Feb 2015 Torbay Newsletter

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February 2015

So its Valentines Day this month on February the 14thwhen people often give out
sweets, flowers and cards to the people that they love. Its a nice time to think about
the people in our lives that we do love but it doesnt just have to be about people
Lets make February the month of finding new activities that you LOVE doing!

We have been busy here at TCU

Central, signing up new schools
and validating new learning destinations for you.
Last week we visited the National
Marine Aquarium for an Annual
Teachers Evening if you haven't
visited it before then get yourselves down there! It is fantastic!

The Plymouth Woodland Project is holding a few themed sessions

over the upcoming months that are sure to be brilliant!

Saturday 14th February 2015: Mini-beasts:

life in the dead wood at Plymbridge Woods, 10am-12.30pm. Learn to
identify mini-beasts that you encounter and find out about the importance of dead trees.

Saturday 11th April 2015: Spring in the Woods at Plymbridge

Woods, 10am-12.30pm. Learn about the signs of spring and how to
identify woodland flowers and trees. You will get to take part in a science
study to help record signs of spring and track the impact of climate
change on forests.

Saturday 20th June 2015: The Woodland Plant Trail at Plymbridge Woods, 10am-12.30pm. Learn to identify woodland plants and
help our conservation scientists find out about the plants that grow in
different parts of the woods.

These sessions are free. Booking for these sessions is through the Plymouth Childrens
University (contact: linda.barretto@plymouth.gov.uk).

Education Through Expeditions is one of our Validated Learning Destinations. Antony Jinman, Founder, is a modern day Polar Explorer, and in 2014 he
skied 730 miles solo to the Geographic South Pole in just 46 days!

Education Through Expeditions now offers Live Learning, where schools

and pupils can share expedition experiences and debate issues around the world
through an online portal.

Polar Fun Days are also offered. Schools invite a Polar Explorer into the classroom to tell stories of their expeditions and the environments they travelled
through. These can be assemblies, or activity-packed full days depending on what
the school wants.

If you are interested, suggest the idea to your school and they can:

Visit www.eteteachers.org

Email info@etehome.org or

Phone 01752 566347.

On Monday 9th February 2015 Childrens University

will be attending the Poetry Slam at the Princess Theatre Torquay, hosted by Dreadlockalien.

There are 20 schools involved, and a panel of judges (including me) will judge
the poems that the children have won. Several Childrens University schools are
attending, so I may see some of you down there!

In the spirit of this, I am welcoming poems to be sent directly to me, or handed

in at your school, in exchange for a stamp for your passport. These poems
MUST be written in your spare time, but can be about absolutely anything! I
would LOVE to see them!

You have brains in your

head. You have feet in
your shoes. You can steer
yourself any direction you
Dr. Seuss.

What have you been up to?

We are always looking out for new learning destinations to add to our
list. If you have been involved in any activities or projects that you think
deserve to be part of Childrens University, then please let us know by
completing a nomination form here. Then either email it to us at:
torbaycu@plymouth.ac.uk or post it to:
Torbay Childrens University
c/o Plymouth University
3 Endsleigh Place,
Drake Circus

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