Anecdot Text

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A. Definition of anecdote Text

Text anecdote is one of the English text of the Narration (see article Types of Text) which
recounted the bizarre incident or unusual occurrence either a fact or imagination.
Anecdote is a short story and funny or interesting, which may depict actual events or
people( Wikipedia Indonesia).
B. The purpose of Communicative anecdote Text
Actually, from the definition of the Text anecdote above we can infer the communicative
purpose of the text anecdote recounted the incident odd or unusual events to entertain the
C. Generic Structure anecdote Text
There are 4 linguistic structure (Generic Structure) of anecdote text, namely:
1 Abstract
The structure of the first language of the Abstract Text anecdote. In the Abstract, the
authors usually begin introducing odd or unusual events what would diceritakanya. There
are a number of anecdote Text Abstract begins with the use of interrogative sentence, but
not all of anecdote Abstract Text using interrogative sentence.
2 Orienation
The structure of the second language of the anecdote Text Orientation. As in Narrative
Text, Text Orientation in anecdote also tells who, when, and where the incidence of odd
or unusual events occurred.
3 Crisis
The structure of the third language of the Crisis Text anecdote. In this section recounted
odd or unusual events occurred. The author tells the incident in detail.
4 Reaction / Incident
Last linguistic structure of anecdote Text is Coda. In the Coda, the author tells the story
of how the subject (perpetrator) to solve the problem and end of events such odd or
Coda is the final part of such a unique story. It could also provide conclusions about the
events experienced by the author or written.

C. Generic Structure anecdote Text

There are 4 linguistic structure (Generic Structure) of anecdote text, namely:
1 Abstract
The structure of the first language of the Abstract Text anecdote. In the Abstract, the
authors usually begin introducing odd or unusual events what would diceritakanya. There
are a number of anecdote Text Abstract begins with the use of interrogative sentence, but
not all of anecdote Abstract Text using interrogative sentence.
2 Orienation
The structure of the second language of the anecdote Text Orientation. As in Narrative
Text, Text Orientation in anecdote also tells who, when, and where the incidence of odd
or unusual events occurred.
3 Crisis
The structure of the third language of the Crisis Text anecdote. In this section recounted
odd or unusual events occurred. The author tells the incident in detail.
4 Reaction / Incident
Last linguistic structure of anecdote Text is Coda. In the Coda, the author tells the story
of how the subject (perpetrator) to solve the problem and end of events such odd or
Blessing Behind Tragedy
There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine
children. They had a dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They were
making plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but finally
they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats for the
whole family member in a new liner to America.
The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in
America. However few days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog.
The doctor sewed up the boy. Because of the possibility of getting rabies, there were
being quarantined for long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came.
The family dreams were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had
The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the
ship leaved without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both
his son and God for the misfortune.

Five days latter, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty
Titanic, had shank. It took hundreds of passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had
been called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.
The Clak family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by a
dog, they were left behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and
thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives. It was a
blessing behind a tragedy.
Genre : Anecdote text
Purpose : To share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident
Topic :the topic is About a black family in Scotland
Generic Structure Analysis:
Abstract: Paragraph 1
Orientation: Paragraph 2
Crisis: Paragraph 3
Incident: Paragraph 4
Coda: Paragraph 5

Its no secret that smartphones are everywhere these days. It seems like nearly everyone
has one, even if theyre not sporting some fancy new model. Thats why weve compiled
this definitive list of the main advantages and disadvantages of cell phones.
Whether youre a current owner nodding your head in agreement or a late adopter
looking for the lowdown, we hope this article helps you make some sense out of the
mobile phone craze. If you already have one, make sure to make a web video of your
amazed expression as you read this post. You can learn how to do it with this fun course.

Communicating with Friends, Family, and Coworkers

This one is pretty obvious but bare with us. Since the first cell phone, weve been able to
make calls while on the go. But given the fact that almost everyone today owns at least a
basic mobile phone and the majority have their phone on hand at all times, youre able to
get in touch with people nearly 24/7.
Add to this the cell phone towers constantly popping up to give us ever-improving
reception and even being in a building or outside of the city isnt the problem it used to
be. This comes in handy in so many ways. Let your boss know about last second changes
to an important business deal, keep tabs on your kids, hit a friend for an impromptu
hangout, or even call for help in an emergency. All these things and more are easier than

Constant Internet Access

It doesnt take much of an imagination to come up with tons of advantages of having the
internet at your fingertips any time you need it. Want to find all the local movie times?
No problem.
Need to look up the number for that restaurant you were supposed to make reservations
at? Just pull out your phone. Smartphones have also been effectively solving friendly
arguments about random trivia for years. Learn to take advantage of everyones constant
connection to the internet with this amazing course on mobile marketing.

Applications and the All-in-One Device

Its tough to fit an mp3 player, digital camera, phone, and GPS all in your pockets at the
same time at least comfortably. Fortunately for you, todays cell phones mean thats not
a problem anymore. Its been our go-to calculator and flashlight for at least the past
decade and a smartphone is probably the only camera many people even own. To learn to
create professional-quality shots with your phones camera, give this awesome course a

If that werent enough, there are apps for practically everything. Now your phone is also
an ebook reader, currency converter, and handheld gaming device. There are even apps
that help you learn foreign languages on the go. Check out this helpful course that tells
you all about the best apps for productivity and studying.

Hinder Real Human Interaction

Our phones can do so much these days that some people have trouble tearing themselves
away long enough to reconnect with the real world. Youve likely seen them around
town, on public transportation, and in stores with their eyes and fingers glued to their
mobile device. Instead of interacting with the people around them, they ignore face-toface conversation for virtual ones.
Many believe that our younger generation is actually less capable of normal socializing
because of this. Theyve gotten so little practice that theyre simply not comfortable with
chatting with someone they meet out in public. Since humans are social creatures by
nature who need real life connections, this runs the risk of becoming a huge problem for

Lead to Some Pretty Serious Accidents

Thats not the only way the inattention to their surrounding caused by cell phones creates
problems. It can actually cost lives when drivers focused on texting or social media lose
control of their vehicle and have major accidents. Is letting your friend know youre on
the way really worth dying over?
And its not safe to do it while youre walking either. For one, people have stepped into
oncoming traffic while staring at the screen of their phone. Less seriously, you can fall
down stairs, trip over something on the ground, or bump into a wall or another pedestrian
while youre absorbed with whats happening on Facebook.

Breaches of Privacy and Security

While having all your information in one handy device can be extremely convenient, it
also has the potential to be very dangerous. All it takes is forgetting your phone in some
bathroom or movie theater and suddenly, your whole life is exposed to the person who
finds it. Your contacts, documents, social media accounts, and even banking information
is theirs to do with as they please.
The privacy aspect is less damaging than your compromised bank account but probably a
little more embarrassing. Are there any photos on your phone that youd rather not show
to some random stranger? How about those sappy text messages with your boy or
girlfriend? We thought so. Just leaving your phone on the couch while you use the
bathroom can be enough to give a snooper a peak into your private life.

And even if you never let your phone leave your sight, hackers can still break into your
information remotely if the motivation is there. Keep that in mind the next time youre
thinking about putting important or otherwise sensitive stuff on your mobile.
Do the Disadvantages Outweigh the Advantages?
What do you think? Does the bad outweigh the good? I personally dont think so.
The cons of mobile phones are mostly a case of too much of a good thing. Pull yourself
away from your device when youre out on the town and dont isolate yourself from the
people around you. Dont even think about touching that thing while youre driving,
walking, riding a bike, or anything else that requires your full attention. And use a course
like this one to learn about keeping the information on your phone safe.
Then youll be able to enjoin all the helpful things mobile phones bring to the table
without the negatives. You can check out this blog post for tips on getting the most out of
your Android device.

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