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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

1:19 PM

Perspiration and sebum contains nutrients

Salt inhibits microbes
Lysozyme (Natural product of the body, breaks cell wall-the peptidoglycan wall) hydrolyzes
Fatty acids inhibit some pathogen
Mucous membrane
Lines body cavities
More moisture, increase in number of microorganisms
Gram positive, salt tolerant bacteria- commonly found on the skin
Normal Microbiota of the skin
Grow on oils
Aerobes on surface
Corynebacterium xerosis
Anaerobes on hair follicles
Malassezia furfur
Pustule- may bump, may pus
Vesicle- mga 1 cm
Bulla?- greater than 1 cm
Normal flora- Staphylococcus epidermis- gram positive, coagulase negative
Staphylococcus aureus- gram positive, coagulase positive
-antibiotic resistant
-resist opsonixation
-survives in phagolysosome
-lysozyme resistamt
-exfoliative toxin
-superantigen-able to stimulate immune system overacting, overstimulate ng immune system
-vancomycin lang ang kayang pumatay
Staphylococcal biofilms*Staphylococcal skin infections
Folliculitis-infections of hair follicles
Scalded skin syndrome
Toxic shock syndrome, scalded skin syndrome (Staph spp.)
-bullous impetigo
-impetigo of the newborn
Streptococcus pyogenes- pus producing, chain, gram positive, causes skin infection
-groupA beta-hemolytix streptococci
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Necrotizing fascitis- caused by....... (anaerobic organism)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa- gram negative, post burn infections, opportunistic, gram-negative,
aerobic rod
Burili ulcer*
Classifications of acne*- inflammatory acne,
Nodular cystic acne*
Monkeypox*-prevented by small pox vaccination
Smallpox*(variola)-eradicated by vaccination, mas severe sa chicken pox
Chickenpox- transmitted by respi route; varicella-zoster virus (human herpesvirus 3); prevention:
live attenuated vaccine
Shingles- reactivation of latent HHV 3 releases virus that move along peripheral nerves to skin;
postherpatic neuraglia; heroes zoster
Herpes simplex- human herpesvirus 1 and 2; cold sores or fever blisters (vesicles on lips)
Herpes gladiatorum- vesicle on skin
Herpes whitlow- vesicle on fingers
Herpes encephalitis
Measles (Rubeola)- transmitted by respi route; macular rash and Koplik's spots (found in molar
area inside the mouth); prevented by vaccination
Rubella (german measles) - macular rash and fever; congenitalnrubella syndrome causes severe
fetal damage; pregnant should have vaccine
Fifth disease- aka slapped face syndrome; cqueed by HHV 6
Tinea unguium- fungal nail infection; treatment: itraconazole
Sporotrichosis- most common US disease of yhis type; treated with potassium iodide
Candida albicans (yeast)
Oral candidiasis- may be manifested by HIV
*Gonorrhea- aka clap, drip, dose, strain, gleet, or the whites
- can cause infection on men, women, or babies
- sx: burning urination, discharge from penis is white or milky, swollen or tender testicles (epididymitis) ,
DGI, abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain during sex, Bartholin's abscess, pelvic inflam disease (cause of
Infertility in women)
- test: gram staining on the drip or secretion
*Chlamydia- treated with antibiotics, detected byburinevtest or swab
- primary stage- painless sore called chancre; can be oral or genital
- secondary stage- skin rashes or palm rash
- late stage- paralysis, insanity, blindness, damage to knee joints, personality changes, impotency,
aneurysm, tumor on the skin or internal organs, ulcerating gumma
- congenital syphilis- passed down from mother to child
*Herpes- vesicles on genitals or other body parts
*HPV- warts in the genital, may also be in the perianal

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