Slivers For Pathfinder.

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Back story
Riptide Project
One hundred years later, wizards involved in the Riptide Project on Otaria discovered sliver fossils
on their journeys and planned to bring them back to life in order to study them. The Riptide
wizards did not know the importance of the Sliver Queen, however, and didn't recreate her.
Without her, the slivers went rampant and overran the island housing the project.
At the same time the Mirari was causing havoc all over Otaria. The magical waves it produced
accelerated the slivers' growth, but it also lured them to the mainland since they confused its call
with that of their deceased queen. Most of the slivers were therefore present at the battle at
Averru and were killed in the magical explosion that created Karona. A small group of slivers
survived, however, fused into the ultimate manifestation of the hive mind, the Sliver Overlord.
After the apocalypse
...For a time, the planeswalkers Freyalise and Lord Windgrace maintained some control over the
slivers in their respective realms. Once the Weaver King discovered the simplicity of their
hivemind, he quickly took control of them for his own purposes and used them to wage war on
their former masters. Since his destruction, the slivers are presumably once again without
leadership, though it's indicated that the slivers' hivemind is slowly becoming sentient and selfaware, negating further need for a Queen.
The Hivestone, a strange artifact discovered within the ruins of the Stronghold, was later found to
have been used by the various evincars of Rath's past to control the seething sliver hive and its
Queen. Upon its rediscovery however, the device became a curse to its wielder, bending its
possessor's will to the will of the swarm.
...The creatures use a chittered speech.....One sliver, the hivelord, rules over all slivers of the
hive. The hivelord is around 20 times the size of a human.
Sliver Queen is an atypical Sliver for multiple reasons. It costs WUBRG, is 7/7, and it grants no
abilities to Slivers, but it has an activated ability that produces 1/1 colorless Sliver creature
tokens, which can gain the abilities granted by other Slivers.

Scourge had only Sliver Overlord, which was printed in homage of Sliver Queen, a very popular
card in casual Magic. Sliver Overlord was meant to be a "Sliver King" of sorts, but that does not fit
with Sliver biology, so it instead became an overlord. Like Sliver Queen, it shares both its 7/7 size
and WUBRG cost. Its activated abilities represent its ability to call and control other Slivers, which
can be used with other type changing effects and abilities to take control of opponents' creatures.

CR 2
XP 600
*A Small Aberration
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +8
-----------------------------AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 20 (3d8+6)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
-----------------------------Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4+1) , 2 claws +3 (1d3+1)
-----------------------------Str 13, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Toughness
Skills: Bluff +5, Intimidate +8, Perception +8, Stealth +9
Languages Common
SQ Aberration Traits
-----------------------------SPECIAL ABILITIES
-----------------------------Aberration Traits
-An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three.
-Darkvision 60 feet.
-Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep.
-Slivers are intelligent and may act individually. They can be controlled by either a Sliver Queen, a Sliver Overlord, or a
Sliver Hivelord within 500 ft.
-Parallel Evolution: Slivers within 50 feet of each other share their specialized trait with other slivers within this radius.
-Evolution Traits:
Slivers are generated with additional abilities based off the number in the area and the types.
Galerider Sliver- Slivers gain 60 ft Fly Speed. Only one instance is applied.
Burrowing Sliver- Slivers gain a burrow speed equal to their base speed. Only one instance is applied.
Megantic Sliver- Slivers increase their size by one category. Only two instances applied.
Siphon Sliver- Slivers can use drain HP from 1 successful melee attack per round, as per the spell Vampiric
Virulent Sliver- Slivers gain a poison special attack. Only one instance is applied.
Crypt Sliver- Slivers can raise 1 dead Sliver as a Zombie, once per day, under their control, as per animate
dead , minus material costs. Only one instance is applied.
Swift Sliver- Slivers gain the effects of the haste spell. Only one instance is applied.
Sentinel Sliver- Slivers gain the Improved Uncanny Dodge ability. Only one instance is applied.
Basal Sliver- Slivers gain an explosive death ability, causes half their hit dice (round down, minimum 1 hit
die) of negative energy damage in a 15 ft radious. Only one instance is applied.
Battle Sliver- Slivers gain a +4 bonus to their CMB and CMD. Only one instance is applied.
Spinneret Sliver- Slivers gain a Web attack, with power appropriate to their HD. Only one instance is
Bonescythe Sliver- Slivers have a threat range of (19-20)/x2 on their natural attacks instead of (20)/x2. Only
two instances applied.
Thorncaster Sliver- Slivers gain a Thorns attack, dealing claw damage appropriate for a creature one size
smaller than the Sliver. Only one instance is applied.
Might Sliver- Slivers gain +3 insight to Melee attack rolls, +3 Natural Armor, +1 HP per hit dice. Only one
instance is applied.
Groundshaker Sliver- Slivers gain a +4 on charges instead of +2, gain the effects of the Trample feat, even if
they do not meet the prerequisites. Only one instance is applied.
Illusion Weaver Sliver - Sliver may use the spell silent image at will as a spell like ability. Only one instance is

Stalker Sliver - Slivers may use invisibility 3/Day as a spell-like ability. Only one instance is applied.
Dragon Sliver - Slivers gain an 40 ft line or 20 ft cone elemental breath weapon (fire, cold, electricity, acid,
sonic) that deals damage equal to their # of hit dice in d6s (so 3d8 does 3d6), reflex save dc (10 + 1/2 hd +
Con mod) for half. Recharges 1/minute. Only one instance is applied.
Arcane Sliver - Slivers may use magic missile for 1d4+1 damage 3/Day. Only one instance is applied.
Siren Sliver - Slivers may fascinate targets as the Bard ability for (4 + Cha Mod) rounds/Day. Only one
instance is applied.
Cave Sliver - Slivers have tremorsense 30 ft. Only two instances applied.
Bloody Sliver - Slivers' melee attacks cause 1d4 bleeding damage per round that does not stop until a Dc 20
heal check or magical healing. Only one instance is applied.
Bulwark sliver- bodyguard and in harms way +4 shield bonus to AC, claw damage reduced by 50%. Only one
instance is applied.
Spine Shot Sliver- Slivers gain a ranged attack that deals equal damage to their primary attack. Range
increments of 100 ft. Only one instance is applied.


Environment Any
Organization Patrol (2-8), Hive (10-60)
Treasure none

Sliver Queen

CR 8

XP 4800
N Large Aberration
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +15
-----------------------------AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 78 (12d8+24)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
-----------------------------Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Melee bite +15 (1d8+6), 2 claws +9 (1d6+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
-----------------------------Str 22, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 29

Feats Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus ((Bite))

Skills: Bluff +16, Intimidate +16, Perception +15, Stealth +18
-----------------------------SPECIAL ABILITIES
-----------------------------Aberration Traits
An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three.
-Darkvision 60 feet.
-Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep.
Sliver Queen can once per round force a clutch of 3 Sliver Eggs to hatch into base Sliver creatures. Sliver Queen does not
share this ability with Parallel Evolution.
Hive Mind (EX): Though Slivers are intelligent enough to act on their own, A queen (or overlord,
or hivelord) brings out the full potential of the hive. All Slivers within 500 feet of the Queen (or
overlord, or hivelord) share abilities with all other Slivers in the same area; excluding the Queen,
Hivelord and Overlord. This effect ends only upon the Queens (or overlords, or hivelords) death.
Slivers within 50 feet of each other share their specialized trait with other slivers within this radius.

Sliver Overlord
CR 6
XP 2400
*A Large Aberration
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +13
-----------------------------AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +8 natural)
hp 75 (10d8+30)
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7
-----------------------------Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Melee bite +13 (1d8+6) , 2 claws +10 (1d6+6) , tail lash +10 (1d8+6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
-----------------------------Str 22, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +14; CMD 24
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +19, Perception +13, Stealth +13
Languages Common
SQ Aberration Traits
-----------------------------SPECIAL ABILITIES
-----------------------------Aberration Traits
An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three.
-Darkvision 60 feet.
-Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep.


Environment Any
Organization Solo (Leader)
Treasure none
-Sliver Overlord can as an immediate action summon 2D6 Slivers to within 30 feet of itself.(2 times a day)Sliver overlord
does not share this ability with Parallel Evolution.
-Hive Mind (EX): Though Slivers are intelligent enough to act on their own, A queen (or overlord,
or hivelord) brings out the full potential of the hive. All Slivers within 500 feet of the Queen (or
overlord, or hivelord) share abilities with all other Slivers in the same area; excluding the Queen,
Hivelord and Overlord. This effect ends only upon the Queens (or overlords, or hivelords) death.
-Parallel Evolution: Slivers within 50 feet of each other share their specialized trait with other slivers within this radius.

Sliver Hivelord
CR 10
XP 9600
*A Large Aberration
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +22
-----------------------------AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +11 natural)
hp 143 (15d8+75)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +15
-----------------------------Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Melee bite +18 (1d8+7) , 2 claws +15 (1d6+7) , tail lash +15 (1d8+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
-----------------------------Str 24, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +11; CMB +19; CMD 31
Feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Skill Focus (Climb), Toughness, Weapon Focus
Skills: Bluff +18, Climb +25, Perception +22, Stealth +20
Languages Common
SQ Aberration Traits


Environment Any
Organization Solo (Leader)
Treasure none
-----------------------------SPECIAL ABILITIES
-----------------------------Aberration Traits
An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three.
-Darkvision 60 feet.
-Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep.
Sliver Hivelord can Heal Slivers as though it used cure medium wounds. This is a swift action.
Sliver Hivelord may Resurrect Sliver creatures 3 times per day as true resurrection. This is a swift action.
Hive Mind (EX): Though Slivers are intelligent enough to act on their own, A queen (or overlord,
or hivelord) brings out the full potential of the hive. All Slivers within 500 feet of the Queen (or
overlord, or hivelord) share abilities with all other Slivers in the same area; excluding the Queen,
Hivelord and Overlord. This effect ends only upon the Queens (or overlords, or hivelords) death.
Option for general pop of slivers
-Parallel Evolution: Slivers within 50 feet of each other share their specialized trait with other slivers within this radius.

Sliver Legion CR 11
XP 12800
*A Small Aberration (Huge Swarm)
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +17
-----------------------------AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 21 (+2 size, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural)
hp 168 (16d8+96)
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +10
Defensive Abilities Swarming Mass, Half Damage from Piercing, Half Damage from Slashing
Immunities Critical Hit, Flanking
-----------------------------Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft.
Melee Swarm (4d6)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Distraction (DC 23), Hinder Spellcasting
-----------------------------Str 20, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 6
Base Atk +12; CMB +15; CMD 30
Feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Skill Focus (Stealth),
Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills: Bluff +17, Perception +17, Stealth +24
Languages Common
SQ Aberration Traits
-----------------------------SPECIAL ABILITIES
-----------------------------Swarm Attack (Ex)
A Sliver Legion deals 4d6 automatic damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of
its move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not subject to a miss chance from
concealment or cover.
Distraction (Ex)
Whenever a Sliver Legion damages a creature with a natural attack, it must make a DC 23
Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1 round.
Hinder Spellcasting (Ex)
Whenever a creature attempts to cast a spell in a Sliver Legion's space or an area it threatens, the
caster must make a concentration check of DC 20 + spell level. Using skills that involve patience
and concentration requires a DC 20 Will save.
Swarming Mass (Ex)
A Sliver Legion's body is composed of a swarming mass of smaller creatures, which means it has
no front or back and no discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or flanking. A
swarm made up of tiny creatures takes half damage from slashing and piercing weapons. A swarm
composed of Fine or Diminutive creatures is immune to all weapon damage. Reducing a swarm to
0 hit points or less causes it to break up, though damage taken until that point does not degrade
its ability to attack or resist damage. Swarms are never staggered or reduced to a dying state by
damage. Also, they cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, and they cannot grapple an

A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including
single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting effects if the swarm
has an Intelligence score and a hive mind. A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%)
from spells or effects that affect an area, such as splash weapons and many evocation
spells.Swarms made up of Diminutive or Fine creatures are susceptible to high winds, such as
those created by a gust of wind spell. For purposes of determining the effects of wind on a swarm,
treat the swarm as a creature of the same size as its constituent creatures. A swarm rendered
unconscious my means of nonlethal damage becomes disorganized and dispersed, and does not
reform until its hit points exceed its nonlethal damage.
Swarms do not threaten foes and do not make attacks of opportunity. A swarm has 0ft reach, like
its component creatures. When a swarm moves into a creature's space to attack, it provokes an
attack of opportunity as normal.
Aberration Traits
-An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of
the three.
-Darkvision 60 feet.
-Aberrations breathe, eat, and sleep.
-Slivers are intelligent and may act individually. They can be controlled by either a Sliver Queen, a
Sliver Overlord, or a Sliver Hivelord within 500 ft.
-Parallel Evolution: Slivers within 50 feet of each other share their specialized trait with other
slivers within this radius.


Environment Any
Organization Solo, Patrol (2-8)
Treasure none

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