Do Not Trust Anyone Although He Shares The Same Blood With You. It Might Be A Big Twist That Could Change Your Whole Life Into A Miserable One

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Group 1 - The Divergent

Do not trust anyone although he shares the same blood with you. It might be
a big twist that could change your whole life into a miserable one.
One day, Anna was sauntering alone in this so-called dead street where
people rarely came. She had a really horrible fight with her dad that made her
run away from home.You might be wondering who Anna is, right? Brilliant
question you have there in your smart mind! Anna or also known as Anastasia
is a grown-up lady who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Not to
mention that her father actually owns a mansion located somewhere in an
island. Might be somewhere in Hawaii, who knows? Her father is a
businessman and her brother, none of the people who have connections with
him knows his whereabouts. Her mother had passed away when she was nine
and Anna has never really mourned over her mothers death.
As the pace that she took got faster, she realized that someone was tailing
her from her back but the she didnt utter anything from her mouth; she
remained silent instead and just continued walking to the nearby night-club
that she always went. The doorbell rang which notified the people there that
she just entered inside the club. Only a few eyes were glued on her while the
others were busy dancing with each other like there was no tomorrow. The
place was crowded as ever and it filled with loud music playing by the DJ up
there. People were dancing to the rhythm of the music with drinks in their
hands, getting drunk while Anna was making her way through the crowds to
the counter. As she was settling herself sitting on the high chair, out of the
blue, someone came to take a sit next to her, trying his best to catch her
attention. He was handsome and well-dressed in a white t-shirt and leather
jacket. Anna didnt even bother to greet him because she was feeling blue
at that moment but then, the latter offered her a drink. Here, I treat you a
drink, gorgeous. He said.
Annas eyes were looking at the drink before she shifted her gaze at the
others face. She always got free drinks from the guys here thanks to her
beautiful figure and face but getting a free drink from a handsome guy was
once in a blue moon for her. None of the men here could stop from looking
at her and Anna wrapped her fingers slowly around the glass, slowly dragging
it closer to her and winked at the other. It was a new way to thank someone
for Anna when she was too lazy to thank someone formally and the guy bit a
smile at her.
Taking a few sips of the fruit punch that the latter offered, she then placed it
back to its original place and the guy suddenly disappeared. She looked
around her and it seemed like she had just lost him. Her vision suddenly
became blurry and her whole body wasnt stable as before. She was having a

headache-like and she couldnt regain her consciousness until the darkness
finally clouded her whole vision which made her to black out on the floor.
Luckily someone managed to catch her before she fell and it was the guy who
drugged her drink; Jacob.
Opening her eyes slowly, she suddenly found herself locked inside a room.
She did not know where she was and the room seemed like it was located
somewhere in a black market. Her eyes bugged out while some sweats were
trailing down to her cheeks as she felt somehow scared of the aftermath.
Pretty sure she didnt have any enemies but a lot of questions were playing
around her mind that couldnt be solved in one shot. When she looked over
her shoulder as the main door was opened, she saw a guy with a fit body
wearing a mask was holding a butterfly knife in his hand, walking towards her
while a metal handcuffs in his other hand. He made sure to lock the door
behind him so the other would not be able to escape from the room and Anna
had no other choice but to squeal for help. Unfortunately, the screams
became lower until they couldnt be heard in the room. Probably the mask
guy just silenced her with a duct tape and cuffed both of her hands to the
bedpost. Voila, she was now all prepared on the bed with her body paralyzed
for a few minutes so he had no problems in handling her. No, she was still
breathing and she could still see the guy but the only thing that she was
facing was her body; she couldnt do any movements except for looking and
listening. Her face looked off color as she was feeling threatened and scared
of the latter.
Are you scared? The other questioned before he took off his mask. To her
surprise, it was actually his brother who kidnapped her to this black market; in
a room which she was sure that it was located in a red-light district (which
is also located in the black market, somewhere around there).
She could only gasp when her brother was actually doing this to his own
blood; his sister. The others doings made Anna see red but no, she couldnt
do anything about him until he walked closer towards the bed. He took a
fistful of her hair and took out his iPhone from his pocket to make a call.
Now, I want you to scream for help when I say so, he reminded her before
placing the phone against her left ear. Scream. He commanded as he
peeled the tape off her mouth and she straight away screamed as ordered.
Listen, you have 30 minutes to give me $10,000,000 now. Meet me at the
place that you usually come. Now, 30 minutes, alright or she dies.
Anna squirmed in fear as she was staring at the other. Her body was sensitive
enough to this kind of thing and her brother surely knew her weakness. But
why was her own brother doing this to Anna?

After waiting for a few minutes for someone to come, Annas brother; Luke
finally saw a helicopter heading towards his building and his lips curved into a
playful smile. He knew that the helicopter was none other than the guy that
he just asked for the ransom. Luke snapped his fingers to give a signal to his
people and they nodded. The rich guy was then escorted by a few stud guys
around him from the top of the building to the room where Luke and Anna
were in. The shocking part when the rich guy made her way to the brothelkind room, Anna just realized that it was her own father with a black luggage
filled with money.
You want these, dont you? Dad asked and Luke quickly grabbed it from the
others hand.
He didnt even bother to reply his own fathers question and he heaved out a
sigh when he saw Anna was looking helpless on the bed. Luckily Luke didnt
even torture her otherwise he might be mad as hell.
Secreting behind the damp walls in the brothel, someone gave the green
light to the others to attack the people inside the room and they quickly did
as fast as they could. He followed after the last man into the targeted room
and aimed the gun at both of the men.
Now, put your hands in the air and drop any weapons that you have right
now. I am warning you and if you happen to move, you will get shot. The guy
warned; and it was him, the silver-tongued guy that Anna met just now in
the club and actually drugged her.
The police force finally arrested both of the gentlemen by cuffing their hands
with the metal handcuffs and her face was white as a ghost at the moment
when Jacob helped to free her wrists due to the fear. Anna could only shoot
him a death glare as she couldnt believe that he was the guy who drugged
her until she was kidnapped by her own brother but as a matter of the fact,
Jacob, was actually working with the police to arrest Annas brother and father
for illegal things that they had been doing including gambling, owning the
largest black market here in this country and many more. He had to do that
to Anna some kind of white lie in order for him to capture her brother and
father since there was no option left.
After listening to Jacobs actual story, Anna could put it in a nutshell that her
father was rich because of owning a black market and it made his brother
brown-off with it until he ran away from home and started doing gambling.
He was nice back then but when he figured out their fathers filthy secrets,
hed changed.
Time flied, things had changed and Anna had become more successful now.
Living alone as an independent woman didnt stop her from being a

successful lady as she was now. She finally had learnt her lesson well and God
just showed her familys secrets that had been kept inside a treasure box
away from her and now she had nothing to worry about and she was going to
live her life as usual.
The End

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