Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris


: Sabtu

: V (Lima)

Tanggal : 18 Oktober 2014

Put a cross (X) in the letters a, b, c or d on the right answer !
(Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c atau d pada jawaban yang tepat !)

1. Grade theree artinya ....

a. kelas 1
b. kelas 2

c. kelas 3

d. kelas 4

2. Ilham : is he in grade five ?

Dina : yes, . . . . is
a. she
b. he

c. we

d. you

3. Kelas lima in english is ....

a. grade two
b. grade four

c. grade one

d. grade five

4. Nina
: hello amir, this is my friend luna.
Amir : nice to meet you luna.
Luna : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Amir.
a. nice to meet you too
c. meet nice to you too
b. nice to meet you

d. meet nice to you

5. Choose the correct word !

Y R T O R A B O L A ......
a. lobaratory
b. laboratory
c. laboratyro

d. baloratory

6. Between in indonesia .....

a. diantara
b. disamping

d. dibelakang

7. Disamping in english is ......

a. between
b. behind
8. Near artinya ....
a. jauh

b. disebrang

9. The parking lot is across from the library

Artinya tempat parkir disebrang dari .....
a. kelas
b. kantor

c. didepan
c. beside
c. didepan

c. laboratorium

d. across

10. Rani
: Hi Hellen, . . . . . . are you doing here ?
: Nothing
: Lets go to the library.
: library ?
: yes, i want to . . . . . books.
The right word to fill the blanks are ......
a. what, borrow
b. why, borrow
c. who, borrow

d. where, borrow

11. In front of artinya ....

a. dibelakang
b. disamping

d. didepan


c. diantara

What is this .....

a. dictionary
b. stapler
c. crayons
d. ruler

13. Raja : may i borrow the book, please ?

Ratu : im sorry, im .......... it.
a. playing
c. reading
b. using
d. losing
Question for number 14 - 17
MI Muhammadiyah

: Madun
: 10
: Jalan Sudirman no.10

14. His name is . . .

a. madun

b. 5 A

c. MI Muhammadiyah d. 10

d. dekat

15. He is in grade .....

a. madun
b. MI Muhammadiyah

c. 5 A
d. Jalan Sudirman no. 10

d. perpustakaan

16. he lives at ......

a. 10
b. MI Muhammadiyah

c. 5 A
d. Jalan Sudirman no. 10

17. He is ..... years old.

a. 10
b. MI Muhammadiyah

c. 5 A
d. Jalan Sudirman no. 10

18. He is in grade .....

a. madun
b. MI Muhammadiyah

c. 5 A
d. Jalan Sudirman no. 10


The landscape is beautiful.

What mean on italic word .....
a. jelek
b. menarik
c. cocok
d. indah

20. Kamar mandi in english is ....

a. kitchen
b. bedroom

c. bathroom

Please fill out the following points !

(Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini !)

Dear Naufal,
I will have a birthday party at my house at Jln.
Pattimura No. 6 on Saturday, october 18 at 4 pm.
Please come.

. . . . . . . . . will have a birthday party.

2. . . . . . . . . . . invites . . . . . . . . . . to come to her birthday party.

3. The party is a . . . . . . . . s house.
4. Nadyas address is . . . . . . . . . .
5. The party is in . . . . . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . . . pm.
6. Ruang keluarga in english is . . . . . .
7. Carport artinya . . . . . .
8. Dining room artinya . . . . .

10. The dining room near kitche

Artinya . . . . .

Work on the questions below !

(Kerjakanlah soal-soal di bawah ini !)
1. re-arrange be a correct sentence !
- bedroom upstairs my is
- there at downstairs the kitchen is

d. living room

2. Translate to indonesia !
- Room 5 near room 4.
- Library is between room 1 and room 2.
- Laboratory is behind computer room.
Question for number 3 5

Question for number 1 5


9. Room 3 beside teachers room.

Artinya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




3. a. She is a new . . . . . . . . in our school.

b. what . . . . . . . . . are you in ?
4. c. This is the . . . . . . . . . court.
d. I want to . . . . . . . some books in the library
5. e. The teachers room . . . . . . . . to room 6.


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