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The Lord's Supper is a Sermon

1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the
Lords death until He comes.
It is not surprising that the Lord's Supper is a sermon, given that it is a sign intended to point us
to certain truths concerning Christ and the Gospel. By being a sign, the Table is providing
instruction to us about a direction to take or a destination to reach. Our text tells us also that in
eating and drinking the meal, a proclamation is made concerning the death of Christ, and this is
one of the topics that the meal declares very powerfully, as we shall see next time.
We want to dwell for a few meditations on the concept that the Lord's Supper is a sermon.
Although it doesn't speak, it does eloquently instruct us in several areas if we have ears to hear.
We will see that the following topics are among them:
The Lord's death
- His broken body
- His poured-out blood
Our union with Christ
Christ as the source of our life
Our union with all the members of the body
The sinfulness of sin
The righteousness of God
The justice of God
The Love of God and of the Lord Jesus
The grace and mercy of God
The patience of God
The faithfulness of God
The one way of salvation
Our redemption
You will recognize that all the things pointed to by the Supper as a sign are likewise declared by
it as a sermon, but there are many more also.
It is sad that for many today the Lord's Supper is taken infrequently, so that there may be little
opportunity for it to declare itself fully to us. For others, the meal is taken in a very quick and
perfunctory manner, so that there is little time for the sermon of the Table to fill our
thoughts. All too commonly, also, the Table is accompanied by music and other things that can
impinge upon our senses and distract us so that we do not hear the sermon that is before us.
There is so much of Christ and so much of Gospel declared at the Table that we should long for
the opportunity, for sufficient time and for the appropriate environment in which to ponder the
breadth and depths of the instruction that it contains!

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