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Assignment 1; MA 353; Term: S15

Leo Livshits
Last modified at 15:46 on February 5, 2015

1 Problem. Prove that the following is true for any subspaces V, W and Z of

Hint: If V W 6= {O}, let B be a basis

for V W. Enlarge B to a basis C of

Fn :

V, and enlarge B to a basis D of W.

Argue that C D is a basis of V + W.

dim(V + W ) = dim(V ) + dim(W ) dim(V W ).

2 Problem. Suppose that W1 , . . . , Wm are subspaces of Fn . Prove that

Hint: Induction on m, for both parts.

dim(W1 + W2 + . . . + Wm ) dim(W1 ) + dim(W2 ) + . . . + dim(Wm ),

and that the equality holds if and only if
W1 + W2 + . . . + Wm = W1 W2 . . . Wm .
3 Notation. Given a function f : X Y and a subset S of X, we will write

Hint for Problem 4: Use Rank-Nullity

Theorem to argue that the claim in

f [S] for the set { f ( x ) | x S }, and use the convention that f [] = .

4 Problem. Prove that the following are equivalent for A Mn (F):

1) is equivalent to the statement that

kernel ( A) range( A) = {O}.
Next argue that
range( A2 ) = A[range( A)] range( A).

1. Fn = kernel ( A) range( A);

range( A)

: range( A) range( A2 )

be the restriction of the function A

to range( A). Argue that A|

range( A)

is a linear surjection with the kernel

2. kernel ( A) range( A) = {O};

range( A) kernel ( A). Argue that the

claim in 2) is equivalent to the state-

3. range( A) = range( A2 ).

ment that kernel ( A) range( A) = {O}.

5 Problem. Suppose A Mn (F).

1. Prove that there is some p {1, 2, . . . , n} such that
range( A p ) = range( A p+1 ) = range( A p+2 ) = range( A p+3 ) = . . . .

2. Prove that there is some q {1, 2, . . . , n} such that

Fn = kernel ( Aq ) range( Aq ).

6 Problem.

1. Suppose W =

x F . Prove that the following are

(a) F2 = V W;

(b) V = span , for some F.
2. Derive and prove the corresponding theorem for






F5 x, y F

7 Problem. Suppose that A Mn is idempotent.

1. Prove that I A is not invertible.
2. Prove that I + A is invertible, and find its inverse.
3. Find all scalars F, for which I + A is invertible.

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