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Simulation Investigation - Ballistic Pendulum

To give the student a better understanding of how momentum is conserved in collisions and experience in the
use and handling of common lab equipment.

Background Information:
Linear momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. For example, a heavy truck moving
fast has a large momentumit takes a large and prolonged force to get the truck up to this speed, and it
takes a large and prolonged force to bring it to a stop afterwards. If the truck were lighter, or moving slower,
then it would have less momentum. Like velocity, linear momentum is a vector quantity, possessing a
direction as well as a magnitude:

p = mv
where p is momentum with the units kg m s-1 or Ns, m is mass in kg and v is velocity in m s-1. Linear
momentum is also a conserved quantity, meaning that if a closed system is not affected by external forces, its
total linear momentum cannot change. In the case of a collision, the initial momentum of an object is equal to
the momentum after the collision or pi = pf.
In this lab we will use a ballistic pendulum to explore momentum before and after a collision. A ballistic pendulum is a
device that an object, such as a metal ball (or bullet), is shot at a hanging block (a pendulum). The ball hits the hanging
block and becomes jammed within it. The collision of the ball with the block results in the block swinging upwards in an
arc to a certain height that can be measured. Based on this height the potential energy of the block (with the ball in it)
can be calculated. This value can then be translated into a velocity and the momentum of the block determined.

If you get into trouble and perform some procedure that causes the lab to fail (lab
equipment will no longer operate), you can press the "Reset" button and the
simulation will return to the starting position.

Log on to the following URL:

Room 1:
1) The device on the table is a ball launcher. Pick up the yellow ball and place it in the end (to the right) of the
launcher. If you placed it correctly it will disappear into the barrel. Pull to the left the black handle found on the
left side of the launcher. This cocks the spring that will propel the ball. Fire the launcher by clicking on the
green trigger on the top of the launcher. Where the ball hits the ground will be marked by the ball but in reality
it would continue to move to the right (shown by the "ghost" ball).
2) Measure and record the height from the floor to the center of the launcher barrel. Measure and record the
distance from where the end of the launcher barrel is to the point where the ball first hit the ground. Note:
there are several meter sticks laying on the floor.

Room 2:
Here again we see the launcher and to its right, the ballistic pendulum. This device is made from a wooden
block hung from two wires that has a notch in it to catch the ball when fired. Hanging down from the top of the
pendulum is a marker that consists of a long stiff wire with a red ball at its end. The red ball marks the center
of gravity for the block and can swing upwards just like the pendulum. When the pendulum swings upwards
the marker follows but does not return as the pendulum does. In this way the height of the block can be
3) Place the ball on the scale and record its mass. Pick up the ball and place it in the launcher as you did in
room 1. Place the block on the scale and record its mass. Rehang the block from its wires.
4) Move the meter stick over and measure the height of the red ball marker while it hangs vertically
and record. Cock the launcher and fire the ball into the block. The red marker will indicate the vertical height
reached by the block. Record this height. To return the marker and red ball back to its original position, press
on the black reset button at the top of the pendulum. As the ball struck the block, the block (with ball) swung
upwards, came to a rest and then swung back. At the bottom of its swing, the block hit a stopping pad and the
ball was dislodged and rolled back onto the table.
5) Record and calculate the values asked for on the Data Sheet (attached) and any handouts given by your
teacher. For help on these values click on the "Special" button and select "View Data & Hints". Select "File
Report" to send a copy of this lab to be viewed by your teacher.

Student Name: ___________________

Data Sheet: Ballistic Pendulum

Room 1
Distance ball dropped vertically (m)
Distance ball traveled horizontally (m)
Time for ball to drop to floor (s) [calculated]
Velocity of ball (m/s) [calculated ]

Room 2
Mass of ball (kg)
Mass of block (kg)
Initial height of red marker (m)
Final height of red marker (m)
Change in height of block & ball (m) [calc]
Potential energy of block & ball at top (J) [calc]
Velocity of block & ball (m/s) [calc]
Momentum of ball (room 1) (Ns) [calc]
Momentum of block & ball (room 2) (Ns) [calc]
Extra: angle of pendulum at height of swing () [calc]

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