Dyn 001 CSTR

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Revised: Oct 17, 2012

Dynamic Analysis of a CSTR with Aspen Plus V8.0

1. Lesson Objective:

Understand the basic workflow to create and run a dynamic simulation using Aspen Plus Dynamics
Setup a simple dynamic simulation of a CSTR
Observe the effect of perturbations through changes in the controller settings

2. Prerequisites

Aspen Plus V8.0

Aspen Plus Dynamics V8.0
File Dyn_001_CSTR_Start.bkp

3. Background
Dynamic Simulation in Chemical Engineering
Dynamic simulation is an extension of steady-state process simulation whereby time-dependence is built
into the models via derivative terms i.e. accumulation of mass and energy. The advent of dynamic
simulation means that the time-dependent description and control of real processes in real or simulated
time are possible. This includes the description of starting up and shutting down a plant, changes of
conditions during a reaction, holdups, thermal changes and more. Dynamic simulations require increased
calculation time and are mathematically more complex than steady-state simulations. They can be seen as
repeatedly calculated steady-state simulations (based on a fixed time step) with constantly changing
parameters. Dynamic simulation can be used in both an online and offline fashion. The online case being
model predictive control, where the real-time simulation results are used to predict the changes that would
occur for a control input change, and the control parameters are optimi zed based on the results. Offline
process simulation can be used in the design, troubleshooting and optimization of process plant as well as
the conduction of case studies to assess the impacts of process modifications.


Revised: Oct 17, 2012

Aspen Plus Basic Workflow for Dynamic Simulation Study

Step 1: Build Steady-State Simulation in Aspen Plus

Step 2: Prepare Dynamic Simulation; Add Dynamic Data

Step 3: Export Simulation to Aspen Plus Dynamics

Step 4: Simulation in Aspen Plus Dynamics

Step 5: Change control system, apply disturbanes, and more....

Export to Dynamics

The examples presented are solely intended to illustrate specific concepts and principles. They may not
reflect an industrial application or real situation.

4. Problem Statement and Aspen Plus Solution

Problem: Use the provided Aspen Plus file Dyn_001_CSTR_Start.bkp, prepare a dynamic simulation flowsheet
by adding required dynamic data, and export the simulation to Aspen Plus Dynamics. Then, perform the
following studies to investigate how the reactor system behaves dynamically:

Manipulate the level controller set point

Vary the reactor feed flowrate


Revised: Oct 17, 2012

Aspen Plus Solution:


Start Aspen Plus V8.0. Open Dyn_001_CSTR_Start.bkp.


Go to the Dynamics tab on the ribbon, and press the Dynamic Mode button.

You will then notice that the simulation requires more data to prepare the dynamic simulation:



Revised: Oct 17, 2012

Go to Blocks | CSTR | Dynamics and enter 1 meter for the Length of the reactor.


Revised: Oct 17, 2012

(FAQ) Vessel Geometry Dynamic Data


Vessel Type:
Instantaneous: Default vessel type for most vessels requires no input for
vessel geometry
Vessel Geometry:
Head Type

Press the Next Input (F4) button

the simulation.

and the following dialog window will appear. Then, press OK to run


Revised: Oct 17, 2012


The simulation should complete without warning or error. Go to the Dynamics tab and make sure that
all the buttons are enabled. Find the Flow Driven button and press it.


You will then be prompted to specify the Aspen Plus Dynamics file to be exported. Enter the file name
Dynamics_CSTR_Fdriven.dynf, and press the Save button. After a few moments Aspen Plus Dynamics
will automatically open.


Revised: Oct 17, 2012

(FAQ) Types of Dynamic Simulations


Flow driven
Feed flowrate and pressures are specified
Flowrate is not controlled by pressure differences
Useful for a first approach of the dynamic behavior of the process
Good for liquid processes (usually good flow controllability)

Pressure driven
Feed and product pressures are specified
Flowrate results from pressure difference
A bit more complex to specify (because you need to balance the pressures in Aspen Plus
with valves, pumps, ...) but more rigorous

From this point on, we will be working in Aspen Plus Dynamics V8.0, which should have automatically
opened after saving the *.dynf file. In Aspen Plus Dynamics, change the run mode to Initialization, and
press Run (F5).

The Run complete dialog will appear to notify you that the initialization run has completed with
convergence. Press OK.



Revised: Oct 17, 2012

Display stream results plot. Right click on the PRODUCT stream to open the context menu, go to Form
and select TPFmPlot and Results. TPFmPlot is an built-in plot form to show Mass Flow, Pressure, and
Temperature versus time. The Results form is a table form which shows key results in the stream at the
current time.


Revised: Oct 17, 2012


Change the run mode to Dynamic.


We will run following scenario to investigate the reactor dynamics:

Run the dynamic simulation for 1 hour (Note: this is in simulation time, not in real time)
Change the Level Controller (CSTR_LC) set point = 0.5 meter
Run the dynamic simulation for 1 hour; find how the product stream results are being affected

(1) Press F9 or go to Run menu | Run Options. Check the Pause at option
and enter 1 hour for the value. Press OK.
(2) Run the dynamic simulation. It will be paused after 1 hour of simulation

(3) On the flowsheet, right click on CSTR_LC and select Forms | Configure.
Enter 0.5 meter for the new set point. Go to Run Options (F9), and enter 2
hours for the next pause time.


Revised: Oct 17, 2012

(4) Start the dynamic simulation. It will be paused after 1 hour. You will see the results below.


Change in feed rate. We will now experiment with another scenario to investigate the reactor dynamics.
Linear ramp up the feed rate of component CIS from 100 to 200 kmol/hr in 1 hour
Linear ramp down the feed rate of component CIS from 200 to 0 kmol/hr in 0.5 hour



Revised: Oct 17, 2012

(1) For a ramp change in feed, right click on the FEED stream, and select Forms | Manipulate. In the
Manipulate table, right click FcR(CIS) value, select Ramp. It will open Variable Ramp window.

(2) The scenario (100 200 0kmol/hr) will give following results in the Product stream.



Revised: Oct 17, 2012

5. Conclusion
You should now be familiar with how to take a simple Aspen Plus simulation and convert it to an Aspen
Dynamics simulation. In Aspen Plus Dynamics you should be familiar with how to initialize a simulation, create
custom plots, display results, and make changes in process conditions. Changes in controller set points or other
process conditions can have large effects on the overall process and it is important to understand these effects
when designing or operating a process.

6. Copyright
Copyright 2012 by Aspen Technology, Inc. (AspenTech). All rights reserved. This work may not be
reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of
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damages arising out of the use of the information contained in, or the digital files supplied with or for use with,
this work. This work and its contents are provided for educational purposes only.
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