Breakdown Maintenance

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Assignment Sheet - III

Course: B.Tech (ME)

Year/Semester: IV/ VII

Session: 2014-2015

Subject Name & Code: Reliability and Maintenance Engineering (MEE474)

1. Define condition based maintenance and its requirements.

2. Discuss major reasons for not applying condition based maintenance.
3. What are the levels of condition based monitoring
4. List the on load monitoring techniques in detail.
5. List the off load monitoring techniques in detail.
6. Define function failure and potential function interval
7. List the various temperature monitoring device and fault detected by temperature monitoring
8. What is signature analysis
9. List the various vibration monitoring techniques
10. Discuss lubricant monitoring and its method. How can we detect malfunction by this.
11. Compare the temperature, vibration and lubricant monitoring techniques
12. What is thermography
13. What is Ferrography
14. Discuss LEO approach with example.
15. Discuss breakdown maintenance in detail with flowchart. How it is differ with preventive maintenance.



Breakdown Maintenance
In such maintenance repair is done after failure has already occur. Reactive maintenance is basically the run it
till it breaks maintenance mode. No actions or efforts are taken to maintain the equipment as the designer
originally intended to ensure design life is reached. Only when the equipment fails to perform designated
functions or comes to a grinding halt, any maintenance or repair job is taken. This type is also called as reactive
maintenance. Studies indicate that more than 55% of maintenance resources and activities of an average facility
are still reactive.
This system look to be simple and less expensive, but is not really so. It may work good in a small plant where
Number of equipment are few
Equipments are simple and repair does not call for specialists or special tools
When sudden stoppage of the equipment will not cause severe financial loss in terms of delivery
commitment or further damage to the other equipments
When sudden failure will not cause any severe safety and environmental hazards
In such small factories, generally no specialized maintenance crew are kept and maintenance is done by the
person operating the machine. Occasionally help of outside agency may also be taken. Maintenance is generally
done to put back the breakdown machine into operation and not much attention is given to investigate and to
prevent recurrence of such breakdown.
However, such maintenance system cannot work in big industries, having large number of equipments, some of
which may be quite intricate. This is also not used for chemical or process industries where reliability
equipment is high and failure may leads to safety or pollution hazards or where restart of equipment may take
considerable time.

In these programs, less concern is given to the operating condition of critical plant machinery, equipment, or
systems. Since most of the maintenance tasks are reactive to breakdowns or production interruptions, the only
focus of these tasks is how quickly the machine or system can be returned to service. As long as the machine
will function at a minimum acceptable level, maintenance is judged to be effective. This approach to
maintenance management is both ineffective and extremely expensive. Breakdown maintenance has two factors
that are the primary contributors to high maintenance costs:
(1) Poor planning and (2) incomplete repair.
The first limitation of breakdown maintenance is that most repairs are poorly planned because of the time
constraints imposed by production and plant management. As a result, manpower utilization and effective use
of maintenance resources are minimal.


The second limitation of breakdown maintenance is that it concentrates repair on obvious symptoms of the
failure, not the root cause. As a result, the reliability of the machine or system is severely reduced. This normal
result of breakdown maintenance is an increase in the frequency of repairs and a marked increase in
maintenance costs.
Advantages to reactive maintenance can be viewed as a double-edged sword. If our maintenance program is
purely reactive, we will not expend manpower dollars or incur capital cost until something breaks. But in
reality, during the time we believe we are saving maintenance and capital cost, we are spending more dollars
associated with capital cost because, while waiting for the equipment to break, we are shortening the life of the
equipment resulting in more frequent replacement. We may incur cost upon failure of the primary device
associated with its failure causing the failure of a secondary device. If it is a critical piece of equipment that
needs to be back on-line quickly, we will have to pay maintenance overtime cost. Since we expect to run
equipment to failure, we will require a large material inventory of repair parts. This is a cost we could minimize
under a different maintenance strategy.
The concept of preventive maintenance has a multitude of meanings. it is a maintenance program that is
committed to the elimination or prevention of corrective and breakdown maintenance tasks. A comprehensive
preventive maintenance program will utilize regular evaluation of critical plant equipment, machinery, and
systems to detect potential problems and immediately schedule maintenance tasks that will prevent any
degradation in operating condition.
One of the fundamental reasons that most plants rely on breakdown maintenance is that tight production
schedules and management constraints limit the time available for maintenance. The only way to reduce the
number and frequency of breakdown repairs is to allow sufficient time for proper maintenance.
Plant management must permit adequate maintenance time for all critical plant systems before either preventive
or corrective maintenance can be effective. In the long term, the radical change in management philosophy will
result in a dramatic reduction in the downtime required to maintain critical production and manufacturing
equipment. Machinery that is maintained in as-new condition and not permitted to degrade to a point that
breakdown or serious problems can occur will require less maintenance than machinery maintained in a
breakdown mode.
Preventive versus Breakdown Maintenance
The principal difference in breakdown and preventive is the point when the repair or maintenance task is
implemented. In breakdown maintenance, repairs do not occur until the machine fails to function. Preventive
maintenance tasks are implemented before a problem is evident and corrective tasks are scheduled to correct
specific problems that have been identified in plant systems.
Preventive maintenance has long been recognized as extremely important in the reduction of maintenance costs
and improvement of asset reliability. On the other hand, breakdown could result in severe damage to the asset
and a far more costly repair. Preventive maintenance can be tailored to fit the function of different items of
equipment rather than applied in the same manner to all equipment. Key pieces of equipment in many other
integrated manufacturing lines are in the same category. Conversely, periodic inspections of small electric
motors and power transmissions can easily exceed the cost of unit replacement at the time of failure.
Sometimes, instead of using a centrally administered formal preventive program, qualified mechanics
are assigned to individual pieces of equipment, or equipment groups, as mechanical custodians. Operating
without clerical assistance and with a minimum of paperwork, these men, because of familiarity with equipment
and ability to sense mechanical difficulties in advance, can effectively reduce maintenance costs and
breakdowns. The major difference are given below-



Preventive maintenance

Breakdown maintenance

Preventive maintenance tasks are implemented before In breakdown maintenance, repairs do not occur until
a problem is evident

the machine fails to function

Reduces break down and thereby down time loss

Down time is more than preventive maintenance

More skilled staff is required

Less and semi skilled staff is required

Less odd-time repair

Breakdown generally occurs inappropriate times

reduces over time of crew

Higher over time of crew is required

Greater safety of workers

less safety for both workers and machines, Increases

chances of accidents

Lower maintenance and repair costs

Higher maintenance cost

Less stand-by equipments and spare parts

More amount of spare parts required and standby


Better product quality and fewer reworks and scraps

More spoilt materials

Increases plant life and Increases chances to get Faster plant deterioration and less chances to get bonus
production incentive bonus
No delay occur in production

Excessive delay in production & reduces output

More reliable maintenance

poor and hurried maintenance

Efficient use of man hours

Inefficient use of man hours


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