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The Economic Club

of New York

Founded 1907

350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4910

New York, New York 10118
Tel: (212) 947-7738
Fax: (212) 947-7118

Membership Information
About the Club
The Economic Club of New York is a membership organization with members drawn from the
top executive levels of business, industry and finance. Founded in 1907, the Club has served
ever since as a major forum for discussion on a wide range of public issues of interest to business people.
The Club is nonpolitical, nonpartisan and nonprofit. Its membership (individual, not corporate) is drawn primarily from the senior leadership ranks of the business and financial communities and the associated professions. Its individual members represent a wide diversity of
The Club promotes no agenda, and it takes no sides on issues. It exists solely to provide a serious, structured forum in which selected top leaders, from both the U.S. and abroad, can
address its members and their invited guests. Because its speakers have complete freedom to
express their views, the Club has been described as the leading non-partisan forum in the
United States. All views expressed at Club functions are those of the speakers, not of the Club.
Speakers are chosen for distinction and timeliness. Over the years speakers have included
heads of government, cabinet ministers, legislators, economists, bankers, corporate executives,
labor leaders, university presidents, governors, judges, generals and admirals, ambassadors
and scientists.
Club events are normally large dinners, or occasionally luncheons, in the ballroom of a major
hotel in Manhattan. The format is designed for serious discussion. We have no entertainment,
no presentations, and conduct no extraneous business. The event itself is uninterrupted; the
events entire focus is on the Guest of Honor and the speaking program.
Each program includes a question period, in which questions are asked by members of the
Club who are seated on the dais and specially selected in advance for that purpose. Just as each
speaker chooses what to say, each questioner chooses what to ask.
Club events are open to members and their guests. Members are encouraged to invite guests
to Club events and many find that hosting tables provides a unique opportunity for their
clients. Club events are open to coverage by the press.
For more information about the Club, please visit <>.

Criteria for Membership

Members are chosen from among those persons who have demonstrated a particular interest
in the purposes of the Club. Quality, diversity and balance are the key objectives sought by the
Club in the composition of its membership. Members have distinguished themselves in the
financial or business community, but also in law, government, academe, journalism, and other
associated professions.

Membership Dues and Fees

The Clubs annual membership dues are $600. A one-time initiation fee of $600 is also required
of new members upon their acceptance by the Membership Committee. Members are charged
$125 for each luncheon and $150 for each dinner event that they attend. There is a $250 charge
per guest attending events.

Membership Application Procedures

1. The applicant should complete the application form and sign as indicated.
2. The proposer and the seconder should also sign the application form as indicated.
3. When choosing a proposer and seconder from the membership of the Club, one may be
from the same organization as the applicant. In all cases the proposer and the seconder should be from different organizations.
4. The proposer and seconder should each write a letter supporting the applicant. The letters should be addressed to the Membership Committee, at the Clubs office.
5. Along with the application form, the applicant should also provide a separate biographical statement. The information on this should be sufficient to give the Membership
Committee an understanding of the applicants professional background and significant public activities, if any, together with a brief capsule of whatever else the applicant
might deem relevant.
6. When the proposers and seconders letters, the signed and completed application form
and the biographical statement have all been received at the Clubs office, they will then
be sent by the Club staff to the Membership Committee.
7. The applicant, the proposer and the seconder will all be notified when the Membership
Committee has taken action on the application.
8. Completed applications should be sent to:
Membership Committee
The Economic Club of New York
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4910
New York, NY 10118
















350 Fifth Avenue Suite 4910 New York, NY 10118
Tel: (212) 947-7738 Fax: (212) 947-7118


Nick Name





















Honor Roll of Speakers

Over the years, the Club has been host to over 1,000 prominent leaders and figures on the
national and international stage. A partial listing from our honor roll of speakers follows.
King Abdullah II
Giovanni Agnelli
Corazon C. Aquino
Dean Acheson
Sheila C. Bair
James A. Baker, III
Menachem Begin
Lloyd Bentsen
Ben S. Bernanke
Alan S. Blinder
Michael R. Bloomberg
Clare Boothe
Bill Bradley
Louis D. Brandeis
William Jennings Bryan
Zbigniew Brzezinski
James L. Buckley
Warren E. Burger
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Nicholas Murray Butler
Felipe Calderon Hinojosa
Michel Camdessus
Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Andrew Carnegie
Jimmy Carter
Stephen Case
William J. Casey
Richard B. Cheney
Jacques Chirac
Jean Chretien
Winston Churchill
Mark Clark
Lucius D. Clay
William Colby
John B. Connally
Francesco Cossigna
Christopher Cox
Mario Cuomo
Douglas Dillon
Elizabeth Dole
Robert J. Dole
William H. Donaldson
Alec Douglas-Home
William C. Dudley
Willem F. Duisenberg
John Foster Dulles
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ludwig Erhard
Martin S. Feldstein
Gerald R. Ford
Henry H. Fowler
J.W. Fullbright
Indira Gandhi

Timothy F. Geithner
Newt Gingrich
Rudolph Giuliani
Arthur J. Goldberg
Barry Goldwater
Mikhail Gorbachev
J. Peter Grace
Phil Gramm
Alan Greenspan
Dag Hammarskjold
Stephen Harper
W. Averell Harriman
William Randolph Hearst
Herbert C. Hoover
Charles Evans Hughes
Jeffrey R. Immelt
Anthony M. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy
Nikita S. Khrushchev
Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick
Henry Kissinger
Edward I. Koch
Fiorello H. LaGuardia
Melvin Laird
Arthur Levitt
Walter Lippman
Henry R. Luce
John Major
Paul Martin
William McChesney Martin, Jr.
William J. McDonough
Robert S. McNamara
Anastas Mikoyan
G.William Miller
Francois Mitterrand
Walter Mondale
Henry Morgenthau
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Robert S. Mueller, III
Brian Mulroney
Edmund S. Muskie
Gen. Richard B. Myers
B.K. Nehru
Richard Nixon
Paul H. ONeill
Thomas P. Tip ONeill, Jr.
Michael Oxley
George A. Papandreou
George Pataki
Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Peter G. Peterson
Harvey L. Pitt
Karl Otto Pohl

Romano Prodi
Dan Quayle
Yitzhak Rabin
Charles B. Rangel
Sam Rayburn
Ronald Reagan
Donald Regan
Walter P. Reuther
Condoleezza Rice
Elliot L. Richardson
Edward V. Rickenbacker
David Rockefeller
Nelson Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller III
Zhu Rongji
Robert E. Rubin
Dean Rusk
Anwar Sadat
Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Paul Sarbanes
Mary L. Schapiro
Masaaki Shirakawa
George Shultz
Brent Scowcroft
William W. Scranton
Yitzhak Shamir
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
John W. Snow
John W. Snyder
Herbert Stein
George M. Steinbrenner
Robert S. Strauss
Lawrence H. Summers
William H. Taft
John A. Thain
U Thant
Margaret Thatcher
Hans Tietmeyer
Juan T. Trippe
Jean-Claude Trichet
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
C.H. Tung
Stansfield Turner
Peter V. Uberroth
Paul A. Volcker
Caspar Weinberger
Christine Todd Whitman
Wendell L.Willkie
Harold Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
James D. Wolfensohn
Lee Kuan Yew
Ernesto Zedillo

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