the picked point.
By default, this check box is not selected.
Best performance is obtained when Fault box is set to None and the Compute all information at picked point check box
is not selected.

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Tool and faceting

There are three methods of tool faceting used in Video simulation: Standard, Smaller and Larger.
The number of facets for a tool representation is determined by the chord deviation that is set for the tool diameter (0.005%
of the tool diameter).

Smaller: The picture shows a rough approximation of a tool with six facets. Note that the chord deviation is always
inside the actual circle, and that the points are always on the circle (accurate).

This is the most accurate method for the Arc through Three Points command.

Standard: The picture shows a rough approximation of a tool with six facets. Note that the chord deviation is partly
inside and partly outside the actual circle, and that the points are not always on the circle.

This is the best method for material removal simulation.

However, this is not suitable for the Arc through Three Points command.

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Larger: The picture shows a rough approximation of a tool with six facets. Note that the chord deviation is outside the
actual circle, and that the points are not on the circle.

This is not suitable for the Arc through Three Points command.
However, it can be useful for gouge detection.

By default, the Standard option is selected.

Photo resolution
Best performance is obtained when the Photo resolution is set to 0. In this case, a detailed simulation of a portion of the part
can be obtained using the Closeup command.
Increasing the resolution improves machining accuracy and gives a very detailed simulation. However, this requires
increased memory and computation time.
By default, this resolution is set to 0.

Tool axis interpolation angle (5-axis only)

Specify the maximum angle that the tool axis is allowed to vary between two consecutive points.
Best performance is obtained for an angle of 10 degrees. Decreasing the angle improves the precision of the simulation.
However, this requires increased memory and computation time.
By default, this angle is set to 1degree.

Optimized rendering for Video

Select the Optimized rendering for Video check box to obtain an optimized rendering that improves Video simulation
Otherwise, more realistic colors are obtained with a slightly degraded performance. Milling, drilling, and turning operations
are supported .
By default, this check box is selected.


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Set the tool (and associated machined area) color to be the same as or different from the last tool, or have different colors
for all tools. Best performance is obtained with same colored tools.
By default, the All different option is selected.
Assign colors to the different tools using the associated color combo.
Assign colors to tool holders, parts, and fixtures using the associated color combos.

Positioning Move

Set the Maximum tool axis variation that is to be allowed between the end point of an operation and the start point of
the next operation. If the tool axis varies by an amount greater than the specified value, then the tool is positioned at the
start of the following operation.
By default, this angle is set to 1degree.

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Reference Information
Reference information that is specific to the Multi-Slide Lathe Machining product can be found in this section.
Multi-Slide Lathe Machine
Syntaxes for Multi-Axis Lathe Machine Environment
Axis Systems for Part and Turning Tool
Essential reference information on the following topics is provided in the Lathe Machining User's Guide.
Lathe Roughing Operations
Lathe Recessing Operations
Lathe Grooving Operations
Lathe Profile Finishing Operations
Lathe Groove Finishing Operations
Lathe Ramping Roughing Operations
Lathe Ramping Recessing Operations
Lathe Threading Operations
Lathe Sequential Machining Operations
Lathe Tool Assembly Conventions
Essential reference information on the following topics is provided in the NC Manufacturing Infrastructure
User's Guide.
NC Manufacturing Resources
NC Macros
PP Tables and PP Word Syntaxes
Feeds and Speeds
APT Formats
CLfile Formats

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machine

This section deals with the multi-slide lathe machine that is available when the Multi-Slide Lathe Machining addon product is installed in the Lathe Machining workbench. It describes:

machine capabilities

resource attributes.

Machine Capabilities for the Multi-Slide Lathe Machine

Multi-slide lathe machine comprises a number of spindles and turrets, which you specify in the Machine editor
dialog box.
In the Turret and Spindle tabs of this dialog box, the presentation is similar:

On the left, the list of turrets and spindles with command buttons to add or remove these entities.
There must always be a minimum of one turret and one spindle.
On the right, properties of the selected element are displayed.

Note that addition of turrets and spindles is only possible when Multi-Slide Lathe Machining is installed.

Turret Definition
Here is an example of the Turret tab:

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Each turret has a name, which will be displayed in the PPR tree next to the program with which it is associated.
Each turret has a number, which is output in APT output in place of MFG_CHANNEL_NUMBER in the program
header or synchronization syntax.
You can specify the Turning Tool Axis System by clicking

in the dialog box.

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The Axial and Radial axes of this axis system define the working plane of the turret for turning operations: tool
path, replay, and time based replay are represented in this plane.
This axis system can be any axis system. However, the working plane must contain the spindle axis that the
turret works on.
At the bottom of the Turning Tool Axis System dialog box:

The angle defines the incline of the Turret Plane with respect to the ZX plane of the first spindle (that is, the
Setup axis system).
Radial and axial shift give the position of the origin of the axis system relative to the origin of the first
spindle (that is, the origin of the Setup axis system).

For more information, see Axis Systems for Part and Turning Tool.
Tool Change point can be defined manually through its absolute coordinates (X,Y,Z). Since this point might be

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considered as the origin of the Turning Tool Axis System, you can use the button at the bottom of the Machine
Editor to automatically set it.

Spindle Definition
Here is an example of the Spindle tab:

Each spindle has a name, which will be displayed at the bottom of operation editor. Note that this is the case
when there is more than one spindle on the machine. Otherwise the single spindle is used by default. It is
output in APT in place of MFG_SPINDLE_NAME.
Each spindle has a number, which is written in valuated in APT in place of MFG_SPINDLE_NUMBER.
Spindle name and number can be valuated in NC_MACHINING_AXIS and NC_ACTIVITY_HEADER syntaxes .
Part Axis System defines the plane where tool path, replay, and time based replay are represented.
For more information, see Axis Systems for Part and Turning Tool.
Maximum Spindle Speed is taken into account for time computation in Machining Gantt Chart.

Resource Attributes for the Multi-Slide Lathe Machine

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The Multi-Slide Lathe Machine (CATEMfgMultiTurretLatheMachine) resource attributes are described below.

Base Attributes
These attributes provide general information.
Type: String
Specifies the name of the resource.
Type: String
Associates a comment to the resource.

Numerical Control Attributes

These attributes characterize the machine controller and have an impact on the output format.
MFG_PP_WORD_TBL (Post Processor words table)
Type: String
Specifies the name of the PP words table which is used for creating Post Processor word syntaxes.
MFG_OUTPUT_TYPE (NC data type)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of NC data output by the application. It can take the following values: APT (APT source, this
is the default), CLF-3000 (clfile record types 3000 and 5000 are output), CLF-15000 (clfile record type 15000
is output), ISO.
MFG_OUTPUT_FRMT (NC data format)
Type: String
Possible values:
POINT (Point (X,Y,Z))
AXIS (Axis (X,Y,Z,I,J,K))
Specifies the format of the NC data output. It can take the following values: POINT (X,Y,Z point coordinates,
by default), AXIS (X,Y,Z,I,J,K point coordinates and tool axis components).
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT (Home point strategy)
Type: String
Possible values:
Specifies the type of trajectory on the start point: GOTO or FROM
MFG_MAX_FEEDRATE (Max machining feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum machining feedrate. This is used in NC Manufacturing Verification Product Errors (tool
collision with the stock) will be reported if the feedrate exceeds this value
MFG_RAPID_FEED (Rapid feedrate)
Type: Real
Specifies the rapid feedrate. This is used to compute the total machining time and may replace the RAPID
instruction in output APT files.

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MFG_AXIAL_RADIAL_MOVE (Axial/Radial movement)

Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies the ability to generate automatically axial and radial movements to avoid collisions in axial operations
MFG_INT_LIN_3D (3D linear interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D linear interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D (2D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 2D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D (3D circular interpol.)
Type: Boolean (Yes/No)
Specifies if the machine is able to make a 3D circular interpolation between 2 points.
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC (Min interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC (Max interpol. radius)
Type: Real
Specifies the maximum radius of circular interpolation that the machine is able to achieve.
MFG_MIN_DISC (Min discretization step)
Type: Real
Specifies the minimum distance between two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve.
The application compares the minimum discretization step and the machining tolerance. The larger of the two
values is taken to be the minimum distance between two points.
When you generate NC data, any points that are spaced at a distance less than this value are eliminated from
the output file.
MFG_MIN_ANGLE (Min discretization angle)
Type: Real
Specifies minimum angle between tool axis at two consecutive points that the machine is able to achieve. The
application eliminates points whose tool axis orientation does not meet this criteria.

Spindle Attributes
These attributes provide information on the spindle and have an impact on spindle capabilities.
MfgLmtSpindleName (Spindle name)
Defines the name of the spindle, output in NC code.
MfgLmtSpindleNumber (Spindle number)
Defines the number of the spindle, output in NC code.
PAS (Part axis system)
Defines the Part axis system on a spindle.

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MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX (Radial axis)

Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the radial axis, which is generally the X axis.
Combined with the spindle axis, it defines the programming working plane, where the selected geometry is
MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX (Spindle axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the spindle and C axes, which is generally the Z axis.
Combined with the radial axis, it defines the programming working plane where the selected geometry is
MFG_LATHE_MAX_SPNDL_SPEED (Max spindle speed)
Type: Real
Defines the maximum speed of the spindle. It is used in time computations when machining at constant
cutting speed.

Turret Attributes
These attributes provide information on the turret definition and have an impact on turret capabilities.
MfgLmtTurretName (Turret name)
Defines the name of the turret, output in NC code.
MfgLmtTurretNumber (Turret number)
Defines the number of the turret, output in NC code.
TAS (Turning Tool axis system)
Defines the Turning Tool axis system on a turret.
MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX (Radial axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
For a given turret, it defines the radial axis of the Turning Tool axis system, which is generally the X axis.
Combined with the axial axis, it defines the plane where Turning tooling is represented.
MFG_LATHE_AX_AX (Axial axis)
Type: String
Possible values:
Defines the axial axis of the Turning Tool axis system, which is generally the Z axis.
Combined with the radial axis, it defines the plane where Turning tooling is represented.

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MFG_X_TOOL_POS (Tool change point X)

Defines the X coordinate of the tool change point with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Y_TOOL_POS (Tool change point Y)
Defines the Y coordinate of the tool change point with respect to the reference machining axis system.
MFG_Z_TOOL_POS (Tool change point Z)
Defines the Z coordinate of the tool change point with respect to the reference machining axis system.

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Syntaxes for Multi-Slide Lathe Machine

This section describes specific syntaxes that can be used in a Multi-Slide Lathe machine environment in order to
produce NC data for a multi-channel context. In particular, this means that commands must be available:

to segregate the code for different channels

to synchronize channels.

For more information about NC commands and NC instructions, please refer to PP Tables and PP Word

Syntaxes for Turret Management

To identify the channel (Turret) in the program header a new attribute MFG_CHANNEL_NUMBER is added to the
NC instruction NC_START_MACRO.
Synchronization is also possible thanks to the NC instruction NC_PROGRAM_HEADER.

MFG_IDENTIFIER: Part Operation identifier
MFG_PROGRAM_NAME: Manufacturing Program name
MFG_MACHINE_NAME: Machine name
MFG_CHANNEL_NUMBER: Channel number (Turret)
MFG_MODEL_NAME: Name of the CATProcess (with document suffix)
MFG_PRODUCT_NAME: Name of the CATProduct/CATPart (with no document suffix).

Definition in PP Table

Example of resulting APT source




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Syntax for Synchronization Management

To valuate the synchronizations defined in the programs, an NC command NC_SYNCHRONISATION is available
to define the syntax to be valuated.

MFG_SYNCHRONISATION_NUMBER: index of the synchronization
MFG_CHANNEL1: first synchronized channel
MFG_CHANNEL2: second synchronized channel
MFG_MASTER_CHANNEL: number of the channel set as master.

Default definition in PP Table


For two channels, the number of synchronizations can be managed dynamically.
With more than 2 channels, the algorithm to compute the number of synchronizations is more complex. In this
case, the numbering of synchronizations might not be always relevant.
Note that if no master is defined in a synchronization, the last parameter (MFG_MASTER_CHANNEL) of the
SYNC syntax is 0 (zero).

Syntax for Spindle Management

As several spindles can be addressed within a given channel, a new attribute MFG_SPINDLE_NAME is added to
identify the current spindle when defining existing NC commands NC_SPINDLE_LATHE and

Note that this corresponds to the part's spindle speed.
MFG_SPNDL_UNIT: list with two values defining the spindle rotation units.
First value: spindle rotation expressed in revolutions per minute. RPM is the default value.
Second value: spindle rotation expressed in surface meters per minute. SMM is the default value.
MFG_SPNDL_WAY: list with two values defining the direction of rotation of the spindle.
First value: spindle rotation processed clockwise. CLW is the default value.
Second value: spindle rotation processed counter-clockwise. CCLW is the default value.
MFG_SPNDL_SPEED: numerical value of the spindle speed.

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MFG_SPINDLE_NAME: current spindle name if any.

Default definition in PP Table for NC_SPINDLE_LATHE


SPINDL Syntax on the Counter Spindle

When machining is done on the Counter Spindle, the SPINDL syntax is set to be coherent with the Counter
The figure below shows how the Clockwise / Counterclockwise spindle direction is determined: you must look at
the tool from the jaws. In this figure, the spindle direction is counterclockwise.

MFG_NCAXIS_IDENTIFIER: machining axis identifier
MFG_SPINDLE_NAME: name of the spindle that is linked to the origin
MFG_SPINDLE_NUMBER: number of the spindle that is linked to the origin

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MFG_NCAXIS_X_ORIG, MFG_NCAXIS_Y_ORIG, MFG_NCAXIS_Z_ORIG: coordinates of the machining axis origin


Default definition in PP Table for NC_MACHINING_AXIS


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Axis Systems for Part and Turning Tool

This section describes axis systems that can be used in a Multi-Slide Lathe machine environment, in particular:

Turning Tool Axis System

Part Axis System.

Part Axis System (PAS)

By default, the Reference Machining Axis System

defined on the Part Operation is assigned to the main


You can edit the Part Axis System (PAS) by clicking

in the Spindle tab of the Machine Editor.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

The following dialog box appears:

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For Turning operations:

The main spindle PAS is the reference for Tool Compensation computation. Other spindles and turrets have
no influence.
Part orientation is determined by the PAS of the selected spindle. Spindle axis+ must be defined from the
chuck to the front of the Part. This is used for part orientation and location parameters.

For NC data output, a Machining Axis System Change must be inserted in the Program when changing Spindle.

Turning Tool Axis System

Turning Tool Axis System defines the turret plane, which allows realistic representation for:

Tool positioning

Tool path visualization.

The pictures below illustrate for a given tool (Setup angle = 0deg / Radial axis X) the behavior when moving
(Cut/Paste) an operation from Turret.1 to Turret.2.

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Note that milling and drilling tools are positioned according to the tool axis defined at operation level.
Advantages are:

Reuse same tool definition in several turrets

Allows off-line NC Programming (no tool gauge required).

You can edit the Turning Tool Axis System by clicking

in the Turret tab of the Machine Editor.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

The following dialog box appears:

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Axis definition
The axial and radial axes define the turret plane.

Incline of turret plane

This parameter defines the incline of Turning Tool Axis System, through its radial direction.
The angle gives an incline measured from the radial direction of the main spindle PAS.

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The Turning Tool Axis System is rotated about the spindle axis of the main spindle PAS.
When applied, the distance between the origin of the Turning Tool Axis System and the spindle axis of the
main spindle PAS is unchanged.

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The angle is an absolute angular position measured from the radial direction of the main spindle PAS (it is not
a relative angle from the previous position).
When looking along the spindle axis of the main spindle PAS, the angle is positive in the counter-clockwise
direction and negative in the clockwise direction.
Note that the Angle field is reset to 0, even if the current absolute position of the Turning Tool Axis System is
not 0.

Shift Origin
This parameter shifts the origin of the Turning Tool Axis System, through its radial and axial directions.
This shift is done in the turret plane defined by the radial and axial directions of the Turning Tool Axis System.
Radial shift gives a shift measured from the origin of the main spindle PAS in the radial direction of Turning
Tool Axis System.
The radial shift must not be less than 0. To shift a turret from above to below the spindle, the incline angle
must be used.

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Axial shift gives a shift measured from the origin of the main spindle PAS in the axial direction of Turning Tool
Axis System.
The shift is an absolute position measured from the origin of the main spindle PAS (it is not a relative position
from the previous position).
Note that the Radial and Axial shift fields are reset to 0, even if the current absolute position of the Turning
Tool Axis System is not 0.

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Methodology and conceptual information on the following topics is provided in the Lathe Machining User's
Cutter Compensation with Finish Turning Operations
How to Change the Output Point
Methodology and conceptual information on the following topics is provided in the NC Manufacturing
Infrastructure User's Guide.
Machining Processes
Knowledgeware in Machining Processes
CATProduct and CATProcess Document Management
Design Changes and Associativity Mechanisms
Part Operation and Set Up Documents
User Features for NC Manufacturing

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Motion defined for approaching the operation start point


A control function such as tool change or machine table rotation. These commands may be
interpreted by a specific post-processor.


Operation in which machining is done along a single axis and is mainly intended for hole
making (drilling, counter boring, and so on).


Digital Process for Manufacturing.


Defines the end type of a hole as being through hole or blind.


Rate at which a cutter advances into a work piece.

Measured in linear or angular units (mm/min or mm/rev, for example).


Elements used to secure or support the workpiece on a machine.


Area where the tool has removed too much material from the workpiece.


An auxiliary command in the program that corresponds to a rotation of the machine table.

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axis system

Reference axis system in which coordinates of points of the tool path are given.


Contains all the necessary information for machining a part of the workpiece using a single


The maximum allowed difference between the theoretical and computed tool path.

manufacturing Defines the sequence of part operations necessary for the complete manufacture of a part.
manufacturing Describes the processing order of the NC entities that are taken into account for tool path
computation: machining operations, auxiliary commands and PP instructions.


Specifies a virtual displacement of a reference geometric element in an operation (such as the

offset on the bottom plane of a pocket, for example).
An offset value can be greater than, less than, or equal to zero. It is measured normal to
the referenced geometry or in a specific direction such as axial or radial.
For example, a 5mm Offset on Contour means that a virtual displacement is applied normal to
the contour geometry. A 5mm Axial Part Offset means that a virtual displacement is applied
to the part geometry along the tool axis direction.
Compare with thickness.

one way

Machining in which motion is always done in the same direction. Compare with zig zag.

part operation Links all the operations necessary for machining a part based on a unique part registration on
a machine. The part operation links these operations with the associated fixture and set-up
PP instruction Instructions that control certain functions that are auxiliary to the tool-part relationship. They
may be interpreted by a specific post processor.

Process Product Resources.

retract macro Motion defined for retracting from the operation end point

safety plane

A plane normal to the tool axis in which the tool tip can move or remain a clearance distance
away from the workpiece, fixture or machine.

set up

Describes how the part, stock and fixture are positioned on the machine.

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spindle speed The angular speed of the machine spindle.

Measured in linear or angular units (m/min or rev/min, for example).

Workpiece prior to machining by the operations of a part operation.


Specifies a thickness of material to be removed by machining. A thickness value must be

greater than zero and is measured normal to the machined geometry. For example, if a
5mm Finish Thickness is specified on an operation then 5mm of material will be removed
during the finish pass.
Compare with offset.

tool axis

Center line of the cutter.

tool change

An auxiliary command in the program that corresponds to a change of tool.

tool clash

Area where the tool collided with the workpiece during a rapid move.

tool path

The trajectory that the tool follows during a machining operation.

total depth

The total depth including breakthrough distance that is machined in a hole making operation.


Area where the tool has left material behind on the workpiece.

zig zag

Machining in which motion is done alternately in one direction then the other. Compare with
one way.

Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

Version 5 Release 16

process simulation

Activity options (on/off)
Automatic real-time simulation
Create Synchronization
Machining Gantt Chart
Simulation activities
Time Based Replay
Create Synchronization command

Gantt chart command
Color by spindle
Hide/Show Diagnostics
Reframe Gantt Chart
Update Diagnostics
Update Times

Machining Gantt Chart command

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining

MFG_COMMENT attribute
MFG_INT_CIRC_2D attribute
MFG_INT_CIRC_3D attribute
MFG_INT_LIN_3D attribute
MFG_LATHE_RAD_AX attribute
MFG_LATHE_SPN_AX attribute
MFG_MIN_ANGLE attribute
MFG_MIN_DISC attribute
MFG_NAME attribute
MFG_PP_WORD_TBL attribute
MFG_R_MAX_CIRC attribute
MFG_R_MIN_CIRC attribute
MFG_RAPID_FEED attribute
MFG_STRT_PT_SYNT attribute
MfgLmtSpindleName attribute

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MfgLmtSpindleNumber attribute
MfgLmtTurretName attribute
MfgLmtTurretNumber attribute
Multi-slide lathe machine

NC command
NC instruction, auxiliary command type

Part Axis System
PAS attribute

VCR-like buttons, meaning of

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Multi-Slide Lathe Machining


TAS attribute
Time Based Replay command
Tools Options - Machining
Turning Tool Axis System

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