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Deep Listening A Composer's Sound Practice Pauline Oliveros “The eat makes it possible to hear and to listen. “Te hear physi mane ha vibrations or waveforms cht ate within the sage ‘of hamn hearing in Fequency spl 16h 0 20,00 and aplice 548 to 13048) can be eansmiced othe airy cores bythe ea and peeved 5 ‘ound However, the word hear ae many more dysner nd meaning within ‘alata hisory thats eansoually changing “To hear aecodng eo the Miran Wester Dconaty can man “oan ate tne, that information hat been received epi by en, ot est sme body sme hing, orto consider vmething fc 3 judge, commision. cor member of jury, oF aly andar something oro tend Mase or hear confeasion in a Roman Cathe Chur Linening has very ile definition compared wo hewing Though she owe wos seoffen sol inerchangeahy dr meanings te difeen. To sen scoring ‘the Miriam Weber Disionary meant give ateton os or unde pecive with the cr, hea with thought senso, to consider serous To her and olsen have ymbicelatonship wth somewhat iene an | iret ta he ant ise To hse ithe physical mensch embles perception. To len give attention to wt i pereved both scoucaly End peychologicaly “Hearing cums acerain ange ofvibraons inc percepible sounds." Lier aks plice in the auditory cortex and i bcd onthe esperonce of ‘the waveforms tranmied bythe eat the bri, We am asda and eat- prize ound uch at mama, pop, eo runing weiner, pops ics Sh myriads more sounds though experince. Many waveforms afr Rint expe: Fence are dianed unnodced wihour conscious ntpretton. Understanding and interpreting what the ear namie othe bana proces developing fom inmanancour srvial reaction 9 ieat thar dive consiounese The iseing proces continue dhroughout ones iine, Pry descripionsofsound properties and Tseng donot explicate the phe- nomena world of pecepenn thar kes place inthe aio cones. Acconng eo Stephen Handel in Linning: An Turducsion 0 the Ponption of Aion, chin and penton St wl cy oe and pone Sry ther no peepon sa ay oso nes Si ne es ion sche onme cay hma of pylons ofan nd rato the pin of sun. Physta can newness rome wre: ox mente hegre. Ths ie pin canoe mor peston. So pene pens eng eta hizry and pence nics ng ‘whats Deep Listening? “acoustic poses where ie an space mee as vey ae acl by sound aso do with comple and bound o gs god odinary taal undendoge ae" bjt ep fv” ore a dep the A sj no de peo prot necro stn arknow pr wy cs Ap one dere! eng In ma tat ern neo serene eto kn ‘Deep couple with Evening or Dep itoring fr mei learning to expand the perception of sound to ince te whole spacetime continu of sound— Encountering the vaste and comple mck ae psi. Simukaneons fe ought tobe able yo tera sound or xquenc of sounds sa focus within the spacetime cnsinaun and to pee the deal or waetory ofthe sound ot Sewence of wunds, Sch foots oul alway eur, cr be within the whole ‘Tike spacetime coin (cote Sich esansion means that one is connected tthe whale af the enviconment sna beyond "Whar the difference berween Deep Listening and meditation? Deep Listening 3 practice ha iintendal heighten nd expand consis ef sound ina many dimensions of awareness and etesonal dynamics as Tamanly posible The source for Desp Listing a «practice comes om my background and expences compuncr af concert mui, perfor and improtier,

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