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The Spiritual Dimension of Pluto Aspects

or Locational
Grace Flower
Discussion Board

By Moses Siregar III

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Tutoring and
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Moses Siregar III


The Spiritual Dimension of Pluto Aspects

or Locational
Grace Flower
Discussion Board

By Moses Siregar III

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The bad guy is on the run, and the good guys
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are on his heels. The villain runs into a

crowded room and grabs the first innocent
victim that he can find, and holds the damsel
close to himself, shouting, "don't shoot or the
girl gets it!" The villain escapes out the back
door, hoping to make it off with its hostage
and survive.
This is what happens when Pluto aspects a
planet in a birth chart. But the bad guy is
probably not who you think he is.
The miscreant almost escapes, but then he
slips, and the hero lunges in, knocking back
the scoundrel, and setting the girl free. The
bad guy swings at him, but the good guy
dodges, and then lands a punch of his own,
bringing the rogue to his knee. The villain,
powerless before the police that now surround
him, is captured, and must face defeat and
full exposure of all wrongdoing. Justice is
served. Order is restored to society.
This is what happens when Pluto aspects
another planet in a birth chart, and when
consciousness is victorious over illusion.
The bad guy is an overly dramatic
representation of ego, defined here as the
jumble of unconscious tendencies trapping us
in ignorance and suffering. The planet
aspected by Pluto represents the kidnapped
victim, which is the aspect of our psychology
that becomes captured by ego. The hero and
the police are Pluto, the power of Truth
emerging in our awareness, encouraged by
the presence of enlightened beings.
When Pluto aspects a planet in a birth chart,
the stage is set for a style of avoiding or
realizing the spiritual truth of who we really
are. An element of ourselves, represented by
the aspected planet, becomes the
battleground between conscious and
unconscious forces, between nirvana and
samsara (peace and suffering), and between
self-love and self-hate. A planetary function in
aspect with Pluto must undergo severe
experiences, but through these purifying fires
the planet can become a vehicle towards
Pluto can be appreciated as a force which,
although brutal, serves spiritual awakening.
You could say that Pluto is the only planet
that loves us enough to put on full-length
rubber gloves, stick its hand all the way up
our as-, remove the deepest causes of our

samsara (peace and suffering), and between

self-love and self-hate. A planetary function in
aspect with Pluto must undergo severe
experiences, but through these purifying fires
the planet can become a vehicle towards
Pluto can be appreciated as a force which,
although brutal, serves spiritual awakening.
You could say that Pluto is the only planet
that loves us enough to put on full-length
rubber gloves, stick its hand all the way up
our as-, remove the deepest causes of our
suffering, and show them to us. Pluto's
spiritual nature is to strip away from us every
deep-seated and negative tendency--to strip
away all that is false to reveal what is true.
Pluto seeks to bring us to a mindful silence
that can witness how we run away from our
innermost freedom. The heaviness that comes
with Pluto can be seen primarily as the acting
out of the resistance of the ego-mind to deep
peace and true healing. For these reasons,
Pluto is like Saturn in that Pluto can be
negatively and simplistically viewed as an
enemy or positively and responsibly viewed
as a spiritual friend. Yes, this is easier said
than done.
Pluto symbolizes opposite forces: both the
darkness and the self-hate within us, as well
as the light of Truth within us which dispels
darkness and heals unconsciousness. Pluto's
natal aspects point to psychological arenas in
which we meet the dark within us, and can
become very alert and awake through this
encounter. The most pleasant and easy life
(some would say karma) would involve a lack
of major Pluto aspects (and difficult eighth
house placements) in the birthchart. Having
major Pluto aspects (or difficult eighth house
placements) in a birth chart does not
symbolize a life of psychological ease, but
does offer the possibility for a radical healing,
awakening, and releasing of very ancient
baggage. It is only through facing the difficult
elements of ourselves which Pluto brings to
the surface, that we might actually heal
ourselves and our planet.
Ultimately, the magic wand that can heal the
difficult face of Pluto involves deep inquiry
into ourselves, honesty with ourselves, and
loving appreciation of ourselves. This deep
inquiry involves looking into what we are
really seeking to gain from our desires, and
whether these desires can really give us the
peace we are looking for. This self-honesty
involves looking into our habitual tendencies
that upset our inherently relaxed nature. This
love of oneself includes the choice of balance
and simplicity in our lives.
But perhaps the most important thing for
those with major Pluto aspects is to just feel
more joy. Lightening up is often the hardest
thing for those with major Pluto aspects to
do, because lightening up means relaxing into
love, which is what many of us don't feel we
deserve. While spiritual practices, bodily
healing and purification, counseling, healing
work, esoteric self-study, etc. are vital and

love of oneself includes the choice of balance

and simplicity in our lives.
But perhaps the most important thing for
those with major Pluto aspects is to just feel
more joy. Lightening up is often the hardest
thing for those with major Pluto aspects to
do, because lightening up means relaxing into
love, which is what many of us don't feel we
deserve. While spiritual practices, bodily
healing and purification, counseling, healing
work, esoteric self-study, etc. are vital and
very helpful for a Plutonian individual, a truer
spiritual growth may come through an even
more profound channel: just learning how to
have good, clean fun!
Below, I offer descriptions of Pluto in aspect
to natal inner planets. These interpretations
are intended as my own model or viewpoint,
not as absolute truths. In the following
accounts, notice how each planet aspected by
Pluto can become inflated on false
attachments, or suppressed out of fear.
Notice the subconscious game plan of ego,
which is to create life circumstances to
confuse the person as to the most balanced
and enlightened approach to each planetary
function. The ultimate potential of Pluto
aspects is deep, clear awareness purified of
extremist tendencies, addictiveness, and
unconscious grasping onto painful ways of
The following discussions are applicable to
any aspect in a birth chart between Pluto and
an inner planet, although of course different
aspects will have different qualities.
Conjunctions are the strongest connections,
followed by oppositions, squares, and
quincunxes. Even sextiles and trines will deal
with the hard issues; Pluto is still Pluto, even
in a trine. Semi-sextiles, semi-squares,
sesquiquadrates, quintiles, septiles, and
noviles will also deal with these themes.
Other planets in aspect to the Pluto aspect
listed below will condition the Pluto contact
further. For example, Saturn in aspect to
Pluto or the planet it aspects will intensify the
aspect; Jupiter in aspect to the Pluto or the
planet it aspects will ease the difficult
pressures considerably. And of course, the full
understanding of the following aspects would
only be gained by viewing the entire context
of the chart around the aspect, including the
sign and house placements of Pluto and the
planet(s) it aspects.
The healing journey here manifests through a
family/childhood to crush and intensify one's
emotional vulnerabilities and warp one's
ability to share and receive love in a balanced
way. The mother may be cast into a role as
the prime player in this emotional drama. Ego
has created a smokescreen to distract
Awareness, by warping the personality,
making it too profoundly sensitive and/or
insensitive; it is difficult for the Pluto-Moon
individual to feel truly safe, relaxed, and at

The healing journey here manifests through a

family/childhood to crush and intensify one's
emotional vulnerabilities and warp one's
ability to share and receive love in a balanced
way. The mother may be cast into a role as
the prime player in this emotional drama. Ego
has created a smokescreen to distract
Awareness, by warping the personality,
making it too profoundly sensitive and/or
insensitive; it is difficult for the Pluto-Moon
individual to feel truly safe, relaxed, and at
home with others. There are likely to be
major emotional scars around the notions of
loving and being loved, which may be hidden
from view in the subconscious. Some difficult
experiences in the area of intimate
relationships are essentially inevitable, to help
the person realize the emotional pain within
them. There is likely to be oscillation between
an unrealistic attachment to and expectation
from one's earthly relationships (people, pets,
places, favorite things, etc.) and family life, or
a fear and rejection of the same.
Once the person realizes the pain within, s/he
can fully commit to a path of healing on all
levels, to rescue their heart's innocence and
vulnerability. Great courage and honesty are
required surrounding their own emotions and
fears around love. The possibility for greater
peace and wholeness requires learning how to
open to the realm of lunar intimacy and enjoy
it without clinging so tightly to the
experience. The fulfillment of the Moon lies in
emotional openness and vulnerability with
others, while still being cautious enough to
protect oneself from unnecessary emotional
pain. The Pluto-Moon person must be
simultaneously aware of his/her potential for
an exaggerated dependence on security
through intimate and family relationships, as
well as to a tendency to wreck one's human
relationships through over-sensitivity, fear,
suspicion, judgment, and paranoia. Ultimately
Pluto with the Moon can teach us that
relationships, and all things of this world, are
fundamentally impermanent, so that our
earthly relationships come to be enjoyed fully
and utterly in the now, without manipulation
and future expectation.
As a healer for others, this person can have
great depth and insight, as they can relate
well to other's sorrows. In a family, this
person can bring great love and devotion. In
relationship, this more aware Pluto-Moon
person is capable of insuring a connection
that is based in reality, not false wishes and
projections. As an enlightened being, this
person can deeply realize the transience of
earthly life and personal relationships, and
show to others that the relationship that
matters most is the unspeakable surrender to
the true Self--while remaining actively
involved in one's 'down-home' lunar life.
See Also: Post on Pluto-Moon Aspects

projections. As an enlightened being, this

person can deeply realize the transience of
earthly life and personal relationships, and
show to others that the relationship that
matters most is the unspeakable surrender to
the true Self--while remaining actively
involved in one's 'down-home' lunar life.
See Also: Post on Pluto-Moon Aspects
In this case, painful and destructive
experiences with love and/or sexuality can
disturb the soul's naturally balanced
enjoyment of physical pleasures and/or
human relationships. Unconscious selfsabotage is operating by deeply injuring one's
self-love, and by creating an extreme passion
for, or denial of, the joys of the physical body
as a way of compensating for this lack of selfworth--or as a way of punishing oneself
further because of it. With Pluto demanding
true spiritual awareness, as is always Pluto's
nature, the natural function of Venus, which is
full enjoyment of the physical body and
human relationships, has to be first restrained
and controlled before it can be fulfilled. A real
danger of Pluto-Venus contacts is an extreme
kind of desire that becomes destructive to
oneself and others, or an excessive
dependence on intimate relationships for
happiness. If these sensual passions can be
redirected into a devotion to self-mastery and
spiritual discipline, the individual has the
potential to ultimately combine a complex
blend of opposites: illumined inner awareness
with passionate enjoyment of sensuality and
sexual relationships.
Both Pluto and Venus must be fulfilled. Yet
the order in which these two must be done is
clear. Pluto must be fulfilled before Venus can
be fulfilled. Spiritual restraint and wholeness
must be realized before relationships and
sensuality can be experienced in a balanced
way. When the Pluto-Venus individual
attempts to primarily fulfill the pleasurable
aspects of physical existence before realizing
the stability of the spiritual Self, as ego often
loves to attempt to do, disaster is inevitable.
Pluto will not allow the individual to become
so sluggish and self-indulgent, because then
one will become apathetic and resistant to the
pursuit of greater Self-Realization. When Pluto
and Venus combine, the only sane approach
is to focus foremost on one's independent
spiritual awareness and inner peace, and then
to savor the delights of the human sphere as
a way of celebrating this peace. Material
excesses will not satisfy. Sexual cravings will
not fulfill. Human relationships will not last.
Only an awakened Self will open up the
floodgates of the cornucopia.
From a Self-realized place, the Venus-Pluto
individual can be a living example of a
profound balance of the sensual and
interpersonal life with the impersonal life of
inner contentment. As an awakened being,
this person can be an example of self-mastery
in the face of excessive self-indulgent desire,

excesses will not satisfy. Sexual cravings will

not fulfill. Human relationships will not last.
Only an awakened Self will open up the
floodgates of the cornucopia.
From a Self-realized place, the Venus-Pluto
individual can be a living example of a
profound balance of the sensual and
interpersonal life with the impersonal life of
inner contentment. As an awakened being,
this person can be an example of self-mastery
in the face of excessive self-indulgent desire,
of a life-affirming spirituality, and of the
existence of profound peace.
Side Note: The astrological community often
promotes Venus-Pluto in different contexts as
'great sex.' Great sex is of course great, but
what sometimes goes with what is called
'great sex' in the case of Venus-Pluto is an
intense degree of attachment and craving, an
unconscious attempt to fulfill the soul's true
longing through necessarily brief sexual
experiences. This Venus-Pluto 'great sex' can
and often does degenerate into various kinds
of abusive relationships. I think we, as
students of astrology, should be discerning
enough to distinguish between truly great
sex, and 'great sex' which is really just an
intense and negative addiction, bound to
create suffering.
Initially obscuring peaceful clarity,
unconscious self-destructiveness manifests
strongly in the mind, which becomes more
sensitive, afraid, serious, obsessive, and selfcritical. Ego has morphed into these mental
states, hoping to block the individual from
discovering the truth about the spiritual Self.
When possessed by this self-abusing mind,
the individual often withdraws into seclusion,
and is consumed by depression. This is the
favorite self-injuring tactic of ego with the
Mercury-Pluto individual: the suppression of
the soul's natural mental positivity and
joyfulness. Here, as with other Pluto aspects,
profound awareness is required to see
through the mind's self-destructive game.
But when one's own mind is afflicted with
confusion, it cannot solve it's own problem.
Some other force must be called upon for
healing. The spiritual heart must become
passionately open to a greater Reality than
the neurotic mind. Spirit, far more subtle than
the mind stuff, is able to penetrate the
person's consciousness from within to relax
and open the mind. Yet the individual
consciousness must remain fixed upon the
spiritual plane for the mind to be healed. If
one is distracted from spiritual remembering
for long, Spirit will naturally withdraw and ego
will become more influential. At any given
moment, the Pluto-Mercury individual will
either be sinking deeper into a mental morass
or deepening his or her connection with one's
natural, wakeful Clarity.
As the mind is purified of its tendency

and open the mind. Yet the individual

consciousness must remain fixed upon the
spiritual plane for the mind to be healed. If
one is distracted from spiritual remembering
for long, Spirit will naturally withdraw and ego
will become more influential. At any given
moment, the Pluto-Mercury individual will
either be sinking deeper into a mental morass
or deepening his or her connection with one's
natural, wakeful Clarity.
As the mind is purified of its tendency
towards self-affliction, it can become deeper
and more in touch with the inherent
spaciousness that supports it. An opening can
occur to more subtle levels of reality, and the
true nature of one's being can become more
apparent. Ultimately the ability to perceive
beyond the mental matrix is possible.
Important spiritual insight, and the ability to
share this insight with others, can be gained.
When awakened, the Pluto-Mercury individual
is an example of the mastery of one's own
lower mind through spiritual devotion.
Consciousness and Presence can then be
combined with a precise and piercing intellect.
This individual can then see clearly, and
realize this peace for the well-being of all.
Ego manifests here as a pure undermining
and distortion of one's self-esteem. Rather
than recognizing that one is inherently and
perfectly good, one subconsciously creates
external conditions and inner dialogue which
persuades one into feeling otherwise. The
person's father, and/or other authority
figures, is usually scripted into a role that will
prove painful for the individual, and this will
contribute to a general feeling of
worthlessness and a lack of real selfconfidence. But rather than experience and
accept these initial feelings of inadequacy as
forgivable, ego will whisper to us that we
should prove to others that these internal
feelings do not exist. A very long time can be
spent attempting to experience, through
other's eyes, that we are very good and
lovable. Or, one may restrict the expression
of one's natural talents so much so that one
does not experience that one is indeed special
and creative. Either way, the pursuit of selfapproval or the denial of one's inherent
goodness distracts the Pluto-Sun person from
realizing the peace of Being.
Yet both functions seek fulfillment. Pluto
seeks the illumination of conscious
awareness. The Sun seeks to powerfully
radiate Divine energy, warmth, power, and
creativity through oneself and into life. But
neither Pluto nor the Sun can be fulfilled as
long as one remains distracted by the
imbalances in their sense of personal power.
Self-esteem is a pivotal issue, even though
the person may appear quite confident on the
surface. Once it is deeply realized that one
can only become truly full of love from within
oneself, one can shine in the areas where one
is gifted without seeking a more secure sense

awareness. The Sun seeks to powerfully

radiate Divine energy, warmth, power, and
creativity through oneself and into life. But
neither Pluto nor the Sun can be fulfilled as
long as one remains distracted by the
imbalances in their sense of personal power.
Self-esteem is a pivotal issue, even though
the person may appear quite confident on the
surface. Once it is deeply realized that one
can only become truly full of love from within
oneself, one can shine in the areas where one
is gifted without seeking a more secure sense
of self through external success, love, or
popularity. With a deeper foundation of selfrespect, found through acknowledging the
spiritual dimension of oneself rather than the
success of one's social relationships and
activities, one can express their solar
potential and radiant qualities without
simultaneously developing a big ego. The
point of Sun-Pluto is to express one's Divine
Power from a balanced sense of self, but this
cannot happen until one is willing to fully
surrender their wounded ego, and its
wounded ambitions and agendas, to a Higher
Power. Then real love can arise from within,
and the true being can shine without ego
perverting external love and success into a
false sense of security and well being.
The healthy Pluto-Sun individual can be an
example of overcoming a wounded self-belief
through devotion to allowing the real Self to
shine through oneself for the good of all. The
enlightened Pluto-Sun person has chosen to
let Spirit guide one's activities, rather than
trying to make things work primarily on one's
own power; the psychological 'I' now takes a
back-seat as the humble vehicle of a higher
Self, open to a plane of more perfect
inspiration, love, power, and creativity.
Worldly ambition has been transformed into
devoted spiritual aspiration, and the weak/
arrogant personality has yielded control over
to the power of one's true Center. One can
then be a witness to just being, and letting
God do her miracles when she wishes.
Unconscious self-sabotage manifest here as a
thwarting of one's naturally balanced feeling
of courage and personal power and/or a
thwarting of one's wholesome relationship
with sexuality. Physical or sexual abuse may
be a major part of this healing journey. This
intense relationship with personal power and
aggression can result, on the surface, in
meakness that can erupt in unexpected
intensity, or in a more continually aggressive
and coarse personality. Paradoxically, great
softness is required to heal and restore Mars.
But rather than softening around one's pain,
there is an initial tendency to either suppress
the pain, resulting in passive aggressive
tendencies which one may be unaware of, or
to become easily and overly angry with others
instead of taking responsibility for one's own
temper or reactiveness. Unconscious rage can
ravage the Pluto-Mars individual, which would
only support the wounded agenda of selfundermining.

and coarse personality. Paradoxically, great

softness is required to heal and restore Mars.
But rather than softening around one's pain,
there is an initial tendency to either suppress
the pain, resulting in passive aggressive
tendencies which one may be unaware of, or
to become easily and overly angry with others
instead of taking responsibility for one's own
temper or reactiveness. Unconscious rage can
ravage the Pluto-Mars individual, which would
only support the wounded agenda of selfundermining.
If ego has its way with Pluto-Mars, the will
becomes divorced and separate from the
conscious heart, dominated by fears,
arrogance, anger, or extremes of violence and
victimhood. So the healing and balancing of
the will, for Mars-Pluto, is a crucial element of
the journey towards spiritual wholeness The
will may need strengthening, relaxing, or both
at the same time. Before healing can be real,
the intensity of one's own weak or dominant
will is likely to generate many difficult, and
hopefully purifying, (re-)experiences.
The spiritual direction of Pluto-Mars is to be
reborn as a "peaceful warrior." This true
warrior possesses emotional depth due to the
experience of personal suffering, and also the
energy to heal because of this suffering. This
only redeeming course of action is to refine
one's will through spiritual awareness. On the
one hand, the proper expression of ancient
anger is necessary, so that one's vital courage
can become a natural aspect of one's selfexpression. But eventually, one must soften,
rather than continue screaming and hitting,
and learn sublime self-control. Surrender to
one's own tenderness and sorrow is an
essential aspect of the true humility which
must be cultivated, as well as surrender to a
Higher Will.
With this transformation, Mars becomes
refined and purified, connected with the
Source. Incredible energy and determination
is then possible, fueled by the fire of
connection with the One God/dess. As one
has submitted to God, one becomes like the
hands of God, and therefore a vehicle for real
Power. When uninterested in misusing power
for self-aggrandizement, Spirit naturally
invests in and expresses power through the
Pluto-Mars individual. The Pluto purified Mars
also gives incisive honesty and courage, and
this gives the ability to be a powerful leader,
social transformer, healer, or counselor. By
the time the enlightened potential of MarsPluto has been fulfilled, the human will has
become humbled, healed, and empowered
through its surrender to the Divine Will. Then
God's human hands will joyously move
The Ethics of Interpretation
Why is it that Pluto aspects symbolize such
intense experiences and issues? This is an
astrological equal to one of life's great
questions, such as "why is there suffering in

Pluto has been fulfilled, the human will has

become humbled, healed, and empowered
through its surrender to the Divine Will. Then
God's human hands will joyously move
The Ethics of Interpretation
Why is it that Pluto aspects symbolize such
intense experiences and issues? This is an
astrological equal to one of life's great
questions, such as "why is there suffering in
the world?" I do not know the answer to these
questions, but I will offer a possible answer
that has helped me take a positive approach
in my own life: perhaps it is not that we have
been bad and are being punished, or even
that we are reaping the consequences of our
individual actions, as a simple karmic model
would suggest. Perhaps this isn't personal at
all. Perhaps it is simply that humanity has
long been sick, and that we are still
manifesting, meeting, and hopefully healing
the guilt over the misdoings of countless
generations--and that we are all born
Perhaps it is not one's negative personal
karma as an individual soul that is the cause
of our Plutonian experiences--perhaps it is an
act of courage and compassion to be born
with major Pluto aspects and experiences-because one hopes to help humanity set aside
its karma and heal. I do not know if this is the
truth, but I know it is a compassionate
approach and possibility. Do we really know
enough to judge karma, or even the
evolutionary condition of the soul, from a
birth chart? I don't think so. I think the chart
shows the dynamics of the psyche and the
evolutionary possibilities for one lifetime, but
how would we know the karma or condition of
the soul from an image of just one lifetime?
And how can we know what is an individual's
karma, and what is a collective or shared
karma that one has chosen to become
involved with?
We always have support of one kind or
another. Divine energies are always available
to assist us. By humbly and sincerely asking
for the presence of the Divine in our lives,
Grace will always become more present.
Opening to receive this Grace every single
day is an essential ingredient in transforming
our Plutonian lead into our Plutonian gold.
And let's remember the importance of fun and
joy as the ultimate fruit of our encounter with
Pluto. When it comes to Pluto, we are our own
worst enemies. If we can drop our guilt about
having been imperfect human beings (human
beings are supposed to screw up!) we can
become present enough to our hearts to start
all over, and give ourselves the gift of the
present in which we can remember how to
innocently play.

And let's remember the importance of fun and

joy as the ultimate fruit of our encounter with
Pluto. When it comes to Pluto, we are our own
worst enemies. If we can drop our guilt about
having been imperfect human beings (human
beings are supposed to screw up!) we can
become present enough to our hearts to start
all over, and give ourselves the gift of the
present in which we can remember how to
innocently play.

The EI Store

Click here for The Stages of the Work


class="indent">The Enneagram of Personality Types is a modern synthesis of a number of ancient wisdom traditions, but the person
<a href="/
who originally put the system together was Oscar Ichazo. Ichazo was born in Bolivia and raised there and in Peru,
but as a young man, moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina to learn from a school of inner work he had encountered.
enneathought.a Thereafter, he journeyed in Asia gathering other knowledge before returning to South America to begin putting
sp"><em>Enne together a systematic approach to all he had learned.
aThought for
After many years of developing his ideas, he created the Arica School as a vehicle for transmitting the knowledge
the<br> Day</ that he had received, teaching in Chile in the late 1960's and early 70's, before moving to the United States where he
still resides. In 1970, When Ichazo was still living in South America, a group of Americans, including noted
psychologists and writers Claudio Naranjo and John Lilly, went to Arica, Chile to study with Ichazo and to experience
a><img src="/ firsthand the methods for attaining self-realization that he had developed.
images/NavBar/This group spent several weeks with Ichazo, learning the basics of his system and engaged in the practices he taught
FlashingNew2.g them. The Arica school, like any serious system of inner work, is a vast, interwoven, and sometimes complex body of
if" width="29"

teachings on psychology, cosmology, metaphysics, spirituality, and so forth, combined with various practices to bring
about transformations of human consciousness. (The authors are not affiliated with this school, and therefore cannot
describe it with any justice, but those seeking to learn more about it can do so through Arica publications ).
Among the highlights for many of the participants was a system of teachings based on the ancient symbol of the
Enneagram. The Enneagram symbol has roots in antiquity and can be traced back at least as far as the works of

& Teachers

Pythagoras. 2 The symbol was reintroduced to the modern world by George Gurdjieff, the founder of a highly


influential inner work school. Gurdjieff taught the symbol primarily through a series of sacred dances or movements,


designed to give the participant a direct, felt sense of the meaning of symbol and the processes it represents. What


Gurdjieff clearly did not teach was a system of types associated with the symbol. Gurdjieff did reveal to advanced

Nine Domains students what he called their chief feature. The chief feature is the lynchpin of a person's ego structurethe basic

characteristic that defines them. Gurdjieff generally used colorful language to describe a person's chief feature, often


using the Sufi tradition of telling the person what kind of idiot they were. People could be round idiots, square idiots,


subjective hopeless idiots, squirming idiots, and so forth. But Gurdjieff never taught anything about a system of

Only" Section understanding character related to the Enneagram symbol.


For these and other reasons, many early Enneagram enthusiasts have mistakenly attributed the system of the nine

EnneaQuizzes types to Gurdjieff or to the Sufis because of Gurdjieff's use of some Sufi techniques. This has led to the widespread

and erroneous belief that the Enneagram system has been handed down from the Sufis or from some other ancient

EnneaThought school as an ongoing "oral tradition." While it is true that Ichazo drew on his knowledge of a number of such
How to Begin traditions, the actual combination of those traditions connected with the Enneagram symbol is purely his creation.
Free Short

Thus, the "Traditional Enneagram" only goes back to the 1960's when Ichazo was first teaching it, although the


philosophy behind the Enneagram contains components from mystical Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism,


Buddhism, and ancient Greek philosophy (particularly Socrates, Plato, and the Neo-Platonists)all traditions that


stretch back into antiquity.

<li><a href="/ In Personality Types (11-26), we offered a more extensive history of the system, but here, we want to look at the
sp" title="Our
Test: The RisoHudson
<a href="/
title="RHETI in

basics of the Enneagram system developed by Ichazo.

For more information about the contributions and

development of the Enneagram by Don Riso and Russ Hudson, click here.
Ichazo actually taught Aricans a system of 108 Enneagrams (or "Enneagons," in his terminology), but the Enneagram
movement in America has been based on the first few, and primarily on four of them. These are called the
Enneagram of the Passions, the Enneagram of the Virtues, the Enneagram of the Fixations, the Enneagram of the
Holy Ideas.
To grasp the significance of these diagrams and the relationship between them, we must remember that the system
was designed primarily to help elucidate the relationship between Essence and personality, or ego. In Ichazo's own
"We have to distinguish between a man as he is in essence, and as he is in ego or personality. In essence, every
person is perfect, fearless, and in a loving unity with the entire cosmos; there is no conflict within the person
between head, heart, and stomach or between the person and others. Then something happens: the ego begins to
develop, karma accumulates, there is a transition from objectivity to subjectivity; man falls from essence into
personality." (Interviews with Ichazo, page 9)
Thus, Ichazo saw the Enneagram as a way of examining specifics about the structure of the human soul and
particularly about the ways in which actual soul qualities of Essence become distorted, or contracted into states of
ego. In developing his Enneagram theories, he drew upon a recurrent theme in Western mystical and philosophical
traditionthe idea of nine divine forms. This idea was discussed by Plato as the Divine Forms or Platonic Solids,

<a href="/
title="RHETI in
">RHETI in
a></li> <li
<a href="/
e Likert
li> <li

To grasp the significance of these diagrams and the relationship between them, we must remember that the system
was designed primarily to help elucidate the relationship between Essence and personality, or ego. In Ichazo's own
"We have to distinguish between a man as he is in essence, and as he is in ego or personality. In essence, every
person is perfect, fearless, and in a loving unity with the entire cosmos; there is no conflict within the person
between head, heart, and stomach or between the person and others. Then something happens: the ego begins to
develop, karma accumulates, there is a transition from objectivity to subjectivity; man falls from essence into
personality." (Interviews with Ichazo, page 9)
Thus, Ichazo saw the Enneagram as a way of examining specifics about the structure of the human soul and
particularly about the ways in which actual soul qualities of Essence become distorted, or contracted into states of
ego. In developing his Enneagram theories, he drew upon a recurrent theme in Western mystical and philosophical
traditionthe idea of nine divine forms. This idea was discussed by Plato as the Divine Forms or Platonic Solids,
qualities of existence that are essential, that cannot be broken down into constituent parts. This idea was further
developed in the third century of our era by the Neo-Platonic philosophers, particularly Plotinus in his central work,
The Enneads.
These ideas found their way from Greece and Asia Minor southward through Syria and eventually to Egypt. There, it
was embraced by early Christian mystics known as the Desert Fathers who focused on studying the loss of the Divine
Forms in ego consciousness. The particular ways in which these Divine forms became distorted came to be known as
the Seven Deadly Sins: anger, pride, envy, avarice, gluttony, lust, and sloth. How the original nine forms, in the
course of their travels from Greece to Egypt over the course of a century, became reduced to seven deadly sins
remains a mystery.
Another key influence Ichazo employed in developing these ideas comes from mystical Judaism, and particularly from
the teachings of the Kabbala. Central to Kabbala is a diagram called Tree of Life (Etz Hayim in Hebrew). The Tree of
Life is a said to be a map showing the particular patterns and laws by which God created the manifest universe. The
diagram is composed of 10 spheres (Sefirot) connected by 22 paths in particular ways. Most significantly, Ichazo
must have been aware of the Kabbalistic teaching that all human souls are "sparks" that arise out of these spheres or
emanations from the Kabbalistic Tree. (The first sphere, Keter, is reserved for the Messiah, leaving nine other
spheres for the rest of us.) In the traditional teachings of the Kabbala, for instance, each of the great patriarchs of

enneagramme.c the Bible were said to be embodiments of the different spheres of the Tree. This teaching suggests that there are
om/index.php? different kinds of soulsdifferent emanations or facets of the Divine Unity.
rubrique=3074" Ichazo's brilliant work was in discovering how these Divine Forms and their corresponding distortions connected with

the Enneagram symbol and with the three Centers of human intelligence, Thinking, Feeling, and Instinct. He called


the higher, essential qualities of the human mind the Holy Ideas, in accordance with western mystical tradition. Each

Test: The Riso- Holy Idea also has a corresponding Virtue. The Virtues are essential qualities of the heart experienced by human

beings when they are abiding in Essence. As a person loses awareness and presence, falling away from Essence into


the trance of the personality, the loss of awareness of the Holy Idea becomes a person's Ego-fixation, and the loss of

Type Indicator contact with the Virtue causes the person's characteristic Passion. While everyone has the capacity to embody all of
in French">Full the Holy Ideas and Virtues, one pair of them is central to the soul's identity, so the loss if it is felt most acutely, and

the person's ego is most preoccupied with recreating it, although in a futile, self-defeating way. See the diagram



a><img src="/
if" width="29"

Relationship between Higher Essence Qualities

Test: The Riso- and Ego Distortions
Thus, the Passions and Ego-fixations represent the ways that spiritual qualities become contracted into ego states.
There are, according to Ichazo's theory, nine main ways that we lose our center and become distorted in our
Type Indicator thinking, feeling, and doing, and are thus the nine ways that we forget our connection with the Divine. (The Passions
can also be thought of as our untamed animal nature before it is transformed by contact from higher influences
Spanish">Full awareness and Grace.)

Because of this particular relationship between the higher qualities of the soul and their corresponding ego

Spanish </

distortions, a person could, by using presence and awareness to recognize the pattern of their distortiontheir

a></li> <li

characteristic passion and ego-fixationcome to recognize the quality of Essence that had been obscured. By
class='indent'> remembering or contemplating the higher quality, balance could be restored, thus accelerating the person's
<a href="/nl/ awareness of themselves as Essence. Knowing one's "type" was a way to direct one's inner work to facilitate the

transformative process.


The Virtues, Passions, Holy Ideas, and Fixations


The Virtues describe the expansive, non-dual qualities of Essence experienced in a direct, felt way by a person

Thus, the Passions and Ego-fixations represent the ways that spiritual qualities become contracted into ego states.

There are, according to Ichazo's theory, nine main ways that we lose our center and become distorted in our
Type Indicator thinking, feeling, and doing, and are thus the nine ways that we forget our connection with the Divine. (The Passions
can also be thought of as our untamed animal nature before it is transformed by contact from higher influences
Spanish">Full awareness and Grace.)

Because of this particular relationship between the higher qualities of the soul and their corresponding ego

Spanish </

distortions, a person could, by using presence and awareness to recognize the pattern of their distortiontheir

a></li> <li

characteristic passion and ego-fixationcome to recognize the quality of Essence that had been obscured. By
class='indent'> remembering or contemplating the higher quality, balance could be restored, thus accelerating the person's
<a href="/nl/ awareness of themselves as Essence. Knowing one's "type" was a way to direct one's inner work to facilitate the

transformative process.


The Virtues, Passions, Holy Ideas, and Fixations


The Virtues describe the expansive, non-dual qualities of Essence experienced in a direct, felt way by a person
Test: The Riso- abiding in their true nature. The Virtues are the natural expression of the awakened heart. We do not try to force
ourselves to be "virtuous"rather, as we relax and become more present and awake, seeing through the fear and

desire of the ego self, these qualities naturally manifest themselves in the human soul.
Type Indicator "An essential individual will be in contact with these [Virtues] constantly, simply by living in his body. But the
in Dutch">Full subjective individual, the ego, loses touch with these Virtues. Then the personality tries to compensate by developing
RHETI in Dutch passions." (Interviews with Oscar Ichazo, page 19).
</a></li> <li The Passions represent an underlying emotional response to reality created by the loss of contact with our Essential
nature. As we saw in Chapter 1, we all inevitably lose contact with the ground of our Being, with our true identity as
Spirit or Essence. The underlying hurt, shame, and grief that this loss entails are enormous, and our ego is compelled

to come up with a particular way of emotionally coping with the loss. This temporarily effective, but ultimately
www.enneagra misguided coping strategy is the Passion. But because the Passion is a distortion of an inherent, essential Virtue,
recognizing the Passion can help us to restore the Virtue.5
In a related way, the Virtue of each type can also be seen as an antidote to its Passion and as a focal point for the
type's positive traits. By recalling the Virtue in a state of presence, the Passion can be gradually transformed. The
restoration of the virtue and the transformation of the passion is an extremely important part of the spiritual use of
the Enneagram.
Test: The RisoThe Holy Ideas represent specific non-dual perspectives of Essenceparticular ways of knowing and recognizing the
unity of Being. They are what naturally arises in a clear, quiet mind when a person is present and awake, seeing
reality as it actually is. The loss of a Holy Idea leads to a particular ego-delusion about the self or reality, called the
Type Indicator
type's Ego-fixation. Through the ego-fixation, the person is trying to restore the balance and freedom of the Holy
Idea, but from the dualistic perspective of ego, cannot. Again, understanding the perspective of our type's Holy Idea
functions as an antidote to the ego-fixation. The non-dual perspective of our true nature is restored as we see
Chinese </
through the particular delusions of our type.6
a></li <li
<a href="/

Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram of the Virtues

Test: The RisoHudson

Type Indicator
li>> <li><a

Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram of the Passions

sp" title="The
Sorting Test
&amp; The
Type Attitude
-TAS Test</
a></li> <li><a
al Variants

Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram of the Holy Ideas

Sorting Test
&amp; The
Type Attitude
-TAS Test</

Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram of the Holy Ideas

a></li> <li><a
al Variants

Oscar Ichazo's Enneagram of the Ego-Fixations


The descriptions that follow provide a brief commentary on each of the nine Virtues, Passions, Holy Ideas, and


Fixations of the nine types. These descriptions are intended to be short and introductory, and represent our own

Instincts Test</ understanding of these qualities. In some cases, we offer alternative names for the different qualities to help clarify
a></li> <li><a the original name's meaning. Please also note that the descriptions of the Holy Ideas and Virtues are of necessity

somewhat impressionistic. This is because it is difficult to convey in words the sense of the non-dual perspectives of

www.ninedomai Essence. Type Descriptions

Type One

tolat.asp">TOL Passion: Anger

Fixation: Resentment




Virtue: Serenity

Holy Idea: Holy

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Passion: Anger [Resentment]*
The passion of anger results from the loss of the virtue of Serenity. In understanding this passion, it is important to
remember that the response of anger itself is not the problem. Anger occurs spontaneously when we feel that
someone or something is threatening our integrity. It rises in our presence, lasts for a few moments, then passes.
But when we are not present to our anger, we become frustrated and resentful. Over time, this simmering frustration
becomes an underlying feeling that is always with us.
Because Ones resist fully expressing their anger, they are often unaware of its presence as a continual backdrop of
smoldering resentment. Of course, not even the average One's deeply ingrained habits of self-control can keep their
anger down indefinitely. Sooner or later it is expressed, often inappropriately, and often with negative consequences
for their relationships.
This resentful attitude toward life is also directly related to the One's resistance to reality. The passion of anger
causes chronic dissatisfaction with oneself and with reality. It causes us to feel that reality is not the way it ought to
be. ("I don't like the way things are. Things should be better. This should be done in a different way.") Ones do not
generally see themselves as angry; rather they see themselves as "under control," as always striving to get things
Virtue: Serenity
When we are awake and present, it is natural for human beings to accept reality exactly as it is. We may be moved
to action, we may help and support others as we see the need, but we accept the conditions that we are working
with. This openness allows us to interact with the world more effectively and more compassionately. We do not feel
separate from others, let alone better or worse than them. Such distinctions and evaluations are seen as
meaningless. We are open and receptive, trusting that whatever wisdom we may need will arise in the moment.
Serenity is not only being open to others, of course: it is also being open and accepting of ourselves, exactly as we
are too. We are comfortable with ourselves, with our bodies and with our feelings. We are deeply relaxed and allow
the energies of life to flow through us without resisting them or trying to control them. In the virtue of serenity, there
is no feeling of effort or of striving. We are soothed and soothing. We flow from one experience into the next, feeling
calm and balanced, regardless of the ups and downs of life.
Fixation: Resentment [Judging]*
Resentment and Judgment result from the loss of the Holy Idea of Perfection. Ones seem to have a vague memory of
this world of perfection: they recall the feeling of knowing that reality is perfectly unfolding according to a Divine
plan. Early in their lives, though, they became cut off from that feeling and became angry about it. On the deepest
level, their response to life is "Why is everything all messed up? It wasn't always like this! It doesn't have to be this
way!" Ones' egos then become caught up in trying to recreate the sense of perfection that is actually a part of their
As a result, Ones become convinced that aspects of themselves and the world are somehow disordered, and they
have deep convictions about how to restore a proper order to everything. Resentments them to strive to be perfect,
but when they fail to find the perfection they seek, they become resentful of themselves and angry about their own
apparent imperfectionthus sustaining their passion.
The key to unlocking this dilemma is recognizing how the ego activity of judging divides the self into judging and
judged parts, thus destroying the unity of the self. It is only from unity, from a whole and complete contact with all
of the self that we are able to embody and recognize perfection.
Holy Idea: Holy Perfection
Whenever we really show up fully in the here and now, the present moment is always perfect. We could be looking at
a sunset, or paying bills, or speaking with our spouse, or watching a friend pass away. It does not matter what the
specific experience is. When we are present and awake to the living reality of here and now, the experience always
has an inherent rightness. We experience the unfolding of reality as perfection. We feel in our depths that the Divine

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As a result, Ones become convinced that aspects of themselves and the world are somehow disordered, and they
have deep convictions about how to restore a proper order to everything. Resentments them to strive to be perfect,
but when they fail to find the perfection they seek, they become resentful of themselves and angry about their own
apparent imperfectionthus sustaining their passion.
The key to unlocking this dilemma is recognizing how the ego activity of judging divides the self into judging and
judged parts, thus destroying the unity of the self. It is only from unity, from a whole and complete contact with all
of the self that we are able to embody and recognize perfection.
Holy Idea: Holy Perfection
Whenever we really show up fully in the here and now, the present moment is always perfect. We could be looking at
a sunset, or paying bills, or speaking with our spouse, or watching a friend pass away. It does not matter what the
specific experience is. When we are present and awake to the living reality of here and now, the experience always
has an inherent rightness. We experience the unfolding of reality as perfection. We feel in our depths that the Divine
Plan is unfolding exactly the way it needs to. There is nothing we can add to it or subtract from it.

Search EI Site In our ego minds, we can imagine all sorts of terrible things, past and future, and ask "what is so perfect about that?

What is good about that tragedy happening?" From a certain perspective, the mass extinctions that have occurred on

Consultations our planet could be seen as enormous tragedies, and yet, scientists tell us that if they had not occurred, it is unlikely
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that we as a species would have evolved. Even if we could have been alive at the time to complain about the


unfairness of the dinosaurs dying out, we could not have foreseen the ultimate results of their disappearance. Of

Type Charts

course, Holy Perfection does not mean that we ignore suffering or refuse to help when we can. As we have seen, the


present and awake person of Essence is truly able to support others with compassion, wisdom, and strength. But


Holy Perfection allows us to see that we cannot discern the big picture from our limited ego perspective. Only in

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presence can we perceive the unity, goodness, and perfection of this momentof right now. And since right now is


where we actually are, this realization is all we need.


*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term


Type Two


Passion: Pride

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Fixation: Flattery

Virtue: Humility

Holy Idea: Holy Will,


Passion: Pride
Pride is the caused by the loss of the virtue of humility. But pride is said to be the root of all evil and underlies all of
the Capital Sins, so to distinguish it further, we can also call this vainglory. Vainglory is a pride in one's own
goodness, taking a special satisfaction in one's own virtue, seeing oneself only as a loving, well-intentioned person.
The passion is not the tendency to be generous and kind, but the compulsion to call attention to one's generosity and
kindness. This is "goodness" that calls attention to itself so that they will be admired for being selfless, praised for
being humble, rewarded for being self-sacrificial, repaid for being generous, and so forth.
Another more subtle element to pride is the inability to admit that we are hurting, the unwillingness to acknowledge
our own suffering and neediness. This part in each of us says "You've got problems, not me! I'm okay and I'm here
to help you." But in fact, all of us, and particularly Twos, are terrified that we will break down and people will see
how sad and lonely we are much of the time. Not only does pride prevent us from allowing people to see that we are
in pain, it also prevents us from letting people see that we need anything, or that we are really trying to get
something from others. Pride can also be seen as a fundamental denial of the loss of contact with Essence
particularly the loss of contact with qualities of real love.
Virtue: Humility
When we are abiding in our true nature, our identity, does not require support from the approval of others or from
our own self-regard. Humility is simply Being without self-reflecting. It is not self-disparagement as some of us have
been taught, nor is it resisting satisfaction in our work or relationships. When we are really present and awake,
issues about our identity and self-worth do not arise. Without attempting to be, we are humble.
This quality gives very healthy Twos the ability to love others disinterestedly, without any thought of self, of being
thanked or repaid, or of even having the good regard and appreciation of the people they do things for. They strive
to do good unselfishly, helping others for others' sake, without even thoughts of self-congratulations for the effort.
They simply see a need and respond (or not) spontaneously and freely.
Fixation: Flattery [Ingratiation]*
When we lose contact with the Holy Idea of Holy Will, the ego compensates by trying to make good things happen.
Twos flatter people, serve other's needs, and make others feel good about themselves so that they will get approval
and appreciation. Like everybody else, Twos need to feel good about themselves, but because of the way that their
egos are structured they cannot feel good about themselves without getting gratitude and love from others. As a
result, Twos go out of their way to do good things for others in order to get positive feedback (flattery) about
themselves. As a result, the minds of Twos become preoccupied with finding nice things to say or do so that they can
feel good about themselves, convince themselves of their loving goodness, and have others confirm it. ("Mary Ann
just couldn't live without me.") The ego-activity of flattery thus sustains the emotional stance of pride.
Thus, the Two's general pattern becomes "giving in order to get." They give to others with the secret hope that
someone will notice how much they have done and give positive attention back to them in return. They meet others'
needs with the hope that their needs will also be fulfilled.
Holy Idea: Holy Will, Holy Freedom
The ego mind of the Two believes that their personal efforts are required to make good things happen, and that
without their goodwill and tireless interventions, goodness will not flower. Thus, others' need their help, support,
praise, flattery, encouragement, and so forth. When we have the non-dual perspective of Holy Will, we recognize that
there is only one Will, one unfolding reality, and that the ego only thinks that it is making things happen. We see that
everything really is "in God's hands," not as a comforting belief, but as a palpable reality. The recognition of this
truth releases the Two's awareness from the compulsive need to help and support: they see that they can help or not

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themselves. As a result, the minds of Twos become preoccupied with finding nice things to say or do so that they can
feel good about themselves, convince themselves of their loving goodness, and have others confirm it. ("Mary Ann
just couldn't live without me.") The ego-activity of flattery thus sustains the emotional stance of pride.
Thus, the Two's general pattern becomes "giving in order to get." They give to others with the secret hope that
someone will notice how much they have done and give positive attention back to them in return. They meet others'
needs with the hope that their needs will also be fulfilled.
Holy Idea: Holy Will, Holy Freedom
The ego mind of the Two believes that their personal efforts are required to make good things happen, and that
without their goodwill and tireless interventions, goodness will not flower. Thus, others' need their help, support,
praise, flattery, encouragement, and so forth. When we have the non-dual perspective of Holy Will, we recognize that
there is only one Will, one unfolding reality, and that the ego only thinks that it is making things happen. We see that
everything really is "in God's hands," not as a comforting belief, but as a palpable reality. The recognition of this
truth releases the Two's awareness from the compulsive need to help and support: they see that they can help or not
help, but that their identity, their Beingness, does not depend on sustaining this activity. This brings Holy Freedom,
freedom from the ego and from the compulsive need to prop the ego up by being "good." We could also say that
Holy Freedom describes the sense of exhilaration and openness that arise when we experience ourselves as part of
the unfolding Divine Will.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Three
Passion: Deceit

Fixation: Vanity



Virtue: Truthfulness

Holy Idea: Holy Law,


Holy Hope

Passion: Deceit [Vanity]*

Deceit results from the loss of the virtue of Truthfulness and can be seen as the tendency to believe that one is the
assumed self of personality and not Essence. Deceit entails presenting "images" of ourselves both to ourselves and to
others as if they were the real thing. The sin of the Three is one of the more difficult ones to understand in our
culture since it is so pervasive. When we talk about deceit, we are not necessarily talking about people lying to each
other all the time in an overt way. We are talking about being inauthentic instead of being completely honest and
real with someone. The more we examine deceit, the more we see how seldom we authentically express what we
feel, what we think, or what our true intentions are. To do so, requires presence and connectedness with our hearts.
If we are caught in the trance of our personalities, this is not possible. More often, we tend to behave in ways that
we think will be acceptable to others.
Over time, adjusting ourselves to professional, social, and personal demands becomes so automatic that we lose
touch with our true nature. We become identified with a particular self image that we believe would be more
acceptable than our authentic selves, and then must deceive ourselves about who we are and what we really want.
Do we identify ourselves with our job? Our peer group? Our gender? There are all sorts of things that define who we
are, but who are we really? Who is this person that is reading the words on this page right now?
Average Threes learned to develop their image and the perfection of their "package" rather than their authentic
feelings and identity. Often, average Threes have become so accustomed to identifying with their performance, that
they actually do not know who they really are or what they really want from life. They learn to reject their authentic
identity and start to deceive themselves that the "improved and polished" picture of themselves is actually who they
are. They develop a self image that they believe will be more acceptable and worthwhile, identify with it, and then
expect others to support and applaud it.
While Threes are usually rewarded for this self abandonment, their real growth depends on them reconnecting with
their deeper selftheir true heart's desire.
Virtue: Truthfulness (Authenticity)
When we are abiding in our true nature, our Essential identity, we speak and act with complete truthfulness: we see
that any untruthfulness causes us to detach from our true nature. We experience our heart's desire, and realize that
the most important thing in life is to be ourselves, deeply and completely. We understand that nothing else will
satisfy us, no matter how many accomplishments we pile up. Further, a person embodying real authenticity sees no
reason for deception, feeling the profound connection with others, indeed, with all of reality, makes anything other
than simple truth seem absurd.
When healthy Threes understand that their value is not based on any particular achievement, they are able to
experience their depths of their own hearts in ways that liberate them from the roles they believe they must play in
order to be acceptable. They are able to be, but are do not lose their ability to make the most of themselves. Their
identity is based on a direct experience of themselves in the living moment, not on a narcissistic, inflated notion of
themselves. Truly being themselves enables Threes to love others simply and genuinely. The preciousness of truth
and of their true identity is also recognized as the preciousness of everyone and everything.
Fixation: Vanity [Deceit]*
When we are not in contact with a more authentic experience of ourselves, we must invest our energies in cultivating
our personamaking it valuable to compensate for our loss of Essential value and identity. Thus, vanity is the egoactivity of trying to make the personality feel real and valuable. Clearly, if we deceive ourselves into believing that
we are the personality, then we must apply all of our efforts to doing whatever we believe will make the personality
more valuable, important, attractive, brilliant, and worthwhile. We will tend to regard meditating and doing deep
psychological work to reveal the falseness of the ego and its agenda as a waste of time, or even threatening.
Vanity causes us to invested our energies in building up our self image. We become concerned with doing and being
whatever we believe will make us feel more worthwhile, such as having a successful career, presenting ourselves
favorably, attending good schools, achieving goals, building up our rsum, winning awards. We become
lost in the roles that we play in life, and then must make the role valuable instead of recognizing the real value of our
true nature.

Fixation: Vanity [Deceit]*

When we are not in contact with a more authentic experience of ourselves, we must invest our energies in cultivating
our personamaking it valuable to compensate for our loss of Essential value and identity. Thus, vanity is the egoactivity of trying to make the personality feel real and valuable. Clearly, if we deceive ourselves into believing that
we are the personality, then we must apply all of our efforts to doing whatever we believe will make the personality
more valuable, important, attractive, brilliant, and worthwhile. We will tend to regard meditating and doing deep
psychological work to reveal the falseness of the ego and its agenda as a waste of time, or even threatening.
Vanity causes us to invested our energies in building up our self image. We become concerned with doing and being
whatever we believe will make us feel more worthwhile, such as having a successful career, presenting ourselves
favorably, attending good schools, achieving goals, building up our rsum, winning awards. We become
lost in the roles that we play in life, and then must make the role valuable instead of recognizing the real value of our
true nature.
Holy Idea: Holy Law, Holy Hope
This Holy Idea has to do with correcting the ego's false perception that it is the source of doing and functioningthat
the ego is accomplishing something. From the non-dual perspective of Essence, everything is one: there is only one
complete and total reality that is here in each moment. Right now, if we sense our experience of this moment, we
can perceive that all that we can experience is a unity, a oneness. Only our mental activity defines objects and
divides our experience into different categories.
If we stay present, however, observing this unity of experience, we will come to see that it changes from moment to
momentit unfolds. Thus, Essential reality is not static, but a dynamic unfolding of reality moment by moment. The
ego mind thinks that we are animate objects interacting with other animate and inanimate objects in a background of
space. The perception of Holy Law is quite different: it is perceiving the dynamic, living unity of everything as an
unfolding process. There can be no independent doing or accomplishment because everything is happening together.
The whole flow of reality is one enormous creative dance, so who is it that is doing? Furthermore, in presence, we
understand that the unfolding of the universe is benign, always developing and optimizing. This perception gives us
confidence to rest in being (Holy Hope) and allows our ego minds to cease their endless agendas and projects. In a
profound, direct way, we understand that God is doing a good job.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Four
Passion: Envy

Fixation: Melancholy

Virtue: Equanimity

Holy Idea: Holy Origin

(Emotional Balance)
Passion: Envy
Envy results from the loss of contact with the virtue of Equanimity, and leads to the feeling that something is missing
in us. We are not sure what it is, but other people seem to be happier, better off than us. Rather than investigate the
source of our unease, in the throes of envy, we focus on comparing ourselves with others, believing that they
possess qualities that we do not have, that others have had better childhoods, parents, or luck than us. Other people
are somehow more alive and more whole. Other people seem to be having more productive lives and careers and
wonderful marriages, but envy leads us to believe that these things are not possible for us. ("No one understands my
suffering.") In short, envy sees in others qualities that we would like to have for our own self-completion, but
perpetuates the sense of inner lack without dealing with the root problem.
The problem is that Fours identify with their woundedness, with their sense of inner deficiency, and then make a
lifestyle out of their suffering. In fact, Fours are perceiving something true: the ego is false, based on suffering, and
ultimately deficient. But rather than stay with this direct awareness in a way that would transform them, Fours get
caught up in emotional reactions and beliefs about this deficiency, and construct their identity out of it. Thus, the ego
self is sustained by identifying with the feeling of inner lack, and by making up stories about its origin. Envy also
alienates us from others and from life. It causes us to feel like outsiders who never belong anywhere, while imagining
that others do and disliking them for it. The result is a constant emotional storminess and reactivity which obscures
our ability to perceive our true identity or value, or that of anything else.
Virtue: Equanimity (Emotional Balance)
When we abide in presence, it is natural for us as human beings to feel expansive and open in our hearts. We are
touched and affected by our experiences, often in profound ways, but we are not lost or swept away by our
emotional reactions. We are compassionately connected with truth, and this supports us in our ability to remain
present even to potentially painful experiences or realizations. Equanimity gives us tremendous support for our soul's
capacity to be touched and transformed by the events of our lives, both grand and subtle. This gives healthy Fours
the ability to embrace life without being so "storm-tossed" by every feeling. Even negative experiences can be made
into something positive, and they find peace in knowing that the soul is able to transform every experience into
something worthwhile and valuable.
Fixation: Melancholy [Fantasizing]*
We might also call this fixation Fantasizing, because it is describes the ways that Fours use their imaginations to
keep their intense, envious feelings going. The mental activity of average Fours fixates on thoughts that stir up
feelings of longing, of bittersweet romance, of loss, and other melancholy feelings. Unfortunately, this activity also
blinds Fours to many aspects of objective reality and obscures their true nature. In its more extreme form, this
fixation plays itself out as a constant inner commentary on one's one inadequacies and on how others have let one
down. It causes Fours to feel that they have been particularly victimized. ("Not only am I hurtI'm hurt worse than
anyone else! No one has suffered as much as I have!") This fixation causes us to become extremely selfconsciousness, and profoundly cut off from the source of our identity.
Holy Idea: Holy Origin
Because our ego mind is profoundly cut off from the ground of Being, it needs constant support and reinforcement,
otherwise its inherent unreality will be revealed. The Four's ego agenda is to sustain a particular identity, to be an

Fixation: Melancholy [Fantasizing]*

We might also call this fixation Fantasizing, because it is describes the ways that Fours use their imaginations to
keep their intense, envious feelings going. The mental activity of average Fours fixates on thoughts that stir up
feelings of longing, of bittersweet romance, of loss, and other melancholy feelings. Unfortunately, this activity also
blinds Fours to many aspects of objective reality and obscures their true nature. In its more extreme form, this
fixation plays itself out as a constant inner commentary on one's one inadequacies and on how others have let one
down. It causes Fours to feel that they have been particularly victimized. ("Not only am I hurtI'm hurt worse than
anyone else! No one has suffered as much as I have!") This fixation causes us to become extremely selfconsciousness, and profoundly cut off from the source of our identity.
Holy Idea: Holy Origin
Because our ego mind is profoundly cut off from the ground of Being, it needs constant support and reinforcement,
otherwise its inherent unreality will be revealed. The Four's ego agenda is to sustain a particular identity, to be an
individual, and the ego goes about that impossible task in the best way it knows how. But when the ego activity
slows down and rests, we become aware of Being itself as the source and origin of our true identity. This is not a
concept or a belief, but a direct experience of our identity as Essence. We do not, and cannot, do anything to be
ourselves. The more we try to become a particular image or idea of ourselves, the more we lose the immediate
contact with the rich, delightful contact with our true self as Being. We see that we are not separate from anything,
that our true nature partakes of the whole of reality: that all parts of the universe are manifesting a tremendous
creative intelligence, and that the self is an aspect of that creative flow, and cannot be otherwise. We understand
that the source of everything is the core of our true identitythat it is creating and sustaining the self always. The
recognition of this brings a feeling of exquisite delight in simply resting in and being one's true identity.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Five
Passion: Avarice

Fixation: Stinginess

Virtue: Detachment

Holy Idea: Holy


Omniscience, Holy

Passion: Avarice
The meaning of the word "avarice" is often misunderstood as it applies to type Five. Avarice is usually associated
with greed, or the desire to accumulate worldly possessions; however, avarice does not necessarily express itself in
materialistic ways. Avarice began to manifest in us when, as small children, we lost contact with our essential
natures, and consequently felt small, tiny, and helpless in a vast, uncaring universe. This left all of us, and Fives
especially, terrified of life and doubting our ability to function in the world. Thus, Avarice leads Fives to feel that they
must retreat from reality or defend against it, while trying to restore the feeling that they are capable and competent
to deal with this overwhelming situation. It leads to an emotional attitude of rejection and detachmenta turning
away from the world as if one were not part of it. Avarice causes us to feel as though the universe has rejected us,
so we better find a way to make do with our wits and with a minimal of support and resources.
Avarice is often confused, with Gluttony, the Passion of type Seven. Gluttony seeks to fill the emptiness of the false
self up with experiences and ideas from "outside." Avarice is also based on a sense of inner impoverishment, but
copes by withholding the self, by shrinking back from contact, and by clutching at the little we think we already have
because we are afraid of losing it. The ego self feels empty, rejected, and without nourishing sustenance, so it hoards
whatever it feels it has. Avarice is trying to retain in the self the resources and knowledge the ego believes it needs
to function in the world.
Thus, Avarice in Fives is most often expressed as a kind of collector mentality, collecting more and more knowledge,
reading more and more books, continually preparing themselves so that they will be able to go out into the world
with confidence.
Virtue: Detachment [Nonattachment]*
Although Ichazo's original name for the Virtue at point Five is Detachment, we prefer the term Nonattachment to
distinguish it from the emotional detachment caused by schizoid withdrawalthe rejection of one's feelings and need
for nurturing. Non-Attachment contains no hint of rejection; in fact, it requires a radical acceptance of reality. It is
the quality described by the familiar spiritual injunction to "be in the world but not of it." When we are present and
abiding in our true natures, we do not cling to anything, inner or outer. Particularly, we no longer need to cling to the
endless activity of the mind as a source of identity and orientation to the world. We feel at one with the unfolding
universe and as if we contain it within us at the same time. Everything touches and transforms us, yet there is
nothing that we need to attach our identity to; our existence is not based on anything, not our thoughts, not our
feelings, not our body, not our perceptions. Everything arises and disappears in a state of profound stillness and
This state of non-attachment also gives us a profound compassion for all living things because we see their transient
nature. When there is no need to attach ourselves to any view, it is easy to be compassionate and forgivng ("Tout
comprendre, c'est tout pardonner""To understand all is to forgive all").
Fixation: Stinginess [Retention]*
Stinginess refers to the ego mind's tendency to hold onto experiences and information in an effort to build up
knowledge and power and to maintain a familiar orientation with reality. It is as if the mind were stockpiling
resources to prepare for some future catastrophe. Thus, Fives spend their time gathering information, skills, and
resources to "build themselves up," as if they were creating a separate space in which to prepare themselves to reenter reality.
The problem is that identifying with the mind this way detaches us from the support of our Being and from feeling
connected with the world. Further, if Fives are continually thinking that they need more and more information or skill
before they can really live, it is going to be very difficult to get their lives started, and it is also going to be
frightening to give, to be generous with one's self. It is as if Fives are thinking "There is not enough of me even for

nature. When there is no need to attach ourselves to any view, it is easy to be compassionate and forgivng ("Tout
comprendre, c'est tout pardonner""To understand all is to forgive all").
Fixation: Stinginess [Retention]*
Stinginess refers to the ego mind's tendency to hold onto experiences and information in an effort to build up
knowledge and power and to maintain a familiar orientation with reality. It is as if the mind were stockpiling
resources to prepare for some future catastrophe. Thus, Fives spend their time gathering information, skills, and
resources to "build themselves up," as if they were creating a separate space in which to prepare themselves to reenter reality.
The problem is that identifying with the mind this way detaches us from the support of our Being and from feeling
connected with the world. Further, if Fives are continually thinking that they need more and more information or skill
before they can really live, it is going to be very difficult to get their lives started, and it is also going to be
frightening to give, to be generous with one's self. It is as if Fives are thinking "There is not enough of me even for
me. If others want things from me, there won't be anything left. I need time to build myself up." However, no
amount of studying, learning, or hoarding makes them feel any more ready to deal with their lives.
Holy Idea: Holy Omniscience, Holy Transparency
Holy Omniscience is a direct apprehension of the knowing-ness, the awake-ness of Essence. Essence experiences
reality through our organism, through our senses and perceptions. Looked at from this perspective, the human being
is like a sense organ for the Divine awareness. The universe knows itself through us. When we are present and
abiding in our true nature, our minds become clear, and we know the immense, brilliant intelligence of Essence that
is the basis for our limited, ego minds.
This clarification of the mind also results in the clarification of boundaries: we "see through" boundaries, recognizing
them as arbitrary inventions of the mind. In reality, everything is distinguishable, but a oneness. We can discriminate
color, texture, form, and movement, but do not see these phenomena as separate objects. Rather, we see both the
endlessly transforming manifestation of reality as well as its underlying depths. We ourselves feel completely
transparenteverything passes through us, nothing "sticks" in our consciousness. We perceive reality with a
penetrating, brilliant clarity that does not require the exertions of the ego mind to understand.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Six
Passion: Fear [Angst]* Fixation: Cowardice
Virtue: Courage

Holy Idea: Holy Faith

Passion: Fear [Angst]*

Fear is the feeling that arises when we feel unsupported and without guidance. When we feel unsupported, we feel
unable to move into the next moment with assurance and confidence. We believe that something terrible that
happened in the past might happen again in the future. In a sense, fear is always based on some kind of imagined
futurewe are not afraid of something that concluded yesterday because we know the outcome. And this reveals a
second point: fear is also a response to not knowing what is going to happen. Whenever we are unsure of our fate,
we can become fearful to the degree that we also feel unsupported.
The truth is, however, that we are never certain of what will happen next. "Not knowing" is a fundamental condition
of our individual existence. We can plan and try to predict and prepare, as type Six does, but in the end, a single
twist of fate can undo all of our defenses against the future.
While "not knowing" is fundamental, feeling unsupported and without guidance is not, and this is really the basis of
the Six's fear. Lack of contact with inner guidance leaves Sixes anxious and unsure of how to make decisions, avoid
danger, and move forward in life. Further, much of type Six's fears are not based on reality, but on things that might
happen. This constant background of anxiety drives Sixes to organize and systematize their environment as much as
possible so that it will be predictable and thus less threatening, but this activity does not ultimately reduce their fear.
Virtue: Courage
The virtue of courage might also be called fearlessness because it truly is the absence of fear. This is absolutely
different than defying fear or behaving aggressively to toughen oneself up (counterphobia). True courage arises in
the heart when a person is present and deeply grounded in the moment. When we are abiding in our true nature,
tremendous support and inner strength naturally arise every time they are needed. Courage draws upon the
Essential qualities of Strength and Will, such that we feel like we are held up by a tremendous, supportive solidity.
We experience directly the enormous capacities of our Essential nature such that we can totally accept not-knowing
the outcome of things. Here and now, we are more than finewe are solid, real, vital, and imbedded in the unfolding
Will of the Divine.
Fixation: Cowardice [Worrying]*
We have found the term "Cowardice" for the fixation of type Six one of the less satisfying ones, because cowardice
can be seen as a simple caving in to fear. But if we examine the way that the activity of the ego mind supports fear
and anxiety, then the broader meaning of this term is revealed.
Basically, cowardice is a failure of confidence in our ability to know, to receive inner guidance. In Enneagram terms,
it is the loss of the Holy Idea of Faith. Thus, we might also call the fixation self-doubt.
Sixes (and the Six in us) respond to this lack by trying to hedge their bets against life: they want to create stability
and "social security." Unfortunately, cowardice also causes Sixes tend to undermine whatever security they create by
second-guessing themselves and doubting their own decisions. "Where can I get support? Where will I find security?
What is a safe bet in life? Is that person really my friend? I know they said they are, but will they be there to help me
out when the chips are down? Is this job going to be there in six months? If I invest in this, will I lose all my
Holy Idea: Holy Faith
Real faith has nothing to do with beliefs, or with trying to convince oneself that a certain belief is true. The faith we
are talking about here is a recognition of the actual support of presence and Being that is available right now. It is
the recognition that Essence, our true nature is real and cannot be lost. Essence really exists. Reality it is supporting

and anxiety, then the broader meaning of this term is revealed.

Basically, cowardice is a failure of confidence in our ability to know, to receive inner guidance. In Enneagram terms,
it is the loss of the Holy Idea of Faith. Thus, we might also call the fixation self-doubt.
Sixes (and the Six in us) respond to this lack by trying to hedge their bets against life: they want to create stability
and "social security." Unfortunately, cowardice also causes Sixes tend to undermine whatever security they create by
second-guessing themselves and doubting their own decisions. "Where can I get support? Where will I find security?
What is a safe bet in life? Is that person really my friend? I know they said they are, but will they be there to help me
out when the chips are down? Is this job going to be there in six months? If I invest in this, will I lose all my
Holy Idea: Holy Faith
Real faith has nothing to do with beliefs, or with trying to convince oneself that a certain belief is true. The faith we
are talking about here is a recognition of the actual support of presence and Being that is available right now. It is
the recognition that Essence, our true nature is real and cannot be lost. Essence really exists. Reality it is supporting
us and we are part of it. We do not have to make support happen because it is already here. From this viewpoint, we
see that it does not matter whether we believe in it or not any more than it matters whether or not we believe in the
sky. Essence is a felt, experienced reality.
Thus, Holy Faith gives us an unshakable confidence in the inherent goodness of life and of the universe. Even when
things seem to be going wrong to the ego's perspective, in presence, we recognize that things are we are supported
and that our true nature cannot be harmed. Holy Faith gives us the inner freedom to respond spontaneously to
whatever emerges in the moment because we are not bound by beliefs, doubts, and learned procedures. We are
guided in each moment to optimal action.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Seven
Passion: Gluttony

Fixation: Planning

Virtue: Sobriety

Holy Idea: Holy

Wisdom, Holy Work,
Holy Plan

Passion: Gluttony
Gluttony results from the loss of the virtue of Sobriety. The original meaning of the sin of gluttony is stuffing one's
self, overeating and overindulging in food and drink. On a psychological and spiritual level, it is the belief that all
good and desirable things exist outside of myself in the world, and that I need to get those things for myself. It
arises from a deep feeling of inner emptiness that the ego tries to suppress. Gluttony denies the inner deficiency of
the go self, creating a false sense of abundance and excitement that masks the underlying frustration and pain
driving this Passion.
The gluttony of the Seven is the belief that one can fill up the emptiness with exciting experiences. "If I can just keep
having good experiences, I will not feel bad or be anxious." Sevens fear that they are not going to get what they
need to feel secure and happy. "No one is going to support me or take care of me, so I have to go out and get what I
want myself." Gluttony in Sevens also refers to the tendency to take all experiences too far, to become excessive in
every area of life. Sevens do not make a sufficient distinction between "wants" and "needs" and attempt to fulfill all
of their wants as if they were legitimate needs. The tragedy is that the more they attempt to fill themselves with
things and experiences (some sort of external sustenance for the self), the more Sevens become incapable of finding
the happiness they seek.
Virtue: Sobriety
When we are present and abiding in our true nature, we feel awake, sober, and in clear contact with our immediate
experience. The affect is bracing, but bracing like a crisp morning, or like a refreshing breeze. We see the real world
in exquisite detail, and feel a quiet satisfaction, quite distinct from the giddy, hyped up excitement of gluttony.
Everything is wonderful, everything is moving, but we are not swept away in our enthusiasms: we are fully here.
Further, the pleasure we take in existence is not dependent on any particular external source, much less the
anticipation of a particular experience. We feel clear and open such that every movement registers in our
consciousness with subtle delight.
Sobriety also brings with it a sense of gratitude, a deep and abiding joy in the miracle of life. Very healthy Sevens
are grateful for everything they have. Life is a gift, full of wonders, and they realize that they have more than their
share of blessings and are grateful for them. Every experience that falls on a sober, receptive consciousness, can fill
us with joy.
Fixation: Planning [Anticipation]*
Ichazo called this type Ego-Plan, referring to Sevens' tendency to fill their minds with exciting future projects. When
we lose contact with the Holy Idea of the Holy Plan, the ego mind starts trying to make sure that our future
experiences will be optimal. In this respect, we can see how the fixation is related to the loss of Faith in type Six. We
do not trust that our needs will be provided for. Until we really feel the truth of this, the ego will continue to scheme
and strategize to make sure that we get want we think we need, while missing the actual treasures that are here.
Another appropriate name for this type might be Ego-Anticipation because Sevens are always anticipating, always
looking forward to the next moment. They are often eager for new experiences, filling up their schedules, and trying
to keep their options open, but this keeps them two steps ahead of themselves. They are very future-orientated and
as a result they have difficulty staying focussed on the here and now. Spiritually, this tendency can manifest as
Looking forward to mysterious, exotic experiences. Sevens often feel that they have some sacred purpose in life, but
are afraid they will miss it. They will not be at the right place at the right time. ("Maybe in that coffee shop, a
Spiritual Master is waiting to reveal to me that I am the student he has been waiting for. Maybe I am the chosen
one....") Of course, a great deal of New Age literature does little to help people discern the problem with this fantasy.
As long as we are waiting for the magic to begin, we inevitably miss the magic that is right here, right now.
Holy Idea: Holy Wisdom, Holy Work, Holy Plan

do not trust that our needs will be provided for. Until we really feel the truth of this, the ego will continue to scheme
and strategize to make sure that we get want we think we need, while missing the actual treasures that are here.
Another appropriate name for this type might be Ego-Anticipation because Sevens are always anticipating, always
looking forward to the next moment. They are often eager for new experiences, filling up their schedules, and trying
to keep their options open, but this keeps them two steps ahead of themselves. They are very future-orientated and
as a result they have difficulty staying focussed on the here and now. Spiritually, this tendency can manifest as
Looking forward to mysterious, exotic experiences. Sevens often feel that they have some sacred purpose in life, but
are afraid they will miss it. They will not be at the right place at the right time. ("Maybe in that coffee shop, a
Spiritual Master is waiting to reveal to me that I am the student he has been waiting for. Maybe I am the chosen
one....") Of course, a great deal of New Age literature does little to help people discern the problem with this fantasy.
As long as we are waiting for the magic to begin, we inevitably miss the magic that is right here, right now.
Holy Idea: Holy Wisdom, Holy Work, Holy Plan
Recognizing that, in this very moment, the Divine Plan is unfolding perfectly, is Holy Wisdom. When we are present,
we see that there really is a Divine Plan, and that it is happening right now. The ego's desires to steer reality in
preferred directions is seen through: we know that in this moment, we are having the optimal experience for our
souls to have.
We start to understand that consciously participating in the miraculous unfolding of reality is the Holy Work, and it is
the greatest source of satisfaction that we can have. Satisfaction is not to be found in having a particular experience.
Rather, it is the quality of our awareness and presence in any experience that gives it its satisfying quality. Knowing
in our souls that we are part of the Holy Plan fills the heart with joy. We do not need to plan or anticipate or figure
out where we are going or how we are getting there. The pleasure is in the journey itself. We do not necessarily
know our destination, but we know that the closer we get, the more our heart is illuminated.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Eight
Passion: Lust

Fixation: Vengeance



Virtue: Innocence

Holy Idea: Holy Truth

Passion: Lust [Forcefulness]*

The passion of lust is not primarily sexual lust, but might better be understood as an addiction to intensity. This
lustful intensity arises in response to the loss of the virtue of Innocence. When we are gripped by the passion of Lust,
we do not want to have a discussion, we want to have a DISCUSSION, or even an argument. When we are relaxed,
open, and present, we feel a natural vitality and experience our inner space and freedom directly. Eights attempt to
gain this sense of aliveness and freedom through the intensity of their interactions with the environment and with
others. Getting "worked up" makes them feel strong and real. But to the extent that Eights are blocked from
relaxation and Presence, they will need to be "worked up" all the time.
Thus, lustful Eights are not interested in lukewarm responses to life, and especially do not want weak responses to
themselves. "If you are going to go for it, go for it." The more insecure Eights are, however, the greater their need
for intensity, excess, struggle, and control. The need to assert themselves can turn into the desire to dominate their
environment and the people in it. Ironically, when we have succumbed to the passion of lust, we are quite out of
control. The objects of our lust, positive or negative, dominate and control us.
Virtue: Innocence
We think of innocence in connection with children, and indeed, there is something about the open wonder at
existence we can see in children that characterizes this Virtue. Innocence is being fully, deeply human: it is simplicity
itself. When we are present and awake, we behave without artifice or manipulation. Our responses to life and to
other people are completely sincere, direct, and heartfelt. We are completely unselfconscious because we experience
a profound communion with the natural world. The universe feels intimate, like it was made for us.
Innocence awakens in Eights a largeness of heart that allows them to feel deeply benevolent toward themselves,
others, and the world. Their magnanimity is seen in their gentleness, self-restraint, forbearance, mercy,
benevolence, and protection of others.
Fixation: Vengeance [Objectification]*
Vengeance is the ego's response to the loss of the Holy Idea of Holy Truth. Like Fours, Eights are aware that
something is missing, something has been lost. But also like Fours, Eights' egos react to the loss rather than really
understanding the deeper truth of it. Eights react by feeling that someone must be responsible for this catastrophe.
They feel cut off, hurt, as if they had been rejected by Godthrown out of paradise for a crime they did not know
that they committedand they are angry about it. Thus, Eights come to feel subconsciously that the world is
somehow against them, and that they must fight to have the space to exist. Once caught in this fixation, we tend to
see everything as a struggle, as something to be overcome. Nothing will be easy, and we are going to have to push
to get what we need.
Of course, the vengeance is often directed at other people. Eights want to fight for what they see as justice, but from
the fixated perspective, justice often means retribution. ("If you hurt me, I'll hurt you back." "An eye for an eye, and
a tooth for a tooth.") It is not difficult to see how much the ego's desire for retribution plays itself out in popular
culture, and more disturbingly, in the events that fill the news every day.
Holy Idea: Holy Truth
Holy Truth is the simplest of the Holy Ideas, but perhaps the most difficult to grasp without a direct experience of it.
The Holy Truth is simply that All is One. There is only one reality, one existence that is here happening right now. All
of the different levels of existence, all of the endless manifestations, light and darkness, surface and depth, Being
and non-Being are all part of one unfathomable reality that collectively is the Truth. Everything is exactly what it is
and everything is an aspect of the one, indivisible Reality.
When we perceive Holy Truth, we no longer perceive of ourselves or others as objects, as things moving around
against a background. In this living moment, the objects and the background, the dancer and the dance, the stars
and the space that holds them are all of one substance, one ultimate Truth, one ultimate Reality. The experience of

the fixated perspective, justice often means retribution. ("If you hurt me, I'll hurt you back." "An eye for an eye, and
a tooth for a tooth.") It is not difficult to see how much the ego's desire for retribution plays itself out in popular
culture, and more disturbingly, in the events that fill the news every day.
Holy Idea: Holy Truth
Holy Truth is the simplest of the Holy Ideas, but perhaps the most difficult to grasp without a direct experience of it.
The Holy Truth is simply that All is One. There is only one reality, one existence that is here happening right now. All
of the different levels of existence, all of the endless manifestations, light and darkness, surface and depth, Being
and non-Being are all part of one unfathomable reality that collectively is the Truth. Everything is exactly what it is
and everything is an aspect of the one, indivisible Reality.
When we perceive Holy Truth, we no longer perceive of ourselves or others as objects, as things moving around
against a background. In this living moment, the objects and the background, the dancer and the dance, the stars
and the space that holds them are all of one substance, one ultimate Truth, one ultimate Reality. The experience of
this is immediate and non-conceptual. We feel the Truth in our very cells. When we know the Holy Truth, all sense of
separateness, alienation, fear, and desire ends. We feel our unity with the One and realize that it has never been
otherwise. In this knowledge is liberation and profound inner peace.
*Riso-Hudson change of traditional term
Type Nine
Passion: Sloth

Fixation: Indolence



Virtue: Action

Holy Idea: Holy Love

Passion: Sloth [Disengagement]*

In this context, the passion of sloth results from the loss of the virtue of Action. It is a resistance to being deeply
affected by or engaged with the world, to being present and putting out the energy to be fully here, fully feeling and
responding. While sloth may manifest as laziness and lack of energy, the deeper meaning refers to the Nine's habit of
giving little attention to their own development. Nines often feel that many things are "too much trouble," so they
procrastinate or ignore obligations as long as possible. Ultimately, sloth refers to the wish to "go to sleep" to one's
life, to not arise as an independent person, taking one's rightful place in the scheme of things. Some Nines are fond
of saying that they "go with the flow," but in truth, they are hoping that everything will flow around them and let
them be.
In the part of the psyche represented by type Nine, there is a tendency to say "Not now, I will get to that problem
later. It's going to be upsetting. I'll just let it go. Ignore it." Nines want to stay in an internal zone where they feel
safe, peaceful, comfortable, and will not be disturbed by anything. They want to avoid anything that will upset their
inner tranquillity. It takes a lot of energy to resist being affected by aspects of reality, and this often causes us to
lack energy for self-awareness or self-remembering.
Ironically, many Nines are actually interested in spiritual work because on some level they remember the blissful
feeling of unity that lies beyond ego consciousness. The problem is that sloth causes them to dream of that unity, to
fantasize about it, or to live by some kind of philosophy related to a belief in it. But all of this is quite different from
doing the inner work necessary to make the unity a real, embodied experience in the world. Sloth keeps us
visualizing white light, contemplating high-minded philosophies and yogas, and going through the paces of our
spiritual practices, but definitely not contacting the deficiency at the core of our egosthe emptiness from which our
true nature can re-emerge into full manifestation.
Virtue: Action
The virtue of Action does not refer to doing things physically; rather it is an embrace of the dynamism of reality. To
live in presence is to be affected and transformed constantly. Everything in reality grows and changes, and our soul
is no different. Self-realization is not some cushy, pleasant stasis that we retire toa significant part of it entails
surrendering our familiar identity to the dynamism of true nature. Somehow, we all believe that we can improve and
become transformed without changing the comfortable and familiar parts of ourselves. But a person who is present
and awake sees that the self is being reshaped and transformed every moment.
As a result, the virtue of Action empowers us to participate dynamically in our lives. We are moved to help others
achieve peace, harmony, and an awareness of the dynamic unity of existence. Nines who have awakened to the
virtue of Action play a powerful, active role in creating a healing and harmonious environment for themselves and
others. Simply put, this virtue gives us the capacity to live fully and dynamically in each moment of our lives.
Fixation: Indolence [Daydreaming]*
The loss of the Holy Idea of Holy Love results in the ego-fixation of indolence. It is a style of attention that causes us
to avoid deep contact with our interiority. We might be aware of others or of the environment, but we are not aware
of what is happening in our presence. Even if we are able to be present to some degree, indolence causes us to be
present without content. Of course, as we become more entranced by this fixation, we also lose any meaningful
awareness of others too.
Because of the loss of Holy Love, the self feels lost and centerless, but indolence causes us to cover over the wound
of that loss by withdraw from it into the "safety" of our imaginations. We may deal with it by adopting comforting
philosophies, or by focusing on and idealizing others. We learn to disengage our attention from the core of ourselves
so we will not feel the suffering caused by our loss of contact with Essential love, the very core of ourselves.
Thus, Nines become the masters of dissociation, of mentally "checking out" when situations threaten to uncover the
primal loss of contact with Holy Love. In their imaginations they create an imitation of the real feelings of wholeness
and benevolence that arise in presence and real contact with experience. This inner feeling of peace is then defended
against the actual dynamic processes of realitythus, indolence serves to perpetuate sloth. When Nines retreat into
their inner reality, they deal with other peoples' demands, either by agreeing to them or deflecting them. They want
to minimize the chances of getting into conflicts or disagreements with others because this would upset their inner
peace. On the surface, Nines seem quite easy going, agreeable, and adaptable. They are friendly and do not seem to
mind going along with the wishes of others, but on a deeper level, Nines do not want to be made to change, or to be
other than who and what they are already comfortable with.

Because of the loss of Holy Love, the self feels lost and centerless, but indolence causes us to cover over the wound
of that loss by withdraw from it into the "safety" of our imaginations. We may deal with it by adopting comforting
philosophies, or by focusing on and idealizing others. We learn to disengage our attention from the core of ourselves
so we will not feel the suffering caused by our loss of contact with Essential love, the very core of ourselves.
Thus, Nines become the masters of dissociation, of mentally "checking out" when situations threaten to uncover the
primal loss of contact with Holy Love. In their imaginations they create an imitation of the real feelings of wholeness
and benevolence that arise in presence and real contact with experience. This inner feeling of peace is then defended
against the actual dynamic processes of realitythus, indolence serves to perpetuate sloth. When Nines retreat into
their inner reality, they deal with other peoples' demands, either by agreeing to them or deflecting them. They want
to minimize the chances of getting into conflicts or disagreements with others because this would upset their inner
peace. On the surface, Nines seem quite easy going, agreeable, and adaptable. They are friendly and do not seem to
mind going along with the wishes of others, but on a deeper level, Nines do not want to be made to change, or to be
other than who and what they are already comfortable with.
Holy Idea: Holy Love
Holy Love is the recognition that all is one and that the oneness is ultimately benevolent and supportive. From this
perspective we truly experience the well-known spiritual assertion that everything actually is made from Divine Love.
When we truly know this, we relax our ego activity and trust Being to support us. It is almost unfathomable to the
ego mind that not only could we be loved by the Divine, but that we are actually made of that love. The knowledge
lets us move through our lives with deep compassion, nobility, and unshakable inner peace.
We can also see how Holy Love relates to the virtue of Action, because love itself has a dynamic affect on our souls.
What transforms our lives more powerfully than love? What transforms our sense of ourselves more profoundly? Love
is not static: it is living, dynamic force that melts down all barriers and boundaries, constantly working to restore our
awareness to its pristine unity with Truth. In Holy Love, our sense of separateness dissolves, and we know ourselves
as arising from the brilliant light of Divine Love that creates and sustains the universe.
*Riso-Hudson change of tradition

e of your previous posts, you mentioned the

" juiciness" of Pluto/Moon aspects. Other than
the usual intense emotional experiences of
childhood with the Mother influencing the
psyche, any other insights into this?
At the time I basically meant that a MoonPluto aspect is a very difficult aspect, which is
also therefore very transformative. But since
you ask, I have another take on Moon-Pluto.
I'd say that there's a very psychological
approach to Pluto out there. Then there's the
casual astrologer's approach to Pluto (power
struggles, transformation). There's also an
evolutionary approach to Pluto, like Jeffrey
Wolf Green's. But I don't think the spiritual
perspective of Pluto has been fully articulated
yet; all that we've really done is throw around
the same cliches over and over--death,
rebirth, and transformation. The articulation
of Pluto from a purely spiritual perspective is
another kind of information that I'm trying to
get out there. So here's what i don't think
we've collectively articulated about the
spiritual nature of Pluto:
First, a lovely image: Pluto is the only planet
who is willing to put on arm's-length rubber
gloves, stick his hand all the way up your as-,
dig around, and pull out the problem. I know,
it's nasty, but so is Pluto. Pluto does not care
about you, the little ego-you. Pluto sees right
through you, because you are not really Real.
Pluto sees Truth, and the Truth of who you
are, and that is what Pluto cares about. If you
have to suffer to drop the false identifications
of ego, Pluto could not care less, although I
think Pluto is not actually ruthless and mean,
even though it does often feel that way. Pluto
doesn't want to hurt you, Pluto wants to free

gloves, stick his hand all the way up your as-,

dig around, and pull out the problem. I know,
it's nasty, but so is Pluto. Pluto does not care
about you, the little ego-you. Pluto sees right
through you, because you are not really Real.
Pluto sees Truth, and the Truth of who you
are, and that is what Pluto cares about. If you
have to suffer to drop the false identifications
of ego, Pluto could not care less, although I
think Pluto is not actually ruthless and mean,
even though it does often feel that way. Pluto
doesn't want to hurt you, Pluto wants to free
you from yourself. When Pluto really comes
to visit, make no mistake about it: you are
dying. You must surrender to this death and
radically let go, because you cannot be
present at your own funeral. To the degree
that we resist the death of all that is false,
when Pluto visits, we will suffer. If you want
illusion to end for us, Pluto is the ticket to the
Pluto specifically represents the purging of
the grasping onto all that is unreal and
untrue; Pluto represents the True and the
Real. We can see this perverted search for
the Real in Scorpionic people seeking the Real
high, going from one extreme or addiction to
another. Pluto represents that part of Spirit
that strips away everything within us that
clings to falsehood and illusion. If we could
only take the Buddha's wisdom to heart, we
would understand: everything changes, so
why pretend otherwise?
So how does this help us understand a
personal aspect like Moon-Pluto? First, I need
to say that any major Pluto aspect operates
fundamentally the same, whether it is a trine
or a square, a sextile or an opposition. This is
also true of Saturn and Neptune aspects.
Harder aspects indicate more resistance and
pressure, but even the trines, sextiles, and
quintiles point to a need for relinquishing
negative attachments.
So the fundamental question surrounding a
Pluto aspect is: What kind of falseness and
attachment can the planet aspecting Pluto
represent? After you answer this, Pluto's
demolition ball comes into clear focus. Any
planet aspecting Pluto becomes extrasamsaric* until it is purified and enlightened,
reconnected with the true source of Power.
This is because ego will use this planet in its
service, like the classic movie scenario of the
bad guy who grabs the innocent victim to
protect itself from the police, the upholders of
the Law.
So what might the Moon cling to? Family. The
past. Relationships. Home. Village. Pets.
Stuff. Mom. Dad. Husband. Wife. Kids. A
notion that things should be peaceful and
harmonious. A desire for 'The American
Dream.' (pardon me, non US-ians)
Any planet aspecting Pluto becomes
defensive. Any planet aspecting Pluto
becomes an intensified facet of ego until it
finally gives in to the eventual and the

So what might the Moon cling to? Family. The

past. Relationships. Home. Village. Pets.
Stuff. Mom. Dad. Husband. Wife. Kids. A
notion that things should be peaceful and
harmonious. A desire for 'The American
Dream.' (pardon me, non US-ians)
Any planet aspecting Pluto becomes
defensive. Any planet aspecting Pluto
becomes an intensified facet of ego until it
finally gives in to the eventual and the
Ultimate. Any planet can be used by the ego.
When Pluto aspects any planet, that planet
becomes the battleground of self versus Self,
ignorance versus wisdom, delusion versus
So when Moon and Pluto collide, the ego
begins to cling to the above items, hoping to
fend off the inevitability of change and the
realization that the little-self is not in control.
This is ego trying to prove Truth to be false.
Pluto then swings into action to expose this
defensive move on the part of the ego. What
is held will surely be stripped away. Hopefully
the mind, and the desire for what can never
be, will eventually surrender and give up the
illusions. Then a new possibility is born:
razor-sharp clarity in knowing what is false
and addictive clinging, and what is not. Then
one can lead others out of unnecessary
suffering brought on by grasping onto
externalized dreams, and into true peace,
which is fundamentally internal.
I think Moon-Pluto is perhaps the most
obvious illustration of this spiritual
battleground because the Moon can be so
samsaric, or addicted to the projected
'external' world and its inherent fluctuations.
Venus-Pluto can certainly be another obvious
(*) samsara/samsaric - Buddhist terms
denoting the unenlightened life
Gettin' serious on ya,

Another aside, i am going to attend a workshop in Paris this weekend given by

Andras Kortes on planetary elixirs, if anyone is interested in planetary elixirs i
would happily share information following the workshop.
Just to let you all know the planetary elixirs of Andreas Korte (he's German living
in Switzerland) are really interesting. Naturally sceptic i wondered how he makes
them; as for all of his elixirs he uses a crystal geode and it would seem he takes
into account planetary aspects, some have been made in the Canary Islands where
there is an Observatory with which he is connected, i don't know more than that
but during the workshop we worked with all of the elixirs and they are really
powerful! I had a very strong, unexpected reaction to the Saturn elixir (i have
saturn conjunct venus) and i felt the immense saddness in me related to this
aspect, i'm sure it helped me release some of this saddness anyhow it was
interesting to note how one reacted to each elixir, you could really feel the
qualities of each planet, some more comfortable than others. Potentially
interesting for astrologers and their clients.
Grace and light to you all

into account planetary aspects, some have been made in the Canary Islands where
there is an Observatory with which he is connected, i don't know more than that
but during the workshop we worked with all of the elixirs and they are really
powerful! I had a very strong, unexpected reaction to the Saturn elixir (i have
saturn conjunct venus) and i felt the immense saddness in me related to this
aspect, i'm sure it helped me release some of this saddness anyhow it was
interesting to note how one reacted to each elixir, you could really feel the
qualities of each planet, some more comfortable than others. Potentially
interesting for astrologers and their clients.
Grace and light to you all

k, JWG had a very simple way of making 'planetary elixirs' that he spoke about on
a number of occasions while teaching medical astrology. It is simply a matter of
using a vile of distilled water and placing it outside with a small crystal within the
vile. For whatever planet that one wishes to make an elixir for it is a matter of
waiting for that planet to be on the local mid-heaven. The vile with the water and
the crystal in it is placed outside one hour before the planet is conjunct the midheaven and left there for one hour after the conjunction to the local mid-heaven
for a total of two hours. This then allows for a direct infusion of the planetary
nature into the water that is now magnetized with the crystal within it. He also
said to use bottles with a brown glass for this purpose. It is then stored with the
crystal within it and can be used as one would use a tincture.
God Bless, Rad
i Rad,
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am very excited to begin preparing
and working with these.
I have a couple of additional questions. Is there any period of time for which the
elixir needs to be stored following the initial charging, prior to use? And can a
crystal be reused, i.e. once the the elixir is finished, can the crystal be used to
prepare another elixir and is there any clearing required between such uses?
Also, I was wondering about when and how to use the elixirs. I gather that they
would be used relative to areas of the body or the chakra system correlated to
particular planetary rulership, but are there particular times/transits specified, or
particular amounts/frequency.
Thank you so much Rad!
God bless,
Hi Jason,
After the elixir is created there is no storage time necessary before it is used, and
the crystal should remain with the elixir until it is fully used. After that the crystal
can then be cleaned and used again for another purpose, or to create more elixirs.
The use of the elixir's correlate with the archetypal natures of each of the planets
which includes not only the chakra system, but the specific anatomical and
physiological correlations of each of the planets. These elixirs operate on the same
principles of homeopathy: like cures like. So, for example, let's say a person has
Saturn squaring their Lunar Nodes. And let's say this person has skipped steps
that correlate with boundary issues: even excessive boundaries because of a fear
of loosing control, or weak boundaries caused by other dynamics within the Soul.
In either case a Saturn planetary elixir could be used to help modify or correct the
situation. Of course the elixir in and of itself will not do that. If must be supported
by the Soul desiring first to evolve or change that situation within itself. The elixir
can then help support that.
Elixirs are used just as tinctures are used. For general purposes 25 eye drops on
the tongues three times a day. For acute purposes 25 eye drops every fifteen
minutes for the first hour, then 25 eye drops at thirty minute intervals for the next
two hours, and then 25 eye drops once an hour on that first day. From there
reverting back to the 25 eye drops three times a day for a week. They can also be
used as a general 'tonic' in which case 25 eye drops once a day for as long as one
wants to take them.

In either case a Saturn planetary elixir could be used to help modify or correct the
situation. Of course the elixir in and of itself will not do that. If must be supported
by the Soul desiring first to evolve or change that situation within itself. The elixir
can then help support that.
Elixirs are used just as tinctures are used. For general purposes 25 eye drops on
the tongues three times a day. For acute purposes 25 eye drops every fifteen
minutes for the first hour, then 25 eye drops at thirty minute intervals for the next
two hours, and then 25 eye drops once an hour on that first day. From there
reverting back to the 25 eye drops three times a day for a week. They can also be
used as a general 'tonic' in which case 25 eye drops once a day for as long as one
wants to take them.
God Bless, Rad
.. can the elixirs be used in combination ? .... or should the be used only one
planet at a time?
God Bless,

Thanks so much ...
... can the elixirs be used in combination ? .... or should the be used only one planet at a time?
God Bless,
Hi Gonzalo,
This is a good question Gonzalo because it reflects a debate with the homeopathic community in which one camp
says only one remedy at a time, and the other camp says it's ok for different remedies at the same time. Each camp
of course has their own reasons and testimony to justify themselves. So I can only give my own vote relative to this
issue based on my own experiences with working with herbs, tinctures, homeopathic remedies, and so on. From my
own experience I have found working with multiple remedies at the same time works just fine.
God Bless, Rad
Thanks for this great information and your continued generosity in sharing it. One other question, if other planets will also cross the
midheaven sometime in the two hour period -- i.e. planets that are within about 15-20 degrees or so of the target planet -- will these
affect the nature of the elixir? Does one need to wait until a 2-hour period during which only the target planet will cross the midheaven
to get a "pure" elixir for that planet?
Thank Thanks for this great information and your continued generosity in sharing it. One other question, if other planets will also cross
the midheaven sometime in the two hour period -- i.e. planets that are within about 15-20 degrees or so of the target planet -- will these
affect the nature of the elixir? Does one need to wait until a 2-hour period during which only the target planet will cross the midheaven
to get a "pure" elixir for that planet?

Thank you again Rad,

God bless,
Hi Jason,
Yes. to get the pure essence of any given planet wait for it be alone relative to the
God Bless, Rad

hanks so much for your generous information about this important resource.
How much time can we keep or use the elixir without losing its properties?
Another question, to help in a process activated by a transit, should be use the
natal planet's elixir or the transiting planet's? Or both? Or depends it on the way
that the person is living it?
Thanks again, Rad. Have a blessed Holiday
Hi Mirta,
If you store the elixir in brown glass bottles, with the crystal still in it and keep it
our of the sunlight, it will last indefinitely. These elixirs are used relative the
signature within the natal chart which or course can be activated relative to
transiting planets. So when a given natal planet is being activated by the nature of
the transiting planet it is then best to use a combination of the elixirs for each at a
ration of 1 to 1.
Have a blessed holiday yourself Mirta. Your growth within EA in these past months
has been truly incredible, and a real joy for me to witness.
God Bless, Rad
Hello Everyone,
This is my first post here, but I dont feel entirely new to this board as Ive spent the last few weeks reading through all the fabulous
material that's archived in the message board, (which has been an education in itself).
Ive been a little nervous to make any posts until I felt I had a grasp of the basic concepts. Ive read the first Pluto book and Devas
Karmic Mission book and have just ordered Pluto volume II, which Im really excited about!!! In the mean time Ive been devouring
everything I can find on EA.
Im currently trying build on my understanding of the different planets squaring the nodes. There is quite a bit of information here that I
am happy to have found as several of the planets are used in examples.
Specifically I am looking for information on what the "skipped step" is when Neptune squares the nodal axis. Have not seen any posts
regarding this planet specifically. With my south node in Pisces, north node in Virgo and Neptune squaring the nodal axis, I am trying to
understand this skipped step by synthesizing my Neptune in Sagittarius with the exmples I've read here. Since Neptune last made a
conjunction to the Pisces south node, I do realize this would be where the nodal dilemma gets resolved, however Im having a difficult
understanding what the "skipped step" would be.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Yasmine Most welcome to this message board.

Well, I have Neptune squaring the Moons nodes (from Virgo to Pisces), so perhaps
my thoughts may be of help. I am sure others will add their views.
The South Node in Pisces correlates to the pre-existing focus of egocentric
consciousness created by the Soul, that for many lifetimes has desired to embrace
the totality of life, or the Source: to know the Unkown. The planetary ruler,
Neptune, being in Sagittarius, indicates that the Soul, in order to know the totality
of life, or the Source (Pisces), has desired to align itself with philosophical,
cosmological, metaphysical or spiritual systems (Sagittarius), and to live a life, or
lives, which reflect the truths (Sagittarius) contained in those philosophical,
metaphysical or spiritual systems. Through these types of belief systems
(Sagittarius) the Soul has desired not only to have beliefs, but to directly
experience the Creator of All Things (Pisces, Neptune). Because Neptune is in
Sagittarius, these symbols also imply prior lifetimes in which such expansion of
consciousness that the Soul has desired have occurred in relation to nature,
natural lives, and it also implies that the Soul has desired to align itself with
natural law. Because Pisces correlates to ultimate ideals, and with the desire to
merge with the totality of life in all its manifestations, and given that Neptune is
square to the nodal axis, the Soul has created experiences of fundamental
disillusionment. These experiences have occurred through false teachings (Neptune
in Sagittarius squaring the nodes), manmade beliefs implying distortions of natural
law, and through teachers who have lacked honesty (Neptune in Sagittarius,
squaring the nodes from Pisces to Virgo). These experiences have produced
massive crises involving not knowing what to believe, and how to live. This has
ignited the desire and need to discriminate (Virgo) in order to establish what is

experience the Creator of All Things (Pisces, Neptune). Because Neptune is in

Sagittarius, these symbols also imply prior lifetimes in which such expansion of
consciousness that the Soul has desired have occurred in relation to nature,
natural lives, and it also implies that the Soul has desired to align itself with
natural law. Because Pisces correlates to ultimate ideals, and with the desire to
merge with the totality of life in all its manifestations, and given that Neptune is
square to the nodal axis, the Soul has created experiences of fundamental
disillusionment. These experiences have occurred through false teachings (Neptune
in Sagittarius squaring the nodes), manmade beliefs implying distortions of natural
law, and through teachers who have lacked honesty (Neptune in Sagittarius,
squaring the nodes from Pisces to Virgo). These experiences have produced
massive crises involving not knowing what to believe, and how to live. This has
ignited the desire and need to discriminate (Virgo) in order to establish what is
true, as contrasted to what is false. Also, because of the nature of these crises,
and given the pre-existing desires to merge with the totality of life, the Soul has
felt contaminated by the falsity of these teachings, and has desired to purify itself
from all which the Soul perceives as false, or impure (Neptune squaring the North
Node in Virgo). This has created a deep and constant self-analytical inner focus, a
compulsive inner criticism (Virgo). This in turn has created other lifetimes for the
Soul in which it has desired to align with manmade beliefs which sustain that
human nature is essentially imperfect, and fallen, and that it needs to suffer in
order advance spiritually (Virgo). In these lifetimes the Soul has desired to close
itself to its spiritual awareness and its natural devotion, product of prior life efforts,
because of the fears of spiritual contamination or dishonesty. These fears have
been quite irrational (Neptune squaring the Nodes from Pisces to Virgo), because
the Soul has not truly understood what the basis for these fears are, because it
does not know how to interpret its feelings and desires, and what to believe
(Neptune in Sagittarius): that they are rooted in experiences of fundamental
disillusionment creating the feeling and fears of contamination. Because in this
configuration Pluto was in Libra, the Soul has also created desires to go on its own
(Pluto polarity point in Aries), ie. not to depend on external teachers.
Given that the motion of the nodes is retrograde, and the average motion of
Neptune is direct, the last conjunction of Neptune with the Moons nodes occurred
at the North Node in Virgo. Thus Neptune applies to Virgo, and Virgo is the
resolution node for the skipped steps. This correlates to the ongoing need to
discriminate, and to create a systematic approach to the inner experience and a
conscious inner focus allowing an analysis, on a daily basis, of the contents
emanating from the Soul, in order to linearly understand the inner experience of
the Soul. It also correlates to the need of grounding and healing. Because Neptune
is in Sagittarius, these symbols speak of the need to heal through direct contact
with Nature, and, by means of linearly understanding the nature of its irrational
fears, progressively re-align with what is natural, as experienced from within (not
external teachings, not teachers, but direct inner experience-both Pisces and Virgo
are yin archetypes, ie. consciousness moving back to the center). Because the
resolution node of the Neptune skipped steps is the North Node, this has to be
accomplished by means of the polarity point of Pluto, ie. Aries. This implies
independent self-discovery, versus depending on external sources, this
independent self-discovery being the natural way to validate from within that
which is true and real in the Souls inner experiences, and that which is not true,
thus creating a progressive re-alignment with natural law (Sagittarius), and with
the totality of life. The polarity point of Neptune being in Gemini indicates, though,
the need to communicate with some others in order to linearly process the nature
of the inner experience. The resolution node being in Virgo, also implies the need
to work for those who are more needed than the Soul (Karma yoga).
God Bless,

Much thanks for your perspective!
I will re-read this and continue to absorb it all.
You wrote:
"These experiences have occurred through false teachings (Neptune in Sagittarius squaring the nodes), manmade beliefs implying

distortions of natural law, and through teachers who have lacked honesty (Neptune in Sagittarius, squaring the nodes from Pisces to
Virgo). These experiences have produced massive crises involving not knowing what to believe, and how to live. This has ignited the
desire and need to discriminate (Virgo) in order to establish what is true, as contrasted to what is false.
. Neptune is retrograde in my chart, (not sure if that makes a difference as to the node of resolution), however could it mean that I am
re-living much of what you wrote about? Interesting that I was raised in a fanatically religious family, which resulted in a lot of confusion
as to what to believe and how to live!
Also thank you for your clarification on the Virgo North Node as being the node of resolution in my case. The Virgo node is where I am
instinctively driven. Also the independent self discovery you mentioned is probably why I feel so drawn to learning Evolutionary
(I reread Upasikas statement and understand why I made my error with the node of resolution. Ill post her thought again below for any
other people who are new here.)
To determine which node a planet is applying to, imagine the chart as a big circle on the floor, stand on the skipped step planet and face
into the center of the circle (chart). Then turn your head to the left and the node you see 90 degrees away to the left, is the node that
particular planet is applying to.
Peace and blessings.
Much thanks for your perspective!
I will re-read this and continue to absorb it all.
You wrote:
"These experiences have occurred through false teachings (Neptune in Sagittarius squaring the nodes), manmade beliefs implying
distortions of natural law, and through teachers who have lacked honesty (Neptune in Sagittarius, squaring the nodes from Pisces to
Virgo). These experiences have produced massive crises involving not knowing what to believe, and how to live. This has ignited the
desire and need to discriminate (Virgo) in order to establish what is true, as contrasted to what is false.
. Neptune is retrograde in my chart, (not sure if that makes a difference as to the node of resolution), however could it mean that I am
re-living much of what you wrote about? Interesting that I was raised in a fanatically religious family, which resulted in a lot of confusion
as to what to believe and how to live!
Also thank you for your clarification on the Virgo North Node as being the node of resolution in my case. The Virgo node is where I am
instinctively driven. Also the independent self discovery you mentioned is probably why I feel so drawn to learning Evolutionary
(I reread Upasikas statement and understand why I made my error with the node of resolution. Ill post her thought again below for any
other people who are new here.)
To determine which node a planet is applying to, imagine the chart as a big circle on the floor, stand on the skipped step planet and face
into the center of the circle (chart). Then turn your head to the left and the node you see 90 degrees away to the left, is the node that
particular planet is applying to.
Peace and blessings.
YasmineHi Serban
Does this in any way imply that if the South Node had been the resolution node, Pluto's polarity point would not apply or am I
misinterpreting what you wrote? More specifically, is it not true that Pluto's polarity point would apply even if the resolution node were
the South Node?
As I understand it, when the South Node is the "resolution node", the natal position of Pluto, by House and Sign, serves for the resolution
of the skipped steps. It is specific for that skipped steps planet. Thus, the polarity point of Pluto is still the baseline for the totality of the
evolutionary intentions reflected in the birthchart, except that the skipped steps planet has to be dealt with through the natal position of
God Bless,

GonzaloHi Gonzalo and Serban,

Quote from: Gonzalo on Dec 09, 2010, 08:34 AM

Hi Serban
Does this in any way imply that if the South Node had been the resolution node,
Pluto's polarity point would not apply or am I misinterpreting what you wrote?
More specifically, is it not true that Pluto's polarity point would apply even if the
resolution node were the South Node?
As I understand it, when the South Node is the "resolution node", the natal
position of Pluto, by House and Sign, serves for the resolution of the skipped steps.
It is specific for that skipped steps planet. Thus, the polarity point of Pluto is still
the baseline for the totality of the evolutionary intentions reflected in the
birthchart, except that the skipped steps planet has to be dealt with through the
natal position of Pluto.
God Bless,
The polarity point of Pluto does apply when Pluto is square the Nodes.
When the resolution Node is the South Node this means that the entire life
of the Soul must be consistently integrated through the S.Node and it's
planetary ruler: by houses, signs, and aspects. The core issue to create a
'bottom' line in which the Soul integrates not only the polarity point of
Pluto, but also the N.Node, and it's planetary ruler.
The N.Node, and it's planetary ruler, prior to the current life has been
used by the Soul to 'jump ahead' of the total resolution of the dynamics
symbolized by the S.Node, and it's planetary ruler as well as the totality of
the dynamics and issues within the natal position of Pluto itself. Thus, the
dynamics symbolized by the N.Node and it's planetary ruler are not 'new'.
They have been inconsistently actualized prior to the current life. As a
result, they will serve as a 'temptation' for the Soul to jump ahead, to skip
steps, again.
The natural polarity point of Pluto thus evolves the natal placement of
Pluto and this core evolutionary step is thus integrated through the
S.Node, and it's planetary ruler, and the natal position of Pluto itself. In
essence the Soul will recreate prior life dynamics in the current life as
symbolized by the natal Pluto, and the S.Node and it's planetary ruler. The
polarity point of Pluto in combination with the N.Node, and it's planetary
ruler, will thus create the opportunity for the Soul to make new choices
relative to those repeating dynamics that come forwards from the Soul's
past. By making those new choices relative to the bottom line of the
S.Node, it's planetary ruler and the natal position of Pluto, the Soul not
only recovers the skipped steps, but is evolving those dynamics that then
allows the Soul to proceed in it's evolutionary journey.
God Bless, Rad

Hello Yasmine, Gonzalo, Ari, Serban & Rad,

I have been studying this thread this morning, and it is inspiring me to write out
another skipped step scenario (which I will post soon on another thread) on my
day off today. So thank you Yasmine for posting and for all the responses thus far.
After reading Rad's post, I have a question~
Quote from: Rad
The polarity point of Pluto does apply when Pluto is square the Nodes. When the
resolution Node is the South Node this means that the entire life of the Soul must
be consistently integrated through the S.Node and it's planetary ruler: by houses,
signs, and aspects.
If the planet squaring the SN is the skipped step and is also in opposition to Pluto,
meaning Pluto is squaring the NN, does the above apply? I'm sure you already
made this clear, but for me to fully understand clarification here is important/
necessary for me to integrate it.
Quote from: rad
The core issue to create a 'bottom' line in which the Soul integrates not only the
polarity point of Pluto, but also the N.Node, and it's planetary ruler.
This corresponds to integrating the sign opposite Pluto and any planets that exist
at the polarity point, yes?
Quote from: rad
The N.Node, and it's planetary ruler, prior to the current life has been used by the
Soul to 'jump ahead' of the total resolution of the dynamics symbolized by the
S.Node, and it's planetary ruler as well as the totality of the dynamics and issues
within the natal position of Pluto itself. Thus, the dynamics symbolized by the
N.Node and it's planetary ruler are not 'new'. They have been inconsistently
actualized prior to the current life. As a result, they will serve as a
'temptation' for the Soul to jump ahead, to skip steps, again.
Does this apply even if the NN and the SN planetary ruler are in the same sign and
house? Does this combination make 'temptation' even stronger?
Thank you Rad and all.
God Bless,

In order to avoid any confusion, Rad's post refers to Pluto squaring the nodes applying to the South Node, ie. not Neptune.
Neptune or other planets squaring the nodes applying to the South Node, is a totally different situation, to which I think what I
posted before, applies.
God Bless,
GonzaloHello Ari,

Thanks for your thoughts! Very interesting your statement about those with Pisces
Virgo nodes and Neptune in Sag, having had many lives within Judeo Christian
conditioning. Guilt and confusion about what it means to be in flesh.sighthis
has definitely been my experience!!! When I read your post I was flashed back to
the two times I have gone to see psychics. On these separate occasions both told
me virtually the same story, which was of a life I had during the time of Jesus. I
followed him and his teachings, but at some point was stoned for those beliefs.
Also with the North Node of Pluto being in the ninth house of my chart, I assume
this also implies lifetimes of deep religious conditioning (very likely within the
Judeo Christian realm which has predominated throughout the Piscean age.)
This whole thread has given me lots to think about
Much appreciation to everyone here. Your thoughts have been really helpful!
Yasmine Perez

i Gonzalo,
Quote from: Gonzalo on Dec 09, 2010, 12:27 PM
In order to avoid any confusion, Rad's post refers to Pluto squaring the nodes
applying to the South Node, ie. not Neptune. Neptune or other planets
squaring the nodes applying to the South Node, is a totally different situation,
to which I think what I posted before, applies.
Can you please explain why you are making this distinction between Pluto and the
other planets when it comes to skipped steps? I was under the impression that the
skipped steps rules apply regardless of the planet that is making the square to the
nodal axis.
All the best,

i Serban
Can you please explain why you are making this distinction between Pluto and the
other planets when it comes to skipped steps? I was under the impression that the
skipped steps rules apply regardless of the planet that is making the square to the
nodal axis.
Many different variations of the skipped steps planets have been covered in this
message board and have been explained by Rad in detail. Sometimes this matter
becomes quite confusing for many of us. I understand this distinction is relevant
for these reasons:
The skipped steps mean that the Soul has been fluctuating back and forth between
the areas indicated by the house and sign positions of the South and North Nodes,
and their planetary rulers; and the house and sign of Pluto itself and its polarity
point. By fluctuating back and forth, none of these two areas has been developed
completely, ie. to the point where evolution would require consciousness to totally
embrace the polarity point of Pluto because the archetypes of the past-the natal
position of Pluto-have been sufficiently learned. Thus, in the skipped steps
signature the lessons pertaining to these archetypes normally symbolizing the
past and the future have been worked upon, but they are incomplete and each of
them requires further development: in some way both symbols represent the past,
and both symbols represent the future. Given that Pluto and the Pluto polarity
point, and the South and the North Nodes are opposite archetypes, it is necessary
to determine which area has to be fully embraced by consciousness in first place,
in order to complete their lessons and thus, unlock the past.
In any birthchart (without skipped steps) the integration point is the polarity point
of Pluto. Thus, the polarity point of Pluto, by House and Sign, will constitute the
bottom line of the birthchart: it will represent the archetypical dynamics that need
to be fully embraced in order for evolution to proceed. When reading a birthchart,

signature the lessons pertaining to these archetypes normally symbolizing the

past and the future have been worked upon, but they are incomplete and each of
them requires further development: in some way both symbols represent the past,
and both symbols represent the future. Given that Pluto and the Pluto polarity
point, and the South and the North Nodes are opposite archetypes, it is necessary
to determine which area has to be fully embraced by consciousness in first place,
in order to complete their lessons and thus, unlock the past.
In any birthchart (without skipped steps) the integration point is the polarity point
of Pluto. Thus, the polarity point of Pluto, by House and Sign, will constitute the
bottom line of the birthchart: it will represent the archetypical dynamics that need
to be fully embraced in order for evolution to proceed. When reading a birthchart,
we need to point in this direction.
This will also be true when a planet squares the nodal axis: integration, and
evolution, will occur through the archetypes of the polarity point of Pluto, and
further, through the archetypes, by House and Sign, of the North Node, and its
planetary ruler; except for the skipped steps dynamics, which need to be resolved
by means of (a) the archetypes of the South Node, its planetary ruler, and the
natal position of Pluto; or (b) the North Node, its planetary ruler, and the polarity
point of Pluto; depending on which is the Node to which this skipped steps planet
When Pluto is square the nodal axis, the totality of the evolutionary process will be
integrated through the archetypes represented by these symbols (a or b),
depending on which is the Node to which Pluto applies.
So, in the question you made initially about the Neptune skipped steps, if the
resolution Node were the South Node, the answer would be different if that planet
square the nodes were Pluto, instead of Neptune. With Neptune square the nodal
axis, applying to the South Node, the integration point for the totality of the
birthchart would be the polarity point of Pluto (except for the Neptune skipped
steps). If it were Pluto that squares the nodes, applying to the South Node, in this
case the integration point for all the birthchart (including the polarity point of
Pluto), would be the natal position of Pluto.
God Bless,

Quote from: Rad
The polarity point of Pluto does apply when Pluto is square the Nodes. When the resolution Node is the South Node this means that the
entire life of the Soul must be consistently integrated through the S.Node and it's planetary ruler: by houses, signs, and aspects.
If the planet squaring the SN is the skipped step and is also in opposition to Pluto, meaning Pluto is squaring the NN, does the above
apply? I'm sure you already made this clear, but for me to fully understand clarification here is important/necessary for me to integrate
You are now asking about another condition that can be found in birth charts. In the condition you are now asking about
this would mean that the planet that is squaring the S.Node is also in opposition to Pluto, and Pluto is then squaring the
N.Node. This also means that the planet that is opposed to Pluto is also within the range of being conjunct Pluto's polarity
point. All of that symbolism then means that all of those archetypes have been activated prior to the current life. And all of
those archetypes are in a skipped step situation. So let's make a simple example to illustrate this, and the resolution of it.
Let's say Pluto in in the 4th, that Mercury is in the 10th and that this Mercury is squaring a 7th House S.Node, and Pluto is
squaring a 1st House N.Node.
The core intention of the 4th House Pluto is to develop a state of inner security. With the N.Node in the 1st this would of
course mean that the Soul has been desiring a state of almost total freedom and independence in order to actualize or act
upon any experience that it feels drawn to do. And in so doing developing this state of inner security. Yet that Pluto is
opposed the 10th House Mercury, which is square the 7th House S.Node. This would correlate to the Soul 'thinking' that in
order to feel emotionally secure that it needed to be in relationship to others in general, and an intimate other specifically.

The reasons that the Soul would think that can be many including not feeling that it was nurtured or loved in the ways that
it felt it needed to be by the parents of origin: 4th/10th House.
So, in essence, the Soul is now conflicted within itself. This conflict would then manifest as cycles in which the Soul would
desire to loose itself in the context of relationship: Mercury applying to the S.Node in the 7th, in opposition to Pluto. By
doing this the Soul is then defeating it's core intention of learning an almost absolute state of inner emotional security. And
the Soul, within itself, would know that because, after all, it's is it's own intention to do so. Thus, this sets in motion the
next cycle in which the Soul then tries to throw off, oppose, all relationships in order to be free, independent, in charge of
it's own life: Pluto in the 4th squaring the 1st House N.Node. Yet in reacting in this way it then has lead to the inner feeling
of being totally alone and insecure. This would then lead the Soul to then go back to the other cycle of immersion in
relationship in order to feel secure, and not alone. So back and forth the Soul goes within these two cycles without the
archetypes of these dynamics being sufficiently developed: skipped steps.
With Pluto apply to the N.Node in the 1st, and the Mercury applying to the S.Node in the 7th the resolution becomes this:
The Soul must keep learning how to be secure within itself by actualizing a life that is determined from within itself: it's
own relationship to itself. Thus a life in which it can follow it's own inner directions CONSISTENTLY wherever they may
lead. And, at the same time, engage in relationships with others in general, and an intimate other specifically, in which the
very nature of those others is also one of self independence, and inner security. Others, by their very nature, help enforce
the core lessons to this Soul: a state of inner security and independence in order to develop that inner security. Thus, the
very nature of how others 'think' about relationships will be the same: the very nature of their psychological orientation to
relationships will be the same.
In this way the 'skipped steps' symbolized with Mercury applying to the S.Node, and Pluto apply to the N.Node will be
Quote from: rad
The core issue to create a 'bottom' line in which the Soul integrates not only the polarity point of Pluto, but also the N.Node, and it's
planetary ruler.
This corresponds to integrating the sign opposite Pluto and any planets that exist at the polarity point, yes?
Quote from: rad
The N.Node, and it's planetary ruler, prior to the current life has been used by the Soul to 'jump ahead' of the total resolution of the
dynamics symbolized by the S.Node, and it's planetary ruler as well as the totality of the dynamics and issues within the natal position of
Pluto itself. Thus, the dynamics symbolized by the N.Node and it's planetary ruler are not 'new'. They have been inconsistently
actualized prior to the current life. As a result, they will serve as a 'temptation' for the Soul to jump ahead, to skip steps,
Does this apply even if the NN and the SN planetary ruler are in the same sign and house? Does this combination make 'temptation'
even stronger?
In this symbolism there are skipped steps involving dynamics and issues linked with the houses the the Nodes are in, and
the house that the planetary rulers of each are within. In my experience this is a relatively unique situation and requires
some real investigation as to determine exactly what the nature of those skipped steps are. Considerations to examine are
these: are the two planetary rulers in a balsamic conjunction, or new. What other aspects are they making to other planets.
Where is the natal Pluto, and what aspects is it making. Each case in unique to itself of course. And because of this there is
no way to say that the 'temptation' would be stronger or weaker as a general statement.

"So, in the question you made initially about the Neptune skipped steps, if the resolution Node were the South Node, the answer would
be different if that planet square the nodes were Pluto, instead of Neptune. With Neptune square the nodal axis, applying to the South
Node, the integration point for the totality of the birthchart would be the polarity point of Pluto (except for the Neptune skipped steps). If
it were Pluto that squares the nodes, applying to the South Node, in this case the integration point for all the birthchart (including the
polarity point of Pluto), would be the natal position of Pluto."
The integration of any birth chart, in total, is Pluto. The archetype of Neptune, skipped steps or not, is within the Soul:
Pluto. It is not somehow outside of the Soul, thus can not be integrated all by itself. The very context of the Neptune
skipped step, or any other planet that correlates to a skipped step, indeed any other astrological symbol, are all within the
context, the structure, of the Soul itself. The Soul is the determinant of all things. So in the case of Neptune applying to the
S.Node, relative to it's square to the Nodal Axis, the resolution of those Neptune dynamics and issues is indeed that
S.Node, and the location of it's planetary ruler. Yet that resolution is taking place within the total context of the Soul's
evolutionary journey: past, present, and future. As such it is thus integrated within the total context of any given life that
the Soul has, is, or will design.
God Bless, RadThank you for this clarification. Very insightful. I think this has many implications and direct practical applications. Within
this, I wonder if one application would be that the rules concerning the skipped steps paradigm, more than rules would be like
guidelines? And that, rather than applying a rule to a bithchart, including observation of the mitigating factors reflected in the
birthchart, ie. other aspects to the Nodes and to Pluto, it would be necessary to observe how the interface between past/future has been
dealt with and/or resolved by the Soul, and thus, where is the Soul operating in terms of the archetypes of past and future?
Then, the rules, including observing the mitigating factors, would refer to evolutionary/karmic processes that the Soul has necessarily
had to deal with, though, when reading a birthchart, it would be necessary to ascertain, through observation, how and to what extent
that processes have been accomplished. Only once this is done, it could be possible to determine where the emphasis in the reading
should be made, ie. natal Pluto or Pluto polarity point.
The rule of age, ie. second Saturn return, would also be relative to how and to what extent the evolutionary/karmic intentions involved
in the skipped steps have been embraced by the Soul. Obviously, just being fifty eight years old will not produce by itself a release in the
condition symbolized by the skipped steps.
I have another question arising from your post, but I need to think about it to see how to formulate, so I will post it later on.
Thank you so much, Rad
God Bless,
GonzHi Rad,

I apologize for asking this again, but I am not sure that I am interpreting correctly
everything you wrote.
With respect to Pluto square the nodes and SN resolution node you wrote:
Quote from: Rad on Dec 09, 2010, 10:40 AM
The natural polarity point of Pluto thus evolves the natal placement of Pluto and
this core evolutionary step is thus integrated through the S.Node, and it's
planetary ruler, and the natal position of Pluto itself.
With respect to Neptune square the nodes and SN resolution node, you wrote:
Quote from: Rad on Dec 10, 2010, 11:37 AM
So in the case of Neptune applying to the S.Node, relative to it's square to the
Nodal Axis, the resolution of those Neptune dynamics and issues is indeed that
S.Node, and the location of it's planetary ruler.
I noticed that you didn't mention the natal position of Pluto itself in the second
scenario as being a part of the resolution of the skipped steps dynamics. So would
it be correct to say that the natal position of Pluto is part of the integration of
skipped steps only when Pluto is applying to the SN and not when other planets
are applying to the SN?
In other words, did you include the natal position of Pluto in the first scenario
(Pluto square) because it is the planet making the square, or because it represents
the Souls patterns of identity association?
If you included it because it is the planet making the square and applying to the
SN, would it be correct to say that, as a general rule, when any planet (including
Pluto) is square the nodes with SN resolution node, the integration of those
skipped steps can occur through: (i) the SN; (ii) the SN ruler; (iii) the squaring
planet (whether Pluto or other planet).
All the best,

hanks for this clarification.

I had thought that the baseline of the birthchart, ie. the polarity point of Pluto, was the point where integration occurs. Now I see from
your recent post that the baseline and the integration point are different things.
Thus, integration occurs through the natal position of Pluto; the baseline of the birthchart is the polarity point of Pluto, ie. archetypical
dynamics that need to be consistently embraced for evolution to occur; though, this archetypical dynamics, and their outcomes (new
realizations, new experiences, etc.), need to be integrated, every time, during the whole life reflected in the birthchart, through the natal
Is this correct?
Further, I had thought that, when Pluto or other planet squares the Nodes, given that the Soul has been fluctuating between (a) the
archetypes of the South Node, its planetary ruler, and the natal position of Pluto; and (b) the North Node, its planetary ruler, and the
polarity point of Pluto; integration would occur, in relation to the skipped steps planet, through (a) or (b) depending on which is the Node
to which this skipped steps planet applies. Now I see that Pluto and Pluto polarity point are not involved in this alternative: only
the Nodes and their rulers are. So, through embracing the Pluto polarity point (the baseline of the birthchart), and South
Node and its planetary ruler, or the North Node and its planetary ruler (depending on which is the Node to which Pluto
applies), the resolution of the skipped steps will occur; though, all of this resolution of the skipped steps needs to be
integrated through the natal position of Pluto.
Is this correct?

Thank you so much.

God Bless,
GonzaloI Serban,
Quote from: serban_p on Dec 11, 2010, 07:01 PM
Hi Rad,
I apologize for asking this again, but I am not sure that I am interpreting correctly everything you wrote.
With respect to Pluto square the nodes and SN resolution node you wrote:
Quote from: Rad on Dec 09, 2010, 10:40 AM
The natural polarity point of Pluto thus evolves the natal placement of Pluto and this core evolutionary step is thus integrated through the
S.Node, and it's planetary ruler, and the natal position of Pluto itself.
With respect to Neptune square the nodes and SN resolution node, you wrote:
Quote from: Rad on Dec 10, 2010, 11:37 AM
So in the case of Neptune applying to the S.Node, relative to it's square to the Nodal Axis, the resolution of those Neptune dynamics and
issues is indeed that S.Node, and the location of it's planetary ruler.
I noticed that you didn't mention the natal position of Pluto itself in the second scenario as being a part of the resolution of the skipped
steps dynamics. So would it be correct to say that the natal position of Pluto is part of the integration of skipped steps only when Pluto is
applying to the SN and not when other planets are applying to the SN?
No. I simply didn't mention it because I thought it was self evident. Pluto is the integration point for the Soul is any and all
possible astrological dynamics we can see in a birth chart, including Neptune squaring the S.Node of the Moon.
God Bless, Rad

i Rad,
Thanks for this clarification.
I had thought that the baseline of the birthchart, ie. the polarity point of Pluto, was the point where integration occurs. Now I see from
your recent post that the baseline and the integration point are different things.
Thus, integration occurs through the natal position of Pluto; the baseline of the birthchart is the polarity point of Pluto, ie. archetypical
dynamics that need to be consistently embraced for evolution to occur; though, this archetypical dynamics, and their outcomes (new
realizations, new experiences, etc.), need to be integrated, every time, during the whole life reflected in the birthchart, through the natal
Is this correct?
Yes, and you can understand the 'baseline' and 'integration' point in this way if you wish. The way that JWG intended and
taught this is that the 'baseline' of the chart is, at once, it's natal position of Pluto, and IT'S NATURAL POLARITY POINT.
And that baseline is the the integration point for the entire chart with all possible astrological dynamics included such as
planets squaring the Nodes.

Further, I had thought that, when Pluto or other planet squares the Nodes, given that the Soul has been fluctuating between (a) the
archetypes of the South Node, its planetary ruler, and the natal position of Pluto; and (b) the North Node, its planetary ruler, and the
polarity point of Pluto; integration would occur, in relation to the skipped steps planet, through (a) or (b) depending on which is the Node
to which this skipped steps planet applies. Now I see that Pluto and Pluto polarity point are not involved in this alternative: only
the Nodes and their rulers are.
Pluto and it's polarity point are indeed involved in this. The Soul is the determinant of all things via the desires and the
choices its makes. If the Soul does not make a choice to embrace it's natural polarity point then the entire birth chart, the
life of the Soul, will remain stagnant. Nothing will evolve. No resolution of skipped steps will occur.
So, through embracing the Pluto polarity point (the baseline of the birthchart), and South Node and its planetary ruler, or
the North Node and its planetary ruler (depending on which is the Node to which Pluto applies), the resolution of the
skipped steps will occur; though, all of this resolution of the skipped steps needs to be integrated through the natal
position of Pluto. Is this correct?
i Rad,
Thanks for this clarification.
I had thought that the baseline of the birthchart, ie. the polarity point of Pluto, was the point where integration occurs. Now I see from
your recent post that the baseline and the integration point are different things.
Thus, integration occurs through the natal position of Pluto; the baseline of the birthchart is the polarity point of Pluto, ie. archetypical
dynamics that need to be consistently embraced for evolution to occur; though, this archetypical dynamics, and their outcomes (new
realizations, new experiences, etc.), need to be integrated, every time, during the whole life reflected in the birthchart, through the natal
Is this correct?
Yes, and you can understand the 'baseline' and 'integration' point in this way if you wish. The way that JWG intended and
taught this is that the 'baseline' of the chart is, at once, it's natal position of Pluto, and IT'S NATURAL POLARITY POINT.
And that baseline is the the integration point for the entire chart with all possible astrological dynamics included such as
planets squaring the Nodes.
Further, I had thought that, when Pluto or other planet squares the Nodes, given that the Soul has been fluctuating between (a) the
archetypes of the South Node, its planetary ruler, and the natal position of Pluto; and (b) the North Node, its planetary ruler, and the
polarity point of Pluto; integration would occur, in relation to the skipped steps planet, through (a) or (b) depending on which is the Node
to which this skipped steps planet applies. Now I see that Pluto and Pluto polarity point are not involved in this alternative: only
the Nodes and their rulers are.
Pluto and it's polarity point are indeed involved in this. The Soul is the determinant of all things via the desires and the
choices its makes. If the Soul does not make a choice to embrace it's natural polarity point then the entire birth chart, the
life of the Soul, will remain stagnant. Nothing will evolve. No resolution of skipped steps will occur.

So, through embracing the Pluto polarity point (the baseline of the birthchart), and South Node and its planetary ruler, or
the North Node and its planetary ruler (depending on which is the Node to which Pluto applies), the resolution of the
skipped steps will occur; though, all of this resolution of the skipped steps needs to be integrated through the natal
position of Pluto. Is this correct?
i Rad, Gonzalo,
Ive been going over what you wrote and I think that the issue I was having was not being able to understand the notions of developing
something and integrating something.
So I have a more general question: is it correct to say that when something needs to be developed (be it the natal position of Pluto, a
planet, a lunar node), this development occurs by embracing the polarity of whatever it is that needs to be developed and then
integrating what is learned at that polarity point into the initial dynamics that needed development in the first place? In a nutshell, would
it be correct to say that you develop something by embracing its polarity point and then integrating the polarity point into that
Yes. At any point in time any Soul has an existing reality that has already been 'developed'. And from the point of that
which has been developed we continue to evolve beyond that which has already been developed. This is natural evolution.
And as we evolve upon that which has been developed as on ongoing natural evolutionary process we must continually
integrate this natural evolutionary process within the existing reality that we have developed at all times. This is natural
and continuous process of life itself for all forms within the manifested Creation. The natal Pluto in the birth chart
correlates to that which we 'developed' or evolved into prior to the current life. It's polarity point correlates to this natural
evolutionary process relative to it's natal position that is evolving and being integrated all the time that allows for the
ongoing evolution of the Soul. It is simply adding onto that which has already been actualized and developed at any point
in time.
With respect to a planet square the nodes and applying to the SN that would translate as follows: in order to ensure that evolution
proceeds, the skipped steps issues must be addressed. To do so, the Soul must develop the SN and its ruler (i.e., by developing I mean
learning to do them in new ways). This occurs by embracing the dynamics represented by the NN and the polarity point of the SN ruler,
and the new experiences that are learned in this way are referred back and integrated into the SN and the its ruler, thus enabling the SN
and its ruler to metamorphose into new levels of expression.
No. You are misunderstanding the nature of skipped steps which a planet squaring the Nodes correlates too. Skipped steps
as symbolized in this way means that the Soul has already been 'developing' both Nodes, and their planetary rulers, prior
to the current life yet has been flip flopping back and forth between those Nodes and their rulers. Thus, skipped steps
because neither has been fully actualized or developed. For the Soul's evolution to proceed these skipped steps need to be
recovered. And as they are recovered it requires a way of consistently integrating those skipped steps. The way of
consistently integrating those skipped steps is determined by the Node that the squaring planet is applying too, and it's
planetary ruler.
On the other hand, when a squaring planet is applying to the NN, it is this node and its planetary ruler that need to metamorphose to
new levels of expression, i.e. the Soul must learn to do them in new ways.
Again, the issue here is not 'new ways'. The issue is recovering the skipped steps as explained above. The only thing that
would be 'new' is the fact of recovering those skipped steps that then allows the Soul to continue it's ongoing evolutionary

This occurs by embracing the dynamics represented by the SN and the polarity point of the NN ruler. Once these dynamics are
embraced, they are integrated back into the NN and its ruler, thus allowing for the resolution of the skipped steps.
What needs to be 'embraced' is the necessity for the Soul to recover the skipped steps, and how to go about doing that.
In either case, the whole process occurs as part of the Souls evolution towards the polarity point of Pluto, which in turn needs to be
referred to and integrated through the natal position of Pluto.
Thank you so much for your answer and your patience. So in order for the skipped steps to be resolved, the Soul will have to consistently
embrace the dynamics associated with the node to which the squaring planet is applying, and this in turn can be facilitated by embracing
the dynamics associated with the ruler (planet, sign and house) of that node.
This means that there would not be a polarity point applicable to the ruler of the node to which the squaring planet applies, right?

t's taken me awhile to respond back, and I thank you for your responses to my
Quote from: Rad on Dec 10, 2010, 11:10 AM
You are now asking about another condition that can be found in birth charts. In
the condition you are now asking about this would mean that the planet that is
squaring the S.Node is also in opposition to Pluto, and Pluto is then squaring the
N.Node. This also means that the planet that is opposed to Pluto is also within the
range of being conjunct Pluto's polarity point. All of that symbolism then means
that all of those archetypes have been activated prior to the current life. And all of
those archetypes are in a skipped step situation.
So let's make a simple example to illustrate this, and the resolution of it. Let's say
Pluto in in the 4th, that Mercury is in the 10th and that this Mercury is squaring a
7th House S.Node, and Pluto is squaring a 1st House N.Node.
The core intention of the 4th House Pluto is to develop a state of inner security.
With the N.Node in the 1st this would of course mean that the Soul has been
desiring a state of almost total freedom and independence in order to actualize or
act upon any experience that it feels drawn to do. And in so doing developing this
state of inner security. Yet that Pluto is opposed the 10th House Mercury, which is
square the 7th House S.Node.
This would correlate to the Soul 'thinking' that in order to feel emotionally secure
that it needed to be in relationship to others in general, and an intimate other
specifically. The reasons that the Soul would think that can be many including not
feeling that it was nurtured or loved in the ways that it felt it needed to be by the
parents of origin: 4th/10th House.
This all makes so much sense when you explain it. When I try to do it, I get
overwhelmed and confused. So I would like to try another scenario. If we replace
Mercury with Saturn in opposition to Pluto in the 4th, and the SN in the 6th, could
I say, the soul feels compelled to establish itself in its career through some kind of
service oriented work, but gets constantly tripped up by comparing itself to
consensus, criticizing itself relentlessly for not being good enough, or perfect which
propels the soul into constant guilt?
I'm copying your language here to help me get this:
So, in essence, the Soul is now conflicted within itself. This conflict would then
manifest as cycles in which the Soul would desire to judge and hurt itself in the
context of self-induced guilt, or guilt via the consensus: Saturn applying to SN in

overwhelmed and confused. So I would like to try another scenario. If we replace

Mercury with Saturn in opposition to Pluto in the 4th, and the SN in the 6th, could
I say, the soul feels compelled to establish itself in its career through some kind of
service oriented work, but gets constantly tripped up by comparing itself to
consensus, criticizing itself relentlessly for not being good enough, or perfect which
propels the soul into constant guilt?
I'm copying your language here to help me get this:
So, in essence, the Soul is now conflicted within itself. This conflict would then
manifest as cycles in which the Soul would desire to judge and hurt itself in the
context of self-induced guilt, or guilt via the consensus: Saturn applying to SN in
the 6th, in opposition to Pluto, which defeats the soul's core intention of
establishing absolute inner emotional security?
Quote from: Rad
And the Soul, within itself, would know that because, after all, it's is it's own
intention to do so. Thus, this sets in motion the next cycle in which the Soul then
tries to throw off, oppose, all relationships in order to be free, independent, in
charge of it's own life: Pluto in the 4th squaring the 1st House N.Node. Yet in
reacting in this way it then has lead to the inner feeling of being totally alone and
insecure. This would then lead the Soul to then go back to the other cycle of
immersion in relationship in order to feel secure, and not alone.
So back and forth the Soul goes within these two cycles without the archetypes of
these dynamics being sufficiently developed: skipped steps.

So the soul has functioned in one life (or many) in one aspect of the opposition/
square, and in other lives in the other aspect of the opposition/square, but has not
integrated the two together in any life?
Quote from: Rad
With Pluto apply to the N.Node in the 1st, and the Mercury applying to the S.Node
in the 7th the resolution becomes this: The Soul must keep learning how to be
secure within itself by actualizing a life that is determined from within itself: it's
own relationship to itself. Thus a life in which it can follow it's own inner directions
CONSISTENTLY wherever they may lead. And, at the same time, engage in
relationships with others in general, and an intimate other specifically, in which the
very nature of those others is also one of self independence, and inner security.
Others, by their very nature, help enforce the core lessons to this Soul: a state of
inner security and independence in order to develop that inner security. Thus, the
very nature of how others 'think' about relationships will be the same: the very
nature of their psychological orientation to relationships will be the same.
In this way the 'skipped steps' symbolized with Mercury applying to the S.Node,
and Pluto apply to the N.Node will be resolved.
If the soul was embracing their Pluto polarity point and Saturn, they would
essentially create a career based in self-less service? This is a simple example.
Quote from: rad
The N.Node, and it's planetary ruler, prior to the current life has been used by the
Soul to 'jump ahead' of the total resolution of the dynamics symbolized by the
S.Node, and it's planetary ruler as well as the totality of the dynamics and issues
within the natal position of Pluto itself. Thus, the dynamics symbolized by the
N.Node and it's planetary ruler are not 'new'. They have been inconsistently
actualized prior to the current life. As a result, they will serve as a
'temptation' for the Soul to jump ahead, to skip steps, again.
Does this apply even if the NN and the SN planetary ruler are in the same
sign and house? Does this combination make 'temptation' even stronger?
In this symbolism there are skipped steps involving dynamics and issues
linked with the houses the the Nodes are in, and the house that the
planetary rulers of each are within. In my experience this is a relatively
unique situation and requires some real investigation as to determine
exactly what the nature of those skipped steps are. Considerations to
examine are these: are the two planetary rulers in a balsamic conjunction,

Does this apply even if the NN and the SN planetary ruler are in the same
sign and house? Does this combination make 'temptation' even stronger?
In this symbolism there are skipped steps involving dynamics and issues
linked with the houses the the Nodes are in, and the house that the
planetary rulers of each are within. In my experience this is a relatively
unique situation and requires some real investigation as to determine
exactly what the nature of those skipped steps are. Considerations to
examine are these: are the two planetary rulers in a balsamic conjunction,
or new. What other aspects are they making to other planets. Where is the
natal Pluto, and what aspects is it making. Each case in unique to itself of
course. And because of this there is no way to say that the 'temptation'
would be stronger or weaker as a general statement.
Okay, thank you. The two planets are in a crescent phase, sextile, and make
numerous aspects to other planets, namely they are in a Yod configuration with
the Moon, and Pluto is in the 4th house. SN dispositor squares Saturn.
Thank you Rad. I am learning more and more everyday and I am grateful for this
Bi Rad,
It's taken me awhile to respond back, and I thank you for your responses to my
Quote from: Rad on Dec 10, 2010, 11:10 AM
You are now asking about another condition that can be found in birth charts. In
the condition you are now asking about this would mean that the planet that is
squaring the S.Node is also in opposition to Pluto, and Pluto is then squaring the
N.Node. This also means that the planet that is opposed to Pluto is also within the
range of being conjunct Pluto's polarity point. All of that symbolism then means
that all of those archetypes have been activated prior to the current life. And all of
those archetypes are in a skipped step situation.
So let's make a simple example to illustrate this, and the resolution of it. Let's say
Pluto in in the 4th, that Mercury is in the 10th and that this Mercury is squaring a
7th House S.Node, and Pluto is squaring a 1st House N.Node.
The core intention of the 4th House Pluto is to develop a state of inner security.
With the N.Node in the 1st this would of course mean that the Soul has been
desiring a state of almost total freedom and independence in order to actualize or
act upon any experience that it feels drawn to do. And in so doing developing this
state of inner security. Yet that Pluto is opposed the 10th House Mercury, which is
square the 7th House S.Node.
This would correlate to the Soul 'thinking' that in order to feel emotionally secure
that it needed to be in relationship to others in general, and an intimate other
specifically. The reasons that the Soul would think that can be many including not
feeling that it was nurtured or loved in the ways that it felt it needed to be by the
parents of origin: 4th/10th House.
This all makes so much sense when you explain it. When I try to do it, I get
overwhelmed and confused. So I would like to try another scenario. If we replace
Mercury with Saturn in opposition to Pluto in the 4th, and the SN in the 6th, could
I say, the soul feels compelled to establish itself in its career through some kind of
service oriented work, but gets constantly tripped up by comparing itself to
consensus, criticizing itself relentlessly for not being good enough, or perfect which
propels the soul into constant guilt?
In this example that is possible, but it is also just as possible, that the
Soul own sense of authority, the Pluto/Saturn opposition from the 4th/
10th, could manifest as the Soul feeling that it was more perfect than
anyone else. Feeling more perfect that anyone else the Soul would present
itself as THE authority to anyone, and would criticize all others who did
not measure up to it's own perfect standards.

service oriented work, but gets constantly tripped up by comparing itself to

consensus, criticizing itself relentlessly for not being good enough, or perfect which
propels the soul into constant guilt?
In this example that is possible, but it is also just as possible, that the
Soul own sense of authority, the Pluto/Saturn opposition from the 4th/
10th, could manifest as the Soul feeling that it was more perfect than
anyone else. Feeling more perfect that anyone else the Soul would present
itself as THE authority to anyone, and would criticize all others who did
not measure up to it's own perfect standards.
I'm copying your language here to help me get this:
So, in essence, the Soul is now conflicted within itself. This conflict would then
manifest as cycles in which the Soul would desire to judge and hurt itself in the
context of self-induced guilt, or guilt via the consensus: Saturn applying to SN in
the 6th, in opposition to Pluto, which defeats the soul's core intention of
establishing absolute inner emotional security?
Yes, it could be that way.
Quote from: Rad
And the Soul, within itself, would know that because, after all, it's is it's own
intention to do so. Thus, this sets in motion the next cycle in which the Soul then
tries to throw off, oppose, all relationships in order to be free, independent, in
charge of it's own life: Pluto in the 4th squaring the 1st House N.Node. Yet in
reacting in this way it then has lead to the inner feeling of being totally alone and
insecure. This would then lead the Soul to then go back to the other cycle of
immersion in relationship in order to feel secure, and not alone.
So back and forth the Soul goes within these two cycles without the archetypes of
these dynamics being sufficiently developed: skipped steps.

So the soul has functioned in one life (or many) in one aspect of the opposition/
square, and in other lives in the other aspect of the opposition/square, but has not
integrated the two together in any life?
No, the flip flopping, the back and forth, would occur within the same
Quote from: Rad
With Pluto apply to the N.Node in the 1st, and the Mercury applying to the S.Node
in the 7th the resolution becomes this: The Soul must keep learning how to be
secure within itself by actualizing a life that is determined from within itself: it's
own relationship to itself. Thus a life in which it can follow it's own inner directions
CONSISTENTLY wherever they may lead. And, at the same time, engage in
relationships with others in general, and an intimate other specifically, in which the
very nature of those others is also one of self independence, and inner security.
Others, by their very nature, help enforce the core lessons to this Soul: a state of
inner security and independence in order to develop that inner security. Thus, the
very nature of how others 'think' about relationships will be the same: the very
nature of their psychological orientation to relationships will be the same.
In this way the 'skipped steps' symbolized with Mercury applying to the S.Node,
and Pluto apply to the N.Node will be resolved.
If the soul was embracing their Pluto polarity point and Saturn, they would

CONSISTENTLY wherever they may lead. And, at the same time, engage in
relationships with others in general, and an intimate other specifically, in which the
very nature of those others is also one of self independence, and inner security.
Others, by their very nature, help enforce the core lessons to this Soul: a state of
inner security and independence in order to develop that inner security. Thus, the
very nature of how others 'think' about relationships will be the same: the very
nature of their psychological orientation to relationships will be the same.
In this way the 'skipped steps' symbolized with Mercury applying to the S.Node,
and Pluto apply to the N.Node will be resolved.
If the soul was embracing their Pluto polarity point and Saturn, they would
essentially create a career based in self-less service? This is a simple example.
In your example here that could happen if the S.Node were also in the 6th.
If Pluto were in Virgo, and Saturn in Pisces this could also manifest this
Quote from: rad
The N.Node, and it's planetary ruler, prior to the current life has been used by the
Soul to 'jump ahead' of the total resolution of the dynamics symbolized by the
S.Node, and it's planetary ruler as well as the totality of the dynamics and issues
within the natal position of Pluto itself. Thus, the dynamics symbolized by the
N.Node and it's planetary ruler are not 'new'. They have been inconsistently
actualized prior to the current life. As a result, they will serve as a
'temptation' for the Soul to jump ahead, to skip steps, again.
Does this apply even if the NN and the SN planetary ruler are in the same
sign and house? Does this combination make 'temptation' even stronger?
In this symbolism there are skipped steps involving dynamics and issues
linked with the houses the the Nodes are in, and the house that the
planetary rulers of each are within. In my experience this is a relatively
unique situation and requires some real investigation as to determine
exactly what the nature of those skipped steps are. Considerations to
examine are these: are the two planetary rulers in a balsamic conjunction,
or new. What other aspects are they making to other planets. Where is the
natal Pluto, and what aspects is it making. Each case in unique to itself of
course. And because of this there is no way to say that the 'temptation'
would be stronger or weaker as a general statement.
Okay, thank you. The two planets are in a crescent phase, sextile, and make
numerous aspects to other planets, namely they are in a Yod configuration with
the Moon, and Pluto is in the 4th house. SN dispositor squares Saturn.
If they are in a sextile then it's no likely that they are in the same house
to start with. Like I said each case in unique and any of us would need to
see the whole chart, and to observe the individual in question. Only then
can a specific determination be made about this.
Boy, I'm feeling a little 'tripped out' - I either have forgotten or never quite
absorbed that the ruler of the node that has last applied to a squaring planet does
not have a polarity point! So, a SN aries that is the 'applying node' means that
mars does not have a polarity point?
What sign that the Mars is in, as in any planet within a sign, has a natural

Boy, I'm feeling a little 'tripped out' - I either have forgotten or never quite
absorbed that the ruler of the node that has last applied to a squaring planet does
not have a polarity point! So, a SN aries that is the 'applying node' means that
mars does not have a polarity point?
What sign that the Mars is in, as in any planet within a sign, has a natural
polarity point within it. See below for a fuller explanation. The S.Node and
it's planetary ruler, in all charts, has as it's polarity point the N.Node and
it's planetary ruler.
Interesting as in one of my 'square planets' rules the node that's applying & is
retrograde - I had read in one of the Pluto books that a retrograde planet can
mean that the polarity sign may already be developed - am I remembering this

Yes. Wolf taught that every sign has it's natural polarity WITHIN IT. Those
natural inner polarity points of any sign evolve within the context of the
sign as the ongoing evolutionary journey of the Soul occurs. IT JUST
NATURALLY HAPPENS. When a planet is retrograde in a sign Wolf taught
that such a Soul has focused, prior to the current life, upon that inner
polarity of the sign in order to actualize the archetype of the planet that is
in that sign. So, for example, is Mars in retrograde in Libra this would
mean that that Soul has desired, focused, on evolving the Mars archetype
within the natural Aries polarity that exits relative to Libra. Thus, that
Mars archetype in Libra is essentially actualizing the whole of the Libra
archetype through it's natural polarity: Aries. And this polarity would then
be the lead point of how the Mars in Libra entered into, the orientation
too, relationships. If Mars were not retrograde then the Mars in Libra
would enter relationships, the orientation too, in the typical Libra way:
codependent. This lead point would then be progressively evolved towards
the natural polarity of Aries as the Soul's life unfolded over an entire
God Bless, Rad

uote from: wendy

Does this apply even if the NN and the SN planetary ruler are in the same sign
and house? Does this combination make 'temptation' even stronger?
Quote from: rad
In this symbolism there are skipped steps involving dynamics and issues linked
with the houses the the Nodes are in, and the house that the planetary rulers of
each are within. In my experience this is a relatively unique situation and requires
some real investigation as to determine exactly what the nature of those skipped
steps are. Considerations to examine are these: are the two planetary rulers in a
balsamic conjunction, or new. What other aspects are they making to other
planets. Where is the natal Pluto, and what aspects is it making. Each case in
unique to itself of course. And because of this there is no way to say that the
'temptation' would be stronger or weaker as a general statement.
Hi Rad,
I realize I didn't make myself clear in my question above. My question was if the
North Node, plus the planetary ruler of the South Node are in the same sign and
house (not both nodal planetary rulers) does that lead the soul towards further
temptation regarding continuing in the 'skipped steps' mode.
In looking at my question more closely, I think the answer is no. I think/feel

planets. Where is the natal Pluto, and what aspects is it making. Each case in
unique to itself of course. And because of this there is no way to say that the
'temptation' would be stronger or weaker as a general statement.
Hi Rad,
I realize I didn't make myself clear in my question above. My question was if the
North Node, plus the planetary ruler of the South Node are in the same sign and
house (not both nodal planetary rulers) does that lead the soul towards further
temptation regarding continuing in the 'skipped steps' mode.
In looking at my question more closely, I think the answer is no. I think/feel
having the NN and the ruler of SN in the same sign and house would enhance the
possibilities of the soul moving towards the intended evolutionary direction more
readily. Any thoughts?

Quote from: rad

With Pluto apply to the N.Node in the 1st, and the Mercury applying to the S.Node
in the 7th the resolution becomes this: The Soul must keep learning how to be
secure within itself by actualizing a life that is determined from within itself: it's
own relationship to itself. Thus a life in which it can follow it's own inner directions
CONSISTENTLY wherever they may lead. And, at the same time, engage in
relationships with others in general, and an intimate other specifically, in which
the very nature of those others is also one of self independence, and inner
security. Others, by their very nature, help enforce the core lessons to this Soul: a
state of inner security and independence in order to develop that inner security.
Thus, the very nature of how others 'think' about relationships will be the same:
the very nature of their psychological orientation to relationships will be the same.
In this way the 'skipped steps' symbolized with Mercury applying to the S.Node,
and Pluto apply to the N.Node will be resolved.
If the soul was embracing their Pluto polarity point and Saturn, they would
essentially create a career based in self-less service? This is a simple example.
Quote from: rad
In your example here that could happen if the S.Node were also in the 6th. If
Pluto were in Virgo, and Saturn in Pisces this could also manifest this way.
My intention here is to try to put into words how this above aspect to the nodes
would express in the houses, as you did in your examples earlier. I have to run
now, but will come back to ask another question.
Thank you for giving us (me) the opportunity to explore EA on this forum.
God'dess Blessings,

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