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Prevention Maintenance
Ketepatan – Kecapaian bacaan dengan
nilai sebenar kuantiti yang diukur.
Kejituan – Darjah perbezaan ukuran yg
didapati antara satu kumpulan data
dengan yg lain.
Kepekaan – Gerakbalas jangka kpd
perubahan masukan & pembolehubah
yang diukur.
A multimeter is an electronic measuring
instrument that combines several functions in
one unit. The most basic instruments include
an ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter. Analog
multimeters are sometimes referred to as
Useful for basic fault finding and field service
work or a bench instrument which can measure
to seven or eight and a half digits of accuracy.
Can be used to characterise resistance and
voltage standards or adjust and verify the
performance of multi-function calibrators.
Current, voltage, and resistance
measurements are considered standard
features for multimeter. AVO multimeters, a
manufacturer of early multimeters, derived
their name from amperes, volts, and ohms,
the units used for the measurement of
current, voltage, and resistance.
Implemented with an analog meter
deflected by an electromagnet, as a classic
Using suitable switching arrangement for
function & range selection.
Safety Rules for Multimeter
1. Before making measurement, check if the
function & range is set at proper position.
2. Always start with this instrument from the
highest range of the function to measured. Pay
careful attention to the max. rated voltage of
each range & i/p terminal.
3. Never ground yourself when taking electrical
measurements. Keep your body isolated from
ground by using dry clothing, rubber shoes,
rubber mats, or any suitable & approved
insulating material.
4. Disconnect line power @ i/p signal before
accessing fuse.
Note :
1. Indication of zero correction. Before measuring, place
the pointer on zero position of the scale left by
adjusting the screw of zero corrector.
2. Range selection. When measuring unknown value of
voltage @ current, start from the highest range, then
adjust to a proper lower range. Measurement is more
accurate as near to the full scale, for resistance
measurement, near to the middle scale.
3. Converting the range selector.
4. As range change is desired, remove test leads from
source to be tested, then convert selector. This will
extend the life of selector contact.
5. OFF Range. After measurement, place range selector
to OFF range. This is to prevent pointer from swaying
& to protect multitester.
Specification of multimeter
How to use multimeter in a correct way?
Select correct range mode
For better sensitivity, select the nearer value range mode
to the measured value. i.e 1.5V battery should use range
mode of 2.5V DC. Error is bigger at the right scale. For
resistance mode the most reliable value is at the center scale.
Unknown value measurement
Start with the highest value. After the first reading value,
set the range mode to lower for more reliable reading value.
Safe keeping meter
Vibration or shock situation should be avoided because this
equipment is very sensitive.
Failure because of wrong operating method
Internal resistance broken when high AC voltage measured
at current & resistance mode.
High voltage cct (<200V) can generate spark.
The value produced not accurate because of errors
introduced in zeroing and reading the analog meter face.
Method of measurement [DCV & ACV]
1. Place range selector to a proper range on “DCV”
2. Plug short end of red test lead to “+” connector,
& shortend black test lead to “-” connector.
3. Connect the other long ends of test leads to the
tested load or current in parallel.
4. Read the value indicated on DCV scale.

1. Place range selector to a proper range on ACV

2. Plug short ends of test leads each to “+” & “-”
connectors & connect the long ends of test
leads to the tested circuit in parallel.
3. Read the value indicated on “ACV” scale.
Method of DCV measurement [DCmA & Resistance]
1. Place range selector to a proper range on “DCmA” position.
2. Plug short end of red test lead to “+” connector, & short end black
test lead to “-” connector.
3. Connect the long ends of test leads to the tested current in series.
4. Read the value indicated on DCV scale.

1. Place range selector to a proper range on Ω position.

2. Plug short ends of test leads each to “+” & “-”. 0Ω adj.
3. Separate long end of 2 test leads,then connect to the tested point
4. Read the value indicated on scale.
* As for 0Ω adjustment, it is unable to place the pointer to 0Ω line,
check battery. If battery power is not sufficient, replace immediately.
As measuring a resistor in circuit, turn off the source first.
Analogue multimeters
An analogue meter moves a needle along a scale.
Switched range analogue multimeters are very
cheap but are difficult for beginners to read
accurately, especially on resistance scales. The
meter movement is delicate and dropping the
meter is likely to damage it
Each type of meter has its advantages. Used as a
voltmeter, a digital meter is usually better because
its resistance is much higher, 1 MΩ or 10 MΩ ,
compared to 200Ω for an analogue multimeter on
a similar range. On the other hand, it is easier to
follow a slowly changing voltage by watching the
needle on an anlaogue display.
Used as an ammeter, an analogue multimeter has a
very low resistance and is very sensitive, with
scales down to 50 µA. More expensive digital
multimeters can equal or better this performance.
Most modern multimeters are digital and
traditional analogue types are destined to become
Meter D’Arsonval system movement are based on 3
force ( daya) :-
1. Daya kilas pesongan – akibat kesan magnet,
elektrostatik & elektromagnet.
2. Daya kilas kawalan – disebabkan sistem
bergerak kembali i.e. spring.
3. Daya kilas redaman – Pergerakan sistem meter
Digital Multimeter

Basic DM is consist of Analog to digital converter

and Also known as multi function meter @ VOM
(volt-ohm-miliampere) meter.
Newer equipment can measure many other
quantities. Some common additional measured
quantities and the units in which they are
Inductance in henrys.
Capacitance in farads.
Conductance in siemens.
Temperature in degrees
Frequency in hertz.
Duty cycle as a percentage.
Implemented with a digital display such as an LCD
Switch range Autoranging
Digital multimeter
Operating Method

The central knob has lots of positions.

Choose the most appropriate position. If
the meter is switched to 20 V DC, then
20 V is the max voltage which can be
measured, This is sometimes called 20 V
fsd (full scale deflection).
For circuits with supplies up to 20 V, the
20 V DC voltage range is the most
useful. DC ranges are indicated by on
the meter. To measure smaller voltages,
the 2 V or 200 mV ranges are used.
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Second level
● Third level

● Fourth level

● Fifth level
Method of measurement [DCV & ACV]
1. Select the “V” function.
2. Set the range switch to the desire range.
3. If measuring “DCV”, select AC/DC switch to DC. If
measuring “ACV”, select AC/DC switch to AC.
4. Connect black test lead to “COM”& red to “V-Ω” i/p.
5. Connect test lead to the measuring point & read the
displayed value.
Method of measurement [DCA & ACA]
1. Select the mA function.
2. Set the range to the desire range.
3. If measuring “DC”, select AC/DC switch to DC. If
measuring “AC”, select AC/DC switch to AC.
4. Connect black test lead to COM i/p terminal & red test
lead to A or 20A i/p.
Operating Method

DC means direct current. In any circuit

which operates from a steady voltage
source, such as a battery, current flow is
always in the same direction.
AC means alternating current. In an electric
lamp connected to the domestic mains
electricity, current flows first one way, then
the other. That is, the current reverses, or
alternates, in direction. With UK mains, the
current reverses 50 times per second.
Megger / Megaohmmeter
A megger is a circuit tester which puts a very high
voltage at a very low current across two conductors to
make sure that they are properly insulated. The name
is short for megohm-meter

The Meter are used to :-

1. Measure very high resistance.
2. Measure insulated conductor i.e. cable

Type of megger :-
1. Hand driven generator (penguja terengkol
2. Battery power
- Digital meter
- Analog meter
4 types of basic testing wiring that are using
Megaohm meter
Cable Continuity Test (Gelang) - To determine
whether a circuit is open or closed.
Cable Continuity Test ( Pengalir pelindung)
Insulation Resistance Test – To determine the
strength of conductor insulator between the
phase line conductor. (2 or more) Whether
short cct occur at the cct.
Pole Test – To makesure all one pole control
device like fuse, suis satu hala satu kutub is at
the life point.
4 types of earthing efficiency testing
that are using Megaohm meter

Ujian bagi pengalir pelindung &

Ujian galangan gelung bumi
Ujian pemutus litar bocor ke bumi
Ujian rintangan elektrod bumi
Operating Method
The moving element of the ohm meter consists
of two coils, A and B, which are rigidly mounted
to a pivoted central shaft and are free to rotate
over a C-shaped core (C on Figure 17). These
coils are connected by means of flexible leads.
The moving element may point in any meter
position when the generator is not in operation.
As current provided by the hand-driven
generator flows through Coil B, the coil will tend
to set itself at right angles to the field of the
permanent magnet. With the test terminals
open, giving an infinite resistance, no current
flows in Coil A. Thereby, Coil B will govern the
motion of the rotating element, causing it to
move to the extreme counter-clockwise
position, which is marked as infinite resistance.
Coil A is wound in a manner to produce a
clockwise torque on the moving element. With
the terminals marked "line" and "earth"
shorted, giving a zero resistance, the current
flow through the Coil A is sufficient to produce
enough torque to overcome the torque of Coil
B. The pointer then moves to the extreme
clockwise position, which is marked as zero
resistance. Resistance (Rl) will protect Coil A
from excessive current flow in this condition.
When an unknown resistance is connected
across the test terminals, line and earth, the
opposing torques of Coils A and B balance each
other so that the instrument pointer comes to
rest at some point on the scale. The scale is
calibrated such that the pointer directly
indicates the value of resistance being

Digital Megger – Max. test
1000V and measured until
Analog Megger – Max test 500V
Hand driven generator and measured until 100Mohm
An original "Megger" from World War II
Comparison between Ohm Meter & Megger

Meter ohm Megger

Voltan Kenaan until 24V 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 V
Julat Pengukuran Kohm Megaohm

How to use megger?

n Connect line probe to the measured
device & the gnd probe to the earth.
n Voltage supply generate by the hand
driven generator
n Insulation failure will be shown on the
Measured data should be analyze by the experience person.
Measured data usually 500V @ 1000V DC taken in 1 minute.
Example of measure data & the analyze data :-
- Reading > 50 Mohm – cable in good condition
- Reading 2-50 Mohm – maybe long cct, slightly
damp or cantamination
- the analyze data might
not be true
- Reading < 2Mohm – maybe the insulation not
in good condition
Wattmeter / Power meter
The wattmeter is an electrodynamic
instrument for measuring or record the
electric power @ the supply rate of
electrical energy of any given cct/ used by
the customer.
The device consists of a pair of fixed coils,
known as current coils, and a movable coil
known as the potential coil.
The current coils are connected in series
with the cct, while the potential coil is
connected across the line.
Also, the potential coil carries a needle that
moves over a scale to indicate the
A current flowing through the current coil
generates an electromagnetic field around the
The strength of this field is proportional to the
line current & in phase with it.
The potential coil has a high-value resistor
connected in series with it to reduce the
current that flows through it
On a DC cct, the deflection of the needle is
proportional to both the current & the
voltage, thus conforming to the equation
W=VA or P=EI.
On an AC cct the deflection is proportional to
the average instantaneous product of voltage
& current, thus measuring true power, and
possibly (depending on load characteristics)
showing a different reading to that obtained
by simply multiplying the readings showing
on a stand-alone voltmeter and a stand-alone
ammeter in the same circuit.
The two circuits of a wattmeter are likely to be
damaged by excessive current. The ammeter and
voltmeter are both vulnerable to overheating - in
case of an overload, their pointers will be driven off
scale - but in the wattmeter, either or even both the
current and potential circuits can overheat without
the pointer approaching the end of the scale! This is
because the position of the pointer depends on the
power factor, voltage and current.
Thus, a circuit with a low power factor will give a low
reading on the wattmeter, even when both of its
circuits are loaded to the maximum safety limit.
Therefore, a wattmeter is rated not only in watts,
but also in volts and amperes.
How is it operates?
1. Bila voltan diguna, cakera aluminium
2. Dan dgn itu menggerakkan susunan gear
kepada gear utk menghitung.
3. Kelajuan cakera aluminium berkadar dgn
hasil darab voltan yang dibekal dgn arus
4. Hasil darab islah no watt yg digunakan
oleh setiap putaran cakera.
5. Tenaga yg digunakandirakam dgn
menggunakan nombor putaran.

To load

 A V

Connection between Watt meter with load

How to use watt meter?

1. Before connect the meter to the cct :-

- Adjust the position of zero.
- Choose the range mode same or above the
supply voltage.
- Start with the higest range mode, then select
the mode that gave the highest scale movement.
2. Current cct connected series with the load.
3. Voltage cct connect parallel with the load.
4. If the needle meter move to the left side of zero
position, current @ voltage terminal should be
change the position.
There is 3 type of watt meter / power
meter adjustment :-
1. Pelaras kelajuan utama
2. Pelaras kelajuan induktif – Bila
faktor kuasa meter tenaga kurang dr
nilai yg ditetapkan.
3. Pelaras geseran – Apabila daya
kilas penimbal utk atasi geseran pada
Electronic test equipment that allows
signal voltages to be viewed, usually as a
two-dimensional graph of one or more
electrical potential differences (vertical
axis) plotted as a function of time or of
some other voltage (horizontal axis).
Amplitude measurements – Volt p-p X
Time period measurements – 1 cycle X
Frequency - 1 / Time period
Method of oscilloscope measurement
1. For the first time use, the oscilloscope must
be calibrated to ensure all the result from
measurement will be accurate.
2. Select the probe setting to 1X.
3. Place the probe to 0.5 cal pin. Make sure the
clip on the probe clipped on the ground.
4. Turn on the oscilloscope and see on the CRT
displays if any waveform displayed. A square
waveform should appear.
5. Calculate the peak-to-peak amplitude (Vpp)
and the measured value should same with
the 0.5 cal pin.
Prevention Maintenance & Troubleshooting
1. Multimeter is a precision instrument, so
storage at high temp. on in moisture should be
avoided. The suitable operating temp. is from 0 C
– 40 C & humidity is below 80%.
2. Take battery out for long time storage
because battery may leak to make interior
components deteriorated.
3. Severe stroke @ drop should be avoided.
4. Do not get close to any circumstance there is
a powerful magnetic field.
5. Usually user facing problem needle meter
cannot adjust to “0” – always check battery.
1.5V  x1 /x10 and 9V  x1k /x10k
6. Meter not function :-
- range mode  wrong selection
- protection fuse open – open and
the continuity of the fuse.
7. Always check the continuity of the
Prevention Maintenance & Troubleshooting
1. Equipment composed of high precision
components/ high internal pressure  care is required
in handling & storing.
2. Occasionally, clean the graticule scale/ control
button with a clean, soft cloth.
3. Ideal ambient temp for storing  -10 C - 60 C
4. To maintain the effeciency of the equipment -
Service osc. Every 1000 hours operating time
@ 1 year.

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