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Saturday, 6 December 2014

Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Incan Vitrified Stones

Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

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Snake in Vitrified Stone



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Vitrified stones are simply stones that have been melted to a point where they
form a glass or glaze. There is much debate in archaeological circles over the ancient examples
under study for two reasons. Firstly, few cases are known to have been tested and even if they have
been, there are many questions over how they were made.
Glassy rocks form naturally under conditions of high temperature and pressures found in and around
volcanoes. Glass or glazes are traditionally created using a furnace. Furnace or kiln examples are
found on everyday objects such as glassware and ceramics. Ceramic glazes are created by pasting
certain finely crushed stones, sometimes with tinctures, onto fired pots and plates. The whole is then
fired to temperatures usually in excess of 1000 degrees centigrade. Many of the ancient vitrified
examples are found on objects so large that they cannot be placed in a furnace.

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Previous analysis concluded that the temperatures needed to produce the vitrification were up to
1,100C. There are confirmed cases from Scotland, Ireland, France and Germany.
These are mostly forts and buildings with vitrified ramparts. This fusion is often uneven throughout the
various forts and even on a single wall. Some stones are only partially melted, whilst in others their
adjoining edges are fused firmly together. In many instances, pieces of rock are enveloped in a
glassy enamel-like coating, which binds them into a whole. At times, the entire length of the wall
presents one solid mass of vitreous substance.
There are many more examples from Malta, Egypt, Iraq, Sudan, South East Asia and others that are
speculated to fall into the grouping. However, these have not all been subjected to scientific testing
like the European cases. They simply appear to be glazed finishes on equally large objects or on
walls that are impossible to fire conventionally.

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There has been much discussion about the Inca vestiges in the Peruvian Andes. It mostly revolves
around whether the stones are vitrified or not. This article focuses on these Peruvian cases where
there are indications of heat treatment.




new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Loreto St Wall Showing a Vitrified Layer

The vitrified examples under study come from famous Peruvian sites, in South America. Without
testing, the debate is open to claims of unusual polishing techniques, natural degradation, lava flows
and many other odd explanations. The analysis below eliminates some of these ideas.
The vitrified stones of Peru were first brought to popular attention by Erich von Daniken in the 1970s.
He noted the vitrification at Sacsayhuaman in his book Chariots of the Gods. Peruvian Alfredo
Gamarra had identified this vitrification earlier. The identification and cataloging of these intriguing
stones has been carried on by Alfredos son Jesus Gamara, and Jan Peter de Jong.

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Rough Snake form of Vitrified Stone on a Wall

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In Sacsayhuaman, there are many other indications of the use of heat. Strange marks on the stones
like the one pictured can be found; shiny, completely smooth and with another color to the rest of the
Vitrification appears on different kinds of stones and structures, as the photos show. It is found on
the perfectly fitted walls with irregular blocks. It is also observed on walls made with regular oblong
blocks. It has been spotted on mountainsides, caves and rocks in situ. The location arrangements
vary as well. Some sites are surrounded or overbuilt by walls whilst others have single exposed
isolated stones. There seems to have been some very adaptable ancient technology at work.
A list of vestiges where stonework seems to have been treated with this technology include; In Cusco,
the walls of Koricancha, Loreto Street, Sacsayhuaman, Kenko, Tetecaca, Templo de la Luna (or
Amaru Machay), Zona X, Tambo Machay, Puca Pucara, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, Machu
Picchu, Raqchi and in Bolivia in Tiahuanaco.

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Vitrified Joints on a Wall in Cuzco



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Archaeologists assume that the perfect fitting stones are the most developed style of the Incas.
Regardless, there is no explanation of the shiny surfaces that can be observed. These often appear
on the borders where the stones join perfectly. It is normally assumed that these parts were simply
polished by the Incas.
During many visits to the vestiges mentioned, Jesus Gamarra and Jan Peter de Jong have examined
these stones with highly reflective surfaces. They have captured many of them on video. Through
personal observations and analysis of the video material, they have concluded that something other
than polishing has occurred.

Identifying Vitrified Stones.

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Amazing Vitrified Surface on the Altar in the Temple of the Moon

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Many cases display some or all of the qualities mentioned below. The vitrified spots show
discoloration and smoothness around the particular areas. They clearly look like the stone has been
melted just in those spots. A simple flashlight test was developed, to help identify the layers of glaze or
Filming was carried out at night with a flashlight beam passing through the glaze. This shows the
reflection and diffraction of the light as it passes through the surface. Sacsayhuaman, Kenko and
Loreto Street were all filmed at night using a flashlight or the nocturnal illumination to capture the
The following traits help to identify vitrified stones:

The melted effect is obvious

Index of New Illuminati

Reflection is high

Index of Articles by Keywords

The layer refracts, diffracts and diffuses light

A separate vitrified layer is present on the surface

Enlightening Scrolls

Damaged layers show a film on the stone

2015 (36)

The glazed layer is independent of rock type

2014 (366)
December (31)
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The surface is smooth to the touch even if the surface is irregular

There is often associated heat discoloration surrounding the glaze
The diffraction effect can be seen in the video of the Inca Throne at Sacsayhuaman. The rainbow
effect is clearly captured by the camera. This is directly linked to the light passing through the glass
layer and splitting into its constituent parts. After noticing this effect, it was also detected on videos of
other vitrified stones. This can be viewed on this short video:
v=ae_8ri2fiwI, and on the DVD that will be available shortly.

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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru
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The DVD The Cosmogony of the 3 Worlds shows an overview of this phenomenon in the chapter on
Vitrified Stones. This is available on youtube here


A small sample from the Peruvian site called Tetecaca was collected and then analyzed by the
University of Utrecht, Holland.

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Evidence of Vitrified
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Inside the Cave there are man made surfaces

The sample is from a rock outcrop above Cuzco. Inside the cave there is an altar formed from
rectangular shapes made of the rock. Several lines in the rock have a shiny surface, as if they were
branded into the rock. They are on right lines on the wall of the cave. The walls are cut out with
curved and rectangular forms in them. These are man made structures, which rules out natural
phenomena. The photos show the site.
Pictures from inside of the cave, walls with long, straight reflecting lines and an altar structure:

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March (31)
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January (31)
2013 (366)
2012 (364)
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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru


Vitrified Altar Stone from the Cave

Save Ecosystems for Free

Vertical Track of vitrification in the Cave

Below is a picture of the spot where the sample was found. The white line indicates where the thin
section was made. The smooth layer on the picture is about 2 cm wide and 1.3 cm deep. The sample
was carefully cut into two parts and a thin section was taken for analysis.

SOME Local Planetary


The Sample Track Site




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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Microscope Picture of Sample

Microscope Photos
The microscope photograph of the sample shows two distinct regions, the surface layer and the body
stone. There is a less distinct intermediate area between the two that seems to transition from stone
body to surface layer. Samples from all three regions were subjected to detailed analysis.
Photo 1: The Vitrified Surface of the Stone
(The line at bottom is 21 micrometer)
Spectral analysis
Composition of the Surface Layer

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Analysis of Surface Layer
Note: The full set of photos, spectra, tables and text can be found in the full article

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The body of the stone is limestone, which is not surprising. However, The Vitrified Surface of the
stone shows a different spectrum of elements. (See spectra above) The glaring difference is that
Silicon is present with much higher concentrations. The trace elements of Aluminum and Magnesium
are also significantly higher than the body. Oxygen is also present in double the quantities. The
Calcium and Carbon are much lower than the body sample.

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The intermediate regions show a gradation between the surface and body of the stone. This implies
either the surface layer was somehow ground and mixed with the stone body. The body limestone
somehow merged/melted with the surface layer. Alternatively, the limestone constituents could have
been a part of the added surface layer.

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The surface shows some similarity to Wollastonite, which forms when impure limestone is subjected
to high temperatures and pressures. However, the impurities in the surface are not present in the
stone body. This indicates that the compounds in the surface layer were added. It appears they were
applied and then treated with heat. This option does have some merits, but it is moving towards the
techniques of the ceramist.

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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

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Whilst the spectra do not show explicitly that the surface is vitrified, the layer does have the
composition, sheen, hardness and glassy texture of a glaze. It is very likely that the glaze was made
from a ceramic paste applied to the limestone surface. This is reinforced with a comparison to
ancient glazed ceramic pottery shards. If an antique ceramic is compared to the spectra of the glaze
above there is little to separate the two. In the Paper X-Ray Techniques Applied to Surface Paintings
of Ceramic Pottery Pieces From Aguada Culture (Catamarca, Argentina) there are several
comparable results. Ignoring the gold leaf and colorants, the key constituents Silicon, Aluminum,
Magnesium, Carbon and Oxygen are present in the same ratios.
The glazed results strongly indicate that heat was used to produce the finish. This raises several
questions. Even if a layer of a ceramic paste was applied, how was it heated to the requisite
temperatures without cracking the limestone? How was the heat produced to treat these structures?
Whilst this sample is from a cave, there are similar structures that are outside with the same kind of
glaze. The same conclusion may not necessarily be applied to these other cases.
Analysis is needed, but the similarities with the investigated sample and other photographed cases,
are clear. It is likely that these other cases are also vitrified. The amount of heat needed to fire the
huge stones on which these glazes are found is enormous. In furnaces, the whole body has to be
raised to the temperature of the surface glaze.

The stones pictured above provoke much debate. Explanations on how they were produced vary from
the use of advanced machines, simple metal/stone tools, molded stonework, concentrated sunlight
and fire methods. Whilst the analysis above says little about the way the shapes were made, it does
eliminate some ideas on the means of producing these exquisite finishes.
Heat is used to form glazes. How the heat was applied is not clear. To create ceramics on this scale,
the heat production would have been greater than the normal ceramic methods.
Protzen has looked at these effects and suggested it could be achieved with polishing. To date, only
Andesite has been attempted with very limited success. After the analysis of the surface layer above,
it is clear that polishing alone will not produce the heat needed to produce a ceramic glaze. This
eliminates polishing as a means of creation.

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Peruvian Alfredo Gamarra has identified vitrification on many stones and has argued that the
ancients had a technology to treat stone with heat and that the stone was soft at the moment of
construction. The comparison at the spectrum level with clay and ceramic pastes is interesting.
Ceramic pastes and clay are soft prior to being treated with heat.
Conventional geological understanding is not compatible with this idea. However, the impression from
the vitrified stonework is that the stone was once soft. In many of the stones, there are places where
it looks as if objects or molds were pressed into the stone. The perfect fitting stones in the walls of
Cusco and the other Inca vestiges could have been obtained more easily this way.
Another option is the use of sun dishes and concentrated sunlight by the ancients. This is discussed
by Prof. Watkins in his 1990 paper on fine Inca stonework. In this seminal paper, his chief concern
was the methods of cutting the stone. Since he was proposing intense heat to cut the stones, it was
not a great step to consider the stones melted. His conclusions have been much maligned since there
had been no analyses performed.

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The analysis does support this, but the location of the sample was on a wall in a cave. The ceramic
paste had to be heated whilst on the stone vestige. This means light would have to be reflected deep
into the cave. Whilst it is possible that the ancients were capable of producing flat mirrors for the
task, it does seem complicated. This method could work for stones on the surface, but is clearly
limited in this case.

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If the stones were fired in a kiln, the glaze could be a result of the extremely high temperatures. The
knowledge of ceramics in ancient Peru suggests this is a distinct possibility. This prospect however,
only arises with the stones that can be placed in a kiln or stonework that is part of a kiln. The
examples laid onto the sides of huge natural rocks cannot have been produced by standard fire
techniques. As European studies of vitrified forts and experimental work have shown.
There is the possibility is that the cave itself was a kiln. Pots or vases may have been fired in the cave
and the ceramic pastes may have been applied to protect the stone structure. There is much
discoloration within the cave and innumerable glazed areas. The comparison to vitrified vestiges in
the open air or in places without a smoke escape, leaves many questions.
On balance, it has to be admitted that a method is difficult to define. Further analysis of samples from


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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

the other sites needs to be undertaken to confirm the use of heat in all of the sites. However, the
sample tested shows that the similarity to ceramic pastes is near certain. It is easy to conclude that
heat was used. The treatment method may have been similar to the technology used for ceramic
pastes, but on a much larger scale.

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-Jess Gamarra Farfan especially, for showing, explaining and filming these stones.
The following persons we want to thank for their cooperation and feedback:
-Prof. Schuiling, Tilly Bouten and Anita van Leeuwen, Geology department University of Utrecht.
-prof. Kars, Institute for Geo and Bioarchaeology, IGBA, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam
-David Campbell,
-Paul D. Burley,

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-Jordan, C., The Ancient Solar Premise, Smashword edition, 2011,
-Gamarra Farfn, J.B., Parawayso. April 2008.
-de Jong, Jan Peter,
-Morris, M., The great pyramid secret, Scribal arts 2010.
-Protzen, J.-P. l986. Inca stonemasonry. Scientific Amer. 254: 94-105.
-Prof. Watkins, I. 1990. How Did the Incas Create Such Beautiful Stonemasonry? in Rocks and
Minerals Vol. 65 Nov/Dec 1990.
-Thurlings, B, Wie hielp de mens? Uitgeverij Aspekt. 2008.
-X Ray spectra of minerals and materials:
-Silvano R. Bertolino, Victor Galvn Josa, Alejo C. Carreras, Andrs Laguens, Guillermo de la Fuente
and Jos A. Riveros in Wiley Interscience Online, Dec. 2008. X-Ray Techniques Applied to Surface
Paintings of Ceramic Pottery Pieces From Aguada Culture (Catamarca, Argentina).
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How To Boil Water With Sound

From the New Illuminati

Infinite Energy: The Holy Grail of

Free Energy
Introduction to the Cosmic
Is AVIG the first electromagnetic
free energy device to make it to

at 00:01

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Labels: antediluvian world, atlantis, forbidden archaeology, lost civilisation, video, vitrified forts, vitrified rock, vitrified
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John Bedini's Free Energy

Monopole Energizer
Karpen's Pile:60 Year Old
Permanent Battery
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: 2.5
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NASA Overunity Test Team
New Magnetic-Electric Device Can
Power Home From Near Free
Energy Source



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Nikola Tesla and the God Particle

Nikola Tesla Mad Electricity

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Nikola Tesla's 1917 Exclusive

Interview with an Editor of The
Electrical Experimenter Magazine
Nikola Tesla's Flying Saucer

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Nikola Tesla's Lost Journals: ET

Contact & Secret Technologies
Nikola Teslas Black Magic
Wireless Touring Car: Facts &



Nitty Gritty on Cold Fusion

Noble Gas Plasma Engine: Clean
Cheap Power
Orbo: Steorn Free Energy Over Unity
Generator Released
Otis T. Carr and the Tesla Saucers
Perpetual Motion Machine?
Perpetual Motion: Turning physics
on its ear
Pine Gap: Free Energy, UFOs and
Australias Area 51

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Plasma Electrolysis: 'Cold Fusion'

Moves Closer to Mainstream
Power Is Power: Why is plenty of
energy never enough?
Power Plant: One Small Leaf Could
Electrify an Entire Home
Power to the People: Run Your
House on a Prius
Practical Guide to Free-Energy
Radiant Genius: Tesla
Radiant Genius: Tesla
Really Cheap, Really Clean
Electricity from Boron
Rinspeeds Zero Emission sQuba:
Submersible Electric Car
River Water & Salty Ocean Water
Used to Generate Electricity
Scientist Says He Stands by Fusion
Something from Nothing Revisited:
Free Energy
South African Fuel-Free Generator
Preparing for Market
Stan Deyo: Anti-Gravity, Free Energy
& the Technology of the New World
STEORN announces ORBO: new
solid state free energy device
Steorn Free Energy Challenge
Successful University Test
Demonstration of a Free Energy
Sympathetic Vibration & Free
Tesla Sees Evidence that Radio &
Light Are Sound Waves
Tesla's Fuelless Generator
Tesla's Fuelless Generator
Teslas (Lightning-Struck) Tower
The Absurdity of Knowledge:
Underpinnings and Consequences
of Free Energy
The Fabulous Free Power of Salt
electricity using magnets
The Hutchison Effect
The Hypercar Concept: What is a



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Hypercar Vehicle?
The Inventors of Water Powered
The Pyramid Electric: Evidence for
Advanced Technologies in Ancient
The Reality & Suppression of Free
The Reality and Suppression of
Freely Available Energy
The World of Free Energy
TOROIDAL COILS: Stan Deyo Antigravity Stream of
Totally Green Clean Transport: air
powered vehicles that can refuel
UFO Disclosure Plan: Special
Presidential Briefing
Understanding Free Energy
Understanding Zero Point Energy
Vacuum Energy & New Paradigms
of Free Energy
Water Power
Welcome to FREE ENERGY
Welcome to FREE ENERGY :
Patented Magnetic Motor
Wind could power the entire world
WiPower (re)discovers Wireless
Wireless Transmission - A Century
of Power Politics
You, too, can build this free-energy
Zero point field: An illuminating
primer on new millennial science

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400 Chernobyls: Solar Flares, EMP
and Nuclear Armageddon
Aborted Human Foetuses Used for
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CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID
Death Chips
Contrails & Manmade Clouds
Change Climate, Harming
Electromagnetic Mind Control
Fallujah, Fukushima, & the Global
Radiation Catastrophe
Inauguration of Police State USA
Orwells Startling World Is Officially
The Connection Between Wi-Fi
Technology And Illness
The Potential of Local Currency
Transition Towns: A Tonic for the
Peak Oil Blues

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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

UFOs and Earthly Craft

(Most) UFOs are Teslas Flying
2 Compelling UFO Shots from
Space Shuttle Missio...
5,100 Year-Old Iceman Proves
Meier UFO Contact Case
A Universe of Freedom Hidden in
Plain Sight
Abducted by Aliens: Believers Tell
Their Stories
Air Marshall Sir Peter Horsley
Claims He Met E.T.
Alien Base Found At Chinese
Alien Base Found At Chinese
Alien implants based on carbon
nanotube technology
Alien Implants?
Alien Infiltration
Alien Memories and Dreams
Alien Satellite Orbiting Earth: The
'Black Knight'
Alien Tissue and Fluid Samples
Americas Nuclear Flying Saucer
An interview with 'Henry Deacon', a
Livermore Physicist and UFO
Apollo Moon ConversationsShow
NASA Coverup
Astrophysicist: Giant Spaceships
are Orbiting Mars
Author claims to identify UFO on
3,000 year old Egyptian Papyrus
Bizarre pictures 'most important
UFO images ever'
Bob White's Alien Artefacxt
Britain's Secret War in Antarctica
Chinese Say Theyre Building
Impossible Space Drive
Chinese UFO (Hangzhou): Amazing
Video and Extraordinary Still
Churchill ordered UFO cover-up
Classified Antigravity Aerospace
Craft Using Reverse-engineered
Extraterrestrial Technology
Close encounters of the Third
Closeup of Fast Moving UFO(s) on
9/11 Over WTC
Compelling Italian UFO Abduction
Constructs of Reality: The Cosmic
Creation of free energy devices,
Electromagnetic Flying Disks and
Saving the World
Crop Circle Connector
Crop Circle Soil Analysis Reveals
Unusual Anomalies
Description of a Captured UFO
Did a rocket, HAARP or ET/UFOs
cause the June 5, 2010 Australian
spiral light?
Divine Creation: The Evolution of



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Earthly UFOs
Easy as Pi: Astrophysicist solves
crop circle riddle
Electro-Dynamic Propulsion: How
Planar Geoid Saucers Function
Electro-Gravitic Propulsion
Evolution of the UFO
Extraordinary Solar System
First Contact: Eisenhowers 1954
Meeting With Extraterrestrials
Flying Saucers Invented in 19th
Frederick Valentich: UFOs,
Abduction, Time Loss & a Bizarre
Free Energy and Gravity Control
with Project Unity
From Dolphins to Alien Abduction
Full Length Disclosure Project
Gravity Control: Introduction to
Project Unity
Gravity Shielding Experiment
How I learned to stop worrying and
love the space aliens
How to Build a Flying Saucer
How UFOs Work
Huge UFO Orb-Spheres Near the
Huge UFOs Caught on Telescope:
40 pictures & the original video
Humans Already Colonising Mars
Introduction to the Cosmic
Irans Flying Saucer and New
Jets Pursue UFO over the M5, West
Justice for Military Personnel: Dawn
of UFO Disclosure
Justice for Military Personnel: Dawn
of UFO Disclosure
Kalmyk governor leaks classified
information to humanoid aliens
Ladies from the Pleiades
Lifters Antigravity Propulsion:
Build Your Own Model Flying
Martian Transport System and
Surface Water
Martian Water, Terraces & Life
Mass Contacts: Extraterrestrials
Among Us
Mexican Government releases
genuine military footage of 11 UFOs
Complex controls Earth and elite
Complex controls Earth and elite
Moon Cities Exist & There IS Life on
Moon Tower Evidence Rubbed Out
NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

claims alien contact cover-up

Native Elders Confirm Centuries of
E.T. Contact
NAZI Saucers and the Occult Reich
NAZI UFOs Part 1: Field Propulsion
NAZI UFOs Part 2: Terrestrial
NAZI's Flying Saucers
New Mexico Cop Says Military
Responsible for Cattle Mutilations
Nikola Tesla's Flying Saucer
Nikola Tesla's Lost Journals: ET
Contact & Secret Technologies
Non-Human DNA Found in
Starchild Skull
Norway UFO Spiral Explained
One-Sided UFO Dogfights
Operation Highjump,
Neuschwabenland and NAZI UFOs
Otis T. Carr and the Tesla Saucers
ParaSETI: ET Contact via Subtle
Energies 2
Pine Gap's Purpose: Secret
Technology & Extraterrestrial
Pine Gap: Free Energy, UFOs and
Australias Area 51
Pioneering Astronaut Sees UFO
Raelian Rauli & Ram
Recent Extraordinary Pyramidal and
Tetrahedral UFOs
Reverse Engineering Roswell UFO
Rod-shaped UFOs?
Roswell Fireman Confesses: It
WAS a Flying Saucer
Roswell UFO Debris Confirmed as
Roswells Memory Metal: The Air
Force Comments; NASA Gets
Involved & New Clues Are Found
Running the Gauntlet: Alien
Abduction & Induction
Running the Gauntlet: Alien
Russian Phobos 2 Probe Downed
by Alien Spacecraft
Russian UFO Crash and Recovery,
Secret Government: Origin, Identity
& Purpose of MJ-12
Secret Space: What is NASA
Secret UFO Propulsion Systems
Serious Sirius Shift: Sirius
(Parallax) Disclosure
Sightings and Suspicions: The
Cosmic Conspiracy
Sightings: More Evidence of an
Unearthly Cargo Cult
Skunk Works CEO's Deathbed
Confession: Admits UFO Visitors
Are Real
Strange Truths Behind the JFK
Assassination: UFOs and EBE
Stream of Consciousness: SPIN &



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

SuperHacker Under Siege: Gary

Test confirms Roswell debris is not
from Earth
The 1945 San Antonio New Mexico
UFO Crash
The Abduction of Antonio Villas
Boas:Closer Encounter
The Alien Human Genome
The Big Picture: A Hypothesis Understanding UFO Visitors &
Cosmic Catastrophes
The Brown-Bahnson-Adamski
Electric UFO
The Conquest of Gravity: We Have
Had This Technology for a Very
Long Time
The Development of German UFOs
Before World War 2
The Dropa Stone Disks: Sirius UFO
The German Cylindrical UFO
The Most Disturbing Case of Alien
Abduction Ever
The Mystery Airship of 1896
The New Earth: Livermore UFO
Physicist's Unmasked Revelations
The Ox-Files: 'Mass cow sacrifices
by aliens' sent White House into
panic, FBI records reveal
The SpacePlane Equation
(revisited): The Secret Space
The two most important alien
messages [decoded]
Time Travel & UFOs
Time Travel: How to Navigate the
Streams of Time Through
TOROIDAL COILS: Stan Deyo Antigravity Stream of
UFO Disclosure Plan: Special
Presidential Briefing
UFO Findings Kept Secret
UFO Sightings by Astronauts
UFO: The Greatest Story Ever
UFOs are no joke, group says
UFOs over Sydney
STUDY:'Some Are Interplanetary'
Visitors From the Zeta Reticuli Star
Was JFK killed because of his
interest in aliens?

Unfortunate Fact



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

AIDS - The Real Story

AIDS: The Real Story - Prologue
AIDS: The Real Story Pt 1 The
Heterosexual Myth
AIDS: The Real Story Pt 2 Very
Hard to Catch
The Virus Engineers AIDS The
Real Story Section 2/1 Vaccination
Programs and AIDS
The Virus Engineers AIDS The
Real Story: Section 2/3 Virus
Creation & Vaccines
Bacteriological Warfare and AIDS:
AIDS The Real Story (3)
Mistake Waiting to Happen? AIDS
The Real Story (4)
Gay AIDS and the Hepatitis-B
Vaccine: AIDS the Real Story (5)
African AIDS: Vaccine Epidemic AIDS the Real Story (6)
Name of AIDS
Smallpox finding prompts HIV
Top Scientists Ask Journal Science
To Retract Original AIDS Papers
The HIV Myth: HIV Causes AIDS
AIDS Hoax: The truth behind the
virus that never w...

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Infinite Cosmos of Light and Life
HYPERSPACE in your life
Holographic Multiverse
Constructing Reality
Crystal Spheres: Universe as
Time Shift: The Virtual Lattice Matrix
and the Music of Spheres
Magic Net: How to Make Matter



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Time as a Lens: Speculations on

self-referencing non-local
RESONANCE: Re-Sounding
Standing Wave Resonance
Reflected Throughout the Cosmos



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Paradise Stolen: DON'T SHOW YOUR CHILDREN! (5:37) @ The life you could have had if you weren't wasting your life
working to enrich psychopaths
Ter Fev 3, 5:27:17am


David Hartsough, Waging Peace (1:02:41) @
There are non-violent ways of making a difference, says Quaker David
Hartsough. Book he quotes Why Civil Resistance Works. Non-violent
movements are twice as likely to be successful.
Ter Fev 3, 11:55:23am

anon6891: Gaiam Media blocks your YouTube videos in the United States
Qua Fev 4, 4:49:14am


Thanks Anon. All of them?

Qua Fev 4, 4:49:31am


Qua Fev 4, 4:49:59am


You can probably still download them using YouTubeDownloader or a similar

Qua Fev 4, 12:07:31pm


O Brother Where Art Thou!!!!! (1:47:32) @
Qua Fev 4, 12:09:11pm


Perendev magnetic motor: Free Energy (5:48) @
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Her(m)etic Hermit's Scrolls

- inkarnation A Change in Time
A New Paradigm: Transforming the Planet Is a Change of Heart
Abundance Extinguishes Money
Adder Ladies and the Dawn of Ra
All Empires Fall: Not All Idealists Can Be Cured
Alternative Universe: A Haven from Heaven

Apprising the Uprising: The Heat is On

Are You Destroying Creation?

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Averting Climate Catastrophe?

Avoid the Dominant Paradox
Belief Is Destiny: Life Is Diversity
Between Fire and Ice
Beyond Feudal Freedoms
Building Better Humans
Burning Issue: Human Nature Reborn
Buyer Beware: Plump Greedy Shoppers Consume Entire Planet
Change Agents
Changing Time: The World Grid and the Whirled Mind
College of Knowledge: Know Your Rights
Content is the King
Creator, Judge or Architect? There Is a Sanity Clause
Cross Purposes: The Shaman
Da Victor Code: Planning the New World Religion
Delerious Dark Matter Foams
Deny the Weaponmakers Credo
Divide and Conquer or Unite and Triumph: Make Love, Not War
Do We Agree? New World Ordure or Evolution
Dog Days & the Flying Cow
Domesticated Apes or Trained Fish?
Dreamer: All that we can see or seem
Drop Bear Lives
Endless Crusade: Religion poisons everything, war makes hell on Earth
Farther Than the Other: Unity In Diversity
Fashion of Fascism
Fire and Storms
Flux: Non-Terrestrial Heritage
Flying Trees
Forest Mining



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Free Power in the Medieval Space Age

Free Will: Dreaming Reality
Freedom or Fatherland Insecurity: Utopia Now or Apocalypse Tomorrow
Gaia's Guests
Give people What They Want
Global Heating Strikes Home
Global Mind: Unity in Diversity
Goddess' Children
Good Guides, Gods & Goads:Inner Voices Known as Thoughts
Here Be Magic
Hitching Memory

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Hive Hierarchy or Wise Weavers: Freeing or (con)Trolling the Future

Hive Mind: Busy Nest
Hormonally Challenged
Human Deification: Shaping the Planet(s)
Idiocracy: Land of the home, free of the brave
Illusory Freedom: Reclaiming Liberty
Infiltrated Intelligence: Roots and Routes of Global Corruption

To the New Illuminati

Infinite Infants:Surviving the Best of Possible Worlds

Instinct In Tuition

Save the World and Yourself

!Save the World From Home for Free!
$5,000,000,000,000: The cost each year of vanishing rainforest
10 Most Radioactive Places on Earth
10 Most Toxic Places on Earth
100,000 excess deaths in North America in 2011 from Fukushima
11 shocking things you now realize to be true
19 Studies Link GMO Foods to Organ Disruption
2007 Nimbin Mardi Grass
2011: A Brave New Dystopia
2012: Doom Ain't What It Used to Be
22 arrested at power station protest
3 Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage
7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned
7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen & sunlight
A Cancer Muckraker Takes on Cell Phones
A New Paradigm: Transforming the Planet Is a Change of Heart
A Town Without Poverty? Canada's Guaranteed Income Experiment
A Unique Solution to Traffic: The Driverless Car
A Womb of One's Own: Wombs are not free of toxic pollution
All Consuming Growth - The Flaw of Western Economies
Amazon Uprising to Save the Rainforest
America Behind Bars: the USA Prison State
America's Grand Strategy: Militarizing Space
America's Permanent War Agenda
Apocalypse Now: How Humankind Is Sleepwalking to the End of the Earth
Apocalypse Today: Visiting Chernobyl, 25 Years Later
ARC SURVIVAL BUNKERS:Underground Shelter Community
Are We in a State of Emergency Or Are We?
Arrests are being made 'to expand DNA files'
Atomic Deserts: A Survey of Some of the World's Radioactive Wastelands
Auto Efficiency About the Same as 100 years Ago
Averting Climate Catastrophe?
Avian Flu or Mycoplasma Pandemic?
Benzene in drinks killing you softly
Beyond Beef:Rise & Fall of the Cattle Culture
Beyond the Singularity: This is the End of What World?
Bill Gates pays for artificial clouds to beat greenhouse gases
Billions for Bankers
Billions for Bankers: Debts for the people
Biowarfare Site 300 in Tracy, California
Bloom Box: Clean Fuel Cell Technology Available NOW
Blue Gold: World Water Wars
Brain Altering Drugs: Dumbing Down the Masses
British scientists invent artificial petrol

Intelligence with a Capital Eye

Isis Unveiled
It Takes All Kinds: Earth Liberation Front
Jumping Off the Treadmill
Karma and Dharma
Keeping Up Appearances (While Secretly Being a Mutant)
Lab Rats
Last Roundup
Light At This End of the Tunnel: Prosperity and Plenty are Here and Now
Living Remnant
Living the Dream: Tree Changers
Long Peace, Not War
Magical Beings in an Infinite Multiverse or meat robots on a fast track to
Magical Language: Psychedelic Water
Making A Happy World: How to create abundance
Manifestation Manifesto: Creating the World With Sublime Intent
Moon Mine: Owning Space
More Than Enough
Mortal Recoil: Total Recall - The Life of Meaningin the Carnal Nation
Mystery Train of Thought
New Age World Religion
New Climate Order: A New Heaven and a New Earth
New Paradigms for a New Paradise: Everything We Were Taught Is Wrong
Notables: Six Simple Things Worth Knowing
Notion of Aware Humankind
Oikumene: The Sacred Life of Us
Pan-Dimensional Reality
Paradise View of the Demon Realms
Parallel Visions: Shared Realities Meet At Infinity
Pies In the Skies
Plans for the New World Ordure
Power Is Power: Why is plenty of energy never enough?
Prince of Centraxis
Psychedelic Water: An Extract
Puppet World: Daily life is a meticulously constructed fantasy
Reality is Malleable: Effects of High Strangeness
Reaping the World Wind: How To Make Love Last
Relation Ship
Remember to Remember
Ripped Off by Inbred Inhumans (Again)
Rocks to Rockets
Running the Gauntlet: Alien Abduction & Induction
Self Perpetuating Egos: World Governance by Personality Cult
Shamanic Initiation: This Is the Afterlife
Sharpest Tool in the Head: A Primer for Your Divine Nature
Simple Choice
Simplistic Thinking: Comfortably Numb Delusions



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Brzezinski Fears 'Global Awakening' & Seeks 'Concentrated, Universal Power'

Sleepwalkers: Unlock Your Self

Bunker Mentality: Secret Bases, Bunkers and Impending Catastrophe?

Space Invaders: Recurring Lessons or Hollow Fears?

Capitalism and Environmental Catastrophe

Still Rising

Change Your Diet & Help Save Animals From a Life of Cruelty

Technocracy and Mediocracy

Chemicals and (Y)our Health

The Colour of Passion

Chemtrails are real and they are damaging our health

The Future Isnt What It Used To Be: Living Through a Time of Cosmic

Chemtrails Fact or Fiction?

Chemtrails: Jets Dont Jest
Chemtrails: What in the World Are They Spraying?
Chemtrails: What in the World Are They Spraying?
Chernobyl death toll: 985,000, mostly from cancer
Chernobyl haunts the Norwegian uplands
Chernobyl: The Great Coverup
China kills for organs
Climate Change IS Multiplying Major Disasters
Climate change may trigger earthquakes & volcanoes
Coal is a Killer & Carcinogen, So Why Use It?
Community Contract: Social Contract for a True World Civilisation
Constitutional Rights of Nature
Corporate atrocities against nature may destroy human civilization
Corporations Rule
Courageous Men & Women Desert their Evil Empire
Daily Red Meat Raises Chances of Dying Early
Damning Study: Eco Bulbs Cause Cancer
Deadly Medicine: Prescription drugs kill 200,000 Americans Each Year
Death By Slow Burn: How America Nukes Its Own Troops
Death of the World's Rivers
Deep Green Resistance: Saving the world with ACTION
Did Science Create a Genetic Genocide Machine?
Dirty Electricity & the Link to Cancer
DU: Washington's Secret Nuclear War
Earth Changes: Where Did All The Water Go?
Earth Government and the Big Lie
Electrical Fields Classified as Carcinogenic
Electrosmog: Youre Bathing In It
Elementary Blockading: Saving the Planet with Direct Action
Endless Crusade: Religion poisons everything, but war makes hell on Earth
Evidence mounts on links between cell phones and brain tumors
Ex-Vaccine Developer Reveals Lies the Vaccine Industry is Built Upon

The Future Isnt What It Used To Be: Living Through a Time of Cosmic
The Great Sellout
The King of the World
The New Illuminati in the New Aeon
The Price of Freedom is a Contradiction in Terms: Who Watches the Watchers
The System Has Failed You
The World Is (a) Mine: Daddy Says So
There Is a Sanity Clause
Third Millennium or Third Reich?
This Is The Afterlife
Tide Turning
To Infinity And Beyond
Tracking Progress & Destiny: Life on a Pebble in the Sands of Time
Tree Changer
Truly MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction
Twisted System: The Global Secret Society
Unchain Pavlov's Cog
Unclear Weapons
Unstable Solar System
Veins of the Goddess
Watching the Wheels Go Round
Waters of Life and Death
We're All Individuals
What Can One Person Do?
Where To From Here?
Where You Are Sitting: Dreaming Reality Behind the Veil
While You're Waking Up
Who Let the Gods Out?
Who Watches the Watchers? Is freedom the price of eternal vigilance?
Why? Lifting the Veil
Wills Writ on Waves: Psychedelic Water
World Peace = No More Weapons
Your Fly Is Open: Public Privates
eVolition: Chipping at Blocks on Ancient Initiatory Tracks

EXPOSED! Fluoride Truth Hits Mainstream Australian Television

Extinction of Humankind?

A Her(m)etic Hermit in the Living (B)rainforest

Falun Gong: Screws tighten on persecuted sect

Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb
Forget the Black Gold, Just Clean Water Please
FukUshima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Caesium,
Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come

Enlightening Movies

Fukushima now irradiating everyone: 'Unspeakable' reality

(Don't) Run From the Cure for Cancer

Fukushima radiation taints US milk supplies at levels 2000% higher than EPA

100,000 excess deaths in North America in 2011 from Fukushima

FukUshima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

Gaia's Last Stand
Galactic Doomsday?
Gardasil-Cervarix: A Legacy Of Shame
Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive System
Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive System
Geoengineering: Obama Considers Chemtrails
Girls Now Begin Puberty Aged Nine
GIs Brains Fried by Military Dispensed Radioactive Nose Candy
Global Heating: Save the World from Polluters Lies
Global Heating=Tectonic Catastrophe
Global Warming Might Spur Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Global Zero - Nuclear Disarmament Now
GM food toxins found in the blood of 93% of unborn babies
GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans
Governments Worldwide Raise Acceptable Radiation Levels

2 Compelling UFO Shots from Space Shuttle Missions

A New Paradigm Arises: The Human Hologram
A Tour Through Reality: Macrocosm Meets Microcosm
Alien Implants?
Amerika Lives in a Fascist State
ANOTHER Magnetic Free Energy Motor
ANOTHER Water Powered Car!
Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
Artificially Intelligent Cybernetic Organism
Batteries & Capacitors Made of Paper
BBC now admits Al Qaeda never existed
Big Brother is Reading Your eMail (and everything else)
Blindsight: Knowing without seeing it
Blue Gold: World Water Wars
Blue Gold: World Water Wars (Trailer)
Bob White's Alien Artefact



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Governments Worldwide Raise Acceptable Radiation Levels

Chinese UFO (Hangzhou): Amazing Video and Extraordinary Still Images

Greenhouse gases hit record high

Closeup of Fast Moving UFO(s) on 9/11 Over the Burning WTC

Greenhouse Mafia

Compelling Italian UFO Abduction

H.A.A.R.P. - The Military's Pandora's Box

Consciousness Drives the Universe

Has "doomsday" begun already?

Consciousness: Mind Over Matter


Crimes Against Nature: Destroying the Planet for Fun-free Profits

HEMP FOR FUEL: The End of Big Oil?

Crossing Into Parallel Universes or How to Travel to Other Universes

Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM Food

Crossing the Event Horizon - Another Cycle Begins

How a complaint led to an ordeal in a secret prison

Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information

How to KILL your STRAWMAN and be truly FREE!

Description of a Captured UFO

Human I.D. Implants: Verichip is now called PositiveID

Designing the Future

Human/Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The

Did a rocket, HAARP or ET/UFOs cause the June 5, 2010 Australian spiral

Ice-capped roof of world turns to desert

Divine Cosmos

ID Cards: Plan for Global Registration of All Humankind

Drugs in Drinking Water: Mind Control

Indian Tribes Dig In to Fight Uranium Mine

Earth Is Growing & Expanding Rapidly

Investigation of Baxter Swine Flu Vaccine

Earthlings: Full Length Feature

Iraqi child cancer 'linked to US weapons'

Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons

Is It Real? If So, Am I Gonna Make It?

Is Wi-Fi killing trees? Dutch study shows leaves dying

Everything you know is wrong: Prehumans, Hominoids and Genetic Intervention

in Human Evolution

Killing Water In the Driest Continent

eVolition: Chipping at Blocks on Ancient Initiatory Tracks

Land around FukUshima now radioactive dead zone

Ex-FBI Chief Says 9/11 Was an Inside Job


EXPOSED! Fluoride Truth Hits Mainstream Australian Television

Life on Earth, but for how much longer?

Extended Mind: Experimental Evidence of Telepathy

Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone

Fallujahs health fallout worse than Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Living in a Theater State: Plug in and Be Lit up by the American Hologram

Farther Away from Ordinary Reality:DMT Spirit Molecule

Losing America Right Before Our Blind Eyes

Free Energy From Air Circuit

Mad Cow Disease: Revenge of the Meat

FREE ENERGY Home Generator: Zero Point Energy Off the Grid

Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Superstorms

FREE ENERGY Home Generator: Zero Point Energy Off the Grid

Mainstreaming Nuclear Waste

Free Energy Plans: How to Build a Simple Magnetic Motor

Marijuana cures cancer: US government has known since 1974

Free Energy System Charges Batteries with Batteries: Doug Konzens

OverUnity Pulse Motor

Meditation is Not What You Think

Mega-tsunami: Wave of Destruction
Mercury and Fluoride - The Dumbing Down Of A Population
Microchip Implants Create Fast-Growing, Malignant Tumours and a Planetary

Free Energy: How to Burn Salt Water With the Kanzius Radio Wave Generator
Free Energy: Magnetic N-Machines and Government Conspiracy
Free Energy: The Sabous Magnetic Motor
Free EnergyThe Race to Zero Point

Mind Control by Mobile Phone

Freeman & Strawman Explained: Real You & Paper You

Mobile Phones Unsafe

Fulford & Zagami's Warning to the Illuminati(parts1 & 2)

Monsanto pesticide found to infect plants with AIDs-like disease

Full Length Disclosure Project Briefing

Monsanto: The evil corporation in your refrigerator

Giza Power Plant: 3D Electromagnetic Great Pyramid Power Plant

More than enough dirt under his fingernails - Seeing the forest for the trees

Global Elite Building Vast Underground Cities

NASA warming scientist: 'This is the last chance'

Gregg Braden on Magnetic Field Reversals, Pole Shift and 2012

Nature Loss 'Dwarfs Bank Crisis'

Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond

New Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Link to Birth Defects

HAARP: Weather Weapons, Earthquakes & Mass Mind Control

New world re-order: The Zeitgeist Movement spreads

Henry Ford's Ecological Hemp-Made & Hemp Fuelled Car

New world re-order: The Zeitgeist Movement spreads

Hidden History of Interplanetary Chaos: Velikovsky - the Bonds of the Past

Norwegian Secret Bases Update

Hidden History of the Human Race

Nuclear waste containers will not work, say scientists

Holographic Universe With Michael Talbot:Thinking Allowed

Obama and the age of permanent war

Horizon Project Documentary: Falls of Civilisation

Obamas Nuclear Option

How Reality Emerges from Consciousness

Ocean chemistry changing at 'unprecedented rate'

How to KILL your STRAWMAN and be truly FREE!

Oil production limit reached: expert

Huge UFO Orb-Spheres Near the Sun

Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation

Huge UFOs Caught on Telescope: 40 pictures & the original video

Overhead Power Lines and Electric Fields Can Kill

Human Livestock: The Story of Your Enslavement

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Hydrogen Power At Home

Ozone Hole Biggest Yet

Imagining the Tenth Dimension (annotated)

Peak energy, climate change, and the collapse of civilization

Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

Peak oil production coming much sooner than expected

Invisible Pain Ray Given New Target (American citizens)

Perils of Plastic

John Carpenter's THEY LIVE: Full length feature

Permaculture: Renewing the Planet

Join the Church of the SubGenius

Permaculture: Renewing the Planet Part 2

Kymatica: Universal Consciousness

Polluted by Profit: The Real Climategate

Landmark E. Howard Hunt JFK Confession Video Tape Ignored

Pollution from Livestock Farms

Large Mystery 'Ball' Hits the Second WTC Tower - There Was No Plane!

Population Bomb Solution

Loose Change 2nd Ed. (Full): Some Truths About 9/11 & the State of the World

Population Reduction: The elite agenda for global population control

Preparing for Civil Unrest in America
Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting the Body
Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption

Mainstream Cancer Cure Ignored The University of Alberta DCA Discovery

Martian Forest Life & Biodiversity?
Mass Contacts: Extraterrestrials Among Us
Matrix of Illusion



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Protesters Marching on UN Climate Summit as Hundreds Inside Stage Walkout

Meet Your Strawman! The Legal Fiction of You

Quarter of U.S. Nuke Plants Leaking Carcinogenic Radioactive Material

Mercury and Fluoride: The Dumbing Down Of A Population

Radioactive Tobacco

Mexican Government releases genuine military footage of 11 UFOs

Rearranging the Deckchairs

Modern Soldiers Are Murderers Killing for Profit

Recycled Radioactive Metals May Be in Your Home

Mystery at Coral Castle:Antigravity Stone Construction

Researchers claim link between tsunamis and outer space

Mystery scars on Obama's head prompt question: has the (p)resident had
brain surgery? (PLUS Obama's Fake Birth Certificate)

Resource Based Economy: Precepts of the Venus Project

Revealed: the capitalist network that runs the world
RingWood Constitution: Living Agreements
Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In Mystery US Die-Off
Save the Rivers, Save the World
Scientists Urge Halt of Wireless Rollout & Call for New Safety Standards
Scientists warn of link between dangerous new pathogen and Monsantos

NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell claims alien contact cover-up

New Swirled Order: Crop Circle Documentary
Nikola Tesla Mad Electricity
Non-Human DNA Found in Starchild Skull
Norway UFO Actually Caused by HAARP-Style Array
On Modern Servitude: Video & Text
Orbo: Steorn Free Energy Over Unity Generator Released

Sea Levels Likely to Rise Much Faster Than Was Predicted

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Secede and Succeed

Parallel Universes

Secret Weather Weapons can kill millions, warns top Russian politician

Perpetual Motion Machine?

Self Perpetuating Egos: World Governance by Personality Cult

Pine Gap: Free Energy, UFOs and Australias Area 51

Shock study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent flu in 1.5% of adults

Assassinations in History

Should nuclear fuels be taken out of national hands?

Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming? Not Lately
Soldiers on Sale: Whos In Charge of Hired Killers?
Still Wild Still Threatened
Switching off climate change denial
Tainted nuke plant water reaches major NJ aquifer
Taoist Yoga: Immortality Theory & Practice
Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine
Thank Big Coal for Mercury-Laden Fish
The Big Picture: A Hypothesis - Understanding UFO Visitors & Cosmic

Quantum Apocalypse of The Holographic Universe

Ram Dass on Attachment and Addiction
Recent Extraordinary Pyramidal and Tetrahedral UFOs
Rockefeller Plans: Their Worldview Becomes Your World
Rod Shaped UFOs
Russian scientist: "Consciousness directly influences our world"
Russian UFO Crash and Recovery, 1968(?)
Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields
San Antonio New Mexico UFO Crash
Secret Country: The First Australians Fight Back
Secret Space: What is NASA Hiding?

The coming famine: risks and solutions for global food security

Secret UFO Propulsion Systems

The Current Global Crisis & the Future of Humanity

Soul Survivor: Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation?

The Dangers of Vaccines Toxic Mercury Injected Into Children

Stan Deyo: Anti-Gravity, Free Energy & the Technology of the New World

The Earth Is Warming? Adjust the Thermostat

The Ecologist Guide to Data Activism
The FukUshima Disaster Cover-up
The Illuminati and Freedom
The Illuminati and Freedom
The Mammoth in the Freezer: Sea Level Rises

STEORN announces ORBO: new solid state free energy device

Successful University Test Demonstration of a Free Energy Motor
Sunken Cities All Over the Globe
Sympathetic Vibration & Free Energy
Thats Impossible! - Weather Warfare

The new PCB: Monsanto's Toxic Roundup weed killer turning up in air, rain and

The "4" Flights of 9/11: What about the Passengers? What happened to them?

The Prophet of Gaia and Climate Change: James Lovelock

The Calling: Full Length Presentation

The Queen's Death Star: Depleted Uranium Measured in British Atmosphere

The Calling: Who controls your world?

The top 20 things more dangerous to children (& adults) than lead in toys

The Dangers of Vaccines Toxic Mercury Injected Into Children


The Extraordinary Hutchison Effect

The U.S. Is Unable To Account For 36,000 Pounds Of Weapons Grade

Uranium & Plutonium

The Fabulous Free Power of Salt Water

The United States of Fear

The Value of Water When the Well Runs Dry
The Venus Project
The World Is (a) Mine: Daddy Says So
The Zeitgeist Movement
Thrive! What On Earth Will It Take?
Tiwi Islands Logging Fiasco
Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society
Toxic Exposure Can Be Transmitted to Future Generations on a Second
Genetic Code
Toxin from GM crops found in human blood
Transcendental Meditation Experiment Arrests Crime
Tree Sitters Occupying Coal River Mountain
Trees Guardians of the Earth: Seeing the Forest for the Trees
TV Mind Control
Twitter: The CIA is following you
U.S. warned of solar flare threat: worse than Katrina, plague, WWII
Uranium mine told to address dust risks
Uranium mining poisoning Kakadu
US firm says handheld puke ray is ready to go
US Government Intends to Criminalize Organic Farming on Behalf of Monsanto

The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Power Question

THE FUELLESS ENGINE: Free electricity using magnets

The FukUshima Disaster Cover-up
The Ghost in Your Genes
The Hollow Sun: Is Gravity Being Induced?
The Hutchison Effect
The Hutchison Effect
The Illuminati Ultimatum: Benjamin Fulford
The Matrix of Illusion: Conscious Holographic Universe
The Money Masters:How International Banksters Control the World
The New Earth: Livermore UFO Physicist's Unmasked Revelations
The Obama Deception and the Murderous Arsonholes Who Really Rule
The Pyramid Code
The Pyramid Electric: Evidence for Advanced Technologies in Ancient Egypt
The Reality & Suppression of Free Energy
The Reality and Suppression of Freely Available Energy
The Revelation of The Pyramids: The Pyramid Code
The Story of Your Enslavement
The Zeitgeist Movie Series: How To Create A Better World
THEY LIVE: John Carpenter's Full length feature
Those Who Serve: Killing for Peace
Thousand Year Zeitgeist: The Utopian Millennium?
TOROIDAL COILS: Stan Deyo - Antigravity Stream of Consciousness



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Vast methane 'plumes' seen in Arctic ocean as sea ice retreats

Totally Green Clean Transport: air powered vehicles that can refuel themselves

Vast methane 'plumes' seen in Arctic ocean as sea ice retreats

Truth and Lies of 9/11

War is a Racket by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

UFO :The Greatest Story Ever Denied

War profiteering: a cancer upon America (& the world)

US Government Intends to Criminalize Organic Farming on Behalf of Monsanto

Welcome Home to the Rainbow Family!

US Openly Accepts Osama bin Laden Is Dead

West Papua an Occupied Nation for 45 Years


What is a Hypercar Vehicle?

Venus Project: A New Civilisation

What is ZDAY? Zeitgeist & Project Venus

War is a Racket by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

Your Computer Will Be Bugged

Water Has Memory: Scientific Proof

What if Cannabis Cures Cancer?

There was an error in this gadget

What In the World Are They Spaying? CHEMTRAILS

What Kind Of World Do We Want?

More Enlightening Sights

What Really Happened on 9/11?

What The Bleep Do We Know? Down the Rabbit Hole

12 Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creativity

What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole

A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector...

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Aether Vibrations: Behold the New Old Paradigm

You Are God and The Egg

Approaching Comet is Really a Borg Cube From Jesus


Beyond the Cashless Society: IBM's Vision for the Future

ZEITGEIST: Moving Forward - Full Feature

Consciousness, Resonance & the Paranormal: Synchronised Swimming in the

Quantum Sea

Animal Consciousness: Lifes Masterpieces

Crossing Into Parallel Universes or How to Travel to Other Universes

Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem
Enlightenment In Nature

Enlightening and Rewarding

Entangled diamonds blur quantum-classical divide

"Static Electricity" Misconceptions: How the Nature of Reality Has Been


First preliminary data on Bigfoot nuclear DNA

'Exciting' find: Possible planets without orbits

Is There Life Before Life?

'Her(m)etic Hermit' by New Illuminati editor

Mars vs Earth Lakes & Forests Compared

'Logic Gates' Made to Program Bacteria as Computers

Mars vs Earth Lakes & Forests Compared


Mars vs Earth Lakes & Forests Compared

'UFO' Spiral in the sky seen and heard across Western Canada

Meditation is Not What You Think

(Another) Tenth Planet Discovered

Mind Reading Machines

10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship

Mushroom Gnosis: Simon Powell's Psilocybin Solution

2012: Doom Ain't What It Used to Be

NASA's Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes: Is There an Earth-to-Mars

Microbe Shuttle?

3-D "Printing" Technology Will Blow Your Mind

Native Americans and Vegetarianism

A 'Frankenrobot' with a biological brain

One Soul, Many Bodies: The Case for Reincarnation

A Brief Explanation of Holographic Subquantum-Mind Theory

Our Misunderstood Sun: The Electric Universe

A New Form of Matter: Discovering the Fifth State

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

A New Paradigm Arises: The Human Hologram in a Divine Cosmos

Plasma Changes in the Solar System

A New Paradigm: Transforming the Planet Is a Change of Heart

Plasma Tubes Connect Dark Spherical Body to Our Sun

A New Science of Life: The Matrix of Matter and Consciousness

Regrets of the Dying

Abundance Extinguishes Money

Remote Viewing & Perception

AIDS: The Real Story Pt 1 The Heterosexual Myth

Sacred Geometry: How to Create a Multiverse

ALCHEMY: The Science of Enlightenment

Smoking pot doesn't hurt lung capacity, study shows

Alice & the Rabbit: Holographic Universe

Space Brains: Neuroplasticity and the Enrichments of Weightlessness

All Hail the Internet Czar: Censoring The Net

Space Migration: The Heavenly Ascent

STAR FIRE: The Gold of the Gods

Allodial Earth: An Islamic Conception of Common Law, Land Rights and


Taoist Yoga: Immortality Theory & Practice

Alternative Models & the Ether:The Farce of Modern Physics

The Armageddon Conspiracy: The Power Question

Amateur Australian astronomer spots Earth-sized asteroid crash on Jupiter

The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix

America's Fiscal Collapse

The Bumpy Road to the Golden Age

American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse

The Potential of Local Currency

AMPLIFYING GOD: The True Purpose of The Body

The Revelation of The Pyramids: The Pyramid Code

An Eastern Ultimatum to the Western Illuminati

The Yeti, a severed finger spirited from Nepal, and a famous film star

An empty head, but a life lived to the full

Third Witness: Future Incarnation

Ancient Puzzles: The Elixir of Life

When war is illegal paying tax is a war crime

Ancient Puzzles: The Elixir of Life

Your Body is the Mirror of Your Life: How We Create Reality

Animal Minds: Our Planetary Companions Are Very Like Us

Zap your brain into the zone: Fast track to pure focus

Anonymous Fame

5 Scientific Theories That Will Make Your Head Explode

Antarctic water world uncovered


Are we living in a designer universe?

Are we living inside a brain?

(Don't) Run From the Cure for Cancer


Alternative Cancer Cures That Work

Argentine Ranchers Claim Capture of Fanged Hominoid Creature

Can a Pill Keep Your DNA Young?

Arrogance, Abuse, Fraud, and Medical Malpractice

Cancer Research Fraud Destroys Mainstream Medical Cancer Industry

Artificial Life Forms Created that Evolve Intelligence

Cannabis 'could reverse psychosis'

Astronomers lose access to military data

Dangers of Blood Transfusion: Reconsidering Needless Surgeries

Awareness During Coma

Death By Doctoring

BANKS - Money From Nothing: Insider Tales from a Senator



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Eat Less & Live Longer

Basic Guaranteed Income: An End to Poverty

Electrosmog: Youre Bathing In It

Batteries & Capacitors Made of Paper

Fluoridation Mass Medication: Tranquillisers & Rat Poison

Beyond Spacetime: A Brief Explanation of Holographic Subquantum-Mind


Fluoride & the Pineal Gland

Healing With Oxygen
How to Treat Diabetes Using Glucose Level Control
How Vaccines are Made, How they Work, & How they Cause Autism
Is the Cause of Cancer a Common Fungus?
Laetrile (Vitamin B17 or Amygdaline): Why is it Banned?
Mainstream Cancer Cure Ignored: University of Alberta DCA Discovery
Marijuana cures cancer: US government has known since 1974
Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimers
MYCOPLASMA: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
No Tests Best for Breasts: Mammograms & MRI cause cancer
Ocean Plasma: Free, Pure Blood Product Alternative
ORMUS:What is it? Overview of Orbitally Rearranged Matter
Pot Smoking Not a Major Lung Cancer Threat: THC Stops Cancers
Proof that Your Own Thoughts and Beliefs Can Cause Self-Healing
Russian Scientists Discover an Age-defying Drug
Scientists suggest that cancer is purely man-made
Studies Prove Thousands of Babies Dying from Vaccination
THC Laden Hemp Oil Cures Cancer
The Cancer Myth
The Holistic Solution to Overcoming Cancer
The Lahkovsky Coil: Healing With Resonance
The Remarkable Power of Hypnosis: Harness Your Childs Imagination for

Beyond Velikovsky: Einstein's Relativity Demonstrated

Bird Tribes: Native American Wisdom & Democracy
Blindsight: Knowing without seeing it
Bohms Holographic Universe
Bright Spot on Venus Stumps Scientists
Can troops find hidden bombs with sixth sense?
Canadian researchers use stem cells to help spinal cord-injured rats to walk
China Hacks Google
Chipless Mark Of The Beast?
Closer to Immortality
Communities print their own currency to keep cash flowing
Constructing Reality
Creator, Judge or Architect? There Is a Sanity Clause
Creator, Judge or Architect? There Is a Sanity Clause!
Crystal Planet: Worldwide Ancient Communication System
Cyberdyne Japan makes HAL
Cymatics: Frequency Changes the Very Nature of Matter and Energy
Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information
Discordianism: A Weapon Against the Elite/NWO
Discovery backs theory that oil is not a 'fossil fuel'
DISCOVERY of the BIOFIELD: A Different Type of Magnetism
Divine Cosmos
DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies
DNA Found to Have "Impossible" Telepathic Properties
DNA Molecules Can 'Teleport,' Nobel Winner Says

The Rife Ray Scope and the Cure for All Disease

Do ETs Live On Goldilocks Planet?

Vaccine Truths: Vaccination Liberation Information

Do Jupiter's Red Storms Signal Massive Climate Change?

Violence, Healing and the Need for Tribalism

Does the Past Exist Yet? Evidence Suggests Your Past Isn't Set in Stone

Your Body is the Mirror of Your Life: How We Create Reality

Doomsday Postponed: Mayan Calendar Dating Wrong?

Dr. Wilhelm Reich: Scientific Genius or Medical Madman?

Time Travel

Dreamer: All that we can see or seem

Dreams: the stuff memories are made of?

Back to the future: giant experiment to resume

Earth facing a mini-Ice Age 'within ten years' due to rare drop in sunspot activity


Earth Is Growing & Expanding Rapidly

Does the Past Exist Yet? Evidence Suggests Your Past Isn't Set in Stone

Earth's Magnetic Field, Resonance and Us

Imagining the Tenth Dimension (annotated)

Earth's poles shifting at an accelerating rate

John Titor Time Travel Tale

Ecstasy really does unleash the love hormone

Montauk Experiments, Time Travel & the Secret Government

Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate

Otis T. Carr and the Tesla Saucers

Effecting Weather Warfare

Secret DARPA time travel program may hold key to understanding the deep
politics of 9/11

Einstein Was Wrong

Time Machines Invented

Time Travel & UFOs
Time Travel and Energy Production via Time-warped Fields
Time Travel: How to Navigate the Streams of Time Through Hyperspace
Time Traveling for the U.S. Military
Hidden and Revealed History

Einstien's Relativity Error

Electric Universe Theory
Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons
Emerging Neo Human Consciousness
Emit Time
ESP Proven? Risk takers score higher in psi test
Every black hole may hold a hidden universe - including ours
Every One is Everyone

33 'Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

Evidence for Psychic Powers

9/11: Planes/No Planes and Video Fakery

Evidence for Reincarnation

9/11: The New Kennedy Assassination

eVolition: Chipping at Blocks on Ancient Initiatory Tracks

9/12 Teabagging Protesters Motivations & Explanations

Extended Mind: Experimental Evidence of Telepathy

A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Don't Want Published

Extraordinary Hutchison Effect

A New Ancient Crystal Skull Discovered in Africa

Farther Away from Ordinary Reality:DMT Spirit Molecule

A New Theory for the Great Pyramid

Firing the Cosmic Trigger with Robert Anton Wilson

A Tale of Past Catastrophe

Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

A Universe of Freedom Hidden in Plain Sight

Freed from the Net of Time

AIDS: The Real Story Pt 1 The Heterosexual Myth

From Dolphins to Alien Abduction

America's astonishing war against the cannibal giants

Futuristic Electric Pod Car

America's Permanent War Agenda

Gaia's evil twin: Is life its own worst enemy?

Ancient Artifacts that Challenge Modern Thinking

Giant Vegetables from Space

Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast

Global Consciousness Project

Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa

Global Consciousness Project: Trans-Humanity Awakening To Reality

Ancient Secret Science

Global Mind: Unity in Diversity



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Antediluvian World: Forgotten Lessons of History

Global Mind: Unity in Diversity

Apollo 11, Freemasons and the Moon

Good Guides, Gods & Goads:Inner Voices Known as Thoughts

Apollo Moon Conversations Show NASA Coverup

Growing Over Lifetimes: Reincarnation and Reiteration

Archeological Coverups?

Guboo: Renewing the Dreaming

Archeological Coverups?

Guboo: Renewing the Dreaming Part 2

Archeological Coverups?

HAIL ERIS! All Hail Discordia! Eris Bumps Off Pluto

Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

Hands-free way to steal a credit card: Unsecured RFID Technology

Asteroids, Comets & Meteor Strikes


Atlantis & the Antediluvian World

Have Scientists Finally Discovered Evidence for Psychic Phenomena?

Atlantis and Cro-Magnon Man

Her Divine Chorus: Creation of Matter from Energy

Atlantis and the Deluge

Here at Half Past Human we forecast the future

Atomic Deserts: A Survey of Some of the World's Radioactive No-Go Zones

Hogans holometer: Testing the hypothesis of a holographic universe

Bailed out Banks and Americas Wealthiest Cheat IRS Out of Billions

Holographic Internet

BBC now admits Al Qaeda never existed

Holographic Multiverse

Betwixt Ice & Fire

Holographic Paradigm

Birth of Venus: Borne of Destruction


Britain's Secret NAZI War in Antarctica


Capitalism, Fascism and World War

How Do Changes in Earth's Orbit Affect Long-Term Climate?

Children of the Nephilim

How much freedom can one man stand?

Churchill ordered UFO cover-up

How RFID Tags Could Be Used to Track Unsuspecting People

Closeup of Fast Moving UFO(s) on 9/11 Over the Burning WTC

How the World Has Been Controlled

Comet Triggered Mini Ice Age?

How to block or kill RFID chips

Coming One Day Near You: A Mega-Tsunami

How to Remember Your Past Lives

Cosmic Catastrophe: Occluded History of our Solar System

How vaccines are made: Monkey kidneys, spinal material, animal pus and more

Dark History of the Monsanto Corporation

Human Livestock: The Story of Your Enslavement

Dark History of the Monsanto Corporation

Human medical experimentation in the United States

Dr Marys Monkey: From Polio to Cancer

ID Cards: How Not to Sell Them to the Public

Effecting Weather Warfare

If This be Magic: The Forgotten Power of Hypnosis

Egypt's lost pyramids found

Illuminati Hypnosis: History of Hypnosis for Programming Humanity

Electro-Gravitic Propulsion

Illusory Freedom: Reclaiming Liberty

Ex-FBI Chief Says 9/11 Was an Inside Job

Imminent Crash of World Oil Supply

Fall of the American Empire


Falling Through the Light: Coming to Earth

Immortality Techniques

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Infiltrated Intelligence: Roots and Routes of Global Corruption

First preliminary data on Bigfoot nuclear DNA

Info-Psychology 2: The EVOLUTION, STRUCTURE and FUNCTION of the


Five Times We Almost Nuked Ourselves by Accident

Former CIA Agent Claims Americans Did Not Kill bin Laden
Gbekli Tepe: the worlds oldest temple
Has Capitalism Ever Existed in America?
Hidden Histories of the British Isles:King Offa(Arthur)
Hidden History of Interplanetary Chaos: Velikovsky - the Bonds of the Past
Horizon Project Documentary: Falls of Civilisation
How Much Gold Was Under the WTC Complex?
How our Understanding of History is Manipulated
How the World Has Been Controlled
Indigenous Sovereigns: Towards Koompartoo - Compact and Treaty?
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror
JFK: What We Know Now that We didnt Know Then
King Tuts DNA is Western European
Landmark E. Howard Hunt JFK Confession Video Tape Ignored
Large Mystery 'Ball' Hits the Second WTC Tower - There Was No Plane!
Loose Change 2nd Edition (Full): Some Truths About 9/11 & the State of the
World State

Info-Psychology by Timothy Leary

Info-Psychology: Evolution, Structure and Function of the Nervous System
Intelligent Universe: Approaching the Singularity
Intelligent Universe: The Singularity
Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow"? Solar System Changes
Introduction to the Electric Cosmos
Is DNA the Next Internet? Are humans really beings of light?
Is Human Immortality A Scientific Reality?
Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle? Radioactive Decay Rates Changing
Is the universe a fractal?
Is the Universe Dreaming Itself?
It matters whether you believe in willpower
Jumping Off the Treadmill
Key Atlantic Current Slowing
Know Your Rights: The International Bill of Rights
LETSystems: Avoiding Money
Light and matter united
Link in the Chain
Long Memory
Longer Memory

Lost Cities Under the Sands of Giza

Magic and Mystery of ORMUS Elements

Lost Civilization May Have Existed Beneath the Persian Gulf

Magical Beings in an Infinite Multiverse or meat robots on a fast track to



Lyndon B. Johnson behind John F. Kennedy's assassination
Martial Art: Ask the Martian
Mega-flood triggered Europe's last big freeze
Megrahi: 'A convenient scapegoat?'
Memory (B)lock
MesoAmerican Connections to Atlantis
Mysterious Origins of Cro-Magnon Woman
Mystery Explosion at Secret Chinese Installation

Magical Language: Psychedelic Water

Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun
Mars is Warming, NASA Scientists Report
Martian Forest Life & Biodiversity?
Meditation Improves Mind and Brain
Meet Your Strawman: You Are Freer Than You Know
Melded Multiple Infinities
Mind-altering drugs: does legal mean safe?
Moon find may point to habitable tunnels



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies

Moral Life of Babies

Native blood: the truth behind the myth of `Thanksgiving'

Multiplying universes: How many is the multiverse?

NAZI Saucers and the Occult Reich

Mystery scars on Obama's head prompt question: has the (p)resident had
brain surgery? (PLUS Obama's Fake Birth Certificate)

NAZI's Flying Saucers

New map hints at Venus wet, volcanic past
Newborns' blood used to build secret DNA database
Nikola Tesla's Lost Journals: ET Contact & Secret Technologies
Nonexistent Battles of the Pharaohs
Obamas Mother Worked For CIA
Oiling the War Machine: Corruption of the Land of the Free
Ooparts: Anachronistic Out Of Place Artefacts
Operation Highjump, Neuschwabenland and NAZI UFOs
Pharaoh Cement: Rediscovering Geopolymers
Piezoelectric Basins for Acoustic Levitation Identified at Pyramid Sites
Pine Gap's Purpose: Secret Technology & Extraterrestrial Treaty?
Pine Gap: America's Australian Mystery
Pine Gap: Maintaining the Rage
Planetary smashup leaves trail of frozen lava
Plans For Iraq Attack Began Before 9/11
Plasma, Solar Outbursts, and the End of the Last Ice Age
PM's Son, Halliburton & NUKE WASTE

NASA's great gravity mystery An unexplained force [or field] appears to be

acting against identical Pioneer probes and at least four others
NASAs Dim View of Stars: Electric Universe
New Paradigms for a New Paradise: Everything We Were Taught Is Wrong
New Space-Based Solar Energy Platform
New Treaty Would Ban Space Weapons for Earthlings & ETs
NEXUS Magazine Free Online Articles
No Reincarnation Without Permission
Ocean Floor Rises by 13 Feet per Day Near Australia
On Hypnosis
On Modern Servitude: Video & Text
On Truth & Reality: Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter in Space
Operation Titstorm: Hackers bring down Oz government websites
Organ Regeneration: On the Road to Immortality
Origins of Mayan Calendar Confusion and 2012 Mania
ORMES: Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements 1
ORMES: Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements 2
ORMES: Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements 3

Assassinations in History

ORMES: Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements 4

Prehistoric Mysteries: A Perspective on Archaeological Enigmas

ORMUS and Pyramids

Prehistoric tsunami in Australia

ORMUS: The Quest for the Philosophers Stone

Radiant Genius: Tesla

ORMUS:What is it? Overview of Orbitally Rearranged Matter

Recent Planetary Chaos? The God King Scenario

Our World May Be a Giant Hologram

Reck's Ancient Human Skeleton Mystery


Recovering His Story

Paid to Be A Slave? The How and Why of Freedom

Redating the Great Sphinx

Pan-Dimensional Reality

Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins

Pandoras Box Opened? The Genesis of Artificial Life

Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US as Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates

People may be able to train selves to forget

Russia to Suppress Falsifications about USSR


Secret Government: Origin, Identity & Purpose of MJ-12

Perverted Priorities: Obama One Year Later

Secret US Bases & The Australian CIA Coup

Physics Constants Changing

Shattered Planet Reborn

Pine Gap, Democracy Gap

Sightings and Suspicions: The Cosmic Conspiracy

Prince of Centraxis: True Tales of Magic

Smallpox finding prompts HIV 'whodunnit'

Probe Pictures of Apollo Moon Landing Sites

State Sponsored Terror In the Western World

Proof of Sumatran Bigfoot?

Strange Truths Behind the JFK Assassination: UFOs and EBE

Proving The Reality Of Mind Over Matter: Global Consciousness Project

Sunken Cities All Over the Globe

Psychic Exploration: A Challenge for Science

Sunken Ice Age City Off Indian Coast: Carbon Dating Says 7,500 B.C.

Psychokinesis and Telekinesis: Exploring Mind and Matter

Tesla, Tunguska and Holes in the Earth

Pyramids, Resonance and Consciousness

The "4" Flights of 9/11: What about the Passengers? What happened to them?

Radioactive Tobacco

The (2004) US Elections: The Mother of all Vote Frauds

Rainbow Bridge Warriors: An Ancient Perspective on a Dawning Age

The 1945 San Antonio New Mexico UFO Crash

Ralph Nader Was Right About Obama

The Boneyards:The Beresovka Mammoth Problem and Entire Islands

Composed of the Bones of Frozen Animals

Reality Doesn't Exist according to latest research

The Case Against Pangaea: An Expanding Earth Perspective

The CIAs Black Budget and the Second Manhattan Project
The Comet Venus
The Conquest of Gravity: We Have Had This Technology for a Very Long
The day the Earth froze: Hour-long storm started a mini ice age
The Development of German UFOs Before World War 2
The Fascinating History of How Corporations Became People
The Gemstone Files: Hidden History
The Gemstone Files: Hidden History
The Gemstone Files: Hidden History
The Giza Pyramids are Partly Concrete
The God King Scenario: Recent Planetary Chaos
The Great Mother: The Matriarch's Children
The Great Pyramid Mystery
The Great Secret and Reason for the JFK Assassination
The Ice Age: One of Historys Biggest Mysteries
The Involvment of Pope John Paul II and the Nazi Machine
The Jesus Fraud: The Lie of Christinanity

ORMES: Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements 5

Reality is Malleable: Effects of High Strangeness

Reaping the World Wind: How To Make Love Last
Recreational Freedom: The Politics of Ecstasies
Reincarnation: The Bloxham Tapes Revisited
Remember to Remember: The Temptation of Inner Sense
Remember your home phone number? Forget it!
REMOTE VIEWING: The ESP of Espionage
Remote Viewing: Training Psi Ability
Retreat from the New Frontier: US Privatises Space
RFID 'Powder': World's Smallest RFID Tag
Rinspeeds Zero Emission sQuba: Submersible Electric Car
Rocks to Rockets
Russian DNA Discoveries: DNA Responds to Language
Russian scientist: "Consciousness directly influences our world"
Russians Order Flight Changes after Massive Magnetic Shift Downs Airliners
Sacred Geometry: All of Creation is Moving Lights
Sacred Geometry: the Architecture of the Universe
Sci-Fi Realty Gap
Science of Synchronicity: A New Way to See & Experience the World
Science of Synchronicity: A New Way to See & Experience the World



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

The Marijuana Conspiracy - The Real Reason Hemp is Illegal

Scientists create animals that are part-human

The Most Amazing Ancient Objects in the World?

Scientists Make Dozens of Storms in the Desert

The Neurophone & Psychotronic Warfare

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip that Controls the Brain

The Original Electric Car Conspiracy

Scientists 95% Certain They've Found Elusive Siberian Yeti

The Overseers

Seeing the Light: Enlightening Light


Self Reflection

The Pyramid Electric: Evidence for Advanced Technologies in Ancient Egypt

SEX and SPIRITUALITY: Healing With Sexual Energy

The Pyramid Electric: Evidence for Advanced Technologies in Ancient Egypt

Simplistic Thinking: Comfortably Numb Delusions

The Real Truth of Wars

Sizing Up Consciousness By Its Bits

The Secret Covenant

Smart children choose vegetables

The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the
Truth About Global Corruption

Smart dust aims to monitor everything

The Serpent at the End of Precession: the Sky of the New Aeon
The Story of Obama: Another Intelligence Dynasty in the Making
The War Games of September 11th
The Way of Typhon
They Lived
Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition
Truly MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction
Truth Behind Terror: The Great Satan & CIA Drug Trafficking
Truth Statement : We STILL Want Real Answers About 9/11

SMI2LE and Uplift Humanity

Solar Cycles and the Earths Weakening Magnetic Field
Solar flare could unleash nuclear holocaust across planet Earth
Solar System Sails Through a Massive Plasma Cloud
Soul Survivor: Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation?
Space Zen: Will Humans' Brains Change During Travel in Outer Space?
Special Transmission 1: Total transformation is an eye-blink away
Special Transmission 2: Parables of Sexual Repression and Liberation

Two 9/11 Airliners Flight 93 and 175 Were Only Recently Taken Off The FAA
'Active' List

Speed of Gravity is Much Faster Than Light

US Alliance responsible for 9-11 million excess deaths in Iraq & Afghan Wars

Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) in Space

US Congress Sells Out

Speed of Light Exceeded in Labs

US Openly Accepts Osama bin Laden Is Dead

Statement of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, on the
Issue of His Reincarnation

US paid reward to Lockerbie witness, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi papers claim

Sun's protective 'bubble' is shrinking

Vaccine Truths: Vaccination Liberation Information

Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy Part 2: The Philosophers Stone

Vaccines Did Not Save Us

Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy Part 3

Walking in the Footprints of Time Travellers?

Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy: Has the Philosopher's Stone Been

Found? Part 5

Wall Street Funded the NAZIs

War Crimes Against Iraqi Children
Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens?
Was the War on Terror Really a Cover For a New American Narco-Republic?
Were Venus and Mars Once Habitable Planets?
Western Fascism: Capitalism, NAZIs, Fascism and World War
What Really Happened on 9/11?
When Osama Bin Laden Was Tim Osman: Briefcase Bombs, Bioweapons & the

SuperHacker Under Siege: Gary McKinnon

Supreme Existence
Surveillance, Clairvoyance and Prophecy via the (super)Conscious Web
Technological Techniques of Mind Control
Telephone telepathy: I was just thinking about you
Test Driving the TimeWave and the Webbot: Futures Forecasting
The Big Bang, a BIG Lie
The Black Goddess & the Sixth Sense

Where Are the Neanderthals?

The Burnum Burnum Declaration: Aboriginal Justice with Honour

Who Killed Bob Marley? Chanting Down Babylon: The CIA & the Death of Bob

The Corporation Of The United States Of America: Is the US Not Under

Common Law?

Who were the red-haired giants of early North Ameruca?

The Desiderata: Desirable Things

Worlds in Collision: Suppressed Works of Velikovsky

The Electric Glow of the Sun: The Sun is not a nuclear furnace

Depleted Uranium: The Biggest Censored American News Story

The Electric Sky and the Comeback of Cassiopeia A

The Emerging Global Brain
The Emperor Wears No Clothes
The Extraordinary Hutchison Effect
The Global Consciousness Project: Meaningful Correlations in Random Data
The Great Climate Flip-Flop
The Great Climate Flip-Flop Part 2
The Hutchison Effect
The Illuminati Ultimatum: Benjamin Fulford
The Illuminatis Secret Religion: How to Become God
The Implanted Radio-Frequency Identification Chip: "Smart Cards" in a
Surveillance Society
The King of the World
The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
The Last Time the Sun Did a Flip
The Law That Never Was: Are US Income Taxes Illegal?
The Legal Fiction: How They Control Us
the Matrix
The Matrix is a Reality
The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius & Human History
The Norway UFO Spiral Explained
The Occult
The Philosophers' Stone: How to Transmute the Elements
The Trial of God



new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru
The Triumph of Wilhelm Reich: Orgone Environment
The Truth About Hair and why Native/Indians would keep their hair long
The War on Drugs is a War on Human Rights
The Wave Structure of Matter
There is a space-time vortex around Earth: NASA
They Aint Makin Jews Like Jesus Anymore
This Crystal Planet: Worldwide Bronze Age Communications Network
Thousand Year Zeitgeist: The Utopian Millennium?
Time: An Extraterrestrial Musical
To be Human is to be more human than human
Tomorrow Never Knows
Top scientist asks: is life all just a dream?
Transcendental Meditation Experiment Arrests Crime
Transfinite Consciousness
Transplanted Personalities: Can Transplanted Organs Carry Remembered
Triumph of the Trivial Life
Truth outs: CCTV doesn't cut crime
Tummo: The Power of Warming the Body
U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Is an Illusion
U.S. global climate change weapon called HAARP
U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations
UN Backs Drug Decriminalization In World Drug Report: Recreational Freedoms
Understanding P.T., UFOs and Psi Phenomena
Universal Soldier
US Schools are More Segregated Today than in the 1950s
Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two
Vote for These Horny Beasts?
Warriors of the Rainbow: Indigenous American Prophecies
Watching the Wheels
Water Has Memory: Scientiic Proof
We Have Learned Nothing from the Genome
What Happens When Anonymous Gets a Bank?
What Is Enlightenment?
What is the Origin of Spin? Grand Unification of the Cosmic Fractal
What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole
What's wrong with the sun?
Where Are You Really? What It Means To Be
Who Are The Anunnaki?
Who Wrote the Reptilian Agenda?
Why Our Great-Grandparents were Happier Than We Are...
Widow's Sons: Warriors Create Wars
Wills Writ on Waves: Psychedelic Water
Wisdom of the Ancients: Secrets of Levitation
Work, Consume, Reproduce, Die:The world is run by self-hypnosis
Worlds in Collision: Suppressed Works of Velikovsky
You Are God and The Egg
You will never be alone
Your Brain is Not a Computer!
God Helmet Inventor Discovers Telepathy Link in Lab Experiments

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new illuminati: Incan Vitrified Stones: Evidence of Vitrified Stonework in the Inca Vestiges of Peru

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held responsible or accountable for flashes of insight, epiphany, curiosity, transformation or enlightenment experienced by any person, human or otherwise.
Konx om pax. Khabs am pekht. Light in extension. Reclaim the light in your eyes!
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