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General Objectives :Understand the types of

Specific Objectives :After learned this unit, you
should be able to :-
Explain about the Exercis
Breakdown e

Explain about the Explain about the

Modification UNIT 1.3 Protective
Maintenance Maintenance

Explain about the

Discussio Maintenance Exercis
n e
E4101 / E4120

MAINTENANCEClick to edit Maste

Second level
Breakdown Maintenance ●
Third leve

 It is implement when a machine @ ● F
equipment breakdown in operation period.

 Usually the technician will do service

activity to the machine. This method can
save time but not effective in reduce cost
for some machine.



Normally an electric equipment
failure are cause by the parts @
components in the equipment
because of too long operation period.

• Without a good maintenance

planning, the component in the cct
will easily broken. As an example, this
is a type of failure that usually occur
in a radio :-


1. Failure in Power supply Circuit.

Power Transformer Failure

. Cause by the “open cct” at the transformer coil.

. This will cause the radio power supply interrupted,
where the primary coil will not induce the 2ndry
coil which contribute to the power supply failure.



2. Input Filter Capacitor Failure

a. Short Circuit
•. Filter capacitor is in a parallel condition with
the high voltage of positive & negative point.
•. This capacitor act as charger & discharger to get a
constant & linear direct current (dc).
•. If the cap is not in good condition, it will easily
•. I.E. when C1 short cct, the current load that
crossing the rectifier diode will become higher &
will affect the diode to be in a high temp. &


Master text styles MAINTENANCE
E4101 / E4120

2. Input Filter Capacitor Failure
d level
Fourth b.level
Open Circuit
. Fifth level

 Electrolytic capacitor is made from an
electrolytic substances.

. This substances are easily dry that will
made the capacitor to loss it’s capability &
the cap value is decreased.

. This will effect the radio to produce a buzz

. The DC voltage also will become lower
because of the ripple & sometimes it’s
cause by a capacitor that is not properly 66

assemble where sometimes

the inner part
Master text styles E4101 / E4120
d level
2. Input Filter Capacitor Failure
Fourth level
● c. Leakage
Fifth level
. Electrolytic capacitor have an acceptable range of
leakage. For every Micro Farad that is assemble to
a 300 dc voltage, the leakage current is
approximately 0.1 – 0.25 mA.
. And for a good capacitor, the leakage is below 10
. If the leakage is greater, the chemical substances
will flow out.
. To check the cap condition, adjust the meter to
the ohm scale.
. If the meter pointer swiftly increase to the higher
range then turn slowly downward, this show that HOME

Exercises :-

1. What is Breakdown maintenance?

2. Give 3 types of failure that can

happened to a component.

3. Explain the method that can be

use to check an electrolytic


t Master text styles E4101 / E4120

ird level

Fourth level Protective Maintenance
It’s cover
 ● Fifth level the process of supervise the equipment
in the aspect of checking & re-calibrate the
 This is a practical method because every
equipment will be corrected in time to time base
on the checking processes.
 This will increase the life period of the equipment &
avoid it from breakdown in operation period.


• With this knowledge, maximum
protection can be given.

• I.e., strength of temperature.

• If the component cannot stand to high

temperature & strong vibration, so we
need to locate it at low temperature &
weak vibration area. So we’ll protect the
equipment effectively.


Master text styles

evelc. How to protect an electric equipment.
rd level
●  . We
Fourth need to do the maintanence routinely to
● guarantee
Fifth level the life period of an equipment.
 . To makesure the component that is used in the
equipment in a good condition & long lasting,
take off the casing & clean up all the equipment
in the circuit with a dry & clean cloth.
 . This is to make sure there is no dust that can
generate electrostatic that can damage the
component. To clean the area that are out of
sight, don’t use high pressure air nozzel instead
of use a gentle brush. This is to avoid the dust
from going to other area.

Master text styles E4101 / E4120

rd level
 To avoid failure from occur, makesure all the wire

Fourth level
connection arrangement in the equipment is orderly
● tied. Makesure the wire is not touching the component
Fifth level
that emit heat because it can damage the wire. If e
there is a minor failure occur to the wire, the wire
should be replace a.s.a.p.
 To makesure all the adjustable button operate
effectively, use cleaner degreaser. Spray it to the
moving are.
 For an equipment that are using battery, makesure
replace the weak battery to avoid acid that is produce
by the battery not damage other equipment.

Exercises :-

1. What is Protective maintenance?

2. Give 3 way to protect an electric



t Master text styles E4101 / E4120

hird level
Fourth level
3. Corrective Maintenance

Fifth level
To makesure the equipment @ the

component follow the specification,

corrective maintenance should be
implemented. No matter major @ minor
failure, corrective activity should be done
to maintain the strength of equipment.

. To repair the electrical equipment, the
information of the equipment & the
repairing skill is needed. Please refer to
the next page for example on how to
repair a radio.
Master text styles MAINTENANCE E4101 / E4120

rd level

Fourth level

Fifth level

Driver Amplifier Circuit HOME

In a group of 4, you are required to
discuss 3 types of failure that can occur to
a driver amplifier circuit.

Tanda Kerosakan Cara Memeriksa Tempat Kerosakan
Tiada Suara - Pemungut transistor pemacu 1. Gelung pertama alat ubah
tidak mempunyai voltan. masukan litar buka.
- Isyarat audio alat jana 2. Perintang R1 litar buka.
masukan ke pemungut
transistor pemacu
menghasilkan suara &
masukan ke tapak transistor
tidak mengeluarkan suara.

Suara bising Kawalan bahana dikecilkan 1. Transistor pemacu rosak

ada juga hingar

Suara Serak Voltan pincang tapak & 1. Transistor penguat pemacu

pengeluar sempurna. rosak.

Suara lemah Voltan pincang tapak & 1. Kapasitor salur pirau , C4 litar
pengeluar baik. buka.

Kadang- Voltan dan arus peringkat 1. Kawalan bahana rosak

kadang ada penguat pemacu sempurna. 2. Kapasitor penjodoh C5
suara sentuhan kurang baik.

Modification Maintenance
n It is implement to a machine @
equipment based on conditioned @ it’s
cannot be repaired to be functioned as
before. This might be happened to an old
machine @ equipment where the spare
part were difficult to find.

Master text styles MAINTENANCE
E4101 / E4120

d level Exercises
Fourth level

down 3 types of maintenance.

. State 2 reason why an equipment easy to

. List down 3 types of failure that always
happened to a component or equipment.


Terangkan cara-cara menguji satu
kapasitor elektrolitik & nyatakan
berapakah nilai arus bocor bagi satu
kapasitor yang bernilai 1 f yang
menggunakan voltan arus terus 300V.

Apakah tujuan komponen-komponen
elektrik dihindari dari habuk-habuk dan
bagaimana cara untuk membersihkannya.

Nyatakan kerosakan-kerosakan biasa
yang berlaku pada penguat pemacu dan
komponen manakah yang mungkin rosak.


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