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Human Eye and the Colourful World


An old person is unable to see clearly nearby object as well as distant objects


(a) What defect of vision is he suffering from?

(b) What kind of lens will be required to see clearly the nearby as well as distant
objects? Give reasons?
What is dispersion of light? Name the


(a) component of white light that deviates the least,

(b) component of white light that deviates the most while passing through a glass
How is a normal eye able to see distinctly distant as well as nearer objects? What is the
distance of distinct vision?


Why do different colours get separated when white light Passes through prism? How
can we recombine the components of white light after a prism has separated them?
Explain with the help of figure.


Does the above distance increase or decrease for long-sighted eye? Give reason for
your answer with diagram.


What would have been the colour of sky if the earth had no atmosphere? Give reason
for your answer


Why do stars twinkle while planets do not? Explain with the help of diagram.


Explain how a normal human eye is able to see distinctly the object placed at a distance
as well as those placed at a nearer distance.


What is the far point and near point of a normal human eye? What is the least distance
of distant vision for the normal eye?


Name the part of the eye where image is formed by the eye lens. What is the nature of
the image formed? How is this image sent to the brain?


A student sitting at the back of the classroom cannot read clearly the letters written on
the black board. Identify the defect from which he is suffering and how is it corrected?
Draw a ray diagram for the correction of this defect.


Mention the colours which bend least and most respectively after white light emerges
from a prism.


(a) List the factors on which scattering of light depend.

(b) What is Tyndals, effect?


Explain with the help of diagram why the sun is visible to us two minutes before the
actual sun-rise and two minutes after the sunset.


What is meant by least distance of distinct vision? How does this vary between the very
young and old people?


State the cause of dispersion, when white light enters a glass prism. Explain with a


Draw a diagram to show the formation of image of a distant object by a myopic eye.
How can such an eye defect be rectified? State two reasons due to which this eye
defect may be caused.


A beam of white light falling on a glass prism gets split up into seven colours marked 1
to 7 as shown in the diagram

(a) The colour at position marked 3 and 5 are similar to the colour of the sky and the
colour of gold metal respectively. Is the above statement made by the student
correct or incorrect? Justify.
(b) Which of the above shown positions corresponds approximately to the colour of
(i) a brinjal (iii) Neel which is applied to clothes (ii) danger signal (iv) Orange


Suggest reason for each of the following:

(a) The sky near the horizon appears to have a reddish colour at the time of sunset and
(b) The sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut in space.
(c) The colour of the clear sky is blue.
(d) Danger signals are red in colour.
A person is unable to read a book clearly when kept at a distance of 25 cm from his eye.
Name the defect. How can it be corrected?
Draw ray diagrams for (i) defective eye (ii) Corrected eye and explain them.


Mention the names of two phenomena due to which a rainbow is formed.

Explain with the help of diagram how a rainbow is formed.


A student sitting on the last bench in a class room cannot read the black board clearly.
(i) Name the defect of vision the student is suffering from.
(ii) Name the type of spherical lens he has to use to correct this defect.
(iii) State two possible reasons for this defect of vision.


What is meant by power of accommodation of eye? A person with a defective vision

cannot see objects beyond 1.2 m distinctly. What should be the type of the corrective
lens used to restore proper vision ? Draw a diagram of thus corrected eye.


A person having presbyopia uses a bifocal lens to restore proper vision. Which part of
this lens is convex and which part is concave?


A very thin narrow beam of white light is made incident on three glass objects shown
below. Comment on the nature of behaviour of the emergent beam in all the 3 cases.

There is a similarity between two of the emergent beams. Identify the two.

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