The Forgotten Adventures of DreamWorld Season 1 - Intro

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Adventures of
Dream World


A book by H. S. Lari

Season 1

Opening To DreamWorld

Chapter 1

Sarah where am I?

Chapter 2

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 3

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 4

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 5

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 6

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 7

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 8

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 9

Stay Tuned?

Chapter 10 Stay Tuned?

Chapter 11 Stay Tuned?
Chapter 12 Stay Tuned?
Chapter 13 Stay Tuned?
Chapter 14 Stay Tuned?

The Forgotten Adventures of

Dream World

Season 1 Intro

H. S. Lari
It all started eleven years ago when I was six, my brother and I
were playing some video games, mainly Nintendo games, and I
found out that my interest went beyond what the games
themselves offered.
Ive become so fond of the characters in the games, that I would
make up stories about them in my mind, and would imagine how
the story would go as I lay on my bed, ready to sleep.
It wasnt until ten that I finally decided to actually write them on
paper and as time went by, the stories and characters evolved
After seven years, with me being seventeen, I finally decided to
actually try and share them with the world. Who knows, maybe
they would make a franchise that people would hold dearly in
their hearts?
Here is the introduction to the first Season, I hope from all my
heart that you find it pleasant. ^-^

Season 1

Opening to DreamWorld

The window opened and sparkling dust blew out the candles. The
moonlight suddenly intensified and as if it was absorbed by the orb sitting on
my table.
I then knew the message. I looked into my orb to see a young girl shedding
tears on her bed. I held my cane and took a breath, a breath only a drowning
person would take when hope is finally there.
"Perhaps, perhaps she might be the one," I said. I sighed and tapped the floor
with my golden cane, and in the blink of an eye, I flashed out and appeared
before the aching girl.
She didnt seem to notice my presence until I moved towards her. She was
startled at first, but she didnt even bother to ask me about who I am. Instead,
she let out a breath that showed her deep burdens and said, Why do all bad
things happen to good people?
I rest my cane on the wall on and sat beside her while saying, Maybe its
because theyre the only ones who open up their heart, letting in both their
misery and others misery into it.
She then look at me and said, "Who are you?" "I'm Sarah, Ive been waiting for
a day like this for a long, long time," I replied. Are you one of my mothers
friends? She isnt here, in case you were looking for her, she said.
"No, no. I dont suppose your mother and I have met, but tell me, did you
ever hear of a place called DreamWorld?" I asked. She looked at me with a
bewildered face and said, DreamWorld?
I could go on and explain it for you, but I dont think Id do its justice with
words only, how about I show it to you instead? I said.

What? What are you talking about, and you still didnt tell me who you are?
she said. Allow me to introduce myself again, I said. Im Sarah, I come
from a world other than your own, called DreamWorld. I aim to help people
like you get rid of their misery, thats why I offered; would you like to go to
DreamWorld with me?
My mother arranged this didnt she? said the girl. Fine, lets go to
DreamWorld or whatever its called. Anywhere would be better than here.
I took my cane and helped her up. Ready? I asked. I tapped the floor with
my cane and the world shrunk before us, leaving us with nothing but
I expected her to react, I even was ready to ask her to calm down, but instead
she just laughed and said, "This is the great DreamWorld?". "DreamWorld is
not like any place youve been to, you have to get prepared for it first," I
replied. "And how is that?" she asked.
I raised my cane and a drawer was opened out of nowhere between us.
Woah, she said as she moved away, frightened it would bump into her. The
drawer had seven wands. Pick a wand; these wands will be your key to
probably everything in DreamWorld. The wand you pick has a certain
element attached to it. This element will be enhanced, but your other
elements will be suppressed. The red wand marks power, the blue wand marks
knowledge, the green wand marks wisdom; white for purity, and black for
dexterity; the yellow wand for luck, and finally, the purple wand for
creativity, I said.
She waved her hand over the wands and wasnt able to decide immediately. I
looked closely and observed her actions. None of these seem appealing to
me, she said. How so, these are the only wands you can get, I replied.
Each wand is limited to one element, what if I wanted two, three, or even
all? she said. Dont get too greedy, I replied. Then I want a wand with no
element attached to it, she said. I was stunned by her answer and asked,
Why? Why dont you want one that holds no power when I offer you ones
that do?

Sarah, do I have a choice or do I not? If I do, then Ive already made mine, if
not, then hand me one of these wands yourself, I refuse to choose one
element. I was even more startled by her response. Could she be the one? I
whispered to myself.
Well then, I said. I raised my cane and the drawer was further sled,
revealing a clear glass wand. This is a wand that has no element attached to it
yet, I have no idea why would anyone choose it, but to each his own I
suppose, I said.
She picked the crystal wand and looked at me while saying, Whats next? I
looked at her again, waiting for any sign of confusion, but she didnt show
any. I raised my cane and the drawer vanished. Instead, a pool appeared
before us. Theres a small pool in front of you, get into it. The water in it is
of DreamWorld origins, it will make your body adapt to DreamWorlds
atmosphere once youre there, I said. She got into the water and looked at
me. Im Heather, by the way, she said. I smiled and said, Youre something
different, Heather; you dont seem confused one bit about where you are. As
soon as I finished my words, her expression seemed concerned. She pinched
herself, only to look even more concerned. This isnt a dream? Where am I?
said Heather, who started to panic. Dont worry, youre in safe hands, I said.
Yeah, but where am I? she said. I thought I already clarified where were
heading to, I said.
Before you say anything else, Heather, tell me, what were you so saddened
about? I said. Sad? No Sarah, I wasnt sad. Sadness is a feeling you can get
over, what Im going through is torment, she said. Explain, I said in a
concerned tone.
Well, to start things off, my parents got divorced not so long after my birth.
Weve been living with our mother, but she herself has work of her own.
Every day is a political war between my siblings; my elder brother and elder
sister have a disagreement that usually, actually always, ends up with two of
my sisters standing in my brothers side against my eldest sister. For years I
just stood there and watched, because I didnt know what else to do, but

lately, Ive been standing in my eldest sisters side, only to have things go even
more wrong for her. Its like Im the reason this family is falling apart.
I hit my cane so hard on the ground after hearing her last sentence. She
reminded me of someone so dear to my heart, who also seemed to always
repeat that sentence.
Im sorry, Heather. I dont know what got into me, I said. Ive heard this
sentence way too many times, and Im fed up of watching people take the
blame for something they didnt do.
I sat by the pools side and said, And are you the youngest of your siblings?
Yeah, were all a year apart, and Im the fifth and youngest, at 13 years of
age, she said.
Well, I suppose some things can only be healed by forgetting about them.
How about we make a deal, Heather? You promise me to forget about all of
that while youre in DreamWorld, and Ill promise you a time youll never
forget, I said.
I dont know where I am right now, nor do I know what is going on, but for
what its worth, Ill just go with it; and I accept that deal, she said.
Great, then; the minute you dive into the water, youll be taken over to a
training area, therell be some instructions there, so dont worry. Once youre
done, talk to the gatekeeper and shell send you out into DreamWorld, I
And what do I do there? she asked.
Thats for me to be quiet about and for you to find out, I said.
I twirled my cane in a circular motion and started illuminating. It was time for
me to get back to my lair, and as for Heather, it was time for her to meet a
world where imagination is the true destination.
Stay tuned for Chapter 1!

-H. S. Lari

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