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The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth



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The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth



Deep Cavern Systems Honey-Combed thru out the Earth Part 2

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2012 (1)
February (1)
Deep Cavern Systems HoneyCombed thru out the Eart...

Hidden Miles Deep Within the Earth are Vast Caverns and Civilizatio ns
Deep caverns are found the world over. And with the changing climate, more super
storms and climatic change ahead some people are seriously thinking of following the
lead of our covert government and go underground to survive! One must wonder why
were they building underground bunkers all over the world? And have been for decades!
Do the research! You might be surprised.


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Also, it should be noted that these inner civilizations are inhabited and not only exist
below us in the physical (3-D) but also in 4-5th Dimension as well. (Try to wrap your head
around that one!)

Some of the more notorious caverns are found beneath California, Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas and Nevada. Many of these have been stumbled upon by humans fairly recent. They exist
in the area of the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Area 51 and even Death Valley in California.
Several Native Americans have been entrusted with this information which has been handed
down for centuries. Some of the tribes are the Navajo, Hopi and Havasupai. And their
knowledge is extensive of these caverns, the entrances to the tunnels and guarded with their
lives. One famous explorer somehow got some of this information from one of these tribes which
revealed forty-four (44) subterranean cities deep beneath the surface of North America, six
alone are said to be located under the Western Coast of the U.S.
One point should be made here; many races and beings exist in our 'multidimensional'
earth, although this concept is still not aware by the public (and for covert reasons!). The
multi-dimensional theory can be easily compared to a radio (remember the movie
And like those many stations there are many planes of dimensional versions of our earth
as well as space (and the other planets for that matter) but only separated by a matter of
frequency or vibration. Which is why unless you are allowed to see them many of the
ETs within Inner Earth are on those various parallel versions and able to live very near
from us without a hint of their existence.

These extraterrestrials, which are as real as you or I, have been here much longer then we and
have followed along unrestricted evolutionary and spiritual paths to become the beings that are
(some of them) sharing with us the same DNA (our cousins, our distant ancestors and family).
These are descendents of Lemuria and Atlantis but other beings are from much further away
(and will be mentioned in another article) and may not be humanoid.
Sinkholes and Blue Holes



The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth

According to a geologist this is not technically a sinkhole but something much more
If you think you are not likely or ever have to worry about the underground you might want to
think again. Ask the residents in this neighborhood in Guatemala who woke up one day to find a 3story building swallowed by it. The dimensions are 100 feet deep and 65 feet wide.
This happened, by the result of a hurricane, Agatha rains and still a tourist spot to this day.
Still, sinkholes are happening in the most unexpected places and for many reasons, some are manmade. As simple as water or oil being removed from deep underground (Subsidence) caverns with
nothing to replace it is resulting in empty cavernous maws, thus creates sinkholes and ground
collapse. When the ground underneath your feet or house is NOT on solid bedrock then that one
area may not be safe, and, according to the information I AM researching solid bedrock seems
to be the exception in geographic make up in general. The one in Guatemala City was on a pumice
fill from an ancient volcanic eruption. Not the best and safest location to build homes or
commercial buildings. Whether you believe in it or not try dowsing the location in your area for any
underground caverns or tunnels.

A blue hole is from a body of water where the ground underneath its bottom has collapsed
deeper creating a darker section. Technically a blue hole is a cave (inland or underwater)
sinkhole or is called a vertical cave. Many are quite striking and a few are the playgrounds of
divers in Belize such as below.

Blue Holes

Blue holes are not as rare as you would think but what happens when a large lake is
created from a man-made accident?
An oil drill off Louisiana came to a stop. The driller couldnt go any further or retrieve the
bit. The story will astound you (links belowLake Peigneur).

The most stunning data to those who seek proof of these tunnels is the release to the public of
what the ground-penetrating type of radar found years ago; the most mind-blowing complex and
labyrinthine underground system found all over the world. Under the Superstition Mountains, an
underground complex and tunnels in the area around White Sands Missile Range in New
Mexico a linked cave system 15 miles long underground in North Wales. Ancient sites such as
Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid
complex which runs a almost 900 miles to the opposite side of the country. Many who still are
mystified at how half a million Mayan Indians disappeared leaving no sign whatsoever may be
forced to look to these secret underground tunnels as one of the few rational possibilities.



The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth

Underground and Inner Earth Cities Globally

Ancient underground civilizations do exist and proliferate below Hawaii (Maui), Mount
Shasta, the Himalayas, the Andes, Brazil, and some other areas. A separate huge
planetary capital underground city built by dark aliens (in that they are not spiritually
advanced and only in service to themselves!) from the galactic civilization called Orion
and is known to exist directly under Iraq where behind scenes Middle East conflicts and
contentions all started.

There is an underground city below Antarctica with descriptions that are astounding! It is ultra
modern with monorails, domes, spaceports, crystal buildings, electromagnetic land vehicles,
conveyor belts, and a computerized automated society of robots. Surrounding the city are rich
farmlands of giant fruits and vegetables, exotic animals, birds, and trees.

Ancient Maps Reveal an Unknown Past History

There are several ancient maps. The only two here is of Mu and Antarctica ancient
history. Few have ever seen on TV documentaries and one was called the Piri-Reis map
(see below), which shows Antarctica with NO ICE whatsoever! Where we know it today
to be under nearly 3 miles of ice! And, even more astounding what may be the continent
of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean! This very old map (not without controversy) is said to
have been copied from much older maps even then, currently on display in Turkey shows
mountain ranges near the South pole that were covered by ice and not even rediscovered until 1958!

If you wish to do your own research begin by looking at Google Earth and compare the past
alleged locations of both Mu and Atlantis with what the oceanography looks today. You might
be surprised.

U n d e r Ea r th Tun n e l s En tr a n ce s




The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth

There are many I could list here but for the sake of space Ill only note these few.

The Superstition Mountains are located east of Phoenix, Arizona near the town of Apache
Junction, and has earned a mysterious and a notorious history of disappearances, untold treasure
and strange sights. Many only recognize it as the source of the fabled Lost Dutchmans Mine
(which was one of my articles in Speech Class) but there is even more notoriety it seems to have
from deep within.
David Hatcher Childress, a noted explorer and writer, has offered a tantalizing series of
discoveries and stories in his intensively researched and written book, Lost Cities of North &
Central America (1992). Covering Victorio Peak, Hard Scrabble Peak, as well as Geronimo
Peak, are all said to be honey-combed with tunnels, caves and secret entrances. The Hard
Scrabble entrance led down a flight of steps to an underground river. The last step was booby
trapped with a deadly arrow device. It is mentioned on Page 313 of his book.
Mr. Childress writes of a local resident of Sedona, Arizona (and also the author of the book
Sedona, Power Spot Vortex). This resident told Mr. Childress of some friends of his who had
discovered a tunnel that goes underground for quite a distance into and underneath the Superstition

If you are not familiar with vortexes you might be interested at looking some various definitions. I
have found two separate ones you can add to your own:

1. Vortexes are the result of a tremendous circulatory energy phase-out [sic- of source]. The phase-out is
responsible for a certain revolution of a cycle that produces manifestations. When the rings in the vortex
have been charged, they allow a clarity of the picture to be manifested.

2. A vortex or vortexes are areas of concentrated energy rising from the earth.
Whether you agree with some vortex enthusiasts that the vortices are a portal for
celestial and terrestrial spirits, you may feel a range of sensations from a slight tingling
on exposed skin, to a vibration emanating from the ground when you encounter a
vortex. Most often a vortex is felt by palpable sensation across the nape of the neck
and the shoulder blades. Many people believe that Sedona has several vortexes or
power spots, making Sedona a highly sought-after spiritual and metaphysical



The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth

Yet every time they tried to explore the cave, a strange fear and feeling of dread would overtake
the whole party, and they would always turn back. They were sent to a psychic who told them of
a man who would lead them into the tunnel without fear. With this man as their guide they were
to penetrate further into the tunnel. Deep inside the remains of ancient structures and walls made
out of well-dressed rock were found. They then discovered at this place a spiral staircase built out
of cut stones that down, down, down, down into the earth.
After some discussion, it was decided that their guide should descent the stairs ahead.
He did so, following the staircase into the deep bowels of the earth. After some tome, he came to
a large room with more cut stone. A gigantic rock-cut throne, big enough for a giant, or two people
sitting together, was in the middle of the room.
Artifacts were on the walls; though (he didnt) know what they were. The man returned up the
staircase and reported what he discovered. The others tried to convince him to return to the room
and bring some of the artifacts back up, but he refused. The team then left the tunnel, and today
the entrance is still a secret

Childress covers the story in depth in Lost Cities of North and Central America (1986). He sites
a book, 100 Tons of Gold (1978) by David Chandler
One source stated some years ago that the Texas Instruments plant near Dallas, Texas, had
discovered a system of ancient tunnels and caverns deep below the T. I. Complex there
(discovered via experimental electronic earth-sounding probes? -merely a suggestion), and have
secretly been investigating these tunnels for some time. This source revealed the name and
address of one woman T.I. worker who allegedly told this source about the underground
system. A letter was sent to this woman asking if she would confirm or deny the story, but no
response was ever forthcoming.

(Rumor Mills Poofness Message for All)
(Incursions and attacks by the Cabal recently as 1999 on Inner Earth. Also in Spanish & originally
in Slovenian)
(Learn more about the militarys covert use of these death sounds and affects on ocean life)
(Go visit David Hatchers link on books and his bio)
(Steve Beckow Links...Full of great info, updated)
(Steves site if you wanna take a ride visit the link above)
(Devils Hole Workshops, info)
(Stay in touch with what the media refuses to touch- now)
(Be sure to visit Earth Changes, Diane and Tibus a great information!)



The Darkest Secrets of the Ages - Our Hollow Earth
(Lake Peigneur (disappearing lake) History Channel footage 5.48 mins)
(Story of how an 11-foot deep fresh water lake turns into a 1300 ft deep salt water lake in
(Subglacial Lake Vostok over 2 miles under Antartic ice!)
(Ancient Aliens covering Underground Civilizations and Tunnels)
(Animation of Lk Vostok)
(Camelot on Dutch, Methane, earthquakes, Pro Blubeam, New Madrid Fault)
(New Madrid, symptoms of precurser)
**Disclaimer this w riter takes no responsibility or liability for any one w ho seek to visit or explore any of the locations
listed herein. You do so at your ow n risk. While every precaution has been taken to provide my readers w ith the most
accurate information and honest analysis, please use your ow n discretion before making any decisions based on the
information in this article. Author disavow s any responsibility and w ill not compensate you in any w ay w hatsoever if
you happen to suffer a loss/inconvenience/damage because of or w hile making use of information contained herein.

Posted by Arrai'El at 9:28 PM

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