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How to (easily) Program EBAY Bluetooth modules for VBar.

Author:- DruiD a.k.a OzDruiD - Version 1.01 Jan 2012.

Many workarounds exist to assist in getting an ebay style Bluetooth module to communicate with
Mikado Vbar Software. This document is around programming the actual BT device with minimal extra
cost or additional devices like a TTL converter. If you own some basic components below then you can
achieve it.
I wanted to give my multiple Bluetooth modules unique names programmed into them for when binding
to different laptops, android devices etc, it would automatically have the correct name. I also wanted
to change the default BT Pin code of 1234 as a precaution.

Basic Requirements
2 X Linvor or similar style Bluetooth modules (ebay rocks!)
6V maximum power supply x 2 connections with ground.
Android Phone or Laptop\PC with Vbar software
Laptop\PC with Bluetooth (to program the units)
Terminal software to program the BT Modules (HW-Group Hercules software preferably)
Vbar of some description (to test the BT connect)

What I used
Bluetooth - 2 X Linvor specific modiules. BT Board Version 1.02
Power CCBEC Pro has dual outputs; I programmed the CCBEC Pro to output 5.5volts.
Vbar Mini (Express) V5.1 (on a Trex600E PRO Heli with CCBEC PRO running off 6S)
HP Laptop with inbuilt Bluetooth, Windows 7 Ultimate, Hercules and VSTabi software.
Note:- You dont need Windows 7, but this document assumes your laptop\PC has Bluetooth already
working and you have the knowledge to operate Bluetooth, Bluetooth pairing via Windows.

liable for any damage you cause to your models, electronics (vbar), or anything you may think to use to
achieve this goal. If you dont know what youre doing or are confused JUST DONT DO IT!
Prep 3. Prepare your work area. Clear the junk, make sure your laptop is on mains power.
Have a fresh battery for powering up your BT modules etc.

Prep 4. Download Hercules from HW Group I will be using this specific utility.
Prep 5. Prepare your wiring and BT module setup refer my later photos to get an idea of what is
required. The key part here is always making sure you have the wires around the correct way and
ALWAYS double check prior to connecting ANY voltage to any part of the process.

The task here is to have 1 x BT module paired with your windows laptop, then using that as a TX\RX
transmit to the other NON-PAIRED BT module. Let me stress that you CANNOT do this with a single
module thats bound\paired.
Step 1. Connect your first BT module to Power on the VCC and GND pins. Bind Bluetooth to Windows.
Here I have the 4pin header on my Vbar output (in the background), with only the VCC and GND single
pins connected at the BT module END. ***Caution*** Wiring Checkpoint

Power up the BT adaptor (I connect a 2S Lipo to my CCBEC and it powers Vbar with BT module)
Using Windows; do a Bluetooth discovery and follow the process to pair BT#1 to your Windows
machine. It should be discovered as Linvor, default Pin is 1234. Bind the BT module to your Windows
Bluetooth device list so its active in the Devices list.
Note:- mine shown s already renamed yours will say Linvor or the brand you have)

We will now connect the 2nd BT - Ensure you power down and remove voltage before proceeding.

Step 2. Connecting the 2nd Bluetooth module (using a 2nd 4-wire connection supplied) .
Its a bit difficult to see but I OFFSET the 4 pin header on the TX\RX ports of the 1st BT module from #1. I
then SWAP the two single pins on the 2nd BT Module leaving the VCC and GND Pins free on the 2nd BT
You can see on BT#1 (right side of pic) it has 2 wires with red markings, then a full 4 pin header with no
red markings. The last two pins overhang and are not connected from that 4 pin header. They are in
fact the same leads that connect over to the left hand side BT module and are shown disconnected.
If you look at the 1st (outside) wire of the 4 pin header (right side) it goes to TXD of BT#1.
The outside wire on the left hand side BT module is actually bent back slightly and going to the RXD of

Step 3. ***Caution*** Wiring Checkpoint make sure its right because we are about to apply voltage.
Step 4. Connecting Voltage to 1st and then 2nd BT Module.
I am using a CCBEC Pro, The CCBEC Pro has dual outputs (and I am sure many other BECs do was well).
I could have separately powered each BT module with their own 5.5v source from the CCBEC Pro.
However I was lazy and powered BT #1 from the VBAR as I didnt want to undo my primary wiring

harness that fed Vbar from the CCBEC PRO. Again if youre not sure, take a step back and rethink.
I used the 2nd CCBEC (spare on my heli setup) output lead direct to the BT#2 again with the pins
offset and polarity correctly aligned so VCC gets Red wire, GRND is black.

Step 5. IMPORTANT SAFETY STEP if youre using a VBAR as power source for the BT module.
As I will be powering up my Vbar (with active RX etc and part of a full RC HELI model) for safety, I need
to make sure my Transmitter is on and model for that Vbar is selected.

Step 6 Power up the BT modules. I connect my 2S LIPO to the CCBEC Pro this applies power to the
Vbar and achieves a steady bind. Both Bluetooth adaptors at this point have a FLASHING led light (again,
2nd BT module is getting its power from the secondary power supply for the CCBEC Pro).
Open windows Bluetooth devices and you should find that the BT #1 has reconnected and you can get
device info. You need to locate the COM or Serial port information.
Shown below is my example Choose properties, then Services.
Serial Port is COM8 in this instance.

Step 7. Open the Hercules software. Select Serial Tab, configure as Com 8, 9600, 8, none, OFF and
SETUP. COM8 will be your own com port you identified in step 6.

Step 8. Open the port. Click Open on the right hand side.
If successful, it should reply with

Proceed with entering the AT Commands (also show in previous Step 7 screenshot).
I spaced them out on all 3 lines as I was doing multiple BT modules and saved typing, but there is no
need. You can use the 1st line and over type it each time.
Hit SEND each time to transmit the command.
AT is first initialization command. Hit SEND REPLY will be OK.
AT+NAMExxxxxxx programs the name. There are no spaces after command word NAME.
Note:- For it to be detected by VSTABI software the recommendation is to start with Vbar.
My command was AT+NAMEvbar_Trex600EPRO_BT. Hit SEND. Reply was OKsetname
AT+PINxxxx Sets the 4 digit PIN. Again, no spaces after the command word PIN.
My command was AT+PIN6969. Hit SEND. Reply was OKsetpin
See screenshot for what I mean.

If it looks like the screenshot youre done!! 1st Bluetooth module programmed.

Congratulations Now What?

Dont get too excited, you only programmed the BT module thats NOT BOUND via Bluetooth to
windows. Go back to the start to do the 2nd one.
Quick Summary for BT#2 (or multiples)

Swap the BT modules over. #1 that was bound is now unbound from windows etc.
Rebind the 2nd Bluetooth module to windows make sure of the com port.
Note:- My Com\Serial port changed for each BT I connected.
Connect the 1st Bluetooth module TX\RX as the slave to the 2nd (now bound) one.
Dont forget to adjust the port in Hercules to the new Com if required.

MINI VBAR Wiring Pin out (VCC,GND,TX,RX)

I only own Mini Vs so no other Pin outs for other models.

If people have pin out pictures they have done up for other model vbars contact me and I might
update the document at some stage.

VBAR \ VStabi Software

You need to use the Bluetooth Vstabi software and select the Bluetooth device.
Check the icon and ensure it reads Bluetooth then launch that version of the software.
Top left (after LOAD & SAVE) click on the little blue connector.

From the Pop up list choose the bound Bluetooth Module device that matches your new BT Name
Click Connect, wait for green <- -> arrows indicating connection and close the pop-up.

VSTabi software should now show the familiar green connected.

Awesome Bluetooth to your VBAR now! Have fun with wireless VBARing

In Closing...
Hopefully this is of some help to people. Obviously you can extrapolate and tweak this for your own
setup and equipment such as your power sources, this quick guide is really just to give you a starting
point and to do it without purchasing extra devices like a Serial TTL converter or additional software.

Feedback: - I can be reached on most RC Heli forums via DruiD or OzDruiD

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