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Jonathan Sutherland

16 Howies Court
AB24 6XY

t: 01224 271234

BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (predicted 2.1), University of Aberdeen, 2011 2015
Courses included: Engineering Mathematics, Applied Mechanics & Structures, Fluid Mechanics,
Engineering Design, Engineering Analysis and Methods, Safety and Reliability Engineering
Individual project: Interaction Between Surface Flows and Subsurface Flows within Highly
Permeable Layers
Group design project: Design of Assembly Units for Blast Protection and Venting
Carluke High School, Carluke, 2005 2011
Advanced Highers: Mathematics (B), Physics (B)
Highers: Mathematics (A), English (B), Chemistry (B), Physics (B), History (C)

Relevant Work Experience

Summer Placement Student, Gibbs Engineering, Glasgow, Summer 2014
I worked on a project to develop a non-destructive testing method for safety valves. In particular, I
was responsible for testing the effect of vibration on the valves, designing and carrying out several
experiments. I was able to present my findings to the client via a written report and presentation.
My initial work is being continued and it is hoped will lead to a new and more cost effective testing
method in the near future.

Further Work Experience

Customer Adviser, Bank of Scotland, Aberdeen, October 2013 present
I provide a wide range of services to customers mainly over the telephone but sometimes also inbranch. I keep up-to-date with the full product range the Bank of Scotland offers and be aware of
any additional sales opportunities as we work to challenging targets. This has improved my
customer service and listening skills enormously.
Camp Counsellor, BUNAC, New York State, Summer 2012 and 2013
I spent two summers working in summer camps with children aged between 10 and 15. In my first
summer I assisted the team leaders with activities and in my second summer I took on the role of
team leader. This involved planning activities, carrying out risk assessments and ensuring the
safety of all participants. I also had to deal with any problems as they arose.
Bar Staff, Tom's Grill, Glasgow, Summer 2011
This was an extremely busy pub and restaurant. Working as part of the team was very important
and I also had to deal with difficult customers in an efficient and courteous manner.

Problem Solving

Throughout my degree studies I have been able to develop and hone my

problem solving skills, both in individual and group projects. My work
experience at Gibbs Engineering has allowed me the opportunity to apply
my theoretical knowledge to real word problems.


Through working in summer camps, I have developed excellent

communication skills. Motivating groups of children and, as team leader,
other staff could be a real challenge, particularly when the weather was not
good. As part of my course, I have written a number of reports in which I
explored complex ideas.


I am proficient in the use of Microsoft Office packages, including Word,

Excel and PowerPoint. I also have some experience of Microsoft Access and
have used AutoCAD and SolidWorks.

Team Work

I am proactive when working in a team and often take a lead role. For my
final year group project, I took on the role of chairperson and was
responsible for directing the group and ensuring we achieved a successful
outcome and delivered the project on time.

Business Awareness As an active member of the Aberdeen Enterprise Society I have taken part
in business idea competitions and attended seminars and workshops from
successful business people. During my summer placement I worked on a
project which ultimately provided a cost saving for the client. This gave me
a great insight into how engineering and business interact.

Interests & Achievements

Academic/Class Representative: I was elected to this position for several of my classes. I
canvassed the views of my classmates and liaised on any issues with the academic staff in the
School of Engineering. This involved attending regular Staff-Student Liaison Committee meetings
and feeding information back to my peers.
Aberdeen Enterprise Society (ABES): I am currently a member of ABES and regularly attend
Photography: I enjoy the outdoors and am a keen hill walker. This has inspired my interest in
landscape photography, which I took up 2 years ago. I have also attended a beginners' evening
class at Gray's School of Art where we focused on film rather than digital photography.
Reading: I enjoy reading about pioneers in engineering, ranging from greats such as Isambard
Kingdom Brunel to those who invented everyday items such as Percy Shaw and his Cats Eye.

Available on request

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