Shabbat Seder GuideNew

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Shabbat Seder Guide

House of New Beginnings

Beit Beresheet

133/11 M2 Kokplad Village Surin 35000

089-251 3781
Eng. 086-5217713

A Manual for Messianic Christians

Shabbat Seder Guide

A Concise Manual for Christians
Some are from Hebrew for Christians some from Larry Huch

Giving Tzedakah 3
Lighting the Sabbath Candles 4
Blessing the Children 7
Blessing the Parents 8
Friday Night Kiddush 10
Washing the Hands 12
Blessing the Bread 12
Blessing the Salt 13
Eating the Shabbat Meal 13
Grace after Meals 14
Thanking God for Salvation 14
Sabbath Day Activities 13
Afterword: Christians and Shabbat 15

Introduction to Shabbat

Shabbat begins at sunset on Friday evening and ends Saturday night

(25 hours). On Shabbat we remember that God created the world and
then rested from His labors (Genesis 2:2).
This special day is to be marked by three qualities: rest (meThere are
three main rituals regarding Shabbat observance:

1) Lighting the Sabbath candles

2) Saying Kiddush over wine

3) Reciting HaMotzi over challah
The Shabbat meal is a time when friends and families share highlights
from the week and sing table songs, called zemirot.

Afterword: Christians and Shabbat

Shabbat was made for man, and not man for Shabbat. Mark 2:27
Christians are not legalistically required to observe the Sabbath day.
Because of the ministry of the Lord Jesus, we are no longer in that
sort of relationship with God. We do not earn merit or righteousness
through rule-following behaviors, no matter how noble or beautiful
(Titus 3:5; Eph 2:8-9).

We are free to celebrate Shabbat

Shabbat observance is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The
Lord Jesus taught us, Shabbat was made for man, and not man for
Shabbat (Mark 2:27). In other words, Shabbat is a gift of God to us, a
time of rest and reflection, a joyful time set apart from the busy week
when we can focus on what is really important in our lives.
What is important is that every Friday evening, as the sun begins to
set, you gather your family together. If they are not with you, then
speak blessings over them as you welcome in the Shabbat and bask in
that special time of the Lord a time He has set aside for you.
Do we have to do it? NO.
Do we get to do it? YES.
The rabbis teach that the Shabbat is the hub of the Universe. It is the
first rung on the ladder of knowing God. God created the heavens and
the earth. He looked at everything that was and said it was good. Then
He said, in effect, Now, I am going to create man,and I am going to
create menuha a rest and a blessing. I am going to sanctify this day.
I am going to marry My children with their blessings because it is a
Fathers good pleasure to give them My Kingdom.
Keep and remember the Shabbat. Enter into the rest your Father has
created especially for you. Enter into a covenant relationship with
God, and receive all the blessings of His Kingdom.
God bless you.
Shabbat shalom.


Opening Welcome prayer

Grace after meals Birkat haMazon

Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh haolam

hazan et haolam kullo betuvo, bechen bechesed uvrachamim.
Hu notein lechem lekholbasar ki leolam chasdo.
Uvtuvo haggadol tamid lo chaseir lanu
veal yechsar lanu mazon leolam vaed,
baavur shemo haggadol. Ki hu El zan umfarneis lakhol,
umeitiv lakol umeikhin mazon lekhol briyotav, asher bara.
Barukh attah hazan et hakkol. Amein.
Blessed are you, LORD our God, Creator of the universe,
Who nourishes the whole world in goodness, with grace, kindness,
and compassion. You give bread to all flesh, for Your mercies endures
forever. And through Your great goodness we have never lacked, nor
will we lack food forever, for the sake of His great Name. For You
are God, who nourishes and sustains all, and does good to all, and
prepares food for all creatures which You created. Blessed are You,
LORD, who nourishes all. Amen. [Amen.]

We welcome You right now Lord and your shabbat, we welcome

You and Your shabbat peace into our life, our family our children
our marriage our finaces our health and our future, it is all in this
shabbat service and apply for the week to come. In Jesus name.

Giving Tzedakah
Acts of Righteousness

When money is put into the Tzedekah box,recite the following blessing:

Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu

melekh ha-olam,
asher kideshanu bmitzvotav,
vtzivanu al ha-tzedakah.

Thanking God for Salvation

the Father of Glory - by means of salvation through Yeshua the

Mashiach. It is fitting, then, to offer up thanks to the LORD for the
way of salvation given though Yeshua the Messiah:

Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher natan

lanu et derekh ha-yeshuah bamashiach Yeshua,
barukh hu.
Blessed are You, LORD our
God, King of the universe,
Who gave to us the way of
salvation though the Messiah
Yeshua, blessed be He. Amen.

Blessed art thou, Lord our God,

Creator of the universe,
who hast sanctified us with Your
commandments, and commanded
us about the Tzedakah. [Amen.]

Lighting the Sabbath Candles

Hadlakat Nerot Candlelighting

After kindling the candles, she waives her hands over the flames three
times (as if welcoming in the Sabbath), and covering her eyes with her
hands (so as not to see the candles burning) says:
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu
bmitzvotav, vtzivanu lhadlik ner shel Shabbat.

Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam,

asher kideshanu bemitzvotav ve-tsivanu lehiyot or
le-goyim vnatan-lanu et Yeshua Meshicheinu or ha-olam.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King and Creator of the universe,
Who sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us to
be the light to the nations, Who gave to us Yahshua our Messiah
the Light of the world. May the Shabbat Lights bring into our
home the beauty of truth and the radiance of Gods love. May You
Lord bless us with Shabbat joy. May You Lord bless us with Shabbat
Holiness. May You Lord bless us with Shabbat peace, [Amen.]
Shabbat was made for man, and not man for Shabbat. (Mark 2:27)
Father we light these Shabbat Candles tonight. We give You all
the praise Lord, we worship You and we put You on the throne of
our lives. Father we Honor You tonight as Your righteous men and
Your women and we ask You Father to connect all of Your Shabbat
Promises to our lives our families, our homes our finances and we
thank You in advance in Yahshuas name. Amen.

Sprinkling the Salt

Next, you take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it on the bread. In the
temple, the high priest would always sprinkle salt on the burnt offerings, You are the high priest of your home, and everything you
touch is blessed of God ordained to have His anointing on it. You
and I may be in this world, but we are not limited to this world.

Sprinkle the salt and say:

We renew our Covenant with You Father:
Sickness will not come into our home. Poverty, divorce, and drugs
will not enter our home.
We rebuke it, and we receive Shabbat shalom the Sabbath peace.
Nothing is missing, and nothing is broken here.
Note that salt is used to commemorate the sacrifices in the Temple,
which were always required to be offered with salt.

The Shema

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonah echad.

Baruch shem ke-vod mal-choo-to lay-olam va-ed.
Yeshua, hMasheach, hoo Adonai.
Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Blessed be His name, whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever.
Yeshua the Messiah, He is Lord.!

Grace after Meals

Jews normally do not say grace before meals (as do many Christians), but rather after they have eaten. They do not bless the food,
either, but rather acknowledge that God is the One who provides for
their sustenance.
The grace said after meals, called Birkat Hamazon, is a long prayer
that involves several blessings (see a good Siddur for the entire recitation). An alternative, shorter version is provided here (it is actually
the first part of the entire blessing):

Washing the Hands

Directly after reciting the Kiddush, everyone washes their hands in
the prescribed ritual manner to prepare for the blessing over the
bread (see note, below). Customarily, after reciting this blessing you
do not speak until you have eaten the challah:

Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher

kideshanu bmitzvotav, vtzivanu al netilat yadayim.
Blessed art thou, Lord our God, Creator of the universe, who hast
sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us about
washing the hands. [Amen.]

Blessing the Bread

After hand-washing, the head of the household lifts the two challah
loaves and says the blessing over bread:
Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam,
hamotzi lechem min haaretz.

Blessed art thou, Lord our God, Creator of the universe,

who brings forth bread from the earth. [Amen.]
God releases to us the power of His resurrection. Therefore, we say
what is called the hamotzi over the bread. Lift it in the air and say:
Our Father, who brings bread
from the earth for our provision,
W receive a double portion of
Your blessing on our lives in
every area, in the name of
Yahshua, our Messiah. Amen.

Shalom Aleichem
Welcoming Shabbat
Singing Shalom Aleichem: As we sit down at the table on Friday
night, it is traditional to being with singing Shalom Aleichem.
This song welcomes the Shabbat angels into the home.
Shalom aleichem,
malachei ha-shareit,
malachei El-yon
mi-melech malachei hamlachim,
hakadosh baruch Hu.
Bo-achem lshalom
malachei hashalom,
malachei El-yon
mi-melech malechei hamlachim,
hakadosh, baruch Hu.
Barchuni le-shalom,
malachei hashalom,
malachei El-yon
mi-melech malachei hamlachim,
hakadosh baruch Hu.
Tseitchem leshalom,
malachei hashalom,
malachei El-yon,
mi-melech malachei hamlachim,
hakadosh baruch Hu.

Peace be upon you,

Ministering angels,
Angels of our Lord,
From the King who
Reigns over all kings,
the Holy One
blessed is He.

Bless me with peace,

Angels of peace,
Angels of our Lord,
From the King who
Reigns over all kings,
the Holy One
blessed is He.

Enter in peace,
Ministering angels,
Angels of our Lord,
From the King who
Reigns over all kings,
the Holy One
blessed is He.

Depart in peace,
Ministering angels,
Angels of our Lord,
From the King who
Reigns over all kings,
the Holy One
blessed is He.


Father, we know that Your Word says we have angels that are
ministering spirits. I release these angels on all Your people from
the north, the south,
the east, and the west.
I release Your Shabbat angels.
I release the angels of God
to lead and guide and protect us.
I pray they will be our front guard
and our rear guard, and that
they will be with our children,
our families, and our grandchildren.
Walk with us. Father,
we give You praise
for this revelation,
in Jesus name. Amen.

Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha-Olam, borei pri ha gafen.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates
the fruit of the vine.

The Blessing over the Wine:

Blessed art Thou, Adonai our God,

King of the universe, We praise you
Adonai our God, King of the Universe,
who hallows us with mitzvot (commandments) and favors us with the
holy Shabbat, He gave us a heritage,
a memorial of the work of creation.
lovingly and graciously bestowed
upon us, a memorial of the act of
creation, first of the holy assemblies,
a remembrance of the going forth
from Egypt.
You have chosen us and hallowed us from among all peoples, by lovingly and
graciously bestowing upon us Your holy Sabbath, that we are Your heritage.
We praise You, O God, Adonai, who sanctifies the Shabbat.[Respond: Amen.]

Father, we thank You for the commandment.

Father, I rebuke every spirit that is trying to steal the joy out of
lives, out of homes, out of marriages, and out of families. Satan,
in the name of Jesus, you are bound, you are cast out, and I
release unspeakable joy into every family, every marriage, every
situation between a father and son, a mother and daughter. I
release that joy. I break the spirit that steals finances or brings
sickness in an attempt to rob us of our joy. Father, we are
reconnected to the promises of God, We are adopted into the
covenant family of Abraham, and we receive it. Not someday but
today, right now. Let all of that joy be released, in Jesus name.

Friday Night Kiddush

The Sanctification of time and Shabbat

Kiddush means sanctification and is the blessing said over wine or

grape juice on Shabbat or festivals. Saying Kiddush (the prayer of
sanctification of Shabbat that is said over wine.)
Wine is a symbol of joy. The first miracle Jesus performed was turning
water into fine wine at a wedding celebration. This was a symbol of
the ways in which God brings life and wants to turn the worlds sorrow
into great joy. In traditional Jewish homes, it is recited over a silver
goblet, but any type of cup will do. For the Kiddush, you fill your cup
to the brim almost overflowing, because Gods joy is overflowing. The
joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10.) As we take Kiddush,
we praise God for His joy, and we bind everything that wants to steal
our joy, Is there something out there that is trying to steal your joy?
Is there something out there that is trying to steal the happiness
that God paid for by the blood of His Son, Jesus? On the Sabbath, we
rebuke it and release the blessings of God into every area of life.
Because of the Gift of Communion, we are now creating a new World of
faith With Christ.
The 1st part recalls the biblical account of the creation of Shabbat.
The 2nd part is the blessing over wine. The 3rd describes the gift of
Shabbat, its meanings and symbolism. And the 4th describes Shabbat
as a sign of covenant between God and Israel. Normally Kiddush is
recited while holding a cup of wine, usually by the father of the
household. The blessing begins with Genesis 1:31-2:3 and ends with
thanks to God for the gift of the holy Sabbath:

And it was evening, and it was morning, the sixth day. The heavens
and the earth and all their hosts were completed. And God completed,
on the seventh day, Gods work, which God had made, and God
ceased on the seventh day, all Gods work in which God had been engaged. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because on
it God ceased all Gods work which God had created.[Gen 1:31, 2:1-3]

Blessing each other on Friday night

It is customary to bless your children on Shabbat. The blessing
prescribed by tradition invokes the names of Josephs sons and the
names of the matriarchs, and includes the priestly blessing. The
Lord spoke to Moses saying: Speak to Aaron and his sons, :

Blessing over Wives

Father, we thank You for giving us wives of proverbs and,
O Lord, I thank you for the wife that Youve given me.
May you _______ be blessed as you rise while it is yet night
to see about the ways of our household, and may you be blessed
as you see about the daily care and education of our children.
May your mouth be filled with wisdom and kindness, when people
try to trap you with your words
May your heart meditate on the power and the glory of the Lord,
when people bring their impossibilities even to test you
that your hands may perform the mitzvot, the deeds,
as you do the work of Yeshua. Amen.
Father, I thank You for . I thank You for bringing her into
our lives. I thank You for allowing me to be married to her. I thank
You for giving as the mother of our children. I thank You
that she is now nanna, the grandmother of our grandsons and the
children who are still to come. Father, I give You praise. What a
gift she is to my life and to Your kingdom. What honor she brings
on Your name and mine. Father, I cover with long life, divine
health, and Your destiny, because she is not only a light in the
world, but also a light in my life and in our family, In Jesus name,
I thank You. Amen.

Blessing the Husband or Father

Consider Psalm 112.

1 HalleluYah! Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who reveres the
LORD, Who delights greatly in his Instructions. 2 His seed will be
mighty upon the earth; the generations of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in his house, and his acts of loving kindness
endure forever. 4 To the upright there arises light. He is gracious, full
of compassion, and righteous. 5 Good is a man who shows favor and
lends; he will guide his affairs with judgment. 6 Surely he will never
be shaken. The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.. 7 He
will not be afraid of evil news. His heart is steadfast, trusting in the
LORD. 8 His heart is established. He will not be afraid. Eternally he
sees his enemies defeated. 9 He has dispersed, he has given to the
poor. His righteousness endures forever. His horn will be exalted with
honor. 10 The wicked will see it, and be grieved. He shall gnash with
his teeth, and melt away. The desire of the wicked will perish.
Father, I thank You for . I thank You for giving him to me
as my husband, and as the father of our children, and now as the
grandpa of our grandchildren. Father, I thank You for his love, his
heart, and his generosity and kindness toward our family. I thank
You for this gift that You have given to us, that You have raised
him up as a man after Your own heart. Father, I thank You that You
will lead him, guide him, and give him Your continual wisdom to
lead this family and do all that You have called him to do. Lord, I
pray that You will anoint him, endowing him with Your abilities.
Equip him inside and out to be the man, the father, the husband ,
and the leader that You have called him to be. I bless him, in Jesus
name. Amen.

The Hebrew Blessing for Boys:

Yesimcha Elohim kEfraim, vchi-Menasheh.
May God make you like Ephraim and Menasseh.

The Hebrew Blessing for Girls:

Ye-si-maech Elohim kSarah, Rivkah, Rachel vLeah.
May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.
Father, for our sons, grandsons, and sons in law, we thank You that
they will be like Ephraim and Manasseh. For our daughters, granddaughters, and daughters in law, we thank You that they will be like
Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, and Sarah. Father, we release on our children
Your divine destiny. We release on them not only divine destiny but
also divine health, long life, and divine prosperity. We release on them
Your Spirit. Father, we call our children and our grandchildren in from
the north, the south, the east, and the west, and we cover them with
Your kingdom. Father, may our children and grandchildren bring honor
to Your name; may they bring honor to Your kingdom. May they bring
honor to Israel and the people of Israel. May they bring honor to our
family name. Father, we break every curse that would try to hinder or
delay Your blessing. Father, we thank You that all of our children and
all of our grandchildren are covered by the blood of Your Son and by
Your Spirit. We give You all the praise and all the glory in the name of
Yahshua, in the name of Jesus our Messiah. Amen.

The Hebrew Blessing for the Family:

Yivareche-cha Adonai vyish-mrecha.
Yaer Adonai panav ay-lecha vi-chu-neka.
Yisa Adonai panav ay-lecha
vya-sem lcha Shalom.
The Lord will bless you and He will keep watch over you. The Lord
will make His face to shine upon you and He will be gracious to you
to shine to you and favor you. The Lord will lift His countenance to
you and He will establish Shalom with you.

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