Your Online Mission: North Hertfordshire College Enable (Winter Conference14/15)

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Module 4

North Hertfordshire College eNable (Winter Conference14/15)

Your online mission

Module 9

activity design
the impact

Module 5
The look and feel
of your E-learning


Module 1 (10 Mins)

Module 1

What is E-learning? Why do we do it?:

What is

Module 5 (15 Mins)

Module 2

What does it
Teams search for words (Card activity) and create a wordle /
we online
do it?mind map with Bubblus/
look Pinterest
board or Padlet

Quizlet of different scenarios are they E-learning or not?

Answers and a copy ofE-learning?
the 3 tier model given at the
(Data to be captured and feedback given)

Module 2 (15 Mins)

E-Learning why do we do it?:

Examples of JISC table of advantanges of E-learning over
traditional practice, tutors complete the advantage and then
compare to the answer given by JISC. (Typeform to be used
for this, data captured and feedback given)

Module 3 (10 Mins)

Course design for online learning - what does it look like?:
Match the three scenarios to the different tiers of the ELearning model using Nearpod. Teams then post an
advantage and challenge of each tier to the Yammer
timeline and comment on 2 others posted by a peer.

Module 4 (15 Mins)

Your online mission:

Module 7

Module 3

look and feel of your E-learning

of words that sum up the look and feel of their future Elearning. Posting to the discussion forum on 3D and
commenting on 2 others.

Module 6 (20 Mins)

Assessing the impact
Delivery teams are given groups across college, they need to
collaborate to answer the following questions: How can you
encourage peer feedback during E-learning activities?, how
can you assess the impact of your E-Learning activities?,
what technologies could help you make assessment fairer,
faster and more effective? In groups everyone answers the
questions and then is allocated a team leader who
summerises the responses for their question for that group
and posts to the discussion forum on 3D. Teams then
individually comment on other answers. (Modelling
summerising, weaving and collaboration)

Module 8Module 7 (15 Mins)

Top 5 tools
online learning

5 tools
Google docs shared table
delivery teams (with the
Course design for
added learning outcomes column), Headings include: Course
team member, course, Project / activities / criteria, mission
statement, learning outcomes. Teams to identfy where they
could collaborate based on shared mission / content and
highlight on google doc.

Using a dicussion forum thread on 3D everyone posts the

top 5 tools they use for delivery, including a brief description
of the activities they use it for and the strengths and
weaknesses, must like /comment on 1 other.

Module 8 (30 Mins)

Module 9 (30 Mins)

Storyboarding / Project design for online learning

E-Learning activity design

If possible collaborative planning using an online tool such as

Popplet, teams design a project outline to include
intergrated online learning activities

Using an activity from the storyboard created in Module 8

individuals create an online activity that must include a tool
that has been used in a previous module and a collaborative
Modules 1, 2 and 3 can be completed in any order but
must be complete in the first week and before Unit 4.
Modules 4, 5, 6 & 7 can also be completed in any order but
must be completed before Module 8.

Independent team session to edit curriculum plans

Face to Face Sessions

Stakeholders are invited in to offer critical friend style feedback and offer industry advic

All tutors attend a blended curr

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