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Read These First


This special Starter Game takes you through your first
adventures in the Dungeons of Legend. You can use the
Expanded Game rules straight away if you want to, but ~ is
easier if you play the Starter Game first.

any particular one). The card shows the Fighter's name and
what he looks like; it goes on the table in front of the player with
the coloured "non-wounded" side face up.

Hero & Spell Cards


The Idea of the Game


Each player takes the part of a heroic warrior (a "Fighter") on a

perilous exploration of the Dungeons of Legend - an
underground labyrinth where there are rich treasures to be won,
fierce monsters to be fought, and deadly traps to overcome.
The player with the most treasure at the end of the game wins!

Readln,g the Rules

If you don't want to read all of these Starter Game rules at once,
you can start playing straight away after Setting Up and
reading the rules for Moving Around and Exploring
Rooms. You can read the rules for Dangers In the
Dungeon later when they are needed during the game. If you
want to play the game on your own, read all these rules first and
then the special rules for Playing Solo.

Setting Up
Lay the board out on a table. The board shows the rooms and
corridors of the Dungeons of Legend.

I .5PElL I
The other Hero cards (Clerics, Rogues, Magic Users and
Dwarves) and the Spel/cards are only used in the Expanded
Game, so put them on the Discard Pile along with any unused
Fighter cards.
Let each player try rolling one of the
special20-sided LEGEND OF
HEROES dice. They work just like
ordinary dice - your score is the
number on the top. (Example: in the
illustration on the right the score would
be 8). The player with the highest
score goes first in the game.
In turn, each player chooses a coloured token to represent their
Fighter as he explores the Dungeon and puts it on a red
doorway square next to one of the five purple dungeon entrance
circles (only one Fighter can start from each entrance).

Dungeon Entrance

Moving Around
During the game, players take turns to move their Fighters.

Separate out the five kinds of Action cards (Rooms, Features,

Monsters, Hazards and Treasures) from the pack and shuffle
each pile. Put the rest of the pack on one side for a minute.

You do not use the dice to move. Each turn your Fighter moves
from one of the red doorway squares to another. The only
restrictions are that the two doorways must be linked by a
corridor or room (with no other doors in between), and that you
cannot move to the same doorway as another Fighter.
(Example: in the situation below the Fighter can move through
the room to A, or along the corridor to B or C, but he cannot
move straight to D or E).

Action Cards


. Deal one Room card (face down) onto each room space on the
board. The two Room cards left over are not used so put them
on one side (this is the start of the Discard Pile). Put the other
four piles of Action cards (face down) next to the board.
Pick up the main pack again, separate out the Fighter cards
and give one to each player (there is no advantage in having

If your Fighter's move takes him through a room containing a

Room card or any other Action card (Feature, Monster, Hazard
or Treasure) then he must pause to explore the room ...
Continued over

Exploring Rooms
When your Fighter enters a room containing an Action card, the
player on your right picks it up and reads out the title and
description. This player is called the Narrator. (Note: if very
young children are playing then any older player can be the
Most Action cards lead on to another Action card. When the
Narrator reaches the bottom of a card the red arrow tells him
what kind of card to pick up next (from the appropriate pile). In
this way, the Narrator reads through a series of cards to reveal
the dangers and rewards which await your Fighter.

Strange maps 01 every

description hang on all
tour walls of this room,
and others he heaped on
the floor. You enter, but
find you are no! alone
Facing you is a ...


There are special rules for dealing with Monster and Hazard
cards. These rules are in the Dangers In the Dungeon
section below. If you want you can wait until you encounter a
monster or hazard before reading these rules.

.wbchis wonh


gold pieces. Smiting, you

pick It up and walk oul 01
the room.

Room Card

When the Narrator comes to the bottom of a card with an "End of

Room" box then the exploration of that room is finished. You
move your Fighter to one of the doorways leading out of the
room (your choice - you can go to the same doorway that you
came in by if you like), the Narrator puts the used Action cards
on the Discard Pile and your turn ends.
When the Narrator draws a Treasure card he reads the title and
description as usual and draws another card if the red arrow
tells him to. Then he gives you the Treasure card to keep.
Treasure cards are not put on the Discard Pile.



Narrator picks up the Map Room card followed by the Troll card
he should read out: "Map room. Strange maps of every
description hang on all four walls of this room, and others lie
heaped on the floor. You enter, but find you are not alone.
Facing you is a ... Troll which grins evily as it attacks.")


Monster Card

Treasure Card

the Game

The description on each card follows on from the previous one

so that the series of cards reads like a story. (Example: If the

The game ends when all the rooms have been explored. Add up
the values (in Gold Pieces) of the treasures which each of the
Fighters has collected, and the player with the most is the

Dangers in the Dungeon

Being Wounded

Monster and Hazard Cards

If your Fighter Is wounded:

- You turn your Fighter card over to show the ''Wounded
Fighter" side.
- Your Fighter retreats to the same red doorway square that he
came into the room by.
- The Narrator puts the Monster or Hazard card which wounded
your Fighter face down on the room space and puts the other
used Action cards (but not Treasure cards, which you keep) on
the Discard Pile.
- Your turn ends. (Note:The exploration of the room can be
continued later; see Partly Explored Rooms - below).

When the Narrator draws a Monster or Hazard card he reads out

the first part of the description (above the picture) and puts the
card face up next to your Fighter so that the boxes line up.
~ Fighter Facing a Monster


drops from the roof

After dealing With the

falling slab trap, you go
on searching

Fighter facing a Hazard


You do not miss a turn after being wounded. At the start of your
next turn your Fighter has recovered from his wounds - turn the
Fighter card back over and carry on as usual.

and find a ...


Now it's up to your Fighter to try to overcome the danger. Read

off the number on the Monster/Hazard card next to the red dot
on your Fighter card (Example:for Brand against the Troll the
number is 12 and against the Falling Slab it is 10) and roll one of
the dice.

If your Fighter's roll is the same as or more than the

number, then your Fighter has killed the Monster or overcome
the Hazard. The Narrator reads out the rest of the description
and draws another card if the red arrow tells him to.
If your Fighter's roll is less than the number, then:
-If the danger is a Hazard your Fighter is wounded.
This ends your turn (see Being Wounded - below).
-If the danger Is a Monster your Fighter's attack has
missed and the Monster attacks back:
The Narrator finds the number on your Fighter card next to
the red dot on the Monster card (Example: For the Troll against
Brand this number is 13) and rolls one of the dice.
if the Monster's roll is the same as or more than the
number, then the Monster has hit and wounded your Fighter
(see Being Wounded - below).
If the Monster's roll is Jess than the number, then it has
missed and your Fighter attacks again. If your Fighter misses
then the Monster attacks again, and so on until he either kills
the Monster or is wounded. No matter how many attacks this
takes, they are all contained within your one turn.

Partly Explored


Any Fighter can enter a partly explored room and take up the
action from where it was left off. The first thing he has to do is to
deal with any Monster or Hazard card left there.
In the turn after your Fighter has been wounded, he can either
go straight back into the room or move away to try somewhere
else. If you move away, you can return to the room later, but
this may give other players the chance to go in and finish the
exploration while you are away. (Note: If another Fighter was
waiting at one of the other doorways to the room during your
turn he will have the chance to slip in before your turn comes
round again).

Playing Solo
LEGEND OF HEROESTM is a very easy game to play on
your own. You explore the Dungeon in the normal way, but
the game ends after your Fighter has been wounded eight
times (tick them off on a piece of paper). After he has
suffered eight wounds your Fighter is so exhausted that
he has to leave the Dungeon, so add up how much
treasure he has found. Next time you play, your object is
to collect more treasure while only being wounded the
same number of times.
e TSR UK LId 1987. LEGEND OF HEROES Is a Irademarkof TSR Inc. All RlghlS Reserved.





Read the Starter Game Rules First
The Expanded Game builds on the Starter Game, adding new challenges and extra
excitement to your adventures. If you have not played the Starter Game, you may want
to try it first before attempting the Expanded game.

What's Different About the Expanded Game?

In the Expanded Game there are rules for Using Magical
Spells and new rules for Being Wounded. However, the
most important difference is that, instead of just a solitary
Fighter, each player now takes a group (called a "Party") of
five heroic companions on an exploration of the Dungeons of
Legend. Each of the five Heroes has his own special powers
and abilities:
- Fighters and Dwarves are good at fighting most kinds of
- Clerics are good a fighting some Monsters and can heal
wounded Heroes,
- Rogues are very good at dealing with Hazards, and
- Magic Users can cast magical spells.
The way to win is still to have the most treasure at the end of
the game when all of the rooms have been explored.

New Rules
The Expanded Game uses many of the same rules as the
Starter Game. The important new rules are printed in itallies
and marked with a star (*).


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Setting Up

Moving Around

Lay the board out on a table. The board shows the rooms and
corridors of the Dungeons of Legend.

During the game, players take turns to move their Parties of


Dungeon Entrance



You do not use the dice to move. Each turn your Party moves
from one of the red doorway squares to another. The only
restrictions are that the two doorways must be linked by a
corridor or room (w~h no other doors in between), and that you
cannot move to the same doorway as another Party. (Example:
in the situation below the Party can move through the room to A,
or along the corridor to B or C, but they cannot move straight to
D or E).

Separate out the five kinds of Action Cards (Rooms, Features,

Monsters, Hazards and Treasures) from the pack and shuffle
each pile. Put the rest of the pack on one side for a minute.

Action Cards

Deal one Room card (face down) onto each room space on the
board. The two Room cards left over are not used so put them
on one Side (this is the start of the Discard Pile). Put the other
four piles of Action cards (face down) next to the board.

If your Party's move takes them through a room containing a

Room card or any other Action card (Feature, Monster, Hazard
or Treasure) then they must pause to explore the room ...

Let each player try rolling one of the

special20-sided LEGEND OF
HEROES dice. They work just like
ordinary dice - your score is the
number on the top. (Example: in the
illustration on the right the score would
be 8). The player with the highest
score goes first in the game.

Exploring Rooms
When your Party enters a room containing an Action card, the
player on your right picks it up and reads out the title and
description. This player is called the Narrator. (Note: if very
young children are playing then any older player can be the

In turn, each player chooses a coloured token to represent their

Party of Heroes as they explore the Dungeon, and puts it on a
red doorway square next to one of the five purple dungeon
entrance circles (only one Party can start from each entrance).
Separate out the Spell cards from the pack, shuffle them and
deal one to each player. Put the left-over Spell cards in a pile
(face down) next to the board. This is the "Spell Pile".
Separate out the five kinds of Hero cards (Fighters, Dwarves,
Clerics, Rogues and Magic Users) from the pack and give one
of each kind to each player. There is no advantage in having
any particular ones, but you must have one of each type. Any
Hero cards left over go on the Discard Pile.


Reading a Series of Action Cards


As your party of Heroes explores the Dungeon, it is important

to know which of them is at the front of the group (the 'Leeder").
To show which Hero is at the front, layout your five Hero cards
in a row with the coloured, "non-wounded" sides up. Put the
Hero that you want to have in the lead at the right-hand end.
During the game there will be plenty of opportunities to change
which Hero is leading. (Hint: To begin with, most players put
their Fighter or Dwarf at the front). Put the Spell card (face up)
near the Magic User.

A Party of Heroes with Rolfe as the Leader





Strange maps 01 every

description hang on all
four waJls of this room,
and others he heaped on
the uccr. You enter, but
find you are not alone.
Facing you is a ..


the Party


Most Action cards lead on to another Action card. When the

Narrator reaches the bottom of a card the red arrow tells him
what kind of card to pick up next (from the appropriate pile). In
this way, the Narrator reads through a series of cards to reveal
the dangers and rewards which await your Heroes .

whICh is worth


gold pieces. Smiling. you

pick it up and walk out of
the room


Room Card

Monster Card

Treasure Card

The description on each card follows on from the previous one

so that the series of cards reads like a story. (Example: If the
Narrator picks up the Map Room card followed by the Troll card
he should read out: "Map room. Strange maps of every
description hang on all four walls of this room, and others lie
heaped on the floor. You enter, but find you are not alone.
Facing you is a ... Troll which grins evily as it attacks.")
When the Narrator comes to the bottom of a card with an "End of
Room" box then the exploration of that room is finished. You
move your Party to one of the doorways leading out of the room
(your choice - you can go to the same doorway that you came
in by if you like), the Narrator puts the used Action cards on the
Discard Pile and your turn ends.
When the Narrator draws a Treasure card he reads the title and
description as usual and draws another card if the red arrow

tells him to. Then he gives you the Treasure card to keep.
Treasure cards are not put on the Discard Pile.
There are special rules for dealing with Monster and Hazard
cards. These rules are in the Dangers In the Dungeon

Ending the Game

The game ends when all the rooms have been explored. Add up
the value (in Gold Pieces) of the treasures which each Party
has collected - the player with the most is the winner!

Dangers in the Dungeon

.. Changing Leader
When the Narrator comes to a red arrow telling him to draw a
Monster or Hazard card he must tell you what type of card
(Monster or Hazard) is coming and give you a chance to change
your party Leader before he draws the card from the pile.
You do not have to change Leader, but if you want to then
decide which Hero you want to be the new Leader and swap the
two cards.

After the Monster has attacked back (and whether or not it hit
your Leader) you can retreat from the room if you want to by
putting your Party back on the doorway square from which they
came into the room. The Narrator puts the Monster card face
down on the room and the other used action cards on the
Discard pile, and your turn ends.
/( you did not retreat, you can change Leader if you want to by
swapping his card for one of the other Heroes. Now your Leader
attacks the Monster, and so on until the Monster is killed or you
retreat. No matter how many attacks this takes, they are all
contained within your one turn. You have the option to retreat or
change Leader after each of the Monster's attacks.

.. Using Magical Spells

~In a fight with a Monster your Magic User can attack in the
same way as the other Heroes, but he is not vel)' good at it. The
best way for Magic Users to attack is by using Magical Spells .
Your magic User can only cast a Magical Spell if he has a Spell
card and if he is at the front of the Party. Instead of putting the
Magic User and Monster cards next to each other, you put the
Spell card (face up) between them so that the boxes line up .
Then you roll one of the dice.



Spell (roll 7 or more)

Making Brand the New Party Leader




No Effecf

If the magic User's roll is Jess than the number given under
the spell name then the spell has automatically failed.
(Example: an Ice Storm spell fails if you roll less than 7).

When the Narrator draws a Monster card he reads out the first
part of the description (above the picture) and puts the card
face up next to your Party Leader so that the boxes line up.

If the Magic User's roll is the same as or more than the

number then the Monster has been overcome by the spell
unless it is immune to its effects. To check for this, read what
is written on the Spell card in the box next to the red dot on the
Monster card. "Success" means that the Monster is overcome
and the fight is over. "No Eiiect" means that the Monster is
unaffected and can attack the Magic User in the usual way.
(Hint: It is wise to make sure that a monster is not immune to a
spell before you cast it).
Whether or not your spell is successful it can only be used
once. After it is cast, put the spell card back with the others in
the Spell Pile and shuffle them .

...Regalnglng Spells
Now it's up to your Leader to try to fight the Monster. Read off
the number on the Monster card next to the red dot on your
Leader's card (Example: for Brand against the Troll the number
is 12) and roll one of the dice.

A Magic User who has cast his spell can learn a new one by
taking time to read his spell books. To give him time to do this
you must miss a turn. At the end of the turn you take the top
card from the Spell Pile and put it with your magic User.

If your Leader's roll is the same as or more than the

number then your Leader has killed the Monster. The Narrator
reads out the rest of the description and draws another card if

A Magic User can only have one Spell card at a time.

If your Leader's roll is less than the number, then your

Leader's attack has missed and the Monster attacks back. The
Narrator finds the number on your Leader's card next to the red
dot on the Monster card (Example: For the Troll against Brand
this number is 13) and rolls one of the dice. If the Monster's roll
is the same as or more than the number, then the Monster
has hit and wounded your Leader (see the new rules for Being
Wounded - below). If the Monster's roll is less then it has

Hazards are treated very much like Monsters. Put the Hazard
card next to the Leader so that the boxes line up and read off
the number next to the red dot on the Leader's card. (Example:
If Brand is facing the Falling Slab the number is 10). Then roll
one of the dice.
If the Leader's roll is the same as or more than the number
then he has overcome the Hazard. The Narrator reads out the
rest of the description and draws another card if necessary.

If yourLeader's roll is less than the number, then he is

wounded (see the new rules for Being Wounded - below). If
you want, you can retreat from the room by putting your Party
back on the doorway square from which they came into the
room. The Narrator puts the Hazard card face down on the room
and the other used action cards on the Discard pile, and your
turn ends.
If you do not want to retreat, you can change Leader if you
want to by swapping his card for one of the other Heroes. Now
.your Leader has another attempt at overcoming the hazard,
and so on until you are successful or until you retreat. No
matter how many tries this takes, they are all contained within
your one turn. You have the option to retreat or change Leader
after each attempt.
Magical Spells have no effect on Hazards.

.. Being Wounded
When a Hero is wounded you turn his card over to show the
"Wounded" side.
Wounded Heroes do not recover from their injuries
automatically. Instead, there are two special ways of healing

1. If there is a Cleric in your Party he can use his special

magical powers of healing to cure all of your wounded Heroes
(including himself). To give the Cleric time to do this you must
miss a (urn. At the end of the turn, turn all wounded Hero cards
back over to show the "non-wounded" side.
2. If you do not have a Cleric then your Heroes can visit the
Magical Fountain near the centre of the Dungeon. If you end a
turn on the red doorway square next to the Fountain you can
immediately turn over all your wounded Hero cards. You do not

have to miss

a turn.

The Magical Fountain

Your Magic User can learn a new spell during the same turn
that your Cleric is healing Heroes, but a trip to the Magical
Fountain will not give him a new spell .

Killing Heroes
*If a Hero Is wounded again while he Is already
wounded then he Is dead! Remove his card from its place
,at the front of the party and put it on the Discard Pile. The next
Hero along automatically becomes the new Leader .
* If all of your Heroes are killed you are out of the

Partly Explored Rooms

Any Party can enter a partly explored room and take up the
action from where it was left off. The first thing they have to do
is to deal with any Monster or Hazard left there.
In the turn after your Party has retreated, they can either go
straight back into the room or move away to try somewhere
else. If you move away, you can return to the room later, but
this may give other players the chance to go in and finish the
exploration while you are away. (Note: If another Party was
waiting at one of the other doorways to the room during your
turn they will have the chance to slip in before your turn comes
round again).


LEGEND OF HEROES is what is known as a role-playing adventure game. One exciting thing about role-playing adventure games is
that, once you get used to the normal way of playing, you can go on adding or changing rules to increase the interest or excitement of
the adventures - or just to see what happens!
There is more about role-playing adventure games in the section "What Next ... T', but first here are some optional rules which you might
like to try after you have played the Expanded Game a few times. You don't have to use all of them (or any of them if you don't want to)
and you may find that you enjoy some more than others. Anyway, here goes ...

Choosing Spells

Making Treasures Heavy

At the start of the game, instead of drawing a Spell card at

random for their Magic Users, players can choose (in turn)
which one they want from the ones available. In a similar way,
when your Magic User learns a new spell, you can choose
which one to take from the Spell Pile.

In a dangerous dungeon it is important not to be weighed down

with too much baggage. Each Hero can only carry one piece of
treasure, so a Party can only have as many Treasure cards as
it has members. If your Party finds any more treasures than this
(or if any Heroes are killed) then the excess treasure(s) must be
dropped at once in the room. You can choose which treasure(s)
to drop.

Choosing Heroes
Instead of each player having one of each kind of Hero, players
can choose which five Heroes they want to make up their party.
During the Setting Up, the players (in turn) select one Hero at a
time from the pack until each player has a Party of five.
Deciding which Heroes to take is a tricky business since
having more than one of any kind of Hero means that you will
have to leave behind one of the other types of Hero. In the end,
your Party will be stronger in some ways than a normal Party
and weaker in others. We're giving no hints, so try a few
combinations and see what happens!
Note: if you have a Party with more than one Magic User, each
of them has one spell. Each Magic User has his own spell(s)
and they cannot be swapped.

Dropped treasures are unguarded (even ~ they are left in a

partly explored room) and can be picked automatically up by
any Party passing through or exploring the room.



Graeme Morris
Graeme Morris & Rik Rose
Brian Gough & Pete Young

Produced in the UK by:


The Mill,
Rathmore Road,
Cambridge CB1 4AD


and the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The LEGEND OF HEROES game is a Role-playing Adventure game: "Role-playing"
because the players take on the roles of heroic characters, and "Adventure" because
those Heroes are taken on an adventure in a land of mystery and excitement. The game is
complete in itself, but you can use it as the first step towards even more exciting role-playing
adventures ...
An adventure game which doesn't use a board, or cards, or tokens - where adventures can
take place anywhere you like and where your own imagination is the only limit to where you
can go and what you can do!
A role-playing game where every player's heroic character is unique and where your hero
lives on from game to game, gaining in power and renown, so that the adventure need
never end!
An adventure game with hundreds of different monsters and hazards, and more amazing
treasures than you could ever dream of. Where the challenges to be met and the rewards to
be gained are always different and always exciting!

... there is such a game - the



In many ways, the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game is similar to the LEGEND OF HEROES
game. The players' heroic characters set out on amazing adventures in a magical world
where they meet fearsome monsters and deadly hazards in a search for fame and riches.
The difference is that the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game offers a whole host of new
possibilities for role-playing adventures - so many more that the game comes in a whole
series of Boxed Sets which lead on one from the other (a bit like the Expanded rules adding
to the Starter rules).
If you want to take your next step into the amazing world of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
game, you should get the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Basic Set in the red box.
Inside you'll find two big rule books - the Players Manual and the Dungeon Masters
Rulebook - and even more special dice (not just the 20-sided kind used in the LEGEND OF
HEROES game). Read the Players Manual first. In it you'll find a lot of things that are
familiar, a lot of things which are new, and a gateway to a whole new world of adventuring!

... an introduction to the monsters you could meet in the Dungeons of Legend.

Unlike the statues which adorn old

buildings in our own world, the gargoyles
in the Dungeon of Legend are living
creatures with leathery wings and sharp
fangs. They are evil and malicious, and
hide in the shadows ready to swoop
down on unsuspecting victims.



The dragon has lived here for thousands

of years, and is probably the most
dangerous of all the monsters in the
Dungeon since it breathes out a blast of
fire that can frazzle any Hero. Even so,
with a bit of bravery (and luck), even this
fearsome monster can be overcome.

The vampire looks like a tall, handsome

man with small sharp fangs and red
glowing eyes. He hates the daylight and
hides in the dark chambers and
passages of the Dungeon where he lives
on the blood of his victims. He's clever,
so be on your guard for a man in a black






The hobgoblins are ugly man-like

creatures over 6 feet tall. They were sent
to the Dungeon to guard a special
treasure, but they eventually lost it and
now wander around aimlessly.
Sometimes hobgoblins will attack you on
sight, but sometimes they just run awayl

The ogres are a bit like the hobgoblinsbut worse. The only advantage Heroes
have is that ogres are very stupid. If you
meet one, remember that brains are
often just as much use in a fight as



The cyclops is a giant with a single eye in

the centre of his forehead. He is too tall
for the Dungeon and ~eps bumping his.
head on the doorways so he always has'
a headache and is always very angry!

One of the strangest inhabitants of the

Dungeons of Legend is a skeleton which
walks around as if it was alive. The
skeleton was animated by magic and has
a single purpose - to attack any creature
it meets!

A troll is a 9-foot-tall, man-like creature

with green skin, black eyes, and long
sharp teeth and claws. Its sense of smell
is very good, and it uses it to seek out
victims in the darkness of the Dungeon.




Giant, spiders look just like ordinary

spiders - except that they are 4 feet
long! They scuttle around the Dungeon
constantly searching for food - and
you're on the menu! Avoid their deadly
poisonous fangs at all costsl




The minotaur has the body of a tall,

strong man but the head of a bull. He
regards the Dungeon as his personal
domain and he will attack any intruders
without warning using his horns and the
huge battle-axe which he carries.

The ghost of the Dungeon floats around

the rooms and corridors, giving out an
endless, mournful wail. Ghosts can be
nasty wherever you meet them, and this
one is no exception.


The mummy is so swathed in bandages

that it moves very slowly, but don't let
that give you the idea that it isn't
dangerous. Once it has you in its
incredibly strong arms it can literally
squeeze the life out of you!

The werewolf is a cursed creature that is

half-man and half-wolf. Shunned by the
ouside world, he has taken refuge in the
Dungeons where he lives with the other
monsters. His hatred of all those from
the outside is so great that he will attack
Heroes on sight.

Giant Rat


Any abandoned ruin is likely to be

infested with rats, but the rats in the
Dungeons of Legend are real giants - as
big as a large dog! They aren't too much
of a problem for a well-armed Hero, but
watch out for their teeth.

The medusa is a woman with writhing

snakes instead of hair. Her face is so
horrible that even a glance can turn you
to stone. The only way to avoid this
horrible fate is not to look her.

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