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Print Management

How to Guide for Library Staff

PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

*As patrons log into the new computer system, a print account is created for their card number. If they
already had money on their card, this is when the transfer occurs.

Logging into the Staff Portal

1. Open a web browser (Firefox is recommended)
2. In the URL box, type: http://server-name:9191/admin
3. Log in using the following credentials:
4. You are now viewing the Dashboard. This is an overview of the system.
You will need to know how to use the
Users tab and the Printers tab

PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

The Users Tab

View a patrons account
1. Click on the Users tab
2. In the search box, type in the card number or scan the library card barcode
3. Click go or hit enter

You will then view the users account information. You can make adjustments to funds, view a history of
all money transactions, and view the job log by using these tabs:

Add or Subtract money from a card

1. Click on the Adjustments & Changes tab
2. Type the amount in the box, make a comment, and click apply

Type +1.00 to add $1.00
Type -1.00 to subtract $1.00

PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

Old print cards/Transferring balances (if applicable)
If a patron has an old print card, you can transfer the money to their library card PaperCut account.
1. Verify that they patron has a valid library card that has been used at a public computer
2. Scan the print card at a CPad station to check the value on the card
3. Click on the Users tab in the PaperCut staff web portal
4. Search for the patrons library card or scan their card
5. Manually add the value to their account (dont forget to leave a comment!)
6. Cut up and dispose of the old print card
View transaction history
Transaction date
Who made the transaction (staff vs. printer)
The transaction amount
The transaction type (manual adjustment, printer usage, value loader)
Comments made by staff
View job log
Charged to (library card number)
Printer (i.e. server\Adult B&W Printer)
Number of pages
Document Name
Attributes (i.e. paper size, which computer was used)
Status (i.e. printed, cancelled)

The Printers Tab

View jobs pending release
1. Click on the Jobs Pending Release tab
2. View all the currently sent jobs that are waiting in the print queue. Print jobs stay in the queue until
patrons scan their card and release them.

PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

Release**, cancel or override

a job for a patron

**The job will only print if there is enough money on the patrons card. If you are giving the patron this
print at no charge you will need to use the override feature as described below.

Using the Staff Override Feature

1. Login to the staff portal
2. Access the Printers tab
3. Click on the Jobs Pending Release tab

4. Click Override (located under the Action section of the page)

5. Upon clicking override, the Override Print Settings box appears


PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

6. Under Override the charged account, select the Override account

7. Once the Override account is selected, the comment portion add job comment is auto filled

8. Click print (once button is selected, the job will appear as queuing under the action tab
until the job is completed)

PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

Viewing the Job Log

1. Click on the Job Log tab
2. View ALL of the recently printed jobs just like in the job log for the individual user
If you need to refund money to a patrons library card for a
printed job, you can find the job from this screen and click
on the refund button.

PaperCut and the Copier

You may pay for copies with cash/change or funds on your library card.
To use cash
1. Touch the screen on the CPad to wake it up
2. Touch the


To use card funds

1. Touch the screen on the CPad to wake it up
2. Scan the library card or tap the inside Card/User field and type the card number

PaperCut Print Management- How to Guide for Library Staff

PaperCut and the Simple Scan Station

Using the Simple Scan Station
To collect your print out from a scanned job at the Simple Scan*** machine, type simplescan into the
CPads Card/User field
1. Touch the screen to wake it up
2. Tap inside the Card/User field to access the keypad (numbers or letters)
3. Type simplescan
4. Select your job, insert cash/change
5. Press Print Job
6. Press Log Out when you are finished

Use this button to toggle

between the number keypad
and the letter keypad

TBS would like to thank Amy Skrzypinski & Lincolnwood Public Library District for contributing content and screenshots

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