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An Introduction to Curved Spaces

Physics 231
Surjeet Rajendran

Why Curved Space?

Special Relativity beautifully describes electromagnetism
@ F = J
@[ F


The theory is Lorentz invariant, preserves the fact that

signals do not travel faster than the speed of light

Why Curved Space?

Special Relativity beautifully describes electromagnetism
@ F = J
@[ F


The theory is Lorentz invariant, preserves the fact that

signals do not travel faster than the speed of light
Newtonian Gravity :F = GN 2 r

Looks a lot like electromagnetism.

Is this Lorentz invariant? Why?

Why Curved Space?

Special Relativity beautifully describes electromagnetism
@ F = J
@[ F


The theory is Lorentz invariant, preserves the fact that

signals do not travel faster than the speed of light
Newtonian Gravity :F = GN 2 r

Looks a lot like electromagnetism.

Is this Lorentz invariant? Why?
Why not do something similar for gravity?

Why Curved Space?

Special Relativity beautifully describes electromagnetism
@ F = J
@[ F


The theory is Lorentz invariant, preserves the fact that

signals do not travel faster than the speed of light
Newtonian Gravity :F = GN 2 r

Looks a lot like electromagnetism.

Is this Lorentz invariant? Why?
Why not do something similar for gravity?
In fact, we can!

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

First Question: Electromagnetism is represented by a vector potential

A and field strength F

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

First Question: Electromagnetism is represented by a vector potential

A and field strength F

How many indices represent gravity?

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

First Question: Electromagnetism is represented by a vector potential

A and field strength F

How many indices represent gravity?

Why does the electromagnetic vector potential have 1 index?

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

First Question: Electromagnetism is represented by a vector potential

A and field strength F

How many indices represent gravity?

Why does the electromagnetic vector potential have 1 index?
Electromagnetism couples to a charge current J

J is a nice four vector. And naturally couples to A

(J A )

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

First Question: Electromagnetism is represented by a vector potential

A and field strength F

How many indices represent gravity?

Why does the electromagnetic vector potential have 1 index?
Electromagnetism couples to a charge current J

J is a nice four vector. And naturally couples to A

(J A )

Gravity couples to mass.

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor
But T

has two indices.

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor
But T

has two indices.

Hard to couple a gravitational vector potential


to T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor
But T

has two indices.

Hard to couple a gravitational vector potential

i .e. cant write Ag T


to T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor
But T

has two indices.

Hard to couple a gravitational vector potential

i .e. cant write Ag T

Two Possibilities


to T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor
But T

has two indices.

Hard to couple a gravitational vector potential


i .e. cant write Ag T

Two Possibilities
A scalar potential

coupling to T :

to T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
In special relativity, mass is equivalent to energy and is
represented by the stress-energy tensor
But T

has two indices.

Hard to couple a gravitational vector potential


to T

i .e. cant write Ag T

Two Possibilities
A scalar potential coupling to T : T

A symmetric tensor potential h coupling to T : h T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
Two Possibilities

h T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
Two Possibilities


h T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

How many indices represent gravity?
Gravity couples to mass.
Two Possibilities

h T

Exercise: Show that in this theory, light does not couple to

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

Two Possibilities

Gravity does not couple to light,
eventhough it is a form of energy
Einstein did not like this kind
of discrimination. Felt gravitation
should be universal

h T

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

Two Possibilities


h T

Einstein could have pursued this coupling.

Done lots of algebra to see what it
Gravity does not couple to light,
might mean
eventhough it is a form of energy
Einstein did not like this kind
of discrimination. Felt gravitation
should be universal

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

Two Possibilities


h T

Einstein could have pursued this coupling.

Done lots of algebra to see what it
Gravity does not couple to light,
might mean
eventhough it is a form of energy
Instead, picked a deep, intuitive approach
Einstein did not like this kind
that gave him the right answer
of discrimination. Felt gravitation
should be universal

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

Two Possibilities

Gravity does not couple to light,
eventhough it is a form of energy
Einstein did not like this kind
of discrimination. Felt gravitation
should be universal

h T
Picked a deep, intuitive approach
that gave him the right answer
Computation 6= Comprehension

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

Two Possibilities

Gravity does not couple to light,
eventhough it is a form of energy

h T
Picked a deep, intuitive approach
that gave him the right answer
Computation 6= Comprehension

Einstein did not like this kind As we will see later, this turns out to
of discrimination. Felt gravitation
be the right coupling
should be universal

First Attempt at Relativistic Gravitation

Two Possibilities

Gravity does not couple to light,
eventhough it is a form of energy

h T
Picked a deep, intuitive approach
that gave him the right answer
Computation 6= Comprehension

Einstein did not like this kind As we will see later, this turns out to
of discrimination. Felt gravitation
be the right coupling
should be universal

Relativistic gravitation can be obtained purely from flat space-time notions. Its
physical effects are easier to grasp with Einsteins curved space view-point

Equivalence Principle
Everything falls at the same rate under gravity,
irrespective of its mass or composition.
This is strange....

Every body perseveres in its state
of being at rest or of moving
uniformly straight forward except
insofar as it is being compelled to
change its state by forces

Maybe things are just all moving along in straight lines.

But, straight lines in a curved space.

Equivalence Principle
Everything falls at the same rate under gravity,
irrespective of its mass or composition.
This is strange....

Every body perseveres in its state
of being at rest or of moving
uniformly straight forward except
insofar as it is being compelled to
change its state by forces

Maybe things are just all moving along in straight lines.

But, straight lines in a curved space.
True in a deeper sense

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
Observers have to use physical devices to make measurements

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
Observers have to use physical devices to make measurements
For forces like electromagnetism, we can conceive of physical devices (such as
neutral bodies) that do not respond to electromagnetism

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
Observers have to use physical devices to make measurements
For forces like electromagnetism, we can conceive of physical devices (such as
neutral bodies) that do not respond to electromagnetism
This allows us to define inertial observers who are not affected by
electromagnetic forces and whose motion is thus different from accelerated
observers who experience electromagnetism

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
Observers have to use physical devices to make measurements
For forces like electromagnetism, we can conceive of physical devices (such as
neutral bodies) that do not respond to electromagnetism
This allows us to define inertial observers who are not affected by
electromagnetic forces and whose motion is thus different from accelerated
observers who experience electromagnetism
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?
But is it true that all freely falling observers are equivalent?

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?
But is it true that all freely falling observers are equivalent?

P1, P2 are at different distances with respect to the
gravitating earth.
They will fall differently.

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?
But is it true that all freely falling observers are equivalent?

P1, P2 are at different distances with respect to the
gravitating earth.
They will fall differently.

So P1 can look at P2 and realize that he is falling under gravity

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?
But is it true that all freely falling observers are equivalent?

What if P1 and P2 are inside elevators that prevent them
from looking outside and seeing each other?

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?
But is it true that all freely falling observers are equivalent?

What if P1 and P2 are inside elevators that prevent them
from looking outside and seeing each other?
If the observers restrict themselves to solely local
measurements, they cannot know if they are inertial or not

Equivalence Principle
One of the deep concepts from special relativity is that we should not rely on
abstract philosophical notions but rather ask what observers can physically
But, if everything falls the same way under gravity, how can we even separate
an inertial observer from an observer who is freely falling under gravity?
But is it true that all freely falling observers are equivalent?

What if P1 and P2 are inside elevators that prevent them
from looking outside and seeing each other?
If the observers restrict themselves to solely local
measurements, they cannot know if they are inertial or not

Exercise: Devise an experiment to show this


Equivalence Principle
What if P1 and P2 are inside elevators that prevent them
from looking outside and seeing each other?
If the observers restrict themselves to solely local
measurements, they cannot know if they are inertial or not

This is certainly true for particle mechanics. But what about other forces of
nature like electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces? Or even the
forces caused by the recently discovered Higgs boson?

Einsteins Assertion
The laws of nature are such that a freely falling observer in a gravitational field
who only relies on local measurements cannot know that he is around a
gravitational field. His local observations will be those of an inertial observer
in Minkowski space.

What then is gravitation?

Einsteins Assertion

P1 P2

The laws of nature are such that a freely falling

observer in a gravitational field who only relies on
local measurements cannot know that he is around a
gravitational field. His local observations will be those
of an inertial observer in Minkowski space.

What if P2 is very close to P1?

P1 can recognize gravity by making measurements
sufficiently close to him
These measurements can depart from those of inertial
observers in Minkowski space
Gravitation is then the deviations from Minkowski space that
the freely falling observer can locally measure

What then is gravitation?



Under gravity, freely falling observers (like P2) are


What then is gravitation?



Under gravity, freely falling observers (like P2) are

What about observers like P1 who are at rest with
respect to the surface of the earth?

What then is gravitation?



Under gravity, freely falling observers (like P2) are

What about observers like P1 who are at rest with
respect to the surface of the earth?
P1 observes gravity (he can just drop a coin and see it

But, even though P1 is at rest, he is acted upon by non-gravitational

forces in order to cancel the gravitational force on him from the Earth.

What then is gravitation?



Under gravity, freely falling observers (like P2) are

What about observers like P1 who are at rest with
respect to the surface of the earth?
P1 observes gravity (he can just drop a coin and see it

But, even though P1 is at rest, he is acted upon by non-gravitational

forces in order to cancel the gravitational force on him from the Earth.
In fact, local observations made by P1 are in-distinguishable from
that of an accelerated platform in Minkowski space

What then is gravitation?



Under gravity, freely falling observers (like P2) are

What about observers like P1 who are at rest with
respect to the surface of the earth?
P1 observes gravity (he can just drop a coin and see it

But, even though P1 is at rest, he is acted upon by non-gravitational

forces in order to cancel the gravitational force on him from the Earth.
In fact, local observations made by P1 are in-distinguishable from
that of an accelerated platform in Minkowski space

Exercise: Show this in a simple setup

What then is gravitation?



Under gravity, freely falling observers (like P2) are

What about observers like P1 who are at rest with
respect to the surface of the earth?
P1 observes gravity (he can just drop a coin and see it

But, even though P1 is at rest, he is acted upon by non-gravitational

forces in order to cancel the gravitational force on him from the Earth.
In fact, local observations made by P1 are in-distinguishable from
that of an accelerated platform in Minkowski space

Einstein: This is not just true for particle mechanics, but

true for all forces of nature




If everything falls the same way under gravity, much like

any other free falling observer (P2) light will also fall
relative to an observer (P1) on the ground




If everything falls the same way under gravity, much like

any other free falling observer (P2) light will also fall
relative to an observer (P1) on the ground




If everything falls the same way under gravity, much like

any other free falling observer (P2) light will also fall
relative to an observer (P1) on the ground




If everything falls the same way under gravity, much like

any other free falling observer (P2) light will also fall
relative to an observer (P1) on the ground
Observer P3 is also at rest with respect to the surface
of the earth (and observer P1). These are accelerated
observers. Hence, local measurements such as the
ticking rates of their clocks will not be equal
(consequence of special relativity)




If everything falls the same way under gravity, much like

any other free falling observer (P2) light will also fall
relative to an observer (P1) on the ground
Observer P3 is also at rest with respect to the surface
of the earth (and observer P1). These are accelerated
observers. Hence, local measurements such as the
ticking rates of their clocks will not be equal
(consequence of special relativity)
If P1 and P3 send light signals back and forth, that is
much like accelerated observers sending signals back
and forth. The light signals will be doppler shifted.




If everything falls the same way under gravity, much like

any other free falling observer (P2) light will also fall
relative to an observer (P1) on the ground
Observer P3 is also at rest with respect to the surface
of the earth (and observer P1). These are accelerated
observers. Hence, local measurements such as the
ticking rates of their clocks will not be equal
(consequence of special relativity)
If P1 and P3 send light signals back and forth, that is
much like accelerated observers sending signals back
and forth. The light signals will be doppler shifted.

Exercise: Compute this Doppler shift. Is it compatible with

elementary notions of flat space?

Are these principles true?

Freely falling observers are inertial.
They cannot do a local measurement to realize that they
are in a gravitational field
An observer who is at rest on the surface of the earth is
an accelerated observer

Are these principles true?

Freely falling observers are inertial.
They cannot do a local measurement to realize that they
are in a gravitational field
An observer who is at rest on the surface of the earth is
an accelerated observer


Test Case
Take a charged particle.
Let it freely fall. It is inertial.
Does it radiate?

Place a charged particle on the surface of the Earth. It is accelerated.

Does it radiate?


In special relativity, inertial observers were observers

on whom there were no external forces


Their inertial nature was global. One

observer could look at a distant inertial
observer and this observation will not
making him doubt his inertial nature.

Minkowski space was invariant under global Lorentz

transformations and spatial translations

Minkowski space was invariant under global Lorentz
transformations and spatial translations

General Relativity (Relativistic Gravitation)


The presence of the earth breaks this global

Since all observers feel gravity, this breaks these
global symmetries for all observers
Local measurements of freely falling observers are
equivalent to those of inertial observers in
Minkowski space
Gravity appears to a local observer as a deviation
from Minkowski space
These properties imply that gravity must curve
space-time (doppler shift of light)

How do we make these quantitative?

In a small, local region around them, freely falling observers
experience Minkowski (or flat) space-time
Gravitation is represented by deviations from Minkowski
(or flatness) in this local region
Further, gravity must curve space-time

How do we make these quantitative?

In a small, local region around them, freely falling observers
experience Minkowski (or flat) space-time
Gravitation is represented by deviations from Minkowski
(or flatness) in this local region
Further, gravity must curve space-time

This is a lot like...

the flatness of the Earth!
Near the point P, the Earth looks very flat. The fact that it is
curved shows up in small deviations of the flat geometry

The Geometry of Curved Spaces


Near the point P, the Earth looks very flat.

The fact that it is curved shows up in small deviations of
flat geometry

How do we precisely define the fact that near the point P
the earth is very flat? (Manifolds)
How do our favorite notions from flat space such as vectors
and tensors translate to curved space?
What quantities capture the deviation from flat space at the
point P? (this after all is gravity - and the answer is
How can different observers compare their measurements?
What do they agree on? What are the invariants?

Manifolds and the Geometry of Curved


What do we want out of curved spaces?

We want to be able to describe objects like spheres, torii, Moebius strips...

What do we want out of curved spaces?

We want to be able to describe objects like spheres, torii, Moebius strips...

There is a sense in which these objects have a dimensionality about them (for
example, all the objects above seem to be 2 dimensional)

What do we want out of curved spaces?


We want to be able to describe objects like spheres, torii, Moebius strips...

There is a sense in which these objects have a dimensionality about them (for
example, all the objects above seem to be 2 dimensional)
Near any point P of the space, there should be a small enough region that
looks like it is flat space. In fact, the dimensionality of this flat space is tied
to the notion of the spaces dimensionality. For all the examples above,
small enough regions look like R2

What do we want out of curved spaces?


We could of course describe them based on their embedding in flat space.

e.g. sphere is the set of points in R3 such that x2 + y2 + z2 = C

What do we want out of curved spaces?


We could of course describe them based on their embedding in flat space.

e.g. sphere is the set of points in R3 such that x2 + y2 + z2 = C
But this is cumbersome - these spaces have a life of their own independent
of how we embed them in a higher dimensional space. We want to be able
to describe those properties without worrying about the embedding or
how the higher dimensional space is parametrized.

What do we want out of curved spaces?


We could of course describe them based on their embedding in flat space.

e.g. sphere is the set of points in R3 such that x2 + y2 + z2 = C
But this is cumbersome - these spaces have a life of their own independent
of how we embed them in a higher dimensional space. We want to be able
to describe those properties without worrying about the embedding or
how the higher dimensional space is parametrized.
Further, as we will see, there are examples of 2d surfaces that cannot be
embedded in R3 (but can be embedded in R4). But they will have many other
properties shared by other 2d surfaces (rather than 3d spaces that are
more naturally embedded in R4)

What do we want out of curved spaces?


Want to describe these spaces based purely on their intrinsic properties

rather than their extrinsic embedding. After all, we dont describe R2 on the
basis of how it fits into R3, but rather on its own merits. We should treat
these spaces in the same way.

What do we want out of curved spaces?




Want to describe these spaces based purely on their intrinsic properties

rather than their extrinsic embedding. After all, we dont describe R2 on the
basis of how it fits into R3, but rather on its own merits. We should treat
these spaces in the same way.
In Rn we know what it means for one point to be near another, based on
the Euclidean distance between points. But if we are not to make use of the
embedding, how do we intrinsically define the notion of one point (Q) being
near P so that P agrees that the geometry between P and Q is flat, unlike
say that point Q that is far from P and is hence allowed to be curved?

What do we want out of curved spaces?




One we have an intrinsic description where we can define how close one
point is to another, we would like to understand how to extend our usual
notions of continuity and differentiability for functions on these spaces.

What do we want out of curved spaces?




One we have an intrinsic description where we can define how close one
point is to another, we would like to understand how to extend our usual
notions of continuity and differentiability for functions on these spaces.
With that knowledge, we can talk about derivatives of such functions at a
local point P. These derivatives are linear and we will show that these
describe a vector space at P. This vector space will be used to generalize our
notions of vectors and tensors from flat space.

U4 ,

U3 ,

U1 ,

U2 ,

The Set M
A chart or coordinate system consists of a subset U of M
along with a one to one map : U-> Rn such that that
image (U) is open in Rn
A set V is open in Rn if for any point x in V there is some r
so that any point y satisfying |x - y| < r is also in V

U4 ,

U3 ,

U1 ,

U2 ,

The Set M
A chart or coordinate system consists of a subset U of M along with a one to
one map : U-> Rn such that that image (U) is open in Rn
An atlas is a collection of charts {U, } so that
1. The union of U is equal to M; i.e. the U cover M.
2. The charts are woven smoothly together; i.e. if two charts overlap

(U \ U ) R !


is onto and continuous in Rn

\U )R

U4 ,

U3 ,

U1 ,

U2 ,

The Set M
A chart or coordinate system consists of a subset U of M along with a one to
one map : U-> Rn such that that image (U) is open in Rn
An atlas is a collection of charts {U, } that cover M and the charts are
woven together smoothly where they intersect
A manifold is simply a set M along with a maximal atlas, i.e. an atlas that
contains every possible such chart

U4 ,

U3 ,

U1 ,

U2 ,

The Set M
A chart or coordinate system consists of a subset U of M along with a one to
one map : U-> Rn such that that image (U) is open in Rn
An atlas is a collection of charts {U, } that cover M and the charts are
woven together smoothly where they intersect
A manifold is simply a set M along with a maximal atlas, i.e. an atlas that
contains every possible such chart

Basically, we use Rn to induce a topology on M

U4 ,

U3 ,

U1 ,

U2 ,

Manifold Construction for

Take the space M - for any point on the space find a one-to-one map that
takes points around that space into open sets in Rn
Find a set of maps that cover every point in the space. Make sure that where
they overlap, they overlap nicely

U4 ,

U3 ,

U1 ,

U2 ,

Manifold Construction for

Take the space M - for any point on the space find a one-to-one map that
takes points around that space into open sets in Rn
Find a set of maps that cover every point in the space. Make sure that where
they overlap, they overlap nicely

How do these notions fix the dimensionality of the space?

Take R2. Identify edges along the directions indicated
by the arrows and get new spaces.
Which of these are manifolds?





Take R2. Identify edges along the directions indicated
by the arrows and get new spaces.
Which of these are manifolds?






Take R2. Identify edges along the directions indicated
by the arrows and get new spaces.
Which of these are manifolds?




mobius strip



Take R2. Identify edges along the directions indicated
by the arrows and get new spaces.
Which of these are manifolds?





mobius strip



Take R2. Identify edges along the directions indicated
by the arrows and get new spaces.
Which of these are manifolds?






mobius strip


klein bottle

More Examples
Which of these are manifolds?




More Examples
Which of these are manifolds?

A chart that covers
the point of
intersection does
not map into open



More Examples
Which of these are manifolds?

A chart that covers
the point of
intersection does
not map into open

The line is R1 and
the plane is R2. So
there is no way we
can have a cover.


More Examples
Which of these are manifolds?

A chart that covers
the point of
intersection does
not map into open



The line is R1 and

the plane is R2. So
there is no way we
can have a cover.

construction from a
plane. This is a
manifold called the
Real Projective
Space RP2

Constructing Co-ordinate Charts

Example: Charts on a Sphere
Stereographic Projection

Sphere S2
embedded in

Plane R2
Place the sphere on top of the plane. From the north pole draw a straight-line in R3
through the sphere. This line intersects the sphere at one point and the plane at
another. The chart maps these two points together. Repeat from south pole to cover
north as well.

Next Class:Vectors, Tensors and Metric

(chapter 2 of Carroll)

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