The NY Conservative: Uiet Lection Ear?

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The NY Conservative

January 2010 Volume 16 Issue 1


What had promised to be an “off ” cials, in each of the major parties, consid- The State Party had not knowingly issued
election year turned out to be one that ered running for the soon to be vacated a Wilson/Pakula to candidates who
totally energized “Big C” and “little c” seat. Local officials, state senators and choose to run on the Working Families
conservatives in New York and the nation. assembly members, even an active member Party line as the agenda put forth by the
When President Obama tapped upstate of the Armed Forces stationed in Iraq! WFP is the antithesis of everything we
Congressman John McHugh to be Army The Republican leaders were still smarting profess.
Secretary, no one could have predicted the from the “closed door” process that took Many believed we would not have a
ensuing campaign! It was just what the place earlier in the year for the 20th CD, credible candidate and for a time that was
doctor ordered; a quiet man fed-up with so they tried a different approach in the true. In July, Chairman Long met the
the status quo tossed his hat into the ring selection process; everyone was led to person who rekindled the spirit of a true
never anticipating how much of a political believe that the nomination of the candi- political battle for what was right for those
storm it would cause. date would be as open as possible amongst who live in the district. Shunned by the
Only two Congressional races were the eleven county leaders. Republican leaders, Doug Hoffman went
taking place in November: one in Anticipating that the Democrat Party on to ignite the fire within voters by
California, which was hardly noticed, and would nominate a popular pro-life state reminding them that our nation’s founding
the one in the 23rd Congressional senator from the district, the 11 county principles are more important than ever in
District, which managed to gain interna- GOP leaders settled on an equally popular today’s world. Professional politicians
tional attention. assemblywoman, knowing that the seem to ignore this simple fact.
When President Obama nominated Conservative Party would not nominate a The unrest had been brewing all
McHugh in late May, many elected offi- candidate who runs on the WFP line. “Quiet Election Year” Continued on Pg. 6


The beginning of New York’s 2009 citizens of New York to read about their budget. How can we raise more money?
Legislative Session was the first time in “leaders” acting like children. Is there anything else we can tax? The
forty years that one political party con- Politics has always been about the art budget that Members passed and the
trolled both houses and the Governorship. of compromise – different ideas, different Governor signed, was touted by the
Naturally, everyone anticipated it would be ideals, different ways to come together to Division of the Budget on April 28 as
“smooth sailing” for the liberals as they benefit all of society. By June of 2009, this “Budget Agreement Closes $20.1 Billion
were in charge of every aspect of New legislative session had become West Side Budget Gap, Largest in State Histor y;
York’s government. Story with a fear that nothing would be Reduces Multi-year Budget Deficit by More
By the end of the year, it was obvious resolved. Finally, leadership roles were Than 70 Percent”. Yet, only a short 6
that two-party control was not what made resolved and the real business of passing months later, the Governor was telling us
Albany dysfunctional. Instead, New bills returned. that we do not have enough money to pay
Yorkers witnessed one of the most bizarre However, the financial recession and our bills and called the Members back to
legislative sessions in modern day history. unchecked spending had taken quite a toll an Extraordinary Session to enact budget
W hile it was evident to the on New York’s budget and bickering began cuts. After weeks of non-decisions, an
Conservative Party that getting our leg- again as it was apparent that the $131.8 agreement was finally reached on
islative agenda adopted under one party billion budget passed in March that December 2, 2009. The enacted deficit
reduction legislation is projected to
rule would be difficult, we at least knew included $12.1 billion more in spending
achieve $2.7 billion in current year savings,
what we were up against. Or so we than last year produced a financial crisis as
not the $3.2 billion needed – and the
thought. Little did we know the Session New York was running out of money. whole creation still relies on old-school
would become fodder for late night come- New York was facing a $3.2 billion imme- smoke and mirrors.
dians; it was disappointing and uncom- diate budget gap. According to the Press Release from
fortable to watch as different factions What would be cut? Health care? the DOB, issued on December 2, the
fought for control. It was offensive to the Education? The two biggest areas in the
“Longest Session” Continued on Pg. 4

contents… 2 43rd Annual Conference Eagerly Awaited! 4 Change We Did Not Ask For
2 Photos from 2009 5 Excerpts from the Executive Director
3 Conference Registration Form 6 Article Continued from page 1
43rd Annual Conference Eagerly Awaited!
Thanks to Doug Hoffman’s principled leadership in the 23rd And if you were thrilled to see a principled conservative like
Congressional District race this year, we’re seeing a new enthu- Doug Hoffman standing up to the politics-as-usual establish-
siasm for conservative ideas. Not since the 1990 Governor’s race ment, you may just have a chance to thank him personally at our
that championed Herb London or the 1970’s race that elected conference!
Senator James L. Buckley have we seen grassroots New Yorkers Need another reason to join us? The Conservative Party is
so energized – and now it’s time to bring that energy to this pleased to announce our featured luncheon speaker, Judge
year’s elections Andrew P. Napolitano – a frequent Fox News contributor, noted
The Conservative Party’s 43rd Annual Conference – sched- authorand Constitutional expert, and one of the hosts of Brian
uled for Sunday, January 31 and Monday, February 1, 2010 in and the Judge.
Albany – promises to give every attendee the ideas and strategies Judge Napolitano is the youngest life-tenured Superior
that will help conservatives win this fall. Court judge in the history of the State of New Jersey. While on
Issues win campaigns – and at this year’s Conference, you’ll the bench from 1987 to 1995, Judge Napolitano tried more than
have a chance to hear what the experts have to say on the hot 150 jury trials and sat in all parts of the Superior Court – crim-
issues that will be the focus of the 2010 elections. inal, civil, equity and family. He has handled thousands of sen-
Want to hear county executives discussing the impact of tencings, motions, hearings and divorces. For 11 years, he served
state mandates on local governments – or law enforcement as an adjunct professor at Seton Hall Law School, where he
experts explaining the problems created by soft-on-crime, left taught constitutional law and jurisprudence. Judge Napolitano
leaning politicians? Want an update on the dangers of New returned to private law practice in 1995 and began television
York’s election-year budget, and the lawmakers who continue to broadcasting in the same year.
spend as if money really does grow on trees? Or how about the Whatever your reason is for attending, the Conservative
latest info from “blog” pros who can teach us the most effective Party’s 43rd Annual Conference will give you all the information,
way to have our voices heard in real time? You’ll find it all at this strategic insights and inspiration you need to help bring real
year’s Conference. hope and change back to New York State. Please join us!

A few photos from the Conservative scene in 2009

1 2

3 4 1) Participants at 2009 CPPAC.

2) Conservative Party Legislator of the Year 2008
Assemblyman Michael J. Fitzpatrick at 2009
3) Sen. Jim DeMint at 47th Annual Dinner. David
Keene on the left of Sen. DeMint; Chairman Long
on the right.
4) Ambassador John R. Bolton, Recipient of the
2009 Charles Edison Memorial Award at our Fall
Reception. Pictured with Chairman Long.

Photo credits: (1) Shaun Marie (2) Shaun Marie (3) Ron Glassman (4) Michael Ian

Page 2
Registration Form for the 43rd Annual
Conservative Party
Political Action Conference (CPPAC)
January 31 ~ February 1, 2010
Holiday Turf Inn, 205 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205
Meet Conservative Party leaders and conservative thinking activists from throughout the state for a two-day series of seminars and
panels on issues and political techniques designed to enhance your ability to deal with the key problems facing the state and nation. (See
related article on page 2.)
Issue seminars/panels include: National and International Issues; Economic Issues; Campaigns and other timely subjects. Registration
begins at Noon on Sunday and the last session on Sunday will end at approximately 6:30 PM. Monday’s registration begins at 8:30 AM,
Sessions begin at 9:00 AM and lunch is scheduled for 12:30 PM. The evening concludes with a Cocktail Reception and Dinner beginning
at 6:30 PM.
Attendance for the Sunday afternoon or Monday morning seminar sessions only is $25.00. A special $15.00 rate is available for
students with a VALID student ID. The fees for the meals and cocktail hour are noted below and include the cost of the Seminar. For
more information call the Conservative Party Albany office at 518-356-7882 or email your questions to

HOTEL RESERVATIONS: You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations. Call 1-518-458-7264 or 1-800-HOLIDAY
(1-800-465-4329) 24 hours a day. The block of rooms is under “Conservative Party.” Special rate of $100.00 is good until Saturday,
January 9, 2010 ONLY. (Holiday Turf Inn will not honor this rate past this date.)

To register, fill out the form and return it by Tuesday, January 26, 2010 to: NYS Conservative Party, 325 Parkview
Drive, Schenectady, New York 12303-5644. Checks should be made payable to: NYSCP – Conference Account. CPPAC fees are
not tax-deductible as charitable contributions.

Please PRINT the following information: You may photocopy this form for your reservation or for additional reservations.



City: State: Zip:

Day Tel: ( ) Evening Tel: ( )

E-mail Address (please print):

Party Position (if any): Congressional District:

Rates per Person (If you are paying for the Package, the cost of the Seminar is included.)
q Sunday and Monday Seminars Only: $25.00 ($15.00 for Students with valid I.D.)
q Monday Luncheon: $35.00
q Monday Reception: $50.00
q Monday Dinner: $50.00
q Monday Lunch, Reception, Dinner Package: $135.00 (See below for Special Pre-Paid Pricing. )
Pre-Paid Package Specials: CHECKS MUST BE RECEIVED BY Tuesday, January 26, 2010.
q Monday Lunch, Reception, Dinner Package: $120.00
q Reception & Dinner Package: $95.00
q Lunch & Reception Package: $75.00

Enclosed is my check for: $ for payment in full for the above named person(s).

Page 3
“Longest Session” Continued from Pg. 1 The 2010 Legislative Session begins ances New York’s budget. It is an illusion
with the 2009 budget taking money from that has lasted far too long.
DRP assumes that the winning Aqueduct the 2010 budget. Members increased the Albany can no longer be the subject of
Video Lottery Terminal bidder will make 2009 budget by $12.1 billion in a non- late night comedy. Strong leaders have to
a franchise payment of at least $200 mil- election year (for them) and fought every make the right choices, no matter how dif-
lion in the 2009-10 fiscal year; that more effort to reduce spending. How will they ficult it is. Everyday families make diffi-
aggressive Medicaid fraud recovery targets balance their insatiable need to spend in cult decisions in order to provide the
will be set for the Office of Medicaid an election year? How will New York’s necessities for survival; New York is at that
Inspector General (OMIG) will produce citizens survive their insatiable need to same crossroad: Make the right decision
$150 million in savings; another $49 mil- spend? or bankruptcy is inevitable.
lion will be from certain insurers who have We will not.
indicated their intention to remit excess New York’s citizens must be vigilant; The Conservative Party is Right for New York.
funds under legislation enacted as part the we have to be united against the special
2009-10 budget. The full press release is interest groups that continue to demand
at: if you want that more government money and pro- has been redesigned. Check out
to examine how the deficit reduction plan grams will bring solvency back to New the new site — and join us
is anything more than shuffling the deck York. If one truly believes that, than they
chairs on the Titanic! believe the smoke and mirrors that bal- on Twitter and Facebook, too!


At the beginning of the year, most worry. Taxpayers should be concerned, spending to be an acceptable result, espe-
Americans who voted for Barack Obama too: The Obama Administration’s “binge cially when no jobs are being created and
believed he would continue along the cen- spending” has added $400 billion to the people are in fact still losing their jobs.
trist path he followed during his cam- 2009 budget deficit – and that doesn’t For forty plus years, the New York
paign. He did promise “change,” but most include costly Obama initiatives like Cap State Conservative Party has sounded the
Americans have learned that they got and Trade and Health Care Reform! If alarms regarding out of control spending,
more than they bargained for after left unchecked, the budget deficit will in our state and our country, but few
watching our new “centrist” President’s triple by 2019 leaving more government politicians were paying attention – until
sharp turn to the left. debt under President Obama than under one day in September 2008, when the
Even Conservatives who knew that every President in American history, from house of cards came crashing down. For
Obama was “all talk” were surprised at George Washington to George W. Bush, years, people had read about the stock
how fast he switched gears. Just look at the combined. market crash of 1929, and saw it as ancient
first bill President Obama signed, a quick We know this is not the change history – something that could not happen
9 days after being sworn in: The Lilly America voted for – and the American again, since America had taken precau-
Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act – a people made that very clear this summer tions and put safety nets in place so that
rallying issue for the left that was passed as TEA Parties popped up all across the the government could provide for those “in
by the Democrat majorities in Congress. countr y. People can do the math: need.”
This bill change a narrowly decided (5-4) Currently, Washington spends $30,958 per All of a sudden, people have realized
2007 Supreme Court decision that ruled household; that number will surge by that they are the government, and that
Ms. Ledbetter’s case was time-barred thousands of dollars in the coming years, when government gives a “helping hand”
when she filed an equal-pay lawsuit thanks to the Obama tax-and-spend to whoever wants it, what’s really hap-
regarding pay discrimination under Title agenda. The President’s friends in the pening is that our hard-earned money is
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The media are quick to point out that Obama being redistributed by Washington
first attempt to change the Supreme Court has promised to cut the deficit in half by bureaucrats. Americans are generous and
decision was rejected by the Republicans 2013. What the press and the President more than willing to help those who
in the Senate in 2008, but with Democrats do not mention is that the deficit has cannot help themselves, but will not have
in control of both houses in 2009, they lost nearly quadrupled this year. Merely cut- their hard earned dollars taken from them
no time in passing this bill that essentially ting it in half from that level would still to give to those who do not want to help
eliminates any time limits as to when a leave budget deficits twice as high as themselves.
person can file a discriminatory pay law- under President George W. Bush – and Perhaps this is why President Obama
suit – and Obama was happy to sign it we all know what his spending did to his is in such a hurry to change America; he
into law. Less than ten days in office and approval ratings. knows if he continues the change that
companies large and small were facing the As people fear that they may lose Americans obviously do not want, he will
first of many potential burdens imposed by their jobs, they understand the need to cut be a one-term president.
the Obama Administration. spending – and they are fed up with politi- The elections of 2010 will be the first
Bailouts, Cap and Trade, Health Care cians who have not learned that lesson. indications of the strength of the TEA
Reform, people afraid and unable to pur- Taxpayers are no longer willing to look the Party activists. All we need now are good
chase goods, state governments overtaxing other way. They want results, and they candidates who are willing to earn our
corporations to cover their shortfalls – want them now – and the vast majority of support – and America will be back on
these are all valid reasons for businesses to taxpayers do NOT consider more track with change we can live with.

Page 4
Excerpts from The song’s final verse should stand as a
stark reminder to those who have staked
In the debate over traditional mar-
riage, the power of “we, the people” was
the Executive Director: their careers on the stated theme of
change; “The order is rapidly fadin’, And the
clear. The Members of the Legislature
who voted to uphold the sanctity of mar-
first one now, Will later be last, For the times riage listened to the voices of their con-
When Bob Dylan wrote “The Times they are a-changin’.” Change is coming stituents who are committed to rekindling
They Are A’Changin’” in 1963, I do not again. People are genuinely fed up with the ideals outlined in our United States
think he had 2009 politics in mind. In government’s takeover of our everyday Constitution.
fact, when released in 1964, many who lives. Those who understand that big gov- We salute the Members of both
were involved in the left’s liberal agenda ernment is the problem will lead this new houses who stood with us.
were those who used Dylan’s hit as their charge for change. A special thank you to Rev. Stephen
theme in the turbulent Sixties. The third When Dylan wrote his anthem of Christopher for his valiant run for Mayor
stanza “Come senators, congressmen, Please
change, Dan Mahoney and Kieran of NYC.
heed the call, Don't stand in the doorway,
O’Doherty were also very much involved Congratulations to Doug Hoffman,
Don't block up the hall, For he that gets hurt,
Will be he who has stalled, There’s a battle with changing the way politics ruled New for making believers out of many who gave
outside, And it is ragin’. It’ll soon shake your York State. The Conservative Party has up on the political process.
windows, And rattle your walls, For the times also labored in the fields to keep politi- Congratulations to all the voters
they are a-changin’,” was considered by cians focused on the values that are the throughout the state that began the
many to be the rallying call to get involved foundation of America. Conservatives process of bringing government back to its
in politics to change America. acknowledge the wisdom of our founding original intent. Congratulations to all the
Is the final verse a prediction of our fathers and seek to keep the principles that TEA Party members; we welcome you to
future? “The order is rapidly fadin’, And the created the one Nation on earth that has our camp.
first one now, Will later be last, For the times truly improved our world over the past 200 Most of all, congratulations to all who
they are a-changin’.” Change is coming years. Since its founding, America has are committed to the Conservative move-
again and those who understand that big shared its bounty and its knowledge with ment in America, for understanding that
government is the problem will lead the all that have come to our shores and all we are responsible for keeping our great
charge. who have asked for our help. We are a nation safe from all who are dedicated to
Those who adored Dylan’s songs in nation that seeks peace, not war – and we changing it.
the 60s also loved Big Government, and help provide peace to those who seek it. May God bless you and yours as He
believed it had all the solutions to fabri- Americans have accomplished great scien- has blessed my children and me. May
cated problems. For forty plus years, they tific, economic and medical advances God continue to keep America safe and
labored behind the scenes, taught in our without government control. guide our elected officials as they make the
universities, preached in our churches, You and I know one party rule is not decision that affect our daily lives and the
organized our communities and in 2008 what made America great. You and I know lives of our brave Armed Forces. May
elected an individual who promised that the future of our grandchildren is at stake 2010 be the year that all elected officials
“Change” was, finally, on its way. Bob and we must keep the “battle ragin” and understand the true meaning of govern-
Dylan’s dream had come true. He wrote a once again make sure the “The Times They ment… to not intrude in our lives beyond
song in 1963 that he wanted to be a delib- Are A’Changin” back again to what made the measure needed to maintain order.
erate attempt to create an anthem of America the beacon of the free world. Voters are beginning to understand what
change for the moment, and in 1985 I truly believe that 2010 will be the Thomas Jefferson meant when he said
stated, “This was definitely a song with a year when two different ideals will reach “A Government big enough to give you
purpose.” their crescendo and only one will truly everything you want, is strong enough to
So mission accomplished? Not quite. survive. take everything you have.”

Subscription Rates: The NY Conservative is available by subscription only.

Yearly rate is $5.00. In order to continue receiving The NY Conservative please PRINT the following:

City: ST: ZIP:

Make check payable to Conservative Party of NYS and mail to:
Conservative Party of NYS, 486 78th Street, Fort Hamilton Station, NY 11209. Thank you for your continued support.

THE NY CONSERVATIVE Chairman: Michael R. Long Editor: Shaun Marie

Letters to the Editor and Mail: Please include the writer’s name, address and phone number.
Please send to: New York State Conservative Party, Albany Office, 325 Parkview Drive, Schenectady, New York 12303-5644
Your support of the Conservative Party gives us the resources we need to continue challenging the “politics as usual” crowd in Albany,
and to protect the public interest against the liberal, New York City special interests. Our commitment to policies for welfare reform,
smaller government, lower taxes, reducing crime and respecting life cannot continue to advance without your continued support.
For reprints of THE NY CONSERVATIVE, please call 1-718-921-2158.
Contributions are not tax-deductible. Paid for by the New York State Conservative Party l 486 78th Street l Fort Hamilton Station l NY 11209

Page 5
The NY Conservative n
Quiet Election Year?
The Longest Legislative Session
43rd Annual Conference Eagerly Awaited
n Registration Form for Our 43rd Annual Conservative Party
Political Action Conference (CPPAC) — January 31 ~ February 1
n Change We Did Not Ask For
n Excerpts from the Executive Director

New York State Conservative Party

Albany Office
325 Parkview Drive
Schenectady, New York 12303

“Quiet Election Year” Cont. from Pg. 1 Doug Hoffman gave people the hope that numbers plummeting; it was apparent that
they would actually be represented by a the Republican candidate would finish
summer long, in the 23rd CD and across
peer; a man who understood the responsi- third. The very next day, rather than sup-
the nation; yet, professional politicians bility of running a small business, the port Doug Hoffman, a fellow Republican,
were ignoring the grassroots voices necessity of tax relief and most of all who Ms. Scozzafava, urged her supporters to
demanding an end to spending and a stood for the values of the community. vote for the Democrat, Bill Owens. Dede
return to ideals of America’s Founding Mr. Hoffman’s character reflected the Scozzafava had happily accepted almost $1
Fathers. A microcosm of the unrest was character of the voters in one of the largest million dollars from the Republican Party
evident in the 23rd CD as people who congressional districts in the country and – and then threw her support to the one
never had an interest in politics volun- those who attended the TEA Parties person who would vote with Speaker
teered to help Mr. Hoffman’s campaign. found a kindred spirit in Doug Hoffman, Pelosi and support the left-leaning agenda
His campaign flourished which one they were finally enthusiastic about of President Barack Obama.
brought more attention and conservatives supporting. Others may have been shocked by this
across this great nation came forward to No one, at the beginning of this race, decision, but true conservatives knew, had
help. Former Senator Fred Thompson could have predicted the passion it would she gone to Washington as a Member of
recorded a commercial, the Club for produce. Talk radio around the country Congress, her votes would not reflect her
Growth was onboard, Shirley and was tuned in and Fox News reported how constituents.
Banister, ACU’s Chairman David Keene, a third party candidate was taking the Election night did not bring us the
McLaughlin and Associates, bloggers like country by storm. The time was right for results we had worked so hard for and we
Erick Erickson and Michelle Malkin were this campaign; the angst that voters had may never know if the snafu of the voting
just a small part of a conservative wave with an administration that bullied rather machines were the reason or the bizarre
empowering voters in the 23rd CD. than negotiated was the basis of the endorsement days earlier prevented Mr.
Even the radical left wing “Daily Kos” Hoffman phenomenon and the energy Hoffman’s victory.
blogged about the 23rd Congressional carried all the way to November 4, 2009. We do know this: in 2009 we fought
race! On Halloween, Assemblywoman the good fight, and did what was right for
It was exciting, exhilarating, and Scozzafava, withdrew her name from the New York – and now we can’t wait for this
exhausting! campaign. Her big spending history and year’s elections. The results will be dif-
And certainly worth every moment, as support of same sex marriage had her poll ferent!

Page 6

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