Invitation Card

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You're invited to
Kelly Madison's
1st Ever Birthday Party!
Saturday, June 22nd at 12.30 p.m.
Lunch & Cake
Bring your suits and towels
951 Parrot Drive, Hillsborough
Ron and Shelly

RSVP 555-3967

1.. The party will be held .

A. in the morning

C. in the afternoon

B. in the evening

D. at night

2. The purpose of the text above is .

A. to forbid someone to come to Kelly Madison's birthday party
B. to invite someone to attend Kelly Madison's birthday party
C. to inform everyone about a birthday party
D. to remind someone to celebrate a birthday
Text 2
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the following invitation.

To: All students of SNIP Harapan bangsa

We invite you to attend:

"The 201h of School Anniversary"


: Saturday & Sunday, 6&7 February 2010


: 8.00 a.m.- 16.00 a.m.


: The main hall


: Charity Bazaar
- Music Show
- Traditional Dance Performance
- Speech contest
- Meet the alumni

Come and have fun.


3. The activities are held for ....

A. Teacher's Farewell Party
B. School Birthday Celebration
C. Alumni Gathering
D. School Dance Competition
4. How many activities will be done?
A. 2.

C. 3

B. 3

D. 4

This following text is for Questions 5 and 6.

For all junior high school teacher

Friday, May 21, 2010
1328 Scott Hall, 11 am-1 p.m.
Your poster must be: original & colorful
Theme: Say No to Drug
Live in healthy living

Mr. Thomas Waldschmidt

Ms. Sylvia Hanson

5 Who is Mr. Thomas Waldschmidt?

A. Junior high school teacher.
B. The participant of poster competition.
C. One of the judges of the competition.
D. The only judges of the poster competition.
6. What can we conclude from the text?
A. The announcement is made by Mr. Thomas Waldschmidt.
B. The announcement is targeted for secondary school students.
C. The competition is only for junior high school teachers.
D. There are more than two judges for the poster competition.

Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following invitation.

To: All students of SNIP Harapan bangsa

We invite you to attend:

"The 201h of School Anniversary"


: Saturday & Sunday, 6&7 February 2010


: 8.00 a.m.- 16.00 a.m.


: The main hall


: Charity Bazaar
- Music Show
- Traditional Dance Performance
- Speech contest
- Meet the alumni

Come and have fun.


7. The activities are held for ....

A. Teacher's Farewell Party
B. School Birthday Celebration
C. Alumni Gathering
D. School Dance Competition
8. How many activities will be done?
A. 2.

C. 3

B. 3

D. 4

The following text is for Questions 9 and 10.

You're Invited
To celebrate the 5t" anniversary of the art and culture club of our school, we'd
like you to join in the costume party 2010 that will be held on
Date : February 28t", 2010
Place : the Multipurpose Room
Time : 06.00 p.m.
Use your imagination and wear an original unique costume!
For further detail contact us :
-Arin : 8297532 Class IX-8
-Alam : 7568336 Class VIII-3

9 . How should the participant's costume be?

A. Usual and innovative.
B. Imaginative and original.
C. Usual and original.
D. Imaginative and Innovative.
10 . Who are Arin and Alam?
A. The owners of the multipurpose room.
B. The leaders of the student organization.
C. The commitees of the party.
D. The judges of the costume party.
his text is for Questions 11 and 12.

Dear parents,
You are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the result of your
children's evaluation and prepare them for the upcoming national
Date : Thursday, 18 April 2010
Time : 08.00 - 10.30 a.m.
Place the Multipurpose room.
Please make sure to participate in this meeting. It is very important.

11. Why does the principal invite the parents to the meeting?
A. To discuss the result of the national examination.
B. To discuss the preparation for the upcoming national examination.
C. To plan to participate in the meeting.
D. To determine the importance of the evaluation.
12.. From the text we know the meeting will be held ... the national examination.
A. before
B. after
C. during
D. at the time of

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